40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1644: Bai Xingjian and Bai Kaixin

"The general of the Golden Heart Moon system?"

Li Yao was startled slightly, but he became interested, "What is the origin of this White Star Sword and the'Big White Fleet'? Does it pose a threat to us?"

Tang Dingyuan shook his head and said: "The official name of the Great White Fleet is the Sixteenth Deep Space Fleet of the Federal Forces, because the highest commander who created it and personally controls it is named Bai, and he likes to use excessively exaggerated and flabby white paintings. To decorate all starships, it is often called the "Great White Fleet" in the battle sequence of the Federation Army. However, this is a slightly sarcasm name. It is actually just a miscellaneous army, and its combat power is not counted. It's too strong, at least it's totally incomparable with the main force of the Federal Army, the Liaoyuan Fleet."

Li Yao nodded and continued to ask: "Then why is it called the Golden Heart Moon system? After all, the Star Federation is a parliamentary country. Before Golden Heart Moon successfully becomes the highest speaker, it is impossible for Jin Xinyue to have an entire fleet for private purposes. Isn't the soldier so exaggerated?"

"That's not it."

Tang Dingyuan is the chief military officer of the government in exile. He is naturally familiar with the complicated origins and development of the various units of the Federal Army. He explained, "Captain Lin has been hibernating for more than two hundred years, and he is not very familiar with the current situation of the Star Federation's military—— -The Federation is mainly divided into two parts. The first is the ground forces stationed on the home planets of the seven great worlds and various resource planets. They are mainly responsible for defensive warfare in normal or high-gravity environments within the atmosphere.

The second is the starry sky fleet responsible for protecting the satellite sea, especially the starry sky fleet, which has powerful collection, maintenance and even refining capabilities. It can continuously perform dozens of star-sea jumps without external supplies, and quickly travel between the seven worlds. The deeper Xinghai marched into the'Deep Space Fleet'.

Of the two types of troops, the ‘Deep Space Fleet’ is the absolute main force. Captain Lin can understand, right? "

Li Yao nodded.

Although the ground forces are not necessarily weaker than the Xinghai Fleet, as in the Flying Star Realm a hundred years ago, there were also star thief occupying the "Spider's Nest Star", and they were able to deal with the Fleet of Comprehensions for hundreds of years.

However, generally speaking, the Xinghai Fleet is more important than the ground forces, because the Xinghai Fleet represents the initiative of war. If the entire Xinghai is occupied by the enemy's starship, cutting off all its transportation and supply lines, the enemy will come if he wants to. If you want to leave, you can pour firepower from low-Earth orbit unscrupulously, which is very passive.

Therefore, the best talents and the most precious resources are concentrated in the Xinghai Fleet-regardless of the Empire, the Holy League or the Federation, this is a matter of course.

Tang Dingyuan continued: "The essence of the Federal Army is in the Deep Space Fleet, and the essence of the Deep Space Fleet is concentrated in the'Liaoyuan Fleet'. It was a hundred years ago when one of the three core worlds of the Federation, the'Flying Star Realm' The main force of the fleet is assembled, a fleet set up specifically to fight against the real human empire.

In the past 100 years, the entire Star Federation’s best talents, the most elite resources, the most advanced starships and magic weapons have all been allocated to the Liaoyuan fleet, making it a well-deserved trump card among the EFF trump cards. The Liaoyuan Fleet was even more eye-catching in the war with the "Sky Ring Realm" years ago. We comprehensively analyzed the battles at the time and concluded that the combat effectiveness of this fleet in some aspects is no longer inferior to the real human empire. The regular fleet!

The Liaoyuan Fleet was first established by the Flying Stars, and the Flying Stars are the best at controlling starships in the seven worlds of the Federation and fighting fiercely in the sea of ​​stars! They themselves are starship civilization. For thousands of years, the blood flowing in the blood vessels is the blood condensed by starlight. Today, more than half of the officers in the Liaoyuan fleet are flying stars. There is no way, this kind of blood inheritance galloping through the stars. , Not the planetary inhabitants of other worlds, they can be cultivated in one or two hundred years.

Bai Xingjian was also a flying star, and was the first member of the Liaoyuan Fleet. He was...what a pity! "

Tang Dingyuan sighed and shook his head slightly.


Li Yao became more interested, "How do you say?"

He has personally experienced the establishment of the Liaoyuan Fleet more than a hundred years ago, and even the word "Liaoyuan" was negotiated with many bigwigs in the Flying Star Realm. Hearing this name at this moment, it is very easy to shed light on it. A seed, when I wake up, the seed has grown into a towering tree.

A talent from the Liaoyuan Fleet turned out to be a general of Jin Xinyue, and he was immediately full of interest in this "White Star Sword".

Tang Dingyuan said: "Bai Xingjian is a powerless orphan. The maintenance soldier at the bottom of the Liaoyuan fleet is born. Although he has no background, he has shown extraordinary talent very early, from a small maintenance soldier to the youngest man in the Federation. The captain of the main battleship, it only took 30 years-you know this is a peaceful period without war! Such a terrifying speed is really a rising star with a boundless future!

According to the policy of Liaoyuan Fleet at that time to train young officers to fight against the Imperial Fleet in a hundred years, his future is bright!

However, perhaps because of his youth's ambition, Bai Xingjian has one of the biggest shortcomings-it is too selfish, unruly, often does not obey the superiors' orders, engages in his own way, and even refutes the superiors' orders face-to-face and mercilessly. It's an existence that doesn't add oil and salt, and doesn't eat hard or soft, which makes the superiors very headache.

As his qualifications and positions continue to improve, this situation has intensified, especially after the transfer of a new boss, the conflict between him and the boss has reached a feverish level.

By the way, his immediate boss at the time was the current Chief of Staff of the Liaoyuan Fleet "Bai Happy". "


Li Yao coughed hard and said blankly, "Oh."

Tang Dingyuan said, "Bai Xinxin is dozens of years older than Bai Xingjian, and he is also a flying star, but he emerged as early as a hundred years ago in the "Star Thieves War" and the subsequent "Cultivator Rebellion" in the Flying Star Realm. He has accumulated a lot of combat exploits, and he is a very good'military division' type talent.

Moreover, he and Li Yao, the legendary "Three Realms Supreme" in the Federation, are close friends. He once served as a senior in the Yaoshi Group under Li Yao. All the transport ships and frigates belonging to the Yaoshi Group were all planned by him. Accumulated a wealth of experience in commanding large fleets.

Such a "young and strong faction" who needs military exploits and military exploits, qualifications, qualifications, experience and experience, and a backstage backstage, and also a "owner" in the flying star realm, decided to join the Liaoyuan fleet and serve as the staff member of the squadron. It was not only a matter of course. , It's overkill!

Almost all the captains and high-level officers of the Liaoyuan fleet warmly welcomed him to join, but for some reason, Bai Xingjian was extremely resistant to this new boss, and he was not pleasing to his eyes. "

Li Yao frowned and said: "The two of them had conflicts before?"

Tang Dingyuan said: "Then I don't know, but it shouldn't be enough. When Bai Xinxin was making her mark in the flying star realm, Bai Xingjian was still a seven or eight-year-old baby. The two are tens of years apart. What contradiction can there be? And Bai Xinxing is an easy-going, non-trivial, and very easy to get along with, and he is not like a small belly, who will complain with others at will...

Speaking of professionalism, Bai Xinxing is an experienced and extremely excellent chief of staff. He is only at a higher level than Bai Xingjian's previous boss, and there is definitely no situation in which laymen will lead experts and command blindly.

But Bai Xingjian was very dissatisfied with this boss. He deliberately contradicted Bai Happiness in the public on many occasions. He even said that this boss who was dozens of years older was... "The little hairy kid who doesn't understand the fart, or go back to Yao. Let’s go to the World Group to command a transport ship that has no combat effectiveness.' Tsk tsk, the Liaoyuan Fleet has been a hundred years old, and there have also been many mavericks and arrogant strangers, but to such a degree, it is simply domineering, even I, an outsider, are all impressed by the White Star Sword. "

"and after?"

Li Yao thought that Bai Xingjian was quite interesting, and asked with interest, "Bai Xingxin turned into anger and squeezed him away?"

"not at all."

Tang Dingyuan said, "Bai Xingjian’s temper is proportional to his commanding ability. Although Xinghai is big, it is difficult to find such an excellent starship commander. Bai Xinxing is a very generous person. He is inexplicable to Bai Xingjian. The hostility is tolerant and even sheltered, so that he continues to shine in the Liaoyuan fleet.

It's a pity that the sky is unpredictable, and Bai Xingjian had the opportunity to become the youngest Naruto-class starship commander in the Federation, but he acted too hastily. When he hit Naruto's realm, he went into trouble, was seriously injured, and his realm plummeted! "

Li Yao listened intently. Hearing that such an interesting boy as Bai Xingjian went crazy, he couldn't help but think of his past and whispered: "What?"

Tang Dingyuan said: "It is said that Bai Xinxing was present when the Bai Xingjian got into trouble. Some people even said that Bai Xinxing could not bear it. It was not until the most critical moment of Bai Xingjian's practice that he secretly moved his hands and feet and pulled out this one. The'stab'ertou' who was against himself, but the truth was only known to the two parties themselves.

Anyway, the public intelligence we have collected over the past few years only says that the Bai Xingjian has gone crazy, its cultivation base has plummeted, its computing power and command ability are so appalling that it has almost become a useless person.

With his character that stands out from the crowd and makes enemies on all sides, there are almost no people in the Liaoyuan fleet who like him, so naturally there is no possibility of staying.

It took him three years to barely recover to the realm of pill formation, but the Liaoyuan fleet had long since lost his position.

He finally became the commander of the fleet, but it was an unremarkable transport fleet in the area.

At exactly this time, the "Sky Ring War" broke out. The EFF first activated a large number of ancient starships that were sealed, and then captured many broken starships from the Sky Ring realm, and armed various squadrons and transport fleets. After going back and forth, the White Star Sword finally became the commander of the miscellaneous army, with thirty or forty riddled and tattered armed transport ships and antique warships under his hand.

This is a beggar-like fleet. Many of the Liaoyuan Fleet officers who had been ridiculed by him before, called his troops—the Garbage Fleet! "

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