40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1754: Even alone!

"do not move!"

"Raise your hand to surrender! Remove all magic weapons! Stop psionics! You have three seconds! After three seconds we will fire! Three! Two!"

A loud noise came from the darkness above, which was blocked by strong light.

Li Yao raised his hands, spread his five fingers, and signaled that he did not have any magic weapon in his hand. After removing the crystal armor, his piercing eyes were no more faint than the glare from above. He roared: "I have already removed it. All magic weapons are laid down, but they will never stop the operation of psychic energy. I want to see your highest commander, now!"

"Repeat it one last time, you are already surrounded, immediately stop psionic operation, otherwise we will open fire!"

"No, I want to see your commander. You have already taken control of this hospital. Haven't you noticed that it's wrong? The defense of this hospital is terrible. There are still many vegetatives missing. They are all with amazing combat effectiveness before unconsciousness. High-level monk! And the brain laboratory you just passed through, and here, look around, look at these weird new crystal brains! Didn't these things arouse your suspicion? We have fallen into a trap, The Federation is dangerous, not only from the real human empire, but also from a more terrifying enemy-the extraterritorial demon!

Li Yaosheng roared out these sounds hoarsely, and deep in the light above, he fell into a long silence. Suddenly, there was a sound of crystal armor crashing, and then an old lion-like voice came out: " I am Colonel Luo Qisheng, the commander of the Fourth Unit. I want to know who is talking to me?"

Li Yao was about to speak, sensing a faint psychic power of Long Yangjun, and lightly touching his shoulder, he immediately understood the truth of "there are ears in the wall".

He didn’t know the extent of Professor Mo Xuan’s penetration of these troops, and he couldn’t reveal his precious trump cards at a critical moment. He pondered for a moment, and said: "We are not the secret spy of the real human empire, as long as Colonel Luo has enough fighting. Experience, you can definitely see the strangeness of the entire capture operation!

"What's even more strange, and everything you saw when you controlled this hospital-the guards with super combat effectiveness, the general ward is empty, there are no nurses and doctors, and almost all the unconscious combat cultivators are all. It disappeared, and the medical cabin of some people was obviously broken from the inside out, that is to say, it was broken after they woke up!

"Plus the brain laboratory outside and here-look at the new crystal brains stored in the surrounding niches. Colonel Luo, do you think this is a normal hospital? Do you think the whole process of the arrest is reasonable? ?"

After a moment of silence on the other side, a quiet voice came slowly: "...We found a large number of doctors and nurses in the administrative building next to them, all of them unconscious, suspected to be caused by the release of a large amount of anesthetics. We rescued some of them, but they didn't know exactly what happened, only that they passed out unknowingly while working.

"So, what do you know about all the oddities?"

Li Yao coldly snorted, "What about your superiors? After you transmitted all the images taken by the Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital, how did your superiors respond to the disappearance of thousands of vegetatives? Nothing. It must be said that the secret spy of the true human empire is so powerful that it can steal thousands of vegetative people silently, right?"

Luo Qisheng said: "The superior did not respond to us, because all external traffic and communications in the 109 district where we are located have been cut off. Our access to the six spherical towns in all directions has been closed, and the network has been completely cut off. No explanations-soldiers don’t need explanations at all, we just need to execute orders!

"The last order we received was that in order to capture the secret spies of the real human empire and prevent them from transmitting confidential information, the 109 area will be'fully enclosed', including a fly, a ray of spiritual thought, and even A word can't be transmitted!

"And our task is to completely surround the'Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital' and prevent anyone or anything in the hospital from escaping, and hold on for six hours!"

Completely disconnected...

Li Yao's eyes widened, his teeth creaked, and he roared: "A lie! Because you have discovered part of the truth, they don't want you to spread the truth, so they will implement the entire 109 area.' Fully enclosed' operation, cut off the connection between here and the outside world!"

Luo Qisheng said grimly: "The truth, what kind of truth?"

Li Yao took a deep, deep breath, quickly sorted out the chaotic thoughts in his mind, picked the most important ones, and yelled out like a cannon.

"The EFF will face a large-scale attack by the Black Wind Fleet within 24 hours. This may be our lure the enemy to deepen, or it may be the other party's plan, but in the end, it is the extraterritorial demon that is controlling everything? Want to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. To reap the benefits of the fishermen?"

Luo Qisheng's voice contained strong suspicion, "The extraterritorial celestial devil is dormant in Professor Mo Xuan's body. The purpose is to control the entire unifying spirit web. As long as the network is controlled, the entire federation plus the Black Wind Fleet can be controlled?"


Li Yao could see his saliva stars in the snow-white beam of light, "There is only one point, 24 hours is our initial prediction, but now there are only less than 12 hours, or even three or five hours left! From the entire 109 area It can be seen from the closed operation that the other party has already controlled the extremely high control authority of the entire Baihua City, and may have occupied the information processing center of the Great Unification Lingwang. See you!

The other side continued to be silent, and the discussion of the Federal Army in the dark was conducted on an independent tactical communication channel, and Li Yao naturally could not hear it.

But he could hear the soft collision of the crystal armor, which became more and more noisy and louder, just like the fear and anxiety of the soldiers.

"Listen, Colonel!"

Li Yao struck the iron while it was hot, "The Black Wind Fleet is certainly the target we must defeat, but we must not let the extraterritorial demons control the entire federation network! Now only we know the truth, and only we can stop everything! Bring your troops to charge! Go out and gather more federal forces so that they all know the truth. Let's go to the Great Unification Lingwang Processing Center to stop the extraterritorial demon!"

"do not move!"

In Luo Qisheng's voice, there was a sense of murder, "This is not my task. I have no right to mobilize troops to leave duty without authorization. I must stick to the 109 area. This is the order I received!"

"The order you received is fake, it is most likely simulated by an extraterritorial demon!"

Li Yao sounded hoarse, stirring up a ray of psychic energy, like two fragile wings slowly spreading behind him, he gritted his teeth, slowly ascended, flew towards the Federal Army Colonel Luo Qisheng, and flew towards the highly guarded Federal Army. go with!

"Don't move! In any case, it is the duty of soldiers to obey orders!"

"It is a soldier's duty to obey orders, but he will not be ruled by his foreign monarch! The order you received was to encircle the'Dark Blue Super Brain Hospital' and did not ask you to go in and search, did you? You have violated the order, Colonel Luo It is obvious that you are also suspicious of the whole thing, then, why not believe everything you saw with your own eyes and make the judgment that a real soldier should deserve!"

"Don't move! Don't move! Don't move! Don't get closer! Once you enter the ten-meter guard zone, we will immediately open fire without mercy!"

"I will not stop moving forward, Colonel Luo! Because this concerns the future of the entire Federation, hundreds of billions of people!

"Now you have two choices, either believe me, believe everything you see, do what a Union soldier really should do, the order that really should be executed, and save the entire Union!

"Or, just execute the fake orders simulated by the extraterrestrial demons, and be indifferent in the face of the greatest crisis in the Federation, just sit here stupidly with your brothers, sit here for six hours, and then endure sixty years of regret and suffering. Do the rest of your life and confess on the corpse of the Federation. Why were you so stupid and timid back then!

"I'm here, Colonel Luo, if you want to open fire, you **** open fire! I don't want to hurt any federal forces, but I will never stop advancing. In any case, even if alone, I have to go to Lingwang for information. The processing center, go and punch out the feces of the extraterritorial demon!"

Li Yaosheng is like Hongzhong, every word contains the power of thunderbolt, exploded among the many federal forces above, and their mysterious searchlights flickered, seemingly dimmed.

But the spiritual flame wings behind Li Yao are brighter, hotter, and violent!

Fifteen meters... Fourteen meters... Thirteen meters...

The other side was silent, all magic weapons that had been lifted from the safety device seemed to be frozen, and there was no psychic energy fluctuation.

Twelve meters...Eleven meters...

Li Yao is about to enter their final alert range.

Ten meters!

Li Yao swept his heart and leaped upwards suddenly.

No one fired, someone turned their muzzle towards the sky, and someone stopped the chain saw sword. Many people took off the crystal armor visor at Luo Qisheng's gesture, revealing complex faces.

They looked at Li Yao's gaze, curious, admired, but more surprised and shocked beyond words.

It is really hard for them to imagine what kind of person can make such a move and say such a thing under the lock of hundreds of crystal magnetic cannons!

Luo Qisheng has a weather-beaten face that seems to have been tainted by gunpowder and flames. At first glance, he knows that he started from the most basic-level soldiers and fought all the way on the evil planets of the Seven Worlds. But just Even this experienced veteran officer was a little dazed when he saw Li Yao, and didn't know how to deal with such a difficult situation.

"Thank you."

Li Yao said sincerely, "Thank you for believing in me, Colonel Luo."

"I haven't believed you yet..."

Luo Qisheng pondered for a long time, staring at Li Yao deeply, and said in a deep voice, "If you want me to fight side by side, at least let me know, who are you?"


Thank you book friend "1989lishumin" for your strong support, and become the 21st leader of our "Forty Thousand Years of Cultivation". Our big family is really getting more and more lively. Lao Niu supports every friend in various ways. , Are all grateful!

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