40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1747: Spirit backlash!

"It's all hallucinations, you can't fool me!"

Li Yao's spirit is as transparent as ice crystals, and his will is as firm as diamonds, letting all directions and charms invade, I won't move!

In the face of the phantom world created by mental attacks, there are two ways to crack it. One is to find the flaws in the phantom world, such as "there is no such a huge abyss in the space station. There are a thousand eyes on the octopus monster's head. There is no physical necessity besides being scary.” This kind of logical error is not surprising, it is self-defeating.

However, this is purely defensive and is not suitable for cracking ultra-high-intensity mental attacks.

Because although the illusion is fake, the mental attack that contains the strong psychic power is real. Even if the illusion is penetrated, it may still deeply stimulate and even destroy the human brain.

It's like, knowing that horror movies are fake, but some people will be dizzy and scared to death by horror movies.

Li Yao prefers another way of cracking, mobilizing his spiritual power to create a more powerful, violent, and domineering illusion, to attack and attack!

This is a world of fantasy, a battlefield where you can compete with the level of mental power. Strong imagination is the most powerful weapon!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Li Yao roared like a beast of ancient times, and the flames were like thousands of lightsabers, poking out from the cracks in the deformed tentacles, and then frantically swirling, twisting the tentacles full of suckers into it.

All of a sudden, the stumps and arms flew around, the smelly blood and pus splashed all over, the octopus monsters in the black abyss, those thousand terrifying eyeballs also trembled frantically, and at the same time they issued bursts of earth-shaking screams, making the whole The abyss was swaying for it, all the monsters in the surrounding niches soared into the air, flying restlessly in the sky!

Li Yao regained his freedom, and the fragmented crystal armor all over his body shattered like a golden cicada out of its shell, turning into black butterflies, and then scattered.

Instead, it was a gorgeous crystal armor that was blooming with pale golden light, crystal clear, as if carved from the purest crystal, absolutely non-existent in the real world.

The dark golden translucent crystal armor flows out from every pore of his, blooming like a flower, instantly enveloping the whole body, and the colonization is complete!

This is the ultimate battle armor that Li Yao combined with the profound light battle armor of the true human empire, the prehistoric war armor in the Kunlun ruins, and the various armors on the Nuwa battleship. He lingered in his mind more than 10,000 times.

However, there are too many technical problems in materials science, structure science, psionics, and cosmic mechanics. How easy is it to integrate the essence of a variety of armors that span hundreds of thousands of years?

It can only be done for a while. In the real world, it can't be refined at all.

But here was originally a fantasy world, and the mental power multiplied by the lustful ability is the combat power in the fantasy world!

Looking at the monsters flying wildly in all directions, Li Yao's mouth was filled with a refreshing smile, his arms stretched in a cross, his arms and chest seemed to be a big bow that was tight to the limit, and the surface armor of the dark golden crystal battle armor was lifted. , Revealing the ultra-miniature array crystal magnetic gun group, honeycomb flying sword launcher and various destructive mysterious light excitation talisman arrays... all kinds of offensive magic weapons that absolutely cannot be combined in the real world, turned into a complete Crazy arsenal!

"Swish swish swish swish!"


"Boom boom boom boom!"

In front of Li Yao, thousands of colorful streamers rushed out like a flood bursting a bank, turning into a devastating torrent. All the monsters pointed to by the wave were instantly torn apart, and then they were fired by the crystal magnetic cannon and the samida. , The high-frequency oscillating Xuanguang completely burned to ashes, leaving only a mottled smoke in the midair that condensed in a whirlpool shape, but it also disappeared in an instant!

Suddenly, almost all the little monsters were killed by Li Yao and turned into the residue of smoke. Even if there were a few fish that slipped through the net, they were still curled up and shivering in the alcove. Under the deterrence of his unparalleled mental power, the slightest Don't dare to step forward!

"Squeak! Squeak!"

In the abyss swamp, a thousand dead-eyed giant octopus monsters desperately screamed from wave to wave. If they were ordinary cultivators with a slightly weaker soul, I am afraid that such screams could make their Dao Hearts collapse completely. You can't extricate yourself from falling into the great horror.

But for someone like Li Yao, who is extremely strong and has a thorough understanding of the truth of the phantom world, he can hear all the doubts and fears hidden in the scream.

Looking at her side, Long Yangjun also broke free of confusion and fear. Although she was still wearing the fragmented crystal armor, clusters of crystals continued to grow in front of her arms, like the bridge of the Nuwa battleship. In the depths, it was like the crystal battle armor that once covered the whole body.

But this time, clusters of crystals continued to extend in front of her arms, and entangled with each other, turning into something similar to... a crystal rail gun!

When Li Yao cleaned all the mobs around, the crystal cannon that grew out of Long Yangjun’s arms had been filled with psychic energy, sparking an arc 10,000 times more dazzling than lightning, releasing an arc that was 10,000 times more dazzling than the starship owner The more powerful psychic energy fluctuations of the cannon, firmly lock the octopus monster in the abyss, bombard!


Li Yao seemed to see a substantial ripple of psychic energy spreading to every corner of the entire abyss, and even he himself felt the shock of the psychic storm sweeping from above the soul, and then, a little sun came from In Long Yangjun's body, whizzing out along the crystal magnetic rail cannon, hitting the head of the abyss octopus monster, instantly burning the thousand dead eyes into a thousand holes!

After encountering two Yuan Ying bosses with "monster-level" mental powers in a row, the octopus monsters even released their screams.

"It turns out that this is your true strength. I didn't expect your mental strength to be so strong!"

Li Yao looked at Long Yangjun's crystal cannon and exclaimed.

"Old Demon Li, each other!"

Long Yangjun glanced at the dark golden battle armor that Li Yao had imagined, and smiled slightly.

The two opened their bows from left to right, and the streamer contained explosive power like a gust of rain, smashing their heads and covering their heads at the octopus monster, not only shattering this abominable monster, but retreating, even the swampy black mist was completely shredded , Turned into a vortex of streamers.

The tremor of the abyss and the crypts became more and more intense, and thick cracks appeared on the walls of the surrounding caves, criss-crossing like spider webs, spreading rapidly, but behind the cracks were not black rock formations, but a creamy white light. When this light completely covered the surrounding cave walls, there was no power to stop the collapse of the illusion. Li Yao and Long Yangjun only heard a real, real woman's scream, flashing in front of them, returning to reality. world!

The pain all over the two of them disappeared, they only felt tired that their brains could not tell, and the crystal armor on their bodies was also intact, still the way they looked when they opened the big iron door at the end of the laboratory.

The big iron gate is just behind them, and underneath them is a suspended platform extending forward. There is indeed a deep space below, but it is not as exaggerated as the "underground abyss". The height difference is about fifty or sixty meters, plus The distance above the head, the height of the entire space will not exceed one hundred meters.

And in front of them...

This is a cylindrical space like a vertical launch platform for a starship. There are indeed niches dug out on the mottled tube walls around, but what’s stored in the niches is nothing like “the whole body is covered with tumors, and it is smelly. "Slimy" monsters, but one by one-the brain.

To be more precise, judging from their size, shape, and colorful nerve bundles, they are "new crystal brains" produced through molecular scanning, slicing studies, and three-dimensional printing.

All new crystal brains are at least half a meter in diameter, and are immersed in some dark red, unknown liquid. Most of them are lifeless and dormant, but there are also a few that bloom with dazzling streamers, like rainbows. Flowing fast between the brain gully, in high-speed calculation and thinking.

Next to each new crystal brain, there are several thick crystal cables extending all the way to the bottom of the entire space. After being connected, blended, and entangled with each other, they rushed into the air like a fountain and stretched into the air. In a virtual cabin that looks like a flower bud.

The cover of the virtual cabin was shattered, and the crystal cable connection port also "cracking" with spiritual flames and sparks. A woman with a pale face crawled on the cover of the virtual cabin and twitched gently.

Li Yao said: "Help me watch, just bomb her if there is a slight change!"

As he said, he used the magical power of the airspace to spread a ray of psychic energy toward the woman, and gently rolled her up and suspended in mid-air.

This woman described her as withered, wrinkles growing at a speed visible to the naked eye, her head was still full of blue silk a moment ago, but now she quickly turned white, as if vitality was pouring out from her body continuously.

Black blood was flowing from her nostrils, ear holes, corners of eyes and corners of her mouth, her breathing was extremely weak, her eyes turned white, and she was only one step away from complete death.

Li Yao input a soft psychic energy into her body, barely shielding her internal organs and brain area, and cast doubtful eyes on Long Yangjun.

"She...should be Lei Yuqin."

Long Yangjun hesitated, "Although it looks more than one hundred and twenty years old, the bone structure has not changed. It is probably caused by our spiritual backlash and the burning of our spirits."

Li Yao understood.

Just now, Lei Yuqin, the director of the Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital, was hiding here, using so many weird new crystal brain enhancements to launch a terrible mental attack on them.

Recalling the horrible illusion just now, this mental attack was indeed extremely weird. Even if the people who came were two ordinary Nascent Souls, they would be completely controlled by Lei Yuqin.

Who knew it was Li Yao and Long Yangjun, two alien species with roots and different souls. Lei Yuqin could not be counted, but it was backlashed and burned. That was how it ended.

"Lei Yuqin, say, where is Professor Mo Xuan, what are you doing?"

Li Yao's eyes widened, and an interrogation containing strong spiritual power slammed into Lei Yuqin's brain like a battle axe.

Lei Yuqin, who was mentally backlashed, was on the verge of collapse in his brain, and he was completely defenseless. This was the best opportunity for interrogation!

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