40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1688: I will win! (Fourth!)

Jin Xinyue's voice was like a cold ice storm, causing the temperature of the entire warehouse to drop dozens of degrees, almost freezing into an ice cave.

The crimson flames all over Ding Lingdang's body, but the magma that seemed to be unstoppable, was constantly surging out.

She stared at Jin Xinyue, her eyes were not angry, but deep sadness: "Don’t you understand, Jin Xinyue, your shameless means, those **** and violent methods, even if they can get temporary Achievements, but it is impossible to solve the fundamental problem!"

If, from the moment the two women met, Jin Xinyue has been calm and relaxed, and firmly grasped the entire rhythm in her own hands, then the words of Ding Lingdang really made Jin Xinyue completely " Dumbfounded".

The exquisite makeup and perfect smile of the demon saint was stiff at first, and then burst into pieces, revealing a heart-felt, unbelievable expression of wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh.

"I, I heard you right? My sister, the Valkyrie who is known as the'Red Flame Dragon King, Federation God of War', actually said-violence can't solve the problem?"

Jin Xinyue opened her black and white beautiful eyes to the limit, looked up and down Ding Lingdang for a long time, and muttered, "Two possibilities, Master, or else you have frozen your mind during the long hibernation of the past hundred years. Broken; otherwise, you are not Ding Lingdang at all, but some kind of'copy' that was dropped by the real human empire?

"Hmph, violence can't solve the problem, so under your leadership, how did we conquer the Celestial Ring Realm? Relying on the teacher, you persuaded me with all your heart, just like you are persuading me at this moment?"

"Yes, we did conquer the Celestial Circle Realm by force, and I don't regret everything I did in the Celestial Circle Realm, let alone opposing that war."

Ding Lingdang sighed deeply, but her face with distinct lines showed a softness that was completely different from that of a hundred years ago, and she whispered, "However, something that happened during that war made me feel deeply sad.

"If there is a silver lining, I don't want to start a war like that, kill so many people, and become what ‘Red Flame Dragon King, Federation God of War’!"

Jin Xinyue's face clearly showed a look of disdain.

"Don't worry, listen to me."

Ding Lingdang said seriously, "A hundred years ago, before I entered the long hibernation, I had never considered these issues at a deep level. I was only driven by instinct to use force as the ultimate means to solve all problems.

"However, in the past 100 years, in addition to the long hibernation between the stars, I also woke up twice, in the Nether Realm and the Celestial Realm, and spent two... brand new lives.

"During these two journeys of the new world that seemed like rebirth, I met many people, experienced many things, and saw countless scenes of devastation, killing each other, blood and bones.

"In order to save these two worlds and also to save the Federation, I began to think. As a result of thinking, I found that knowing when to use force is more important than knowing when to use force.

"Just like your master did a hundred years ago, when it comes to force, he was not the strongest in the Three Realms at that time, and in the process of facilitating the integration of the Three Realms, he did not blindly rely on force to solve problems!"

"of course."

Jin Xinyue smiled and said, "In addition to force, he also used a lot of cunning and insidious tricks to deceive a lot of people!"

Ding Lingdang was speechless for a while, and then said, "I ask you to think about it carefully, Jin Xinyue, the development of our Star Federation to this day, with the seven worlds of Xinghai Beach, this is already the'limit of force', if Our goal is not only to rule the roost in the Xinghai Sea, but to have a certain'mission' for all mankind, then it is destined to be impossible to conquer three thousand worlds one by one by force!

"Even if it is really conquered, the vast expanse of Xinghai will determine itself. Violence and martial arts are destined to be impossible to rule for long!

"The true human empire wants to use violence to rule over hundreds of worlds under its control, but not every generation of emperors has the great talents and invincible martial arts of the Black Star Emperor. With the decline of the imperial power, the powers of countless worlds will not completely obey. , But conceiving ghosts, fighting each other, and serious internal friction-the Black Wind Fleet is the best example!

"The Covenant League wants to deprive everyone of their seven emotions and six desires, turn people into simple tools, and use this method to rule the Xinghai-but after all, people are not tools. Awakened in the mud, the rule of the Holy League cannot last long!

"Our federation now has an artifact like the'Great Unification Spirit Net', but the construction and maintenance of the Great Unification Spirit Net consumes astronomical resources, and it is extremely susceptible to the interference of star sea storms, and as the distance grows more and more Far, the cost of construction and maintenance has increased exponentially!

"The seven worlds are already at the limit of the current level of civilization!

"Just ask, in the near future, when we really hold the battle flag high and march towards the center of Xinghai, how much force do we have to conquer and rule the world there?

"No, the most precious thing of the Federation is not our force, conspiracy and means, but our philosophy, which is the purest path of cultivation, defending ordinary people, defending the right way, and defending everyone's peaceful life and beautiful home!

"No matter how advanced a starship is, it is impossible to traverse the entire galaxy in a flash, across this shore and the other side of the star sea, but once the concept spreads like a raging fire, it may be ignited in hundreds of worlds in the center of the star sea in just a few years. The fire of comprehension that has been in the dust for a long time!

"And you, even what you have done in the past few decades can be said to be a last resort and expedient. But this time, our philosophy has been stained a lot! A few years later, when we Really marching into the center of the star sea, such a stain, it is very likely that countless cultivators' efforts will be wiped out!"

"A few years from now?"

Jin Xinyue laughed lightly, "The Black Wind Fleet's invasion is imminent. After I use ‘dirty means’ to solve our immediate crisis, I will ask the teacher to slowly promote your noble ‘idea’!

"If you came to me today just to talk about these nonsense about eating fast and reciting the Buddha, it would be a waste of our precious time. If there is nothing wrong, the teacher, the disciple will retire first?"

"and many more!"

Ding Lingdang looked at Jin Xinyue who turned around and left slowly, and said sternly, "I will ask you one last thing, about the big explosion of the'Jade Dust Star Mine'!

"That big explosion was the largest terrorist attack in the history of the Federation with the largest number of deaths. It was done by the Emperor Linhui, and Lu Qingchen became the most wanted criminal in the Federation!

"Okay, even if you presided over the ‘Dark Moon Foundation’ and did everything you did during the ‘Dark Moon Foundation’ and allowed the immortal cultivator rebellion on the Firefly to happen, it would be considered to be standing on the edge of the ‘bottom line’, what about this?

"Lv Qingchen did such a dehumanizing and frantic activity. The innocent victims even included many of your fellow demons, but you are in order to'respect the invaders', or you have the confidence to play him in applause. You still keep inextricably linked with him, trying to make him use it for you?"

Jin Xinyue stopped, turned around inch by inch, her face became unspeakably secretive and cold: "I said, Madam, everything we talked about just now was an'hypothesis'. I have never admitted that Lu Qingchen is me. People."

Ding Lingdang sneered: "Okay, don't you admit it, it doesn't matter, I will check, use the Patriot Front and all the power I can mobilize, check to the end, for 35,527 wronged souls on Yuchen Star. Find out the real culprit behind Lu Qingchen, and seek justice for everyone, including your fellow demons who die!"

Jin Xinyue’s tone became calmer and calmer, but the killing intent in her eyes became stronger and stronger: "Madam, must our relationship be made so stiff? Look at your current appearance, impulsive, reckless, naive, where is it like? Is it the "Federal Speaker" material? You smashed like a bull like this... something will happen."

"Are you threatening me?"

Ding Lingdang smirked, "One thing, I am very curious-although everyone says that I am the'Red Flame Dragon King, Federation God of War', I know that it is only because I happened to help the Federation discover two new worlds. , I just praised me.

"It's you, you don't usually show mountains or dew, but a hundred years ago, you were a demon saint who was proficient in stealth assassination, a master of the demon king rank, and you haven't hibernated for a hundred years. The most dangerous dark frontline fight, I heard that it also collected a lot of magical powers and secrets of the new world, and cultivated several sinister and vicious new techniques?

"Jin Xinyue, how many catties do you have now, Master, I really want to know!"

Facing Ding Lingdang's swelling, real substance, like the flames of a giant spirit Tianzun, Jin Xinyue smiled, and randomly gathered her hair that was messed up by Ding Lingdang's arrogance, and said lightly: "I remember three minutes ago, Someone just said that'violence can't solve the problem', and the truth is revealed so quickly, is this called'the country is easy to change, and the nature is difficult to change'?"

Ding Lingdang also smiled: "It makes sense, then, let us compete on the battlefield for the seat of the Federal Speaker to make a final decision!"

"Then you are even more hopeless, Madam."

Jin Xinyue lightly yawned, waved her hand, and dispelled the lingering flames from the dingling bells, "The disciple tells the truth, your old man must not be angry, the disciple doesn't know until now, why do you want to Come out to choose-you don't seem to be such an overweight person!"

"I really want to know, I'll tell you."

Ding Lingdang strode forward, and this time she would not stop until one meter in front of Jin Xinyue. She stared at Jin Xinyue, every word, and said seriously, "In the beginning, I came out to choose. You are here to serve as a foil for you!"

Jin Xinyue's beautiful eyes turned: "Oh?"

Ding Lingdang categorically said: "There are some frictions and contradictions between the core world and the new world. This is a fact that no one can deny. Only I can persuade people in the new world to support you after the election defeat. You completely control all the resources of the seven worlds, and everyone is united against the Black Wind Fleet!

"Except for me, no candidate has such a great energy. After you take the stage, you can quickly stabilize the four new worlds without giving the Black Wind Fleet any chance.

"This is my original purpose, hehe, I didn't expect it, I just wanted to come out as a ‘green leaf’ for you, help you quickly stabilize the situation, gather strength, and become the strongest ‘war controversy leader’ in a century!

"After all, I thought at that time that even though you were ambitious, scheming, and strong desire for power, there was still a little bit left after all-as a cultivator and a federaler! I should believe in Li Yao's disciple's vision. Believe in you, support you, unite the strength of our two people, and unite the entire Federation!

"but now……

"I changed my mind. People like you don't deserve to be the Supreme Speaker of the Star Federation. The only place that suits you should be a prison!

"Tell you, at this moment, an independent procuratorial team composed of 30 prosecutors has been established to investigate the relationship between the Dark Moon Foundation and the Emperor Linhui.

"I want to see if you can hold on until a month later, the day when the voting result is announced, Jin Xinyue, let's do it for yourself!"

Ding Lingdang strode past Jin Xinyue's shoulders when the words "for self-help" were exited, and walked out of the warehouse without looking back.

It was like a cloud of angry lava flowing through a cold icy slab, and I didn't want to stay with the other party for a second.

"Ding Lingdang!"

Jin Xinyue's voice finally took on a tinge of frustration and gnashing her teeth. Even Shi Niang changed her name to the other party. She snarled, "Don't think that you can bring me down. You are qualified to be the Federal Speaker. You are like your limbs. A well-developed, simple-minded bull who is unworthy of even a mayor, you are destined to bring down the Federation!"

"No matter what the battlefield--"

Ding Ling's voice floated from the outside of the warehouse, like thunder rolling on the ceiling, "As long as I want to, I will definitely win!"

Ding Lingdang whizzed away like a storm.

Only Jin Xinyue was left alone, wrapped in a thick black fur coat, standing alone and lonely in the middle of the empty abandoned warehouse.

Sisi chills flowed in through the broken window and turned into subtle waves around her.

——If Ding Lingdang did not leave at this time, but turned into an invisible person and stood in front of Jin Xinyue, he would definitely find that the demon saint screamed out "Ding" in a furious, gnashing voice. When the words "bells" are used, there is no expression of anger or anger on her face.

Instead, it was filled with... a sly smile.

It's like a fox who just stole a fish.

"Stupid lady."

Jin Xinyue yawned boringly again, slapped her mouth with her delicate and clean hands like suet, summarizing the conversation, "But, it's pretty stupid."


The long-lost fourth watch, Ho Ho Ho Ho!

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