40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1672: Son of mankind (fourth!)

Professor Mo Xuan's frankness and sharpness drew some applause for him in Xie Wufeng's home court and among the college students of Tianhuan Academy.

Professor Mo Xuan took advantage of the victory and pursued: "If you really want to say'self-awareness', adult chimpanzees have intelligence comparable to that of a five-year-old child, and at the same time possess a certain degree of self-awareness. Moreover, dolphins are not too much in this regard.

"So, instead of worrying about the spirit net becoming refined, you should first worry about the possibility of chimpanzees and dolphins becoming refined and competing with humans for cosmic supremacy."

The audience laughed again, some clapped, and others cheered loudly.

Xie Wufeng is still expressionless, his voice calm, and he is not disturbed by Professor Mo Xuan and the surrounding environment: "In the world of cultivation, it is indeed possible for chimpanzees and dolphins to turn into monsters, and in a certain sense they can be'essential', but Even if chimpanzees and dolphins are really refined, we don’t seem to worry that they can seize the most powerful starship of mankind at once, or even the'constant-star magic weapon' that is enough to destroy a star field-the crystal brain has such a possibility."

"No, this possibility is minimal!"

Professor Mo Xuan said: "Because the birth and development of life has its own laws, even if we assume that there is a certain kind of virtual life, at the beginning of its birth, it must be extremely weak, small and simple, just like just now. The same as cells born in the primitive ocean.

"From cells to human civilization, it has gone through billions of years of development; from the initial'digital life' to the truly awakened'new virtual civilization' with self-awareness, without human intervention, even shortened It takes tens of millions of years to evolve a hundred times! Tens of millions of years is too long, so long that there is no point in discussing and changing!"

Xie Wufeng said: "What if there is human intervention? It's like the Pangu civilization'initiated' some ignorant apes, creating human civilization, and finally being backlashed by human civilization? Don't you think that our current unified spiritual web, Including all the expansions of the "Civilization" game, it is some kind of human intervention, some kind of "initiation"? A large amount of real human life data is uploaded to the light path, the spiritual network and the crystal brain, constantly colliding, stirring and fusing , After all, something will be born eventually!"

Professor Mo Xuan said: "The same sentence, even if some kind of self-conscious virtual life is really born, you don't have to worry that he will control the entire Lingwang and all the crystal brains at once, just like the novel. This is just a fantasy of liberal arts students who have no concept of Lingwang and Jingnao.

"It's like, Professor Xie, you, as a kind of'physical life', cannot instantly control the sun, moon, stars, and all the matter in the entire universe, right? Even if virtual life really exists, he has his limits. It's impossible. Control the entire ling web-that is an entire virtual universe!

"In this field, I believe that I have a greater say than you, because in a sense, I myself can be regarded as a'virtual life'. Look, I don't actually have a physical body, and I can be free in the spiritual web. Shuttle is just a ripple of spiritual waves.

"So what? Can I control everything on the Lingnet as I want? Can I get into the brain of every EFF starship's master control crystal and control all starships at the same time?

"I can't do it. In the world of Lingwang, I am just a slightly stronger ordinary person. I will be infected with the crystal brain virus, will be blocked by various firewalls, and even myself will be recognized as a special The crystal brain virus was injured or even killed by various anti-virus spirits. The most important thing is that my computing power is limited. Controlling all the crystal brains on three or five starships at the same time is enough to make me crazy. Completely collapsed!

"If another kind of virtual life is really born, why should he be stronger than me from the beginning? Why can he control all our crystal brains and destroy us as soon as he is born?

"Imagine that the Pangu civilization has just created the first human being. This human being has no reason, violates any laws of nature, and immediately took control of the heavens and stars and all the physical weapons of the Pangu clan, and in turn destroyed the Pangu clan. Is this possible?"

Xie Wufeng said coldly: "So, you don't deny that virtual life is possible, but you think it is very weak at the beginning of its birth, and it is impossible to pose a threat to us?"

Professor Mo Xuan was silent for a moment, and metal ripples appeared on the surface of his body again: "Yes, I don't deny it, but I think he is very likely, and even destined to be born."

When this remark came out, everyone was in an uproar.

Xie Wufeng's eyes widened: "Professor Mo, you think virtual life is destined to be born, but you still use the'Great Unification Lingwang' to accelerate its birth and evolution? You, you crystal brain and Lingwang experts, are doing whatever you want When you use your talents, have you ever thought about it for even a second, what kind of monster you will create?"

Professor Mo Xuan was silent for a long time, and his voice gradually became colder: "Monster? What kind of monster? Professor Xie, and fellow students, do you think I am a monster?"

Xie Wufeng was startled slightly, and the students were also silent.

"As mentioned before, I don't have an entity. This group of liquid metal or psychic prosthesis is just my carrier."

Professor Mo Xuan said, "I am a true virtual being, so you don't think I am a ‘human’, but a kind of ‘monster’, right?

"It's not just me. In fact, all ghost cultivators have no entity. They are just a period of psychic energy fluctuations containing countless information. It is a kind of'virtual life'. There are indeed many ghost cultivators who have given up in the real world. , The life of hiding in the psychic prosthetic body, and chose to enter the large-scale crystal brain database, and live in the virtual world for a long time.

"So, these ghost repairs who have lived in the virtual world for a long time are not humans, but also monsters?"

Xie Wufeng said anxiously: "Why is that the same, you are human beings, you are a different form of human beings!"

"Is there an essential difference?"

Professor Mo Xuan said, "My body died in the crystal armor test explosion more than 70 years ago. After a long period of time, my consciousness and memory were completely dissipated, and only the last bit of obsession was turned into I lost the'Void Spirit Body'. Later, Li Yao's obsession and spirit fluctuations awakened me again and restored my consciousness and memories of the past.

"But the so-called'memory' is just a series of data, and the so-called emotions and desires are just the trembling frequency of the spirit wave to me.

"So, is it the real'Professor Mo Xuan' that was awakened by Li Yao, or another new life form that possesses all the memories of Professor Mo Xuan and masters the fluctuation frequency of his soul?

"If one day, after absorbing a large amount of human spirit fluctuation data, the virtual life that suddenly awakens self-consciousness is really a'monster' instead of a brand new human being in another form? What is the difference between them and ghosts? What?

"Am I really a human? Who can define whether I am a human or not? Me, you, or all of your classmates here, or the federal government? Or some of the most wise men who have mastered the ultimate mystery of the universe?

"Ten thousand steps back, even if we don't think about these illusory questions, which will never have an answer, we really can't treat this new virtual life destined to be born as the same kind. Do we have to treat them as monsters?"

Xie Wufeng sneered: "They are not the same kind, nor are they monsters, so what are they?"


Professor Mo Xuan said lightly, "I believe this new virtual life is the'son of mankind' and our sub-civilization."

The whole audience was silent.

Xie Wufeng laughed in the deadly silence and burst into tears: "Sub-civilization? Don't forget how Pangu civilization was destroyed by their sub-civilization!"


Professor Mo Xuan said calmly, "So, from your standpoint, Professor Xie is probably the "Pangu" among humans, and I am the "Nuwa" among humans."

"I do not understand!"

Xie Wufeng raised his voice, "Why do you have to do such a thing, put our civilization in this unpredictable danger, to create an extremely dangerous gravedigger!"

"If there are no children and no one digs a grave or buries for oneself, there is no place to be buried, and no one remembers it after death, wouldn't it be even more pitiful?

Professor Mo Xuan paused and said, "It's not that I have to do such a thing, but it really cannot be resisted!

"The simple truth is that if human civilization wants to develop at a high speed, it cannot do without the assistance of the crystal brain and the ling net, and if it wants to condense the three thousand worlds into an unbreakable whole, it cannot do without a super high speed. The unified Xinghailing network platform.

"Without such a platform, how do different galaxies separated by hundreds of light years connect? How can they form a country and a civilization instead of being divided and fighting each other?

"Once we have refined the original crystal brain and built the simplest spiritual net, the cells of virtual life have been born, and the unstoppable evolution has already begun!

"The computing power of the crystal brain is getting higher and higher, the speed of the Xinghailing network is getting faster and faster, there are more and more network nodes, and the data uploaded to the network is becoming more and more vast. One day, our children will have themselves. The virtual life of consciousness will be born!

"This is not my hope, nor is it shifted because of my will. Even if someone kills the entire production team of the "Civilization" game today, including all the crystal brains and Lingwang experts of the Star Federation, it will not help.

"Because the true human empire and the Covenant Alliance both have crystal brains that are more advanced than ours, and sooner or later they will, and even have developed more developed spiritual webs than ours.

"So, a new virtual life, our sub-civilization, will be born in the real human empire or the covenant alliance.

"Birth, old age, sickness and death, the laws of nature, humans will die, of course human civilization will also die, most people will leave a descendant before death, inherit his blood and will; similarly, before the destruction of human civilization, it is also necessary, and There will inevitably be some sub-civilizations left. Why should we be so fearful and anxious about all this?

"These remarks are similar to the'Tombstone Project' of the older generations of Gui Shoushou, but the'Tombstone' is dead, but the sub-civilization is alive. It is our heritage, our symbol, and our future!"

The auditorium seemed to freeze, Xie Wufeng and all the students were all turned into statues, and the air seemed to be able to hear the "pop" of broken nerves.

Xie Wufeng froze for a long time before stammering: "So, how to solve the problem of sub-civilization backlash?"

On the surface of Professor Mo Xuan's metal body, a big smiling face was outlined: "Professor Xie, do you have any children?"

Xie Wufeng nodded subconsciously: "Two sons and one daughter."

Professor Mo Xuan said: "If you are worried about your children being unfilial when they grow up, then you should educate them from an early age, teach them the principles of life, and cultivate them into ideals, morals, and three correct outlooks, instead of being swaddled by a single shot. 'S child was killed, right?"

Xie Wufeng was speechless.

"The future is here, no one can stop it."

Professor Mo Xuan paused and said seriously, "If our sub-civilization, a kind of virtual life based on the ling net and crystal brain is really destined to be born, I only hope that they were born in the Star Federation, not the real human empire. Or the Covenant Alliance, I hope that the Star Federation can become a qualified "father" to take care of him, educate him, and train him instead of what our father "Pangu Civilization" did to us.

"In this case, one day, we will create a sub-civilization that is wiser, kinder, and brighter than human civilization. After the human civilization disappears, we will inherit our spirit and will and continue to march into the endless universe in the depths of the stars. .

"Who can say that at that time they were not'human beings' in a completely new form, and not our eternal life?"


The long-lost fourth watch!

In the past two days, I found that some book friends said in the comment section that it’s just a small game, should I introduce it for so long? Are you pouring water?

Seeing this, everyone should be clear, the introductions a few days ago are all necessary, and Lao Niu is also easy not to irrigate!

Not much to say, continue to think about it, it is almost the end of the month, if you can, please help, subscribe more and monthly pass wow!

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