40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1779: You are arrested!

"What is true and what is false? The so-called spirit is nothing more than a special set of energy fluctuations. The so-called flesh and blood is just a combination of protein and carbohydrates! What are the emotions, joy and pain, all human perceptions, are not all Is it the result of bioelectrical stimulation of nerve endings?"

Professor Mo Xuan still stretched his hands and eagerly said, "Is the protein destined to be superior to the silicon chip? Is the bio-electricity shining in the nerve endings more real than the'emotion' excited by the psychic energy in the talisman? Look at you Around, look at these fragrant dishes, this peaceful and quiet village, and my innocent granddaughter, are they not'real' enough?

"Joy is joy, happiness is happiness, pain is pain, despair is despair, there is no real or false!

"Take ten thousand steps and say, even if all this is false, what about it? No matter how false happiness is, isn't it 10,000 times better than real suffering? Spend a lifetime carefree in a false paradise, Or are they being ravaged and killed in real wars—for the vast majority of people, does the answer still need to be chosen?"

Li Yao gritted his teeth, and wisps of spiritual flames gradually bloomed from every pore of his body, forming a vague phantom all over his body-his spirit is too powerful, and the shape and frequency of the agitation of the spiritual flames have exceeded " The computing limit of "Spirit World, Peach Blossom Spring", data cannot be processed in real time, chaos and overflow begin, the whole world becomes more and more unstable, just like a small earthquake gushing from the depths of the earth.

"I won't listen to your deceitful words to confuse the crowd!"

Li Yao shouted, "True is true, false is false, the palace built on the beach looks useless no matter how brilliant and exquisite, you want to bring absolute peace to the world, but it will only bring absolute darkness! What is the difference between this so-called "new world" and "Peach Blossom Spring" that you have built, and the drug that numbs people's nerves, makes people fascinated, and ecstasy. It is not true joy, but just a reflection before dying!

"Whether you are Professor Mo Xuan or an extraterritorial demon, no matter what plan you have, I won't let you succeed!"

The spiritual flame surrounding Li Yao's body became more and more violent, almost forming a small storm, gradually tearing up the small wooden house and even the entire village.

The virtual girl "A Luo" screamed in fright, the small bamboo tube fell to the ground, and the dark purple sour plum soup flowed all over the floor.

Her tears also fell like broken pearls, but she had the courage to stretch her hand out in front of Professor Mo Xuan, and trembled: "You, what are you going to do, don't hurt my grandfather!"

This illusion is really **** lifelike!

Li Yao cursed in his heart, and suddenly some did not dare to look at the girl "A Luo" with eyes full of horror and horror.

He even felt embarrassed about the five dishes that were swept down by his soul storm.

This is the attack method of the extraterritorial demon, invisible and invisible, despicable to the extreme!

"You, you can simulate even the best affection of mankind as a weapon, as a'shield'. I won't be fooled, I want to destroy this place!"

Thinking of the relatives, friends and compatriots fighting fiercely in the stars, Li Yao gritted his teeth, with a heart of stone, constantly urging the explosive power in the depths of the soul.

As his power of the soul continues to expand, the surrounding wind and thunder, flying sand and rocks, dark clouds and fog are getting thicker, but the color of the whole world is gradually dimming-it seems that the rendering quality has become more and more inferior, and the running speed is also getting worse. Getting slower and slower!

Finally, the entire Taohuayuan slowed down to a certain extent, and mottled light spots appeared around it, like thousands of colorful butterflies beginning to break apart, whether Li Yao, Professor Mo Xuan or the virtual girl "A Luo", everything changed. It becomes sharp, fuzzy, dim, and gradually decomposes.

"You can't destroy the spirit world."

Professor Mo Xuan’s voice came from the gradually decomposed body, “People who entered the spiritual world in the past, especially those warriors with war trauma syndrome, were just like you at the beginning, overly entangled with the so-called'true and false'. , They will destroy this'false world' at every turn, but it won't take long before they will accept this place, fall in love with all of this, completely integrate with the spiritual world, and regard this place as real, and the outside world is ugly and false!

"Hehe, many of them will still fall in love with my granddaughter A Luo, and marry her-A Luo is indeed a very cute girl, and will become a good wife, maybe one day, you I will fall in love with her too."

Li Yao was horrified: "You are crazy, you are not Professor Mo Xuan, what the **** are you a monster!"


Professor Mo Xuan’s voice was slightly surprised, "From the first meeting, you seem to have been sure that I am not Professor Mo Xuan, and started to track me down. Why? An ancient cultivator from the ancient sacred world, Why should I be so suspicious of a professor in another strange world hundreds of light-years away? I ask myself that the camouflage plan of the Tinder Base is seamless, and there shouldn't be anything suspicious, unless..."

Li Yao shuddered in his heart and cried out that it was bad.

Long Yangjun was right. In this weird spiritual battle, his true identity was indeed the last card.

If Li Yao had exposed his identity indiscriminately in the Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital or earlier, the virtual world and girls who appeared in front of him would not be Taohuayuan and Aluo, maybe Floating City and Ding Lingdang!

Can he really hit the killer against his wife's illusion?

"No matter who you are, your heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys have long been seen through by us, and your despicable conspiracy is completely bankrupt!"

Li Yao disturbed Professor Mo Xuan's mind with offensive and defensive actions. He gave a fierce sip, and the spirit storm overwhelmed him and attacked Professor Mo Xuan, "I don't believe you are so stable on the surface. It’s paper! Want to erode our twelve souls in one go? It’s not that easy! Old fellow, you want to swallow our twelve souls, and you want to invade the EFF’s spiritual web and master crystal brain, you It must be very hard now. Your calculation power and soul power have also been overdrawn to the limit, right? As long as the master moves a little finger, you will collapse!"

"You suddenly changed your way of speaking, and you pretended to be a very frivolous tone. What are you hiding?"

Professor Mo Xuan was not moved at all. Those eyes that had been torn into ashes, but still bloomed with deep light in mid-air, looked at Li Yao up and down, as if studying a magic weapon with great interest, "No The reason, your identity has been exposed, there is nothing to hide, not to mention that you and I don’t know each other, even if I know your true identity? So..."

Deep in Li Yao's soul and sweat, Professor Mo Xuan really deserves to be a human-shaped brain, this calculation power is too exaggerated!

"never mind."

Professor Mo Xuan suddenly smiled. Before the whole world was completely torn and collapsed, he said leisurely, "Invasion and control have already begun. Now there are two large-scale armies in the Celestial Realm. There is smug, but they don’t know that they are just two trapped beasts who fell into the trap without knowing it. They are each other's bait—the bait I put in. When they bite each other **** and exhausted, it will be the time when the net is exhausted. !

"Controlling the two most powerful armies in the Star Beach, you have the sharpest sword in a radius of tens of thousands of light years, and you can fully realize my ideals-to make swords as plows, eliminate wars, and make absolute peace. The new world has come to this universe!

"I once told you that this is a behavior motivated by the seedlings, hehe, maybe I am too impatient, but sometimes, evolution is not linear, but requires a leap. It's like an ugly caterpillar turns into a beautiful one. Like a butterfly, it needs instant sublimation!

"Open your arms and welcome the coming of the new world, because you can do nothing but welcome!"

In the harsh laughter that was not at all like Professor Mo Xuan, the whole world collapsed, and darkness and flame alternated, bringing Li Yao to—


Tianyuanjie, Xingyao Federation Defense Council, command center.

There are more and more high-level members of parliament, military, and major sects urgently summoned by Federal Speaker Wan Guqing. There are also many powerful individuals who come here one after another and follow the unified command of the Defense Council.

When these high-levels and powerful men stepped into the command center, the first thing they heard was one after another alarm.

"Ok, what a powerful gravitational wave!"

"There are countless objects of extremely high mass, tearing through the barriers of three-dimensional space, creating super large-scale temporary wormholes, which are about to appear in the Celestial Realm!"

"At first and preliminary estimates, the total mass of the objects that passed through the wormhole this time exceeded 200 megatons. The massive mass must be the second wave of attacks by the Black Wind people!"

"From the information of the prisoners of war and the calculations of our experts, by the time the second batch of starships jumped over, nearly half of the battleships of the Black Wind Fleet would be assembled in the Tianyuan Realm!"

"The control of Star Gate No. 1 hasn't been completely regained in our hands? Damn it!"

The emergency military situation caused many high-level federal officials to be worried, or glared, or gritted their teeth, and the air in the command center was so tense that it was about to tear.

The Federal Speaker Wan Guqing had a sinking face, calmly, as if he was not worried about the anxieties of the battle.

Only when the time under the light curtain jumped to a certain number, he turned his head slightly and glanced at the gate of the command center.


Outside the gate came the heavy footsteps of crystal armor bombarding the ground. A team of well-armed elite armor masters wearing the Secret Sword Bureau's colorful cloud chasing moon emblem suddenly broke in, and was divided into four teams under the astonishing gaze of many high-level federal officials. One team was on alert, and the other three strode towards three of the top leaders. Before the other party could react, they were controlled like wolves.

"Excuse me, Mr. Lee, Head of Ouyang, Deputy Chief of Staff Zhao, put away this stunned expression, the three of you have been arrested for treason and espionage!"

The head of the Secret Sword Bureau, the patron saint on the federal dark front, and the super naive, known as the four-line almighty, walked into the command center slowly.

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