40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1784: Soul transplant, update iteration!

Li Yao's face was confused, his left hand seemed to jump unconsciously, and several red lines appeared on the back of his hand. He couldn't help stroking his cheek, and said suspiciously, "What did you say?"

The silver-white ball bloomed with a ray of silver light, and quickly swept across the red lines on the back of Li Yao's left hand, but he didn't seem to notice anything. Ignoring his doubts, he continued to say in Gu Jing Wubo's voice: "Five thousand years Earlier, the catastrophe came, and the blood-stripe tribe hung in the meteorite, attacking the three habitable planets in the flying star realm!

"In the face of the deadly threat of the doomsday catastrophe, the flying star civilization has been stimulated to its extreme potential, and all aspects of technology, including the crystal brain and the spirit net, have developed rapidly, and the'homeland school' and the'starry sky school' are fighting on the road. , It has set off stormy waves in the society!

"Extraterritorial demon is not a simple crystal brain virus after all. In addition to the highly developed crystal brain and spiritual web, the strong emotional fluctuations of human beings are also their best source of energy.

"So, in this torrential change that has not been seen for five thousand years, the ancient crystal brain virus was reborn, and in the fierce information collision between the Homeland School and the Star School, they reconstructed their own assembly language and algorithms. And the database!

"When the day of the catastrophe came, the ancient crystal brain virus was dormant among the starships of the starry sky faction, and fled to the star sea together-this is because the starry sky faction has a higher level of technology, and their crystal brain is relatively advanced and more suitable for this kind of role. The carrier of the type of extraterritorial demon; on the other hand, the Tieryuan star and the other two habitable planets after being hit by the tribulation must be devastated and completely destroyed, and will be in the wild and ignorant for a long time, let alone the spirit web , Even point-to-point wireless spiritual wave transmission is extremely difficult, for this type of extraterritorial monster, it is tantamount to a barren land.

"The next thing, you probably know. After five thousand years, this kind of extraterritorial demon, similar to the crystal brain virus, and the bloodstroke tribe, similar to the biological virus, have been in peace. Everyone is just in the budding stage of rebirth. , The hunting range of each other is completely different, so it is natural that the well water does not violate the river water.

"The Iron Planet belongs to the Bloodstripe Clan, which uses viruses, bacteria, and parasites to pass on and spread between organisms through body fluids.

"The vast Xinghai belongs to this kind of extraterritorial celestial demon. They use the crystal brain as the carrier, the spiritual wave between the starships as the transmission channel, and the human emotions and desires as food. From a simple crystal brain virus, it has been upgraded to something more complex, more advanced, and more...indescribable.

"There is no ‘consciousness’ that drives it to do so. Perhaps it’s like the early single-celled organisms continue to develop into multiple cells, to more complex and higher levels. Everything is the instinct of life!"

Li Yao listened attentively, as if he was deeply attracted by the story of the silver-white ball, without noticing that the blood-colored lines on the back of his hand became more and more dense, and more and more distorted, along his wrist. It continued to spread to his arms, shoulder blades and heart, like a deadly viper sneaking under his skin!

This scene fell into the light released by the silver-white sphere, making the light deeper.

It speeds up the speech and further attracts Li Yao's attention: "Originally, this kind of evolution may take thousands of years to complete initially, and it is more likely that it will be discovered by humans before the completion of the evolution, and will be completely obliterated by the'antivirus spirit', but One person came unexpectedly, but accelerated the process, that is Xiao Tianbao, the'star boy' of the real human empire!

"Hehe, ten thousand years is too long after all. During the period, I have experienced two dynasties. In the process of the Black Star Emperor usurping the supreme power in the center of Xinghai, countless precious materials of the Xinghai Empire era were all lost, including those describing the dangers of Xinghai jumping. data.

"The cosmic travelers of the true human empire have no idea about the dangers of crossing wormholes. With the absurd courage of the ignorant, they even dare to get rid of the'shell' that is naturally capable of resisting extraterrestrial demons. For the sake of convenience and economy, just use the naked spirit to cross the interstellar directly!

"I don't know what other star children are like. Perhaps the true human empire has its own new secret method to resist the invasion of the alien demon, but this star child with the pseudonym'Xiao Tianbao' encountered a star sea storm when he arrived in the flying star realm. Divine Soul was torn apart, and it happened to encounter an extraterritorial celestial demon wandering in this airspace.

"So, the extraterritorial celestial demon unceremoniously sneaked into the depths of his soul, just like he had sneaked into the brains of countless flying stars.

"This time, the extraterrestrial demon immediately discovered Xiao Tianbao's strangeness. This monarch is not a flying star, but from the mysterious real human empire in the center of the star sea, and the true human empire has a crystal brain that is more advanced than the flying star. A well-developed ling net?

"When people go to high places, the same goes for the celestial demons outside the territories. Compared to the barren land like the Flying Star Realm, the real human empire is simply a blessed place to see cattle and sheep.

"What's even better is that Xiao Tianbao, the star boy, originally planned to open a door to the starry sky that can communicate between the empire and the flying star realm. The extraterritorial celestial demon doesn't have to work hard to control him. As long as you make the most of the situation, you can kill two birds with one stone!

"In the future Taixu Fighting Soldiers plan, most of the super crystal brain'Star Brain' came from the handwriting of the alien demon. Otherwise, as an imperial special soldier in the Xiaotianbao district of the star boy, how could it be possible to master such an advanced crystal brain? And remote control simulation combat technology?"

Li Yao was slightly startled. Indeed, the star boy Xiao Tianbao was just a scout released by the real human empire. How could a special soldier master so many high-end technologies?

At first he thought that the empires were so sharp, and even had a deep sense of fear. However, after seeing genuine empires such as Su Changfa, he felt that there were two nostrils and one mouth, except that the realm was a little bit higher. Over the peculiarities!

Until today, when the silver-white ball revealed the answer, Li Yao suddenly became clear. It turned out that this extraterritorial demon who specializes in crystal brain technology did it. This is reasonable!

"Originally, the whole plan has been very smooth. It won't be long before the flying star realm will be completely conquered by the empire, and the extraterrestrial demons will also go to a larger hunting ground, but--"

The silver-white ball finally showed a trace of human emotions, paused, and calmed down, "What happened afterwards, you know very well, the 100-year plan has fallen short, the star boy Xiao Tianbao was stopped, and even the extraterritorial demon lurking in it. The'Star Brain' was swallowed by Professor Mo Xuan, and the extraterritorial celestial demon entered Professor Mo Xuan's body in a daze!

"This is a terrible living environment that the extraterrestrial demon has never experienced before-it has rich experience in penetrating human brains and crystal brains, but Professor Mo Xuan's life form is neither normal humans nor ordinary crystals. The brain is something between the two, his liquid metal shell is almost invulnerable!

"What's more, after swallowing the star brain, Professor Mo Xuan's computing power has greatly increased. He himself is considered a strong-minded, powerful person. Once he finds the existence of an extraterritorial celestial demon, he will definitely find a way to write a set of special anti-poison spiritual thoughts. , Completely obliterate it!

"Therefore, the extraterritorial demon can only conceal and hibernate in the deepest part of Professor Mo Xuan's soul, just like all viruses that encounter harsh environments, and like what you are doing at the moment, dormant, dormant, waiting. !"

Li Yao's eyes widened, wisps of blood had passed through his left shoulder blade, and climbed up his cheeks along his neck, and even got into his left eyeball, causing the left eyeball to bloom with oozing blood.

But he seemed to feel nothing, waving his hands anxiously: "What are you talking about, what are you talking about!"

The surface of the silver-white sphere rippled with excitement: "The demon outside the territory has waited for decades, during which time it has accumulated thousands of years of crystal brain and spiritual net information, and in the subtle way, it is released to Mo Xuan little by little. In the professor's memory database, Professor Mo Xuan had a keen interest in the research on the'Great Unification Lingnet' and the'Virtual Life', and finally the'Virtual Spirit World Project' was born.

"Honestly speaking, the collapse of the Void Spirit Realm was an accident. Even with the power of an extraterritorial celestial demon, it is impossible to create such a major collapse.

"But since the accident has happened, the three souls and seven souls of Professor Mo Xuan, Su Changfa, Lu Qingchen and others have all been ripped apart. Naturally, the extraterritorial demon will not let go of such a great opportunity.

"No, it's not swallowing, just letting each other's fusion go deeper.

"What's more, in the circumstances at the time, without emergency treatment, whether Professor Mo Xuan, Su Changfa, or the extraterritorial celestial demon itself, they might fall into the collapsed virtual spirit world and be completely wiped out!

"Since everyone's three souls and seven souls are all fragmented and can't be pieced together, then with the help of the demon from outside the territory, the incomplete souls and souls of everyone will be combined to become a... brand new existence!"

Li Yao was stunned: "Mix the incomplete souls of everyone together?"

"Don't be so surprised. Since the hands, feet, heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney can all be transplanted, why not three souls and seven souls?"

The silver-white ball said, "I haven't lied to you from beginning to end. I am indeed Mo Xuan himself, but my Three Souls and Seven Souls were so badly injured that I had to transplant some into it... originally belonged to the star boy Xiao Tianbao. And Su Changfa and others.

"The so-called three souls and seven souls are an imaginary number. Perhaps there are various absurd sayings in the ancient world, but in my opinion, it refers to memory, philosophy, character, emotion, way of thinking, and so on.

"At that time, Professor Mo Xuan's soul was the least injured. About half of the three souls and seven souls were lost, and the extraterritorial celestial demons had parasitic among them for several decades. Naturally, my soul was the main one.

"Su Changfa's soul is dying, and the star boy Xiao Tianbao died so much that he couldn't die anymore, just to use their remnant soul as waste.

"This is who I am now. Mo Xuan 2.0 after iterative upgrades-I still retain the memories, ideas and most of the Taoism of Professor Mo Xuan in the past, but I have Su Changfa's way of thinking and the character of Xiao Tianbao, a star boy. , Naturally, there are 100% activated, all the power of the extraterritorial demon!"

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