40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 167: Fierce battle against Qingze City

Three days before school starts.

In the sunset, Li Yao stretched his muscles and bones and sat on the base of the profound bone battle armor, allowing the **** setting sun to dye him and the crystal armor red. The shadows of the two merged into one, dragging them into a long one, like a black sword.

I don't know when, Li Yao has developed a habit. Even if he is busy every day, he will take half an hour at dusk to come under the profound bone battle armor and sit still for a while.

Once he was too tired, and occasionally rested for a few minutes leaning on the profound bone battle armor. Suddenly, he felt that his mind was particularly broad and his thinking was particularly clear. Many theories and structural diagrams that he couldn't understand at ordinary times were all suddenly enlightened.

Some of this feeling is like entering a super awake state, but there is no side effect of the super awake state, and it can last for a long time.

It's like someone is thinking with him and solving problems together.

Li Yao was puzzled. After thinking about it for a few days, he didn’t come up with a reason, so he could only be regarded as the brothers and teachers of the refining department who blessed him in the dark, hoping that he could successfully score 40,000 points and pass the exam. The registered craftsman has brought the craftsmanship of the Great Desolate War Academy to glory.

From that day on, he developed this habit.

The half-hour spent with the Xuan Bone Battle Armor turned into a rare relaxing moment in his day.

It is as if the senior brothers and teachers of the entire refining department are hibernating in the depths of the profound bone battle armor, cheering for him, so that he can grind his teeth and persevere in the crazy practice beyond the limit!

With his current strength, he wanted to create a magic weapon completely created by himself from nothing, but he had more than enough energy but not enough strength.

However, with solid basic skills, powerful forging techniques from 40,000 years ago, and the unconstrained "magic reform" style, Li Yao has done crazy enhancements to dozens of classic magic weapons, and many magic weapons have great performance. Beyond the prototype, it even became two completely different things.

To this day, he has completed 18 main battle magic weapons and dozens of auxiliary magic weapons, giving full play to his skills.

It's just that whether my own modification ideas work, whether these magic weapons can be used on the battlefield as I imagined, and whether they will be welcomed by the students, in exchange for a lot of credits...

All of this must wait for the beginning of the new semester to find the answer in actual combat!

"I have decided. When the new semester begins, I will take all the magic weapons and hunt the monsters in the depths of the wilderness. On the one hand, I will use actual combat to detect the magic weapons that I have'modified', and further fine-tune the details; Shoot the actual combat video and put it on Dahuangzhan.com as a live advertisement!"

More importantly, Li Yao also wanted to hone his fighting skills.

In Floating City, Demon Sword Peng Hai once told him that to become an excellent refiner, it is best to become an excellent warrior first.

He did not take this sentence to heart at the time.

But when he really opened the furnace, even if it was just a small modification, Li Yao suddenly realized that there was some truth to this sentence.

If you don't know how to use knives and guns, how can you know how to make a good sword?

Only in actual combat, a deep understanding of the characteristics of each magic weapon can we comprehend the essence of refining art and become a superb refining master.

Thinking of this, Li Yao turned his head and cast a deep gaze at the profound bone battle armor, feeling a sense of sorrow in his heart.

One day, he will succeed in refining the profound bone battle armor, let this majestic skeleton war **** go straight for nine days, roaring wind and thunder!

But I don't know who will be wearing the profound bone armor and smiling proudly on that day?

The corner of Li Yao's eyes jumped, and in the depths of his pupils suddenly appeared the appearance of himself wearing a battle armor of profound bones, all of a sudden.

As soon as this picture appeared, it could no longer be erased, and it was deeply pierced into my heart, as if a barb had grown, and I couldn't pull it out no matter what.

"If one day, I can wear the profound bone battle armor, break through the nine layers of clouds, and ride the wind and waves in the sea of ​​stars, that would be great!"

Li Yao wanted to be wrong, "haha" smirked.

At this moment, a loud horn suddenly sounded from all sides of the city of Fury.

It seemed that countless giants stood upright from every corner of the city, bombarded their chests fiercely, and roared loudly.




Li Yao's pupils shrank suddenly, jumped up abruptly, and looked around with some surprise.

Although no half of the person can be seen, with the sound of the horn, strange changes have taken place in the entire Raging Wave City.

The air is full of strong blood and metal breath, as if the cold winter has not yet passed, but the hot summer is coming in an instant!


"Swish! Swish! Swish"

Dozens of colorful streamers rose slowly from all directions, intertwined, and shot toward the northeast.

Those are dozens of masters who have at least the base-building period!

Li Yao's wrist and brain shook wildly, and Dahuang Battle.net issued a reminder that there was a very important breaking news.

This was an unprecedented event, and Li Yao quickly inspired Jing Brain.

A golden light mixed with **** news jumped out, but it was an urgent temporary task.

"Emergency military situation!"

"Qingze City, 478 kilometers away from Rage City, has encountered a beast wave of level 8 or higher. The beast wave has broken through the outer defense line and rushed into the city!"

"There are still a large number of civilians stranded in Qingze City, who are standing still in the stronghold for assistance. The entire city is in a situation where humans and monsters are mixed, and it is impossible to use super heavy magic weapons to destroy the beast tide at once."

"Only a large number of federal forces and cultivators can be mobilized into the urban area to start a battle from street to street!"

"The Federal Army has formally asked for help from all the denominations and schools around Qingze City, requesting the cultivators to enter the battlefield!"

"Our school is a local college rooted in the wilderness. In the face of the crisis of our neighbors, we are duty-bound!"

"Now release a temporary mission-a fierce battle against Qingze City!"

"Students with a total of over 8,000 credits can sign up!"

"If you are interested, please sign up on Zhanwang.com and assemble at the No. 2 playground within an hour. No overdue waiting!"

"To reiterate, this mission has a very high risk factor and is likely to cause severe disability or even death. If you are not confident in your own strength, do not sign up!"

"Because of the urgent situation of the battle, the number and types of monsters are unknown. The credit award standard for this mission is still being calculated. The school promises that it will reward the students participating in the war in accordance with the highest specifications!"

"The cultivator is the war sword of human civilization. Now it's time for the sword to come out of its sheath. An hour later, on the second playground, we set out to kill demons and demons!"

"Slaying demons and slaying demons!"

The last four words made Li Yao's mouth dry and enthusiastic.

When the animal tide erupted last time, he was just an ordinary person, and he had to rely on Ding Yin, Wei Qingqing, Red-Eyed Officer... these cultivators to protect him.

But today, he has become a fifth-layer cultivator in the Qi Refining Period, and he has also refined dozens of magic weapons that cut iron and mud.

It's his turn to ride as a thousand and kill the Quartet!

"Great, in the ancient world of 40,000 years ago, when a magic weapon was released, several demons and ghosts had to be killed to sacrifice the sword!"

"Qingze City, beast tide, use you to sacrifice my first batch of magic weapons!"


The No. 2 playground of the Dahuang Battle Yard.

A "Thunderbird"-class light transport ship docked in a corner of the playground.

This is a transport ship specially designed for rapid response. It can carry more than 800 passengers at a time. It can also be equipped with ten medium-sized spar chariots. It is a model specially refined to deal with the tide of beasts.

Generally, those who are below the base construction period have to enter the dangerous battlefield. In addition to taking the crystal rail train, it is this kind of transport ship.

Walking with the sword by oneself is tantamount to dying. The monster beast dormant in the dark shoots out monster energy and venom within minutes, killing instantly!

Below the Thunderbird transport ship, Xiong Baili, the principal of the Great Desolate War Academy, and his management all assembled.

Many faculty and staff have put on battle armor and are fully armed, ready to go into battle.

With a stern face and furrowed eyebrows, Xiong Baili asked a young officer with the rank of major:

"A Chao, how did this happen? Qingze is a mining town, surrounded by dozens of military camps and three intersecting lines of defense. It can be said to be inexhaustible. How could it be destroyed by the beast tide? Originally, the spar battleship would be able to fire a few shots. The problem solved, to the point of street fighting?"

The major's name is Xiong Zongchao. He is not only a graduate of the Great Wilderness War Academy, but also has some distant relatives with Xiong Baili. He is Xiong Baili's nephew.

Therefore, Xiong Baili asked directly.

Xiong Zongchao gave a wry smile:

"Uncle Si, Qingze City’s outer defense line has not been washed down. This time the wormhole happened to appear inside the city. The beast tide rushed directly into the city and started street fighting. What is the way for Da Luo Jinxian?"

Xiong Baili was taken aback:

"So unlucky?"

For a long time, the Star Federation has implemented a pressing fort tactic on the monster wasteland, building every town into a solid fortress, eroding the wasteland inch by inch, and compressing the living space of the monster beast.

But the monster beast can only break through the wormhole from the blood demon realm to the celestial element realm and carry out a surprise attack.

The location of wormholes is random. If the wormholes appear in the wilderness, the tide of beasts can only gnaw at the outer line of defense of the city.

At least three to five hours, or as long as a day or a half, it may not be able to gnaw it down.

Human spar battleships can fly over the beast tide without any hassle, Hunyuan True Artillery, Taiyi Thunder Magnetic Cannon, Shattered Star Bombardment... all kinds of mighty super-heavy magic weapons are fully fired. Bombardment, no matter how arrogant the animal tide is, it will turn into a roast duck!

But unfortunately this time, the wormhole appeared directly inside the city, and the tide of beasts swarmed into the city all at once, mixed with humans.

No matter how powerful the spar battleship is, it can't blast the entire city of Qingze to the sky, right?

Then you can only use the Federation Army and Comprehensions to start street fighting!

Xiong Baili let out a cold snort, his eyes became extremely sharp:

"What about street fighting? We humans are the strongest fighting race in the endless sea of ​​stars. No matter what environment we fight in, the ultimate winner must be us! A Chao, come, let you see the new generation of the Great Desert War Academy!"

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