40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1738: Get rid of the cocoon and lock the target!

"Whirring whirring……"

"The Hyena Squad has entered the No. 2 working surface of the Garbage Treatment Center, and has not found any abnormalities for the time being. It continues to search in a sector, and it is over."

"A group of eagle eyes is in place, and you can start sniping at any time, over."

"The second group of Hawkeye is in place, scanning all the staff within the visible range, and no suspicious targets are found. It's over."

"The three groups of Eagle Eyes are in place, and they are about to use eight or nine mysterious lights to search through the walls and scan all the buildings and obstacles on the No. 1 working face in depth. It is over."

"Tunnel Rats are conducting a comprehensive detection and scanning of all pipelines. The scanning progress is 15%. No foreign objects have been found in the pipelines. It's over."

"For all groups, take precautions and do not act rashly. The target is the extremely dangerous imperial secret spy. It is very likely to have the strength above the alchemy. The large forces will arrive at the garbage disposal center in one minute and thirty seconds. Don't let out even a fly, it's over."

"The hyena understands."

"Hawkeye understands."

"Black Panther understands."

"Tunnel Rat Ming... what is that!"

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!

"Hyena, eagle eye, black panther, tunnel rat! Report the situation, what's going on, is that the sound of guns? What is returned from your crystal eyes, this is—"

"Report, someone just turned on the'garbage cannon', but what was launched was domestic garbage that had not been compressed at a high level. It was messy and messy, and the dome above the garbage cannon was not opened at all. The garbage bounced back and made the whole thing. The garbage disposal centers are everywhere...bad...bad!"

"What's going on! Stabilize your crystal eyes and quickly scan the entire battlefield!"

"Someone closed the gravity control rune array here, and we are in a state of weightlessness! All the garbage is in a state of weightlessness! The garbage is flying, and the garbage mountain is flying!"

"It's an intruder! Enemy attack! Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

"Boom, boom, boom!"




"Hyena Squad! Black Panther Squad! Tunnel Rat Squad! One group of eagle eyes! Two group! Three groups! Damn! Damn! Damn! Close all passages between the garbage disposal center and the surrounding spherical towns, close it, and quickly!"


after an hour.

Located in the center of hundreds of silver-white spherical space stations, the core town of Baihua City, between the bustling crowds, busy air passages, and primitive jungle-like high-rise buildings.

Because every downtown area is an inwardly growing sphere, there is no distinction between up and down, left and right. High-rise buildings can extend along the slightly curved ground all the way to the "dome of sky", and then hang upside down from the sky.

Naturally, in the eyes of people living on the "dome", they are down-to-earth, and the "sky" is the top of their heads.

Sometimes, two particularly tall skyscrapers can even intersect each other. There are many rainbow-like translucent arc-shaped pipes between the skyscrapers, so people can easily jump from one building to another.

The mysterious and complicated gravitational symbol array evenly distributes the soft gravity on the surface of the spherical town, and firmly attracts the people living in it. This creates such an incredible spectacle that can be accommodated in the most economical space. A full population of 150 million.

Li Yao and Long Yangjun, who are proficient in hiding and disguising, mix into the downtown area of ​​a megacity with a population of 150 million, like two leaves that do not belong to this forest, gently falling On the carpet of dead leaves deep in the woods-unless the city is completely shut down and it takes ten and a half days to search, it is impossible to find them.

Li Yao's raid on the garbage disposal center just now can't be said to have achieved nothing.

At least, he obtained the garbage pipeline layout and disposal information of the entire Baihua City.

Through this information, it is easy to find the most prosperous downtown area-the place that outputs the most domestic garbage every day is definitely the most densely populated downtown area!

In addition, when Li Yao searched on the main control crystal brain of the garbage disposal center, a large number of search traces were left, which proved that he was particularly interested in the "tinder base", and conducted multiple detailed searches on the pipeline distribution of the tinder base. .

This is very likely to mislead Professor Mo Xuan's judgment and make the professor mistakenly believe that the "fire base" is the main direction of Li Yao's attack, so that most of the power will be concentrated there and set up a net for the invaders.

Therefore, for at least the past hour, on the road leading to the downtown area, there have not been too many figures of the Federation Army or the Secret Swordsman, making them feel unpredictable and sneak into here smoothly all the way.

At this moment, Li Yao and Long Yangjun are no different from an hour ago.

From the moment they arrived in the Dragon and Snake Star Territory, with the help of Long Yangjun, the creator of the assassination organization "Ghost Painted Talisman," all the twelve ancient sage powers had changed their disguise.

Li Yao originally disguised himself as an ordinary-looking middle-aged man, so even the fox demon girl Ling Xiaole called him "uncle".

At this moment, the disguise was torn off, and a few strokes were applied slightly, and the direction of the facial muscles was relaxed a bit. After a change, he became an ordinary young man.

He was wearing the sweatshirt he had just stolen, and a series of fiery pimples exploded deliberately on his cheeks. He walked with three shakes and twisted his hips. At first glance, he looked like a vigorous and dissatisfied college student. .

Long Yangjun is even simpler. She has returned to the appearance of "The Great Eunuch King". From the outside, she is a gentle and elegant middle-aged man-this is pure natural without any additives, and advanced detection magic weapon. , I can't see any flaws.

The goal is a man and a woman, but now they are two men. This layer of protection is enough to provide them with one or two hours of breathing time, so that they can mobilize all their calculation and deduction abilities to find the real lair of Professor Mo Xuan!

When there was turmoil and tension from the periphery of Baihua City to the "Tinder Base", Li Yao and Long Yangjun were squeezing into an inconspicuous small noodle restaurant in the downtown area of ​​Baihua City.

At this moment, at noon, white-collar workers working in nearby office buildings flooded into the small restaurants and noodle shops on the streets. It was the time when business was the busiest, the voices were the loudest, and the order was the most chaotic.

Li Yao and Long Yangjun each had a bowl of hot noodle soup. They pretended not to know each other but had to squeeze on a small side table to have a meal. While watching the news light screen in the corner of the noodle restaurant, they used the magical power of sound transmission. communicate with.

Long Yangjun: "Your analysis is quite reasonable. From the very beginning, the'Fire Seed Project' has been upright, with the participation of researchers from the military, the Secret Sword Bureau, government-related research institutions, and various universities. It has a certain semi-official color. , Professor Mo Xuan is unlikely to hide it from everyone, and set up another secret lair in the Tinder Base-this is too dangerous and unnecessary.

"It's me. The Tinder Base is the base on the bright side. It is only natural to open up a dark base under my control in other places!"

"However, Baihua City is so big and consists of hundreds of spherical starry sky towns. Each spherical space is as intricate as a maze. In just half a day, how do we know where Professor Mo Xuan's secret lair will be located?"

Li Yaomei took a sip of the noodle soup and pretended to keep smashing her mouth, but she used sound transmission to enter secretly: "I have thought about it carefully all the way into this place. If the teacher really has a secret lair, he must satisfy the following condition--

"First, the space in this place must be large enough, and it must be equipped with a large number of super crystal brains, even if it is not a'Gai' grade crystal brain, at least it must be a powerful'Beijing' grade crystal brain!

"Whether the spirit race or the spirit world is said to be illusory, the support of the material foundation is indispensable. For the spirit race, the crystal brain and psychic energy are just like ordinary people's land, air and water. They are indispensable. .

"Secondly, such a huge project can never be completed by the teacher alone, so he must have a group of extremely high-level researchers. These researchers may not know the teacher's real plan. Maybe they are still in the dark, but they must He is a crystal brain expert, a spiritual net expert, a meditation master, and an expert on spiritual cultivation!

"Such a large space, so many powerful crystal brains, consume astronomical psionic energy every day, and there are so many experts gathered together... It is impossible to conceal the authorities, so this secret lair should have a surface. The disguise of identity on the Internet, like a research institution.

"But no matter what the identity is concealed, this institution must be privately owned, and the owner can build, modify and hide certain things in it as he pleases!

"Third, the owner of this institution, naturally, cannot be Professor Mo Xuan himself, but there must be an intricate relationship between him and Professor Mo Xuan.

"The relationship between them may not be so good on the surface, but a long time ago, I think about it, it should have been decades ago, before and after the teacher just started to promote the Tinder Project, there must be some connection!

"As long as we find a place that satisfies these three conditions, it will be the teacher’s real lair in all likelihood! Let’s look it up through public information. The distribution map of all the'Beijing' super crystal brains in Baihua City, and then use the elimination method to create one. Filters!"

Long Yangjun picked up a piece of red beef, put it to his mouth but didn't eat it, thinking for a long time: "Maybe it doesn't need to be so troublesome. You said these three conditions, which reminds me of a person-Lei Yuqin. "

"Lei Yuqin?"

Li Yao was startled slightly, and instantly remembered, "Teacher's mistress, that mistress?"

"Whether she is your teacher's junior or mistress, I don't know, but I can be sure that she is not as simple as the'Great Unification Lingwang Data Processing Center, Algorithm Expert' you said."

Long Yangjun said, "You mentioned this woman at the beginning, and a thorn was buried in my heart. When you and Professor Mo Xuan enter the'spiritual world' together, I will chat with Wei Qingqing while I'm fine. I searched for this woman's information and found that there is really a lot of news about her on the Internet.

"At the time I didn't care too much, but now think about it, the relationship between this woman and Professor Mo Xuan should not be as simple as a'couple', but more like a kind of'collaborator' or'subordinates'!"

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