40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1777: Stumbled into the Peach Blossom Spring

When Li Yao woke up, he heard the sound of rushing water from the waterfall from outside the wooden window. The humid air was full of the smell of sweet mountains and rivers. He opened his eyes with some difficulty, and the first thing he saw was the black and black. The beams, and the dried fish, bacon and yellow oily pork skin hung on it.

With a light movement, there was a "creak" underneath him. It was a loose bamboo couch that had been used for many years.

A pair of straw sandals were placed on the ground, played tightly and softly, and it was very comfortable to wear, just like stepping on the grass with bare feet, making each toe jump happily.

On the other hand, he was wearing a gray coat of Gebu, as if it had been tainted with grass juice, and had been exposed to the sun, full of the smell of sunlight and plants.

Li Yao moved his aching and swollen body, carefully observing his hands and body. At first glance, there was nothing unusual, but there were dozens of scars that had just been scabbed on his body. These scars were made vividly. You can even feel that flesh and skin are involved, like the weird feeling of ants crawling inside.

However, his Qiankun Ring was gone.

All his crystal armors, magic treasures, spar bombs, especially the Universe Rings of the Giant God Soldier, were all gone. Under this Gebu coat, there was nothing on his body, nothing.

Li Yao didn't panic. He sat cross-legged on the bamboo couch, tilted his head and thought for a while, unfastened his belt and looked between his legs.

Sure enough, this is not his "handle".

If Professor Mo Xuan invests in the "Gai" super crystal brain and his own large amount of computing power, it is indeed possible to construct a vivid virtual world, and even secretly photograph Li Yao's face, hands and even his body in the real world. The data is perfectly copied into the virtual world.

But he would never have peeped at Li Yao's "handle", so he could only use a template indiscriminately.

And how can a man, even if he is blind, not know what his "handle" looks like?

This is the virtual world, seemingly vivid and lifelike, but these fatal flaws are not worth mentioning.

Li Yao fiddled with it, and it immediately became congested and stretched. The feeling of tightness was very real, but it was very slightly different from his own past experience-any man who has passed adolescence can instantly tell the difference. come out.

"This is fake. My body is still in the space station of Baihua City 01. It is tightly protected by the giant soldiers. Professor Mo Xuan didn't want to invade the giant soldiers for a while, so he tried to use a mental attack. Drag my soul into the spirit world."

Li Yao silently thought, although he lost the spirit world, he was not panicked. A mental attack is a double-edged sword. The spirits of both sides collide directly, and if you are not careful, you will bite yourself back.

Want to trap him in the spirit world? Then let's see if Professor Mo Xuan has such a powerful calculation power, spiritual power and spiritual power!

Li Yao fastened his trouser belt again, jumped off the bamboo couch, and looked at this small wooden house with interest.

The furnishings in the cabin are very simple, except for the bamboo couch, it is a crooked wooden table.

On the wall that was thinly smeared with yellow mud hung a fur coat, and there was nothing else but a wooden box in the corner that was spotlessly scrubbed.

Although simple, it is very refreshing. Li Yao looked out through the small window. This wooden house seemed to be built not far from a waterfall. You can faintly see the cliffs covered with vines, and the splashes of the waterfall and the crystal clear water drops. .

A gecko poked his head from the window edge, looked at Li Yao for a while, then quickly climbed down and disappeared between the vines.

A cheerful and melodious singing faintly came from outside the door. Li Yao took a deep breath and slammed the door open, and he saw a small mountain village like a paradise.

The small mountain village is located in a huge basin, surrounded by towering cliffs. The cliffs are like dense virgin forests. Even the sky is shrouded in faint clouds. The clouds are extremely low, as low as a hand. It can be found, so that the small mountain village is full of fairy clouds.

The wooden house he was in was built on the highest part of the small mountain village. On the left hand side is a cloud-like waterfall, which smashed into a clear and transparent deep pool on the ground, and turned into a winding river through the village. Afterwards, dozens of waterwheels were erected on both sides of the small river. While diligent and cheerful farmers shouted long chants, they stepped on the waterwheel to send the sweet river water to the farmland. I don’t know when the virtual world is. , But the ears of rice were so full that they were about to burst open, the air was soaked with the aroma of rice flowers, and it was as intoxicating as sweet-scented osmanthus wine.

The men stepped **** the waterwheel, the women bent over to work in the fields, and the children who had just learned to walk were still half-walking and half-climbing, playing with the "cuckling" old hens in the sun-dried rice field at the end of the village. A small academy, there was the sound of "babble" reading, the clouds were nowhere to be seen, and village girls who picked fruits and herbs were singing, nine bends and eighteen bends at the provincial level, like a small river running water .

Although he knew that everything was fake, Li Yao's virtual heartbeat slowed down a bit involuntarily.

This virtual world is more refined and more fascinating than the open spiritual world in the Tinder Project base. It seems that this is the real strength of Professor Mo Xuan in constructing the virtual world!

"Ah, you are awake!"

When Li Yao looked back, he found a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl holding a large pot of fragrant burnt snails, looking at him with surprise on her face.

The little girl is also dressed as a village girl, with a coarse cloth and a pair of high red clogs, and her face that can be blown can be broken without any powder, but her youthful brilliance and innocent look are enough to dispel all vigilance and hostility, she Put the burnt snails on a small wooden table under the eaves facing the waterfall. He was so hot that he blew his fingers straight, rubbing his ears, and said with a sharp smile: "Don't worry, you can have a meal when Grandpa comes back. After many days of rain, it finally cleared up. Grandpa said to eat outside today, so don’t be so frustrated."

Li Yao stared at her deeply for a long time. Although 80% sure she was a...foreign spirit, he couldn't tell the difference from the real person, frowning and said: "I..."

"Do not you remember?"

The little girl blinked her **** and white eyes, pointed at the top of the cliff and said, "You fell from above, and there are dozens of **** scars on your body. It's so terrible. Grandpa saved you. At that time, she thought you were not. It's dead!

"That was all half a month ago. For the past half month you have been feverish, nonsense, and always talking about fighting, rushing and killing, etc. Are you a soldier? I heard that outsiders The world is at war all day long, really?"

The little girl is a broken mouth. Before Li Yao could answer, she continued to wave her hand and say: "Our name is'Peach Blossom Village', don't look at it now, every year in February and March, when the peach blossoms are full of mountains and plains, it looks pretty!

"I heard from the old people in the village that our ancestors also lived outside, but they were in turmoil outside. It was horrible either you killed me or I killed you all day long.

"Later they found this place, and they moved in one after another. Well, I think about it, maybe there are thousands of years, right? In the past few hundred years, there have been many soldiers like you who have been hunted down. , Chase and kill others, fall off the cliff, after arriving here, I can't bear to leave!

"Here, the four families of Zhao Lao in the east of the village, and Granny Lin in the west of the village, I heard that their grandfather's grandfather fell like this.

"Looking at so many injuries on your body, you must have fought a lot of battles outside. You killed a lot of people. That's not good. Don't leave. Just stay with us and live here. There are so many days here. Okay, how quiet!

"Hey, what is your name? Did you forget? It doesn't matter if you forget it, my name is A Luo, not the snail of the snail, but the vine of the snail, um, that is the radish of the radish! But I The burnt snails are delicious. Grandpa hasn't come back. You can eat two secretly first, and then throw the shells into the pool, hehe!

"There is one more dish, I'll serve it, you sit first and wait for me!"

The girl ran to the back kitchen grinning, and the wooden clogs made a "click, click" sound on the bluestone board.

Li Yao turned under the eaves and looked at the small wooden table. There were already four-flavored local vegetables. In addition to the grilled escargot, there was also a bowl of pickled vegetable stewed tofu, a plate of spicy fried dried fish, and a plate of oily pig Stir-fried small green vegetables with skins are simple and crude, but the aroma is strong and attractive, which makes one can't help but move the index finger.

The clogs sounded again, and Aluo cautiously held a deep clay pot with the scent of pheasant in it, and walked quickly.

She placed the earthenware pot between the four dishes, and the chicken soup that was stewed to the extreme was like mellow wine, blooming with a golden luster. The chicken was so crisp that it would fall off the skeleton with one breath, and it was in the chicken soup. Completely melted, Li Yao has never seen such a good chicken soup in the real world.

A Luo was so proud of her craftsmanship that she laughed unconsciously. When she looked towards the foot of the mountain, her eyes suddenly lit up: "Ah, Grandpa is back!"

An old farmer wearing a hat, bare-footed, wearing a gouache, carrying two large bundles of firewood, simply tied with a straw rope at his waist, and carrying a huge wine gourd in his hand, slowly all the way Walk slowly up the mountainside.

As the fog grew thicker, his hat flickered and disappeared, and the piercing eyes under the hat, which looked as innocent and hot as a teenager, were never hidden.

It is Professor Mo Xuan.

Soon, Professor Mo Xuan, who was dressed as an old farmer, returned to the small wooden house halfway up the mountain. He poured all the dry wood in the back room and beat his waist lightly. Then he turned back to the small wooden table and put the wine gourd on it. In front of Li Yao.

"The mountain village is simple, it is rare to meet the distinguished guests, and the greetings are not well-formed. For the distinguished guests from afar, bear with me!"

Professor Mo Xuan said with a smile, unplugging the wine stopper, the honey-like yellow liquor poured out, inextricably linked and endless.

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