40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1752: Demon! Demon!

"The demon is coming!"

Li Yao hadn't heard this term for a long time, but he had indeed experienced the arrival of a large-scale demon in person, right on the tenth ring of the "Heavenly Sacred City", the heart of the Flying Star Realm.

That time when the demon came, it caused the catastrophe of the tenth star ring. Countless people were possessed by the devil and turned into monsters with neither humans nor ghosts. More people died in the flurry of demons and became flying stars for hundreds of years. The most tragic tragedy.

And that is also the beginning of everything.

Xiao Xuance and the "Star Child" behind him planned the incident of the Heavenly Demon's arrival.

In order to advance the "Tai Xu Fighting Soldiers" plan, they self-directed and performed the disaster of the Heavenly Demon, so that the Heavenly Demon almost destroyed the entire tenth star ring. At the last moment, they sent a large number of Taixu soldiers to expel the Heavenly Demon and shape the Taixu. The invincible image of the imaginary war soldier cleared all obstacles for the crazy expansion of the imaginary war soldier in the entire flying star realm in the following years.

Of course, in that battle, Li Yao happened to be in the tenth star ring. By coincidence, he killed the Yuanying monk "Netherlands Blade Zhuangziyou" for the first time. He obtained his spiritual warfare secret method and got mixed up with it. The star thief’s starship arrived at the Spider’s Nest star and encountered the king of the star thief "Boss White". After a series of changes, he unearthed the Sting Xingzhai, and went deep into the Dongfu of the Star Thief Supreme Dignity Heart Sword for several years, making a breakthrough in one fell swoop. The ultimate Jin Dan realm, and finally returned to Tiansheng City, preventing Xiao Xuance and Xinghai's big conspiracy.

This series of butterfly-effect-like chain reactions was impossible for Xiao Xuance and Xinghai who instigated the arrival of the heavenly demon to foresee.

"Don't you think it's weird?"

The Scarlet Heart Demon said, "The high-level demon, those demon kings, demon kings and even demon gods, are also intelligent. It is by no means that Xiao Xuance’s generation can easily drive them. What's more, the incident of the'Tenth Star Ring Demon Coming' is a scene. In this scene, the demon is destined to be defeated by the Taixu warriors in order to demonstrate the power and prestige of the Taixu warriors, and let all the sects of the flying star world come to refine the Taixu warriors.

"In this case, Xiao Xuance and Xinghai got all the benefits, but the heavenly demons wanted to send countless demon heads to death in vain. Why?

"The question is here. First, how did Xiao Xuance get in touch with the extraterritorial celestial demon? How could he urge the opponent to descend on the tenth star ring and launch a riot that had no return and suffered a loss?

"Second, suppose Xiao Xuance promised to give some benefits to the heavenly demon, what kind of conditions can the heavenly demon be moved? You must know that in the next few years, until his conspiracy was exposed and his body disappeared, the heavenly demon did not move much. Even if there are so-called benefits, they have not been realized! Is the demon still a good man and believer who is willing to swallow such a boring loss?

"Third, even at that time, the leader of the celestial demon in the flying star realm was really a good man and believer who ate the Buddha and promised to help Xiao Xuance irrespective of return-you are Xiao Xuance instead, do you believe it?

"There is no reason, there is really no reason. It is that Xiao Xuance is a heinous villain, an inhumane cultivator, but the cultivator also claims to be the representative of human civilization, the orthodox heir of the Xinghai Empire, and that is the dead enemy of the alien monsters. Ah! You know, the Xinghai Empire in the past was very likely to be collapsed by an extraterritorial demon!

"From the battle of the Kunlun Ruins, no matter how bad the cultivators are, they still have a few hard bones. Even the Pangu tribe dared to kill without hesitation, let alone an extraterritorial demon?

"Therefore, there is really no reason for the extraterritorial demon to follow Xiao Xuance's urging, and it is really impossible for Xiao Xuance to believe in the extraterritorial demon, their collusion is absolutely impossible!"

Li Yao's mind turned around, and there was a storm in his brain.

The Scarlet Inner Demon is his second personality. The words just said are actually the doubts that Li Yao himself often pondered, but he quickly threw behind his mind, but at this moment, after relying on the Scarlet Inner Demon, he said it in an orderly manner. It's just coming out.

The arrival of the heavenly demon from the tenth star ring of the Flying Star Realm Heavenly Holy City has been regarded as a public case until today.

Back then, many people were worried about the collusion between Xiao Xuance and the extraterritorial demon, but until Xiao Xuance was defeated and the "Star Child" was completely wiped out, there was no answer.

For the next hundred years, the world of flying stars has been calm. Although occasionally a small-scale demon invaded the starship, causing incidents such as evil in the crew, but a large-scale demon arrived, but never appeared again.

At this time, the New Federation was busy consolidating the seven worlds and coping with the invasion of the true human empire expeditionary forces. The so-called "extraterritorial demon" and other vague things, even "the relationship between the extraterritorial demon and the Xiao Xuance group a hundred years ago", this trivial matter, Except for historians, it has long been forgotten by people.

Li Yao pondered in his mind: "Yes, Xiao Xuance is a **** immortal cultivator. He has no reason to get on line with the extraterritorial demon, let alone trust the extraterritorial demon, allowing them to wreak havoc in their base camp, the Heavenly City. , Once this fire is set off, who knows if the extraterritorial celestial demon can be killed and rise up, all the way to the core of the holy city?"

The **** heart demon said: "Unless, it is not Xiao Xuance, but another person who is at a higher level than Xiao Xuance, who is absolutely trusted by Xiao Xuance, and can even control Xiao Xuance, and has in-depth cooperation with the external demon!"

Li Yao said solemnly: "Xinghai! Xiao Xuance is just a puppet on the table, and the "Xinghai" who is transformed into his son Xiao Tianbao is the mastermind behind the scenes!"

The Scarlet Heart Demon said: "Uh, there is a saying that I don't know if it should be said inappropriately. In fact, the real human empire has extracted the spirits of high-ranking monks and refined them into pure energy bodies "Star Children", and then used them to travel through the four-dimensional space and explore the deep universe ......Although this method saves psychic energy and time, it actually has great hidden dangers.

"Because the vast universe, whether in three-dimensional space or four-dimensional space, or even higher dimensions, is full of weird existences that humans cannot imagine. In addition, in a star field far and far away, but it is said that they are likely to dormant in the four-dimensional space at ordinary times, and occasionally come to the three-dimensional space to "hunt" the existence.

"When the three-dimensional space creatures, that is, human beings in the'Broken Void', jump into the star sea, they enter the unknown realm. Originally, the spirit is extremely easy to be invaded. Half a day ago, Professor Mo Xuan took advantage of the star sea to jump, trying in vain. Invade our souls.

"Even with the protection of a flesh and blood body, it may not be able to withstand this invasion, not to mention the star child is just a bunch of souls, without the slightest protection, the naked strips are pierced in the four-dimensional space, just like a fragrant roast. Chicken, swaggering under the gaze of jackals and tigers and leopards!

"So, I was very surprised before, how the real human empire has such good luck, sending so many star children with extremely weak'four-dimensional defense ability' to shuttle between the universe, without being killed by an extraterritorial demon or other energy life. Focus on it? The guts are too fat, this, the ignorant are fearless!"

Li Yao took a deep breath, and the voice in his brain trembled: "You, you mean, the star boy who came to the Flying Star Realm back then, Xiao Tianbao, is very likely to be here. Corrupted by the extraterritorial demon, in fact, he is not only the star child of the real human empire, it is more likely to be mixed with some elements of the extraterritorial demon?"

The Scarlet Heart Demon said: "I don't know about that, but if you think about it, don't you remember that star boy Xiao Tianbao said that when he just descended on the flying star realm, he encountered a huge star sea storm and his soul was swept away. It was so fragile and weak to the extreme, that's why I dormant for hundreds of years, and then I chose Xiao Xuance as an agent to slowly start the plan, build the Star Gate, and summon the Imperial Fleet?

"Anyway, the star child who just encountered the Star Sea Storm is the best target for erosion, and even I can erode it effortlessly.

"The Flying Star Realm is originally a paradise of energy life. The Tieyuan Star has blood pattern tribes, and there are extraterrestrial celestial demons in the starry sky. Maybe there are other strange and weird existences in the four-dimensional space. If the star children have been eroded long ago , I wouldn't be surprised at all."

Li Yao oozes a drop of cold sweat like ice crystals on his forehead, and he suddenly becomes deeply suspicious: "What is the relationship between your energy beings? Why do you seem to wish I can eliminate the alien demon? You are all of the same kind, and you shouldn't be each other. Is it helpful?"

"The Federation and the Empire are also of the same kind, and the Empire and the Holy Alliance are also of the same kind. Everyone is human. Isn't it happy to kill and kill?"

The Scarlet Heart Demon "jijijiji" laughed, "As the saying goes, peers are enemies, and only the same kind needs the same resources and roughly similar living space, and there is a reason to fight each other! If it is a different kind, many times On the contrary, they can live together peacefully!

"As for the relationship between the bloodmarked tribe and the extraterritorial demon, perhaps coupled with the mess of'chaos', uh, it's probably like the relationship between you and the cockroach-except that they are all carbon-based life, all may come from one Outside of the source, there is nothing to do with half a dime."

"is it?"

Li Yao frowned slightly, feeling that he had to pay more attention to some knowledge about energy life.


The Scarlet Heart Demon naturally said, "Did you know that there are more than 300 million carbon-based life species in your hometown Tianyuan Star alone, and most of them have nothing to do with you. You said how many kinds of energy there will be in the universe? Life, is it true that every energy life is a relative, and we have to watch and help each other?

"For me, there is only one meaning of the existence of the extraterritorial demon-food, I am a wolf, and the extraterritorial demon is a sheep. The more extraterritorial demon you kill, the more demon fragments I can swallow, the more demon fragments I can swallow. The stronger you come, one day you will be able to completely suppress you! So, don't worry, in order to consume more extraterrestrial demons, what I just said was the truth, how could I lie to you, hehehehe!"

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