40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1690: Innovate the old!

In just three weeks, the event continued to ferment, and almost every giant in the core world was roasted on the volcano.

And in a certain corner of Lingwang, a brand-new viewpoint was quietly released, and it quickly became a disaster.

"Jin Xinyue is certainly at fault, but she is also very pitiful. Think about it. A hundred years ago, as a demon saint, she was burdened with the fate and future of all her compatriots. She was only in the Demon King, or the cultivation of the pill-forming period. Because, in the face of those giants who have been in control of the old federation for hundreds of years and are omnipotent, besides lowering her proud head and obediently, does she have a second choice?"

"Yes, she has endured humiliation, compromised, and worked so hard to do so many things, but the benefits from it are less than 10%, and most of the benefits have been taken away by the rich and powerful!"

"Jin Xinyue is innocent. A hundred years ago, she was originally a very kind girl, a pure and innocent girl-otherwise, how could the legendary Three Realms Supreme and Vulture Li Yao accept her as a disciple? She is a disciple of Li Yao, and Li Yao is our great hero, so she must be a good person!"

"It's a pity that Li Yao went too early and lost Li Yao's asylum. How can a delicate girl like Jin Xinyue protect the future of her compatriots alone and resist the squalls and rains of the outside world?"

"Those **** tycoons, when Jin Xinyue lost her master and were most vulnerable, they took advantage of the vacancy and threatened her with the future of the demon race, forcing her to sink deeper and deeper, and did so many bad things!"

"Jin Xinyue is involuntary, it's so pitiful!"

"I’m from a monster clan, and I’m a true federal citizen, but I will always be proud of my blood! Until today, I didn’t know that Jin Xinyue was actually here in order for the monster clan to obtain equal civil rights. Burdened with so many heavy things secretly, and those rich and powerful tycoons who belonged to the old era can actually be so despicable and shameless!"

"I am also a monster. Among the population of more than 100 billion in the Federation, the monster has close to 30 billion. We absolutely support Jin Xinyue. We will never let any wealthy family ride on our necks and treat us as eagle dogs and minions. !"

"We will only be loyal to the Federation, we will only fight for the Federation, and will never be used by these giants again, and we will never tolerate our leader Jin Xinyue being treated as puppets by these giants!"

"I am not a monster, but I come from the Crystal Realm, which is the "New Four Realms" in the core world. I absolutely support the opinions of fellow monsters. The Star Federation belongs to all the people of the Seven Worlds, and it definitely does not belong to these. Left over from the old times, the wealthy and ancient families that have long been unable to adapt to the development of the times!"

"The new federation should have a new sect, a new sect that can truly represent the interests of all the people in the Seven Realms!"

Such remarks, in just a few days, are like turbulent waves and super storms, sweeping through every corner of the entire unifying spiritual web.

The investigation is getting deeper and deeper. Those wealthy and cultivating families with hundreds of years of history have entered the sight of the independent prosecution team. Almost every day, new scandals are exposed. While making all the public dumbfounded and angry, It also proves the correctness of the above remarks.

The market reacted strongly to this "Dark Moon Project Event".

The giants of the core world and their associated sects have all performed in the financial market with a turmoil, an avalanche crash.

Not to mention that many high-level sects and parents of cultivating families have been involved, and have been or will be investigated.

The source said with conviction that the massive exposure of the serial scandal of pulling out the radish and getting the dirt out will inevitably bring about a "big reshuffle" influence on the federation on both the economic and political levels.

Those ancient giants like dinosaurs who have existed from the beginning of the establishment of the old federation hundreds of years or a thousand years ago, have continued and expanded all the way to today, are very likely to be split and reorganized.

When the split and reorganization are completed, their influence on the new federation is destined to plummet.

In a sense, this is a coincidence but a natural "change of dynasty."

The old giants and interest groups are destined to retire from the stage of history with the name "Old Federation"; while the new giants and interest groups will rise up like the rising sun, continuing to illuminate and defend every piece of land in the new federation!

So far, although the voting has not officially started, the general election has settled ahead of schedule.

Ding Lingdang, the Patriot Front and the New World are the biggest beneficiaries of the whole thing.

The ancient sects in the core world that have been plagued by scandals have long been overwhelmed, throwing off their helmets and removing their armor, just thinking about how to get away dignified, and they are completely powerless to fight with the power behind Ding Lingdang and the anger that continues to stand on Ding Lingdang's side under the circumstances of betrayal. The people contend.

The twelve most authoritative news media in the federal government made predictions about the outcome of the election. Ding Lingdang’s chance of being elected has increased to more than 80%, while Jin Xinyue’s chance of being elected is less than 7%.

Such an almost ridiculous prediction result did not receive much opposition for the first time.

Even the most loyal supporters of Jin Xinyue, those "hardcore monsters", in the face of irrefutable evidence, have to admit that at this moment, Ding Lingdang is more suitable than Jin Xinyue to become the Federal Speaker and lead They defend the light.

Under a certain subtle mentality, or the subtle manipulation of public opinion on the Internet, the public seems to have entered the era of "President Ding Lingdang" ahead of schedule.

The concern for Jin Xinyue is no longer whether she can become the speaker, but whether she will voluntarily withdraw from the election, and whether she will drop the protection halo of the "Minister of Development" and be formally filed and even thrown into prison.

After all, the federation is legal, and all the hardships cannot shake the majesty of the law.

——If there is a certain "director" who manipulates the entire "Avalanche" behind the scenes, then she has calculated almost every detail so far.

Except for one thing.

No matter how exhaustive she is, it is impossible to count that the "Red Lotus Team" is not the real "Red Lotus Team", but twelve members from the ancient sage world, possessing the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage and even the cultivation of God, and are in The old monsters that have been squatting for hundreds of years in the unpredictable and intricate chaos of the ancient sacred world!

If the Red Lotus Squad is just the Red Lotus Squad, a group of golden core masters who have hibernated for hundreds of years and are ignorant or the most elementary-level Yuan Ying, it is absolutely impossible to see the reality of the girl who claims to be "Moonfall Sister". .

But when this "Sister Moonfall" entered the sight of the Twelve Ancient Sages by throwing herself into the trap, within half a day, these old monsters with keen eyes, witty calculations, and deep scheming all saw one after another--

She is lying.


The transport ship with the battle emblem of the Xinghai Republic is slowly sailing to the "Hundred Flower Star Field", the jumping transfer station of the Seven Worlds of the Federation. After a short supply here, they will jump directly to the Federal Capital.

In a secret room on the ship, the "Red Lotus Squad", or twelve old monsters, including Li Yao, are analyzing the changes in the Federation in the past half month.

They didn't make a fuss like some people on the Lingnet, thinking that if such a big scandal caused such a big scandal, the Federation would be over, and so on.

Isn't it about high-level panic, power struggle, etc. Not only have they seen a lot, and even many people have participated in it personally, and they are not tired - such as Long Yangjun, Han Baling, and Phoenix Emperor are all masters of this kind.

The key issue is not in the high-level struggle of the Federation, but rather—whether this struggle is chaotic, out of control, deliberate and controllable; whether it is to innovate, unite the people, and enhance the combat effectiveness of the Federation, or to tear it apart. Split ethnic groups, expand conflicts, and weaken the fighting power of the Federation?

If it is deliberate and controllable, then who is directing everything behind the scenes?

This person is the true master of the Federation in the future. If they really want to negotiate with the Federation and discuss the conditions for joining the Federation, they should talk to this person.

"That little girl is lying, even if all the information stored in her jade slip is true, she is lying."

The hero of Youyun Ghost Qin, if it were not for Li Yao, Hei Yelan and others, would most likely overthrow Da Gan, and Han Baling, the "classical gangster" who unified the ancient sacred world, said lightly, " She has received a very professional and clever spiritual practice, and has a high degree of control over her own brain. She can easily deceive ordinary polygraph magic weapons and expert interrogation, but naturally she can't deceive the eyes of fellow daoists.

"She's lying, "Moonfall" was killed, she fled to us in a hurry, these are all fake, the whole thing is not "inadvertently" leaked out, it was out of control, but planned in advance Well, one link after another, the purpose is to put all the giants in the core world to death!

"This conclusion, there is no doubt, there is no need to talk nonsense. The focus of our attention is, who is behind it to manipulate everything?"

Long Yangjun's eyes were splendid, and he smiled and said, "Do you have any ideas about Fellow Daoist Han?"

Han Baling inspired a three-dimensional light screen through a miniature crystal brain: "It's very simple, whoever can get the most benefit from the whole thing is the person behind the scenes who dominates everything.

"No, I'm not referring to Ding Lingdang. With Ding Lingdang and the Patriot Front alone, it is impossible to get under Jin Xinyue's eyelids and get so many key information.

"Look, everyone. This is a list of the top 100 super sects of the Star Federation. It is divided into two parts. The left side is marked in red. These are the sects that have been affected by this scandal and have fallen deep into the mud and have been severely weakened. It is a sect that has hardly affected, or is at most implicated in some trivial matters and does not hurt the spleen and stomach.

"Analyze carefully, have you found anything?

"Look, everyone, the sects that have been affected and severely weakened on the left are almost all traditional giants that have been handed down hundreds of years ago and are deeply rooted and wealthy.

"These on the right, Yaoshi Group, Shuangjiaohui, Shanhai School, Great Horn Armor Division, Tieyuan Development, Blood Demon Biologic Nerve, Blood Demon Pharmaceutical... these sects and groups that have been rarely affected are almost all in the last century. The'emerging forces' that have just risen!

"These emerging forces are the biggest beneficiaries of this incident. It is completely conceivable that in the near future, they will completely surpass the traditional power and establish a new era of their own!

"And do these emerging forces have something in common?

"Of course, all fellow daoists can tell at a glance. No matter Yaoshi Group, Double Jiaohui, Big Horn Xinghai Logistics, Tieyuanxing Development General Chamber of Commerce, Blood Demon Bio-Neural Research Association, Blood Demon Pharmaceutical... all of them exist. Silky and inextricably linked relationships, and these relationships are ultimately implemented in one person!

"Hehe, if I were to give these emerging forces a unified name and treat them as a whole interest group, it would be very simple, four words--

"Li Yao Group!"

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