40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1744: shell

these people……

Most of them are naked, but the vital parts are covered with a latex-like film. The whole body is filled with crystal wires and optical cables. Many crystal wires extend directly to the very deep part of their bodies along the blood vessels, meridians and nerves.

There are also countless fleshy touches similar to biochemical nerves, which also hung from the top of the medical cabin and connected to their heads.

Next to each medical cabin, there is a new type of crystal brain with very powerful performance, which monitors all their physical conditions, and thousands of data changes jump on the light screen every second.

All the crystal brains are connected together by a python-like crystal cable, and they are connected in series to the end of the hall, on a super crystal brain that occupies a huge space.

All the crystal brains were still shining like ghost fire, "buzzing" operating, and the green nutrient solution was also "gurgling" with bubbles.

Under the stimulation of crystal wires, optical cables, and biochemical nerves, these half-dead, non-life and non-death people, not only are their limbs twitching gently, but also different expressions of joy, anger, sorrow and joy appear on their faces, and some people may even suddenly Opening his eyes, the hollow eyeballs "drilled" around, projecting a lifeless light.

The death lights intertwined, sketching out a creepy scene!

However, no matter how they twitched or their facial expressions changed, they were always sealed in a small medical cabin, and it didn't look like they really woke up.

Li Yao swallowed his saliva and gently pressed his right palm against the strengthened glass. With a little effort, the entire surface of the strengthened glass shattered silently and turned into thousands of glass fragments and fell on the ground.

The sound of glass shards splashing around was particularly clear and harsh in the deadly hall.

Li Yao and Long Yangjun hovered in mid-air, flew into this weird hall, and flew between hundreds of medical cabins and hundreds of people who were neither alive nor dead.

Even though some of them had their eyes wide open, they turned a blind eye to the arrival of Li Yao and Long Yangjun, as if immersed in another world, only retaining the primitive animal-like trigger reaction in the real world.

The sharp gazes of Li Yao and Long Yangjun scanned the nameplates of each medical cabin, and Li Yao walked to the front of Jingnao and quickly tapped.

"This is the'Deep Maintenance Treatment Center' of Deep Blue Chao Nao Hospital."

Li Yao said, "These are all vegetative people sent here for treatment, most of them are the former Lingwang and Jingbrain experts."

"It turns out that the information I found on the Internet says what kind of immersion virtual stimulation therapy is used by Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital, which is to use their old memories to create a unique virtual space and infuse them into their brains. The domain makes them immersed in a special dream state, which brings strong stimulation to the brain domain and helps them to wake up; in addition, they also maintain a bioelectrical current for their internal organs, limbs, and every organ for many years. stimulate."

Through the glass window, Long Yangjun carefully observed the vegetative in the medical cabin, “Through bioelectrical stimulation and psychic perfusion, the patient’s body functions before coma can be maintained to the greatest extent, without the common vegetative muscle atrophy and dirt. Symptoms such as organ failure, bone embrittlement, etc... So, this should be an open ward, not some weird experimental base?

"But where did the doctors and nurses go?"

Li Yao quickly swept around and frowned, "Are there no doctors and nurses in a large ward? And so many fighting puppets and weird people with superb mental warfare come from nowhere? ?

"Also, don't you think it's weird. I have checked the data of more than a dozen patients and found that they are all Lingwang and Jingbrain experts, and they have no other fields?"

"This is not surprising."

Long Yangjun said, "The official website of Deep Blue Chao Nao Hospital has introduced that the inpatient area of ​​their "Deep Maintenance Treatment Center" is divided according to the occupation, level and type of patients, so that it is easier to resonate between patients. It is also more convenient for them to deploy large-scale treatment programs.

"Really, it always feels weird."

Li Yao stared blankly at hundreds of vegetative people soaked in the fluorescent green nutrient solution-these people are management, research, and creative cultivators. They are writers and writers who live in the house for a long time. They are naturally in shape and what they have just encountered. "Garden workers" are different, not so perfect and strong.

At this moment, he and Long Yangjun heard a series of broken glass sounds from a distance at the same time.

Although the voice was extremely far and light, it was still sharply caught by the two Yuan Ying bosses.

The two looked at each other and immediately shot away in the direction of the sound.

Along the way, three halls of the same pattern were found. In the medical cabin, there were thousands of vegetative people lying quietly. Under the stimulation of external bioelectricity and psychic energy, their limbs were twisted, their expressions vivid, and dreamlike.


At the corner, a naked brawny man screamed and rushed towards the two of them. Naturally, the two of them joined forces and flew out directly. A human-shaped pit was smashed into the wall. The bones all over his body were broken, nostrils and ear canals Some red and white viscous liquid came out.

"this is……"

Li Yao knelt on one knee, wiped a greasy, slimy fluorescent green liquid from the corpse, rubbed it on his fingertips, "It is a nutrient solution containing a lot of psionic substances, as we just saw. The kind injected into the medical cabin."

"Yes, and this person's vitals are covered with a film as thin as a cicada's wings."

Long Yangjun carefully retrieved this person's skin, "Look, there are traces of crystal lines and hoses inserted into the body between the pores, exactly the same as those of the vegetative people just now."

"and so--"

Li Yao quickly blinked, "All the vegetative people who have just launched an attack on us who have been in a coma for decades?"

This suspected vegetative guy should have just broken out of the medical cabin urgently. Not only did he have no time to equip the crystal armor, but he didn't even have time to wear his clothes, and his body was still dripping with nutrient solution.

Therefore, following his footprints and the residual nutrient solution in the air to dissipate the breath, the two easily traced to another inpatient area located on the ninth floor underground.

The scene here is completely different from the upper floors.

The surrounding area was in chaos, the lights flickered, and all the strengthened glass had long been smashed to pieces. Most of the medical cabins burst from the inside out, as if something broke out of the shell, and the green nutrient solution was flowing freely on the ground. , And all the vegetatives that should be resting in it all disappeared, leaving only a bunch of crystal wires, optical cables and biochemical nerves, shaking gently like a dead flesh touch.

"Oh! Ooh! Ooh!"

In the depths of the inpatient area, roars of wolves and tigers came from inhumane.

The pupils of Li Yao and Long Yangjun suddenly shrank, and they saw an incredible, nightmare-like scene.

The few medical cabins in the corners have not been broken, and there are still vegetatives immersed in them. However, these "vegetables" have completely different perceptions from ordinary people-their eyeballs are so round that they are about to tear their eye sockets, and their muscles are like Pieces of heart expand like spar bombs, but blood vessels expand faster than muscles, like iron chains tearing the skin, criss-crossing!

The crystal wires, optical cables, and various messy pipes deeply inserted into their limbs, corpses, internal organs, and cerebral cortex are all stretched straight, spurring countless psychic energy fluctuations that are invisible to the naked eye, and transforming their huge spiritual abilities. The amount, madly poured into them!

"These guys are waking up!"

On Li Yao's crystal armor analysis light curtain, the psychic energy fluctuations from the opposite side became stronger and stronger, and even showed a red alert of "high energy warning ahead", "their spirit and spiritual abilities are getting stronger and stronger!"

"Jingnao, blow up the master crystal brain!"

Li Yao and Long Yangjun shot at the same time, before the other party fully awakened, the crystal brain around them and the master crystal brain in the center of the hospital area were all torn to pieces.

Losing the control of the crystal brain, all crystal wires, optical cables and various pipes were hanging weakly, and the crazy dance of several vegetative people gradually stopped. The bloodshot eyes slowly closed and fell into a deep sleep again.

There was only one vegetative-maybe it shouldn't be called "it" anymore, hit hard and broke the glass shell of the medical cabin, and rushed out with the nutrient solution.

But "it" hasn't fully awakened either. It seems that it lacks the last perfusion procedure. It is like a dazed beast, with its head shrunk, its nose flapping, and it cautiously sniffing its surroundings.

"It" soon smelled the breath of Li Yao and Long Yangjun.

But instead of attacking the two, they ran away in fear, just like when a hyena met a liger.

Li Yao and Long Yangjun are fierce beasts far more powerful than "it", purely according to the instinct of wild beasts, "it" dare not be enemies with the two Yuanying old monsters.

This scene caused Li Yao to frown deeply, his heart felt like being squeezed by a big ice and wet hand, unspeakably uncomfortable.

"Here is different from the above, they are all combat-type cultivation practitioners."

Long Yangjun quickly checked the nameplates next to more than a dozen medical cabins, "Moreover, they can afford the sky-high cost of treatment. Those who have lived here for many years are all high-ranking monks who have at least built a foundation."

Li Yao's voice was chilly: "So many?"

"This is only a small part, and there are several districts next to it, and they have only been transferred in recent years. According to the treatment plan here, the flesh and blood are not exhausted, and the body's functions are still quite strong."

Long Yangjun explained: "First, during the Celestial Ring War, the Federation also produced a lot of severely wounded people, including a group of vegetative people with severe brain damage; then in recent years, the discovery of the Firefly brought black wind. With the news that the fleet is about to arrive, in order to fight the Imperial Expeditionary Force, many combat-type cultivators in the Federation have chosen to take risks and upgrades. Once they fail, they will be lucky to be sent here in time.

"Together, among the tens of thousands of vegetatives treated here, combat cultivators account for at least 10% or 20%."

"That is two to three thousand combat-type cultivators, or high-level cultivators with deep cultivation bases and strong bloodlines."

Li Yao looked at the shattered medical cabins around him and muttered, "But how can they wake up and become so strange that they will attack us without fear of death?"

"No, they didn't wake up."

Long Yangjun looked around, shrouded in the weird lights that flickered, and said quietly, "They may not be considered humans, at least they are not the cultivators of the past, but... ‘shell’!"


Good news for everyone:

The simplified version of "Forty Thousand Years of Cultivation" has been renamed "Forty Thousand Years of Stars", and the first volume will be available soon.

You can now make reservations on Taobao and Tmall. They are all genuine products, as long as you choose a seller that is close to you and more convenient.

The simplified version is about two hundred and fifty thousand words per volume. The follow-up publishing plan should be arranged according to sales volume. If the sales volume is good, it can naturally go all the way until our latest progress, but if the sales volume is not good, it is difficult to say. .

Hahahaha, so I hope everyone can support Lao Niu as far as they can. Again, this world is created by everyone and Lao Niu together. How far can we go? 10% is mine and 90% depends on me. Brothers and sisters helped!

Thank you everyone!

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