40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1736: The illusion of the illusion!

With the silver-white Baihua City as the background, the universe appeared deeper and darker, but in this darkness that seemed to swallow everything, after a moment of strong light flashed, two extremely strong ripples appeared.

After the ripples, two colorful psychic fountains appeared abruptly, blooming their psychic energy, fluctuations and radiation to the entire universe, while being supported by the "fountain", the star sea slowly emerged from the gap in the void. The decisive weapon in the prehistoric war, the most powerful single-soldier magic weapon in the history of human civilization, and even the **** who created mankind can be killed-the giant soldier!

Two giant soldiers, one on the left and the other on the right, coldly stared at the invading enemy.

A black flame surrounded its body, full of thorny fighting thorns, with a huge cross pattern engraved on its head. In the center of the cross is a single eye like a blood-red heart, which seems to be condensed with the mind of the dead in the endless battle. The undead warrior who crawled out from the depths of Jiuyou Huangquan-Jiuyou Profound Bone!

On the other end is the super-fast light giant soldier that is shrouded in black and white, unpredictable like a viper, and there are countless psionic booster antennas extending beside the head—Yin and Yang!

The two giant soldiers are less than fifty meters tall in total, and when placed on the scale of the universe, it is a drop in the ocean.

However, the continuous release of tyrannical aura has caused hundreds of federal armor masters, and even the moon white starship behind them, and the entire star sea behind the moon white starship, to stagnate.

Giant soldiers, searched the entire federation, can not find a hundred giant soldiers, the decisive weapon of the prehistoric age!

More importantly, those who have the ability to control giant soldiers are at least the Nascent Soul Boss!

And they are just the security forces guarding Star Harbor No. 3, and at most the base-building period and the alchemy period, they received orders from their superiors to launch an emergency attack, and there was no Yuan Ying at all!

Two Nascent Soul powerhouses equipped with giant soldiers are not something they can resist.

The armor master attacked the cluster like flies hitting the glass, and a large swath of spiritual flame spewed out in front of him. With the force of recoil, regardless of the tearing of the crystal armor and flesh and blood, it stopped abruptly.

After a while, thousands of streamers erupted from their bodies, tracing intricate arcs, and attacking the two giant soldiers!

The Federation Armored Master launched the strongest long-range attack at the same time. Various mysterious light missiles, miniature flying swords and self-locking palm thunder roared out, almost instantly shooting all the magic treasures.

They retreated at a high speed under the cover of long-range attacks, and fled hurriedly towards the two moon white starships.


Unexpectedly, "the two giant soldiers waved their hands to block the long-range attack, and rushed into their battlefield like a hungry tiger rushing to kill the Quartet." Such a scene did not happen.

On the contrary, thousands of long-range attacks instantly set off a series of shock waves and exploded stormy waves, which completely submerged, tore, shredded and swallowed the two giant soldiers!

The two giant soldiers were as fragile as paper, they didn't even open their psychic shields, they didn't make half of their evasive actions, and they were wiped out in an instant!

And behind the ocean of explosions and shock waves, it can be clearly seen that two small, embarrassing and even wretched figures, under the cover of the so-called "giant soldiers", are spewing spiritual flames regardless of everything, generating strong impetus, moving towards Fleeing outside the Baihua Star Region.

"be cheated!"

"It's fake, there are no giant soldiers at all!"

"It's just two iron shells that resemble giant soldiers, plus a few vivid three-dimensional light curtains, plus the sound and light effects transformed from weak psychic energy!

"The purpose is to cover the escape of these two guys!"

"What a cunning imperial secret spy, let me just say, how can the imperial secret spy be equipped with giant soldiers so exaggerated!"

The Federation Armour Master suddenly realized that hundreds of people were fooled by two imperial secret spies, and became more and more angry. All the detection magic weapons were locked to the two escaped psychic energy fluctuations, and the two moon white starships were chased together. .

From the depths of the third port of Baihua City and the Federal Fleet cruising in the periphery of Baihua Star Region, a large number of forces have also been deployed to jointly chase and intercept two mysterious psychic fluctuations!

Just three minutes after they caught up.

Not far from the explosion site of the two "fake giant soldiers" flooded with psychic energy ripples, like a pot of hot porridge, two "fake giant soldiers" seemed to have been bombarded by ferocious remote bombardment. In "Wreckage", Li Yao and Long Yangjun poked their heads out to observe the whereabouts of the chasing soldiers.

Sure enough, it was getting farther and farther away from them.


Li Yao grinned, indescribably proud.

Although the giant soldiers are fake, the two crystal armors that flee to the distance relying on the cover of the giant soldiers are also fake. The real Li Yao and Long Yangjun released the "fake giant soldiers" as early as the moment. Hidden in the fake giant soldier, relying on his tyrannical strength at the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage, he abruptly withstood the opponent's indiscriminate bombardment, and while the turbulent waves caused by the explosion spread to the surroundings, he was mixed among countless wrecks. Unconsciously highlight the encirclement!

Both Li Yao and Long Yangjun are masters in hiding. They control their own breathing, heartbeat, body temperature and psychic energy fluctuations to the extreme. As long as their minds move, they can completely turn their flesh and blood into a cold body. The meteorite is completely integrated into the background of the universe.

And just now, hundreds of armor masters on the opposite side hurriedly fired, shooting the location of the "fake giant soldiers" into a raging magma pool, no matter how cleverly scanning the Xuanguang, don’t even want to find two people in the boiling radiation ripples. Trail!

This is how Li Yao and Long Yangjun started a small kitchen in private, and they have practiced countless times to cooperate and escape!

"How is it, not bad?"

Li Yao squinted his eyes and said, "I said a long time ago that this tactical arrangement must be very useful. Isn't it, has it played a key role?"

Long Yangjun stared at him for a long time, and sighed quietly, "I surrendered. I really can't guess what you think. He is clearly one of the top powerhouses among Yuan Ying old monsters, and there are genuine giant soldiers. In your hand, you can get rid of all those people just now with a wave of your hand. In the end, you still have to flee very awkwardly-just run away. After you escape, you are so complacent, not ashamed, but proud?"

"No way, they are all loyal and commanding Union forces, they are my comrades-in-arms!"

Li Yao spread his hands and said indifferently, "I can't expose my hole cards, and I can't call them kills. What else can I do?

"What's more, the so-called tactics are to exploit strengths and avoid weaknesses, and what I am best at is to escape, and break through the enemy's conspiracy layer by layer in the escape! So, you must escape first to find the rhythm of defeating the enemy!"

Long Yangjun took a deep breath and said every word: "Excuse me, Lord Li, after suffering more than a thousand shots for nothing, have you found the rhythm? You must know that Professor Mo Xuan and the Federal Army are both Not fools, it won’t take long for them to catch up with our bait and find that it is fake!

"Although Xinghai is big, we can't escape to the outside world aimlessly, we always have to return to Baihua City.

"In just ten or twenty minutes, at most half an hour, how are we going to sneak into Baihua City? Let alone sneak in from Xinggang-I can guarantee that the sixteen star ports in Baihua City must be tightly sealed now. , All the starships that come and go will be scanned carefully, and even a flea can't hide!"

Li Yao smiled slightly and looked at the shining silver-white star sea city not far away, like a big-headed fly, staring at a cracked egg that exudes an alluring fragrance, and confidently said: "Be quiet Don't be irritable, this old demon has completely found the rhythm!"

five minutes later.

The two and their weak psychic abilities, fine-tuned their sliding trajectory in the sea of ​​stars, and slowly walked around to the other side of Baihua City.

From this angle, one can just see a giant silver-white spherical space town on the periphery of Baihua City. On its smooth mirror-like shell, there is a gap that is as thin as a hair.

A series of black and black, like cubes of ultra-highly compressed scrap copper and rotten iron, ejected from the gap and rushed towards the distant star under the impetus of strong inertia.

Look carefully, from Baihua City to the stars, there are countless such cubes, forming a thin and long chain.

One end of the chain is this gap, the other end seems to extend to the depths of the star, but it is vaguely visible.

"This is the garbage disposal center of Baihua City."

Li Yao explained to Long Yangjun through the exchange of spiritual thoughts, “Baihua City has a population of hundreds of millions, and it is considered one of the best mega cities on the surface of the planet. The daily waste of life and practice is astronomical.

"And here is a fully enclosed structure in Xinghai, and there is no space for burning or filling up garbage.

"If you change to a normal starry sky town, you may pack the garbage and shoot it into the universe. Anyway, the universe is so big that it can't be filled up anyway.

"But Baihua City is also the transportation hub of the Seven Realms of the Federation. It is surrounded by densely packed routes. There are countless starships jumping here. If you allow garbage to drift everywhere, it is easy to cause accidents.

"Therefore, the garbage disposal center in Baihua City has performed ultra-high compression on the garbage that is really unrecyclable, reduced by 99% in volume, compressed into a metal-like cube, and then used a special'cannon' to shoot it. Go inside the stars and let the stars burn them!

"The city of Baihua is too big, and the population is too much. The garbage disposal center is spinning day and night, and it rarely closes!

"Let's go!"

Li Yao pulled Long Yangjun a hand, and under the impetus of the invisible spiritual flame, the two of them shot like two small star fragments towards the jet port of the garbage disposal center.

When the EFF, who thought they were rounding up the "Imperial Secret Spy", chased all the way to the outskirts of the Baihua Star Region, they discovered that the two **** "crystal armors" were instantly annihilated, and even the magic weapon that created the illusion exploded, even a bit of scum. When I didn’t leave them with--

Li Yao and Long Yangjun, the strangers among the two Yuanying bosses, sneaked into Baihua City again!

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