40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1762: Prehistoric Conferred Artillery!

Li Yao also heard the Charge.

He was also a member of the Union Army in the old federation era!

Even in his youth, he had not penetrated into the blood demon realm to facilitate the union of the three realms, had not stopped Xiao Xuance’s conspiracy in the flying star realm, had not tried to die with the bone dragon beast in the Bone Dragon Star, had not yet awakened his spiritual roots, and hadn’t Before encountering the Great Desolate Beast Tide, he had heard such a distant and familiar trumpet on the Glare Phantom more than once, and had seen countless warriors wearing the nine-star rising dragon battle emblem on the three-dimensional light curtain, accompanied by the charge. The scene of the number striding forward!

This trumpet, this picture, this battle emblem, these pieces were smeared in black with blood and gunpowder smoke, only the face with piercing eyes was also deeply engraved into his blood!

Li Yao grinned and laughed silently.

One hundred years have passed, and many things have changed beyond recognition, but-the federation is still the federation!

Li Yao no longer hesitated. The spiritual flame that had already burnt above the stars seemed to break free from some invisible chain, and began to expand and madly again. All the cosmic mines within a few hundred meters of his body were detonated, but after the detonation The ball of light was suppressed by his spiritual flames, instead, it was manipulated by his divine mind and shot out in all directions, silently turning into a wall of fire, creating a large open space for him and Long Yangjun. The isolation zone!

Streams of light rushed out again from the universe ring between him and Long Yangjun, and condensed into pieces of majestic armor in the void. The arcs between the armors were entangled by the psychic energy between the limbs of the two. Attracted by the jumping frequency, he rushed towards them quickly!

"this is!"

All the Union soldiers in the distance have stimulated the power rune array to the limit, and flames dragging hundreds of meters gushing out from behind, as if a massive meteor shower hit the 01 space station.

The officer regiment headed by Luo Qisheng is the strongest. It has a few golden core and alchemy cultivators. It adheres to the spirit of "the blood of the strong is the first to flow". , Forming an impenetrable arrow, toward the front with a diameter of more than ten meters, rushing forward like a giant dragon monster like thunder and lightning.

They were already prepared to attract a few more arcs for Li Yao and Long Yangjun even if they gave their lives, and to share the pressure of the two as much as possible.

But just when they were one step away from the ravaged range of the Thunder Defense Array, they felt that the psychic energy fluctuations that Li Yao and Long Yang had already exploded once again hurriedly, bursting out from the universe of mines and the army of spirit ghosts. The dazzling sword air blades were no more than the rays of the two stars in the distance. Then, the two people set off waves of explosions, and countless fireballs gathered together and turned into two hundreds of meters in diameter. The orange-red big ball of light swallowed the two completely!

Many officers had no time to exclaim. The two orange-red big **** of light were like flower buds slowly blooming, and the blooming flowers quickly withered and annihilated. The two came out of their cocoons, but the crystal armor that had just been shattered was completely new. Relying on the traction force of the psychic magnets, they have absorbed countless strengthening kits, becoming more elegant, more classic, more powerful, and more powerful, and their bodies have expanded to four or five meters!

This is the God of War suit that can increase the combat effectiveness of the crystal armor to the strongest before the giant soldiers are unearthed!

In his hundreds of years of military career, Luo Qisheng has also seen many powerful men summon God of War suits that can only be used once in a critical moment, but he has never seen such a peculiar style.

The God of War suits attached to the crystal armor by Li Yao and Long Yang are full of deep elegance, rigorous classics, and the mysterious and complicated spirit patterns full of antique flavor. After adding them, they seem to have traveled through time and space. Tunnel, the ancient samurai who descended from the primitive age to the modern age!

Yes, the two God of War suits were re-finished using fragments of the ancient magic weapon from the depths of Li Yao's ancient Sage Realm Nuwa battleship.

The Nuwa battleship is full of wrecks left by the fighting between the Nuwa and Pangu tribes. Because the battleship is buried deep under the glacier, most of the wreckage is well preserved. Many of the ancient magic weapons have been preserved after hundreds of thousands of years. With a certain performance.

In the old days before Li Yao descended to the ancient sacred world, the people in the ancient sacred world regarded the ancient treasures as the weapon of the gods. The most typical is the nominal leader of the cultivation world, Qi Zhongdao, who controlled a starship by gravity. The tools are refined into the magic weapon of life, which is invincible in the world of comprehension.

And what Yan Liren first used to deal with this gravity controller was also a giant sword used by the Pangu tribe or the Nuwa tribe in the Primordial Era!

The ancient treasures used on Li Yao and Long Yangjun’s God of War suits, even if their performance does not reach the level of Qizhongdao’s "Fan Tian Yin", will not differ too much. This kind of ancient treasures are regarded as disposable consumables. The lavish deeds that came to use, look at the entire Star Yao Federation, who else can besides Li Yao!

Therefore, Li Yao called this series of God of War suits refined from ancient treasures-the prehistoric suits!

Under the blessing of the prehistoric suit, the two really looked like hungry prehistoric beasts. Their speed once again soared by a step, and instantly dragged out hundreds of shadows, like two ancient dragons rushing into the universe of mines and spirit ghosts. Place.

Their goal is very clear, that is, the locking and driving core of the Thunder defense array that Li Yao just tested with passive beating-where the array is!

The defensive side quickly realized this, and countless cosmic mines and spirit ghosts rushed toward the two men without fear of death, attempting to block their attack route.

However, how could it be possible in the face of the real power of the wild!

"Break it for me!"

The total length of Li Yao's hands is 17.7 meters, and the blade has been able to agitate to hundreds of meters, even the starship can break the giant war knife, the sharp edge is like a wave, and it will stop in front of it with a destructive posture. The countless army of spirits and ghosts and cosmic mines, regardless of the three-seven-ones, will be cut off and turned into devastating vortexes!

Long Yangjun chose thousands of flying swords-most of these flying swords from the prehistoric war era are rusty and incomplete, but after Li Yao's re-refining, they can retain a few pieces of blown hair and broken hair. The fragments of iron cut like mud, these unpredictable fragments, have become the best "bullets". Under the control of Long Yangjun's powerful spiritual mind, they will turn into thousands of golden streamers, intertwined into a sword net of death, It pierced through countless spirit ghost army and cosmic mines fiercely.

This is the real-Flying Sword Storm!

One rider is a thousand, kills all directions, smashes the stars, there is nothing more!

There is no doubt that such a sturdy attack method consumes psychic energy to a very crazy level.

However, there are thousands of Federation forces behind them as a strong backing. They are not fighting alone, so what are they afraid of?

The most important thing now is to destroy the front eye, stop the operation of the Thunder defense formation, and avoid the unnecessary sacrifice of the EFF.

After clearing the wreckage in front of them, the two could already see the huge vortex formed by the dazzling dazzling spiritual patterns on the surface of space station 01.

Among them, the most magnificent, the most complex, and the most guarded by the army of spirits and ghosts, is where the formation is.

Surrounding the front eye, there is also a circle of defensive talisman formations, relying on a large spar reactor buried under a few meters of armor to provide energy, and outputting seven or eight layers of substantial psychic shields to protect the front eye. Safety.

It seems that the thorny feeling of the two invaders has been sensed. The strength of the psionic shield has instantly increased by several levels, and the light yellow visible to the naked eye is agitated. Due to the interference of the psychic magnetic field, the runes in the eyes are somewhat different. Distorted, it really looked like a strange eye bursting out with spite and fright.

After the surrounding spirit ghost army and cosmic mines stagnated for a while, they began to move around again, trying to seal the attack channel between the two of them.

And with the speed of the two people's psychic energy consumption, it is difficult to sweep the army as heartily and vividly as before.

"It's now!"

Li Yao's eyes were wide open, the corners of his eyes were bleeding, and he let out a low growl.

Long Yangjun snorted coldly, and thousands of ancient flying sword fragments once again bloomed with incredible streamers, turning into bunches of golden light bands, swiftly winding within hundreds of meters around the two, becoming the strongest defense!

Li Yao raised his right arm, his fingers danced lightly, and pinched a handprint.

In the Universe Ring, the six handles were originally used by the Pangu and Nuwa warriors, but after his re-refining, the huge flying sword that has been completely unrecognizable jumped out, and the mysterious and complicated spiritual patterns on the surface shone one by one, sparking bright lights. The orange-red arcs of the stars are entangled with each other, turning into six parallel crystal tracks!

This is a...special crystal magnetic cannon.

It is the only one in the entire Federation, the only super crystal magneto cannon that is extravagant enough to be refined into a crystal track with the ancient secret sword, used to launch the ancient magic weapon fragments!

Li Yao named it-"Huanghuang Fengshen Cannon"!

The Honghuang Fengshen Cannon was pulled by the psychic magnet and slowly landed on the right shoulder of Li Yao's Honghuang suit.

Dozens of connecting components popped up on the right shoulder armor and helmet of the prehistoric suit, making this cannon and armor completely integrated, and also causing Li Yao’s spirit and psychic energy to flood into the giant through the temple on the right. In the depths of the cannon, there was a mysterious and mysterious reaction in the ancient magic weapon fragments and ultra-high purity crystal marrow in the giant cannon!

Li Yao burned his soul desperately, as if he wanted to fill the cannon with his three souls and seven souls!

The six crystal orbits refined with the ancient secret sword, almost can not withstand the violent psychic jump, turned into a translucent orange red!

At this moment, everyone on both sides of the enemy perceives the weirdness and power of this cannon. Even at the lowest level, the dullest tactical crystal brain issued a harsh alarm: "High-energy response ahead! Attention! High-energy response ahead! Attention!"

The spirit ghost army and the cosmic mines rushed over, trying to sacrifice their lives to block Li Yao's attack route, and even the eyes of the thunder defense formation dimmed, as if involuntarily closing their eyes.

Before it was too late, Li Yao had already used all his spiritual thoughts to bite his eyes.

Even if the spirit ghost army can really rush in front of him, it can't stop the roar he has accumulated for a hundred years.

Li Yao's fists were clenched into two black holes, and the orange-red flame in the depths of the giant cannon was like a suddenly expanding sun. It was a prehistoric cannon with the ultimate destructive power output and launched!

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