40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1742: Full-scale war!

Because of the heavy blockades of the Federal Army, the Secret Sword Bureau and other units along the way, and the series of "small gifts" set up by Li Yao along the Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital, it took them three hours to arrive at this building five kilometers away from the target. The top floor of another hospital building outside.

This hospital has nothing to do with Professor Mo Xuan and Lei Yuqin, nor is it as secretive as the Deep Blue Chao Nao Hospital. It is still open to the public today, and the two easily sneaked into their favorite commanding heights.


The two of them wore penetrating telescopes made by Li Yao, and their eyes instantly turned into two small fluorescent green dots.

This type of telescope is polished with nineteen layers of transparent wafers. It is a high-level magic weapon dedicated to the monk Yuan Ying. With the amazing vision of the monk Yuan Ying, even a fly thousands of meters away can be clearly seen. Switch After the different modes of the lens, it can also break the optical illusion, directly perceive changes in thermal energy and psychic energy fluctuations, and have a certain perspective ability.

The two were crawling on the roof of the building, all dressed in optical camouflage cloth, fusing them with the light gray environment around them.

Attentively, they searched carefully the part of the Deep Blue Chao Nao Hospital that was bare on the ground.

The hospital, five kilometers away, looks calm, most of the buildings are hidden deeper. On the lush ground, only a few gardeners are maintaining the artificial turf, and it looks peaceful and quiet.


"These people have problems."

Li Yao held his breath, his hands were almost still, but he carefully adjusted the lenses to strive for a more suitable focal length. Under his lens, all the "garden workers" were all visible, and every pore was clearly visible.

These gardeners are too strong.

No, it's not the kind of strong muscles and big cows. The people of the Star Federation are still martial arts. All kinds of training equipment and strengthening potions are emerging in an endless stream. Even the ordinary working class have the opportunity to train themselves into sturdy muscle sticks.

However, the figures of these people hidden under the large overalls show the most perfect inverted triangle shape, their muscles are well-proportioned and powerful, and their bones are strong and tight. The distribution of tendons is even, smooth and perfect to the extreme!

This is a special physique that can only be exhibited after decades of hard cultivation. The internal organs, limbs, and limbs have been repeatedly cleansed, moisturized, and warmed by psychic energy—from the perspective of Li Yao, although they did not release much psychic energy Fluctuations, but these "garden workers" are very likely to be powerful cultivators, and they are all-in-one combat type!

Even if a private hospital has to hire some strong security guards, is it possible that even garden workers are combat cultivators?

Also, how Li Yao sees the spirit of these gardeners, he feels a bit weird, even creepy.

Although they are also working, communicating, and even talking and laughing, their eyes are lifeless, like a black mist that can't be concealed, making them look like, like...

"Hey, don't you think these guys are like a bunch of dead people?"

Long Yangjun asked in a low voice.

"Yes, although they also have breathing and heartbeat, and their body temperature is no different from normal people, but I also think they are like a bunch of dead people, a bunch of guys who have just crawled out of the grave."

Li Yao pondered for a moment and frowned, "Or, it's not a dead person, but a puppet, some kind of strange puppet..."

While the two were talking, they suddenly felt a cold and biting gaze at the same time.

On the lawn five kilometers away, a "gardener" suddenly put down the lawn mower, his black eyes widened, his cold gaze shot straight in their direction.

Someone took the lead, and all the other "gardening workers" seemed to be drawn by some kind of wonderful force. They all raised their heads and stared at the building five kilometers away.

Unexpectedly, these people's perceptions were so keen, that even the secret spying of the two Yuan Ying bosses was discovered by them so quickly.

"It was discovered."

Long Yangjun said, "These guys shouldn't be underestimated, are there any problems with your arrangement, will you not miss it?"

"Absolutely, yes, no, yes!"

Li Yao squinted his eyes and slowly raised his right hand under the intertwined cold eyes of five kilometers away, and said every word, "Don't forget, besides the air duct bully, I am also a legendary crystal. Little Prince Stone Bomb!"


Li Yao snapped his fingers crisply.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!"

His snapping fingers, like a wonderful command, surrounded a corner of the Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital. He suddenly made dozens of deafening roars, bursting out bright fireballs, and the fireballs disappeared in an instant. The orange-red color turned into black smoke, spreading its teeth and claws, covering the entire hospital sky!

All of a sudden, the fire blazed into the sky, the black smoke filled the sky, and the sirens sounded loudly. The entire 109 district and even several nearby districts all sensed an unprecedented explosion!


The so-called "mountain and clear waters, blue sky and white clouds" illusion, first appeared a series of twisted ripples, and then became colorful and mottled. The last light curtain went out after another light curtain, revealing the silver-white bulkhead, showing They are the cold truth in a huge metal ball.

Li Yao grinned and looked at the results of his destruction with satisfaction, and said: "On the way here, we have already figured out the situation. At least three troops are stationed near Area 109. Hearing such a violent explosion, they soon I will be there."


Long Yangjun said, "The horse's feet are exposed on the opposite side."

Deep Blue Chao Nao Hospital was the hardest hit area of ​​this serial explosion.

Most of what Li Yao used was smoke bombs and shock bombs. He didn't ask for much destructive power, but the momentum was extremely shocking. Up to this moment, the sound was still lingering, as if thousands of troops were attacking here.

And his special smoke bomb, with the effect of a large number of ancient sacred witchman's land smog and poison mist, completely swallowed the ground part of the hospital, disrupting all possible detection magic weapons under the ground.

Under the surprise attack, those "garden workers" reacted instinctively, and they all summoned the crystal armor in the first time, transformed into a heavily armed and majestic **** of war!

Li Yao instantly analyzed the crystal armor models on their bodies. They were all heavy armors refined in the last ten or twenty years, and they had also undergone very professional personalized upgrades and modifications.

Not to mention gardeners, even ordinary low-level monks can't dig out such a family!

Moreover, on the green artificial turf, there are two circular grounds, which sink down abruptly, slowly shrinking in a spiral shape towards the surroundings, exposing two large black holes.

Countless silver-white battle puppets resembling "Taixu war soldiers" filed out like a swarm, jumped tens of meters in one step, and landed next to these "garden workers".

A gardener is equipped with seven to eight combat puppets to form a combat unit.

More than twenty combat units firmly controlled every corner of the ground part of the Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital.

The construction of the entire tactical defense system took less than ten seconds.

Long Yangjun said: "Even the gardener of your'Three Realms Supreme, Vulture Li Yao' home, isn't that mighty?"

Li Yao said: "That's right."

Long Yangjun said: "Then what are you waiting for? This is it. I have endured it for a long time, let's do it!"



Li Yao and Long Yangjun lifted the invisible camouflage cloth, Huo Ran got up, two sets of seemingly ordinary crystal armor instantly wrapped them tightly, and they knelt on one knee at the same time. Put on a starting posture, and then-sprint!


Volcanic eruption-like flames gushed out from behind and under the two of them. Even the ordinary crystal armor with mediocre performance was squeezed out of extreme performance under the psychic energy of the two primordial elders. It was a full five kilometers away. They were swallowed in an instant. The two of them smashed like two shooting stars in the campus of the Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital. Several silver-white combat puppets that dared to resist in front of them were all smashed into a pile of scrap copper. Bad iron!

The remaining hundreds of fighting puppets, as well as a dozen or twenty armor masters disguised as garden workers, rushed towards them silently.


Li Yao straightened his left arm, and his palm quickly condensed into a creamy ball of light, which instantly turned into a dazzling beam of light, penetrating the two battle puppets as the chest, but was barely forced by the psychic shield released by the third battle puppet. Resist, this made him frown slightly: "These are not ordinary battle puppets, their psychic shields are extremely strong, and they seem to have a certain force field distortion effect!"

"These guys are not ordinary gardeners!"

Long Yangjun’s figure twisted into a weird arc, and weirdly flashed out from under the five battle puppets. The long sword turned into a colorful arc towards the head of a "gardener" crystal armor. Shot through the torso gap, I didn't expect that this "gardener" was extremely strong, and he could see through Long Yangjun's attack trajectory in an instant, and he slashed his sword in time to fight Long Yangjun!

Although this record shattered the opponent's war blade and the whole person flew out, it still made Long Yangjun slightly startled.

She is the Nascent Soul Boss. Although this story did not display the ultimate attack power of the Nascent Soul Stage Peak Realm, it has at least reached the primary stage of the Nascent Soul Stage. The opponent actually... barely blocked it?

"Let's see, what are you guys!"

Li Yao snorted coldly, the light green spiritual flames all over his body couldn't help swelling, and hurried towards the densest place of the opponent. Three or four combat puppets along the way were forcibly exploded by him with a psionic shield, and one flashed instantly. In front of the "garden workers".


Li Yao stretched out his right hand and spread his five fingers. The flames were like a scourge, firmly suppressing the opponent, unable to move at all. Even the crystal armor all over his body "cracked", and pieces of armor collapsed and flew out!


Under Li Yao's complete suppression, this "gardener" suddenly uttered a scream that was absolutely not human. Then, his entire head seemed to explode!

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