40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1667: Flowers for the brothers and sisters of the past

"Panlong, Yaocha, Wu Ying and Shaman..."

Li Yao was in a daze, as if he had returned to the Kunlun ruins more than a hundred years ago, when the cultivator Su Changfa first "brainwashed" him.

To this day, he still remembers the medicine fork civilization that was extremely weak due to excessive medical treatment and was finally destroyed by the virus outbreak; because of the rich resources of the home planet, he lost his enterprising spirit, and eventually trapped the Panlong civilization in his homeland; and did not discriminate and enlighten him. , Wu Yingming who rashly accepted the Shaman, led the wolf into the room, and killed himself.

He remembered the corpses spreading across the land after the virus broke out; remembered the empty starport of Panlong civilization, the wreckage of the starship that was riddled with holes, rust, and could never break through the clouds; and remembered the last Wu Ying. How did the cultivator-the young man who later became'Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi' was thrown into the lava of the volcano to struggle.

All of this... can it really be changed?

Ling Xiaole gave Li Yao one of the most advanced "Civilization" portable crystal brains.

This miniature crystal brain is directly connected to the database of the game lobby, which can easily assemble most of the game records of the open world, that is, the history of the rise and fall of different "civilizations".

Tap the icon on the light screen to enjoy the three new civilizations of "Panlong, Yaocha, and Wuying" in the virtual world from the beginning.

The time scale is highly condensed. Every second in reality represents a month in the virtual world, and various information streams fall quickly like a waterfall, representing every major event that occurs in the game.

Li Yao held his breath and saw three roads that were completely different from the brainwashing illusions more than 100 years ago.

He saw that some Yaocha people awakened in advance of the defects of their own civilization, and deliberately created some "dirty rooms" that were different from the "sterile world" outside, lived in them, and maintained a certain degree of immunity. When the ultimate plague broke out, They united again, struggling to survive, and invented all kinds of new magical powers. They cultivated their bodies from scratch, strengthened their flesh and blood, awakened a string of powerful genes that had been sleeping for a long time, and finally defeated the virus and plague, and they were devastated. On the ground, it re-roots and sprouts, and blossom and bear fruit.

He saw that the rulers of the Panlong world were fighting against the inherent short-sightedness and inertia of mankind time and time again, marching towards Xinghai at all costs, gritted their teeth no matter how heavy the price was, and finally, before the resources of the home planet were completely exhausted. , Completed the construction of a deep-space fleet spanning the vast world, giving Panlong people the ability to set sail and gallop across the stars.

He saw that in small-scale social experiments, Wu Yingming realized the danger of rashly opening the door, and completely abandoned his mindless kindness and unprepared innocence, and first used his own strong civilization to enter the sandman world. After a hundred years of rule and education, after assimilating most of the Shamans, a new generation of Shamans was slowly introduced into Wuying.

"This is the game video with the highest degree of completion among the three most difficult, but it is by no means the only mode. Today, there are countless players who have come up with various methods to save these civilizations, although many methods are surprising. Weird and even deviant, but at least one thing-everyone has kept the bottom line of the cultivator, the bottom line of mankind."

Ling Xiaole said, "It is different from the brainwashing of Li Yao by immortal cultivators more than a hundred years ago. In the highest difficulty, every detail is real, and every problem exists objectively. The crisis facing Long and Wuying's civilization is more serious.

"99% of players have failed, but after tens of millions of failures, someone finally succeeded in pushing these three civilizations forward for more than a thousand years! This is enough to prove-no matter how complicated, difficult and Danger, the road to light, still exists!"

Li Yao ignored her and immersed himself in the new world of three major civilizations.

He slowed down the lapse of the timeline, zoomed in on the screens on the light curtain, and observed the thriving Yaocha, Panlong, and Wuyingming cities, and looked at the Yaocharen, Panlongren, and Wuying people And the smiling face of the Shaman.

Even if he knew that these were all made by Jingbrae, it made him feel extremely gratified and satisfied.

In such a "wuying world", even if there is a young man named "Xiaoqi", he must be struggling for a better future at this moment, and he will never become "Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi", right? ?

Ling Xiaole was observing Li Yao's reaction. Suddenly, his small hand shook, Jing Brain shot a mysterious light, condensed into a bouquet of delicate flowers between her fingers, and handed it to Li Yao.

"Although the Panlong civilization, Yaocha civilization and Wu Yingwen will be destroyed tomorrow, I think if people who have lived in these civilizations have spirits in the sky, they will be relieved to see that their world can become so beautiful. ?

"Do you want to offer them a bunch of flowers to commemorate these civilizations scattered throughout the Xinghai, but have withered for thousands of years, these...brothers and sisters that we have never veiled."

Li Yao took a deep breath, nodded, and took the non-existent bouquet of virtual flowers from Ling Xiaole.

Ling Xiaole smiled slightly and continued: "Many people come to the game hall. The first thing is to present flowers to these dead civilizations. Each virtual flower costs one star coin, and when the player buys a bunch of flowers, and " "Civilization" has more than 120 groups and sects with strategic agreements, all of which will take out one more star coin and remit it to a special foundation together.

"The purpose of this foundation is to continuously launch a variety of unmanned exploration starships around the Xinghai, especially in the edge of the Xinghai, to find more that are not in the sphere of influence of the empire and the Holy League. Since the collapse of the Xinghai Empire, they have been scattered. A full ten thousand years of human civilization.

"Panlong, Yaocha, and Wu Yingming have been destroyed, but we believe that there must be more civilizations of the same type in the vast sea of ​​stars. They are still in the dark, isolated, struggling, and need help.

"Although our explorations have been fruitless for decades, as long as the federation is not destroyed, this work will never stop. We will definitely find them, tell them the existence of the federation, and tell them... a brighter future exists. !"

These words made Li Yao respect the new federation that designed this system.

Ling Xiaole smiled more and more happily, and his white jade teeth were shining brightly: "This flower is a personal gift from me, because there is another saying that if you offer a bunch of flowers to these brothers and civilizations annihilated in the depths of the Xinghai, in Luck when playing games will also be much better, just like worshipping the Great God Li Yao-don’t you think, this is also superstition, right?"

Li Yao couldn't help laughing.

This time, he did not reject Ling Xiaole's kindness, and lifted the virtual flowers toward three civilizations that were still thriving in the sea of ​​stars and advancing in great strides.

The colorful flowers shattered, turned into slices of colorful butterflies, divided into three strands, and flew into the three giant light curtains, as if they fell on the shoulders of Panlongren, Yaocharen, Wuyingren and Shaman one after another. .

"May you rest in peace."

Ling Xiaole folded his hands next to him, muttering, "Please also bless us, bless the Star Federation, good luck!"

After completing the "folk culture" of offering flowers to the old civilization, Li Yao and Hei Yelan were led to a VIP room.

As the speaker's special envoy, in order to gain a deeper understanding of the new federation, it is natural that Li Yao cannot be completely obsessed with a certain game like ordinary players.

Ling Xiaole selected more than one hundred highly representative expansion packs for Li Yao, covering all aspects of the new federation over the past century, and it may not be necessary to play.

As long as you have appreciated the classic performances of game masters, you can have a deep and detailed understanding of the century-old changes of the New Federation.

However, the two worlds first presented by Ling Xiaole were gloomy, devastated, and almost dead.

"In the coming-of-age ceremony of all federations, that is, before they are allowed to enter the real "civilized" world, they must first complete a series of virtual courses. In these courses, they will be shown one by one that is destroyed by wrong decisions.' Failed World' is used to remind them how much a civilization is advancing like walking on thin ice, trembling, and if you are not careful, it will be forever!"

What Ling Xiaole showed to Li Yao were two worlds adapted from the real history of the New Federation.

In these two virtual worlds, decision makers have made choices that are diametrically opposed to those in the real world.

The first "key decision point" in the failed world was the Star Federation, which had only the three realms of Tianyuan, Fei Xing, and Blood Demon 70 years ago, and the crystal realm, which was extremely scarce of various resources and had everything from spar veins. When I first met.

In the real world, both sides have maintained great restraint, especially when the main combatants within the Federation were suppressed. After long negotiations, they both made considerable compromises and completed the merger.

And in this failed virtual world, the main combatants within the Federation have the upper hand.

"The desert barbarians have nothing. They can't even build a starship, but they occupy so many spar veins in vain. Why? Time does not wait. For the development of the Federation, in order to resist the attack of the real human empire, the crystal must be annexed as soon as possible. World!"

Such voices have become the mainstream of parliament and the military.

The Federation in the virtual world brazenly launched a conquering war against the crystal world.

The war progressed very smoothly. Indeed, as these protagonists said, there was an extreme lack of various metal resources, crystal civilization that did not even possess starship refining technology, and was completely powerless to resist the Federation’s attack. The surface of the main star was quickly captured by the Federation. Complete occupation.

However, the harsh desert environment of the Crystal World, as well as the guerrillas haunting the desert, caused the occupying forces, mining alliances, and resource monopoly groups to suffer.

Even the crystal people who dared not join the guerrillas, at least dared to destroy all the mines in various ways, causing the extremely unstable spar veins to explode.

The mining base was severely damaged and the mining costs remained high. The wars that cost huge sums of money were turned into a loss-making business, which seriously delayed the development of the federal territory. Various items were proposed at the "Yuan Ying Conference" a hundred years ago. The plan to fight the empire has all been dragged down.

——The federal people haven't recovered from their frustration, and something more depressing has happened.

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