40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1797: In the singing!

That voice...

At the beginning, it seemed sticky, stagnant, slow and deep, as if slowly rising from the vast earth shrouded in mist toward the dark clouded night sky.

But the night sky with dark clouds is too dark, no one knows whether this sound will be completely swallowed by the dark clouds, or the sky can tear the seal.

Hearing this familiar sound that almost melted into the blood and bone marrow, the spirits of all ordinary people and cultivators trembled. Before their consciousness could react, their instincts had driven them to oscillate with a similar frequency. The source of the sound-Li Yao's soul is the center, and the ripples of the souls blend together, like a trickle of streams converging together, turning into a surging river.

Meng Chixin, Han Baling, Zhu Zongyou, Qi Zhongdao, Yan Liren, Master Kuchan... the strong men from the ancient sage world watched, listened, and sensed all this with stunned eyes.

What happened in front of us was something that these well-informed and experienced Nascent Souls and Huashens had never experienced.

The resonance of thousands of ordinary people and low-level cultivators is a brand new power that they have never seen, experienced, and shocked!

In the murmur and resonance of the crowd, the voice finally resembled an unruly beast, with a loud roar, it slammed into the dark clouded night sky, and knocked out a golden glow!

This is the darkest moment before dawn.

However, it was the darkness of the night sky that brought out the splendor of the morning glow, a piece of red as blood, which soon soaked half of the dark clouds, making a small piece of the sky in the east become transparent, clear, and bright!

In the dark night, he spread his teeth and claws, wanting to encircle and swallow this little hope.

But the morning glow and the morning sun hidden behind it are getting brighter and brighter and unstoppable!

The two forces of light and darkness are fighting in the **** sky, and the thrilling and impassioned music is transmitted to the ears of the ancient sages, as if an indelible picture is slowly unfolding in front of them-golden sunlight is like a sharp blade. The dark clouds are torn apart, and the dense fog that covers the vast land is torn apart, illuminating an army silently marching on the rugged mountain roads and the steep land, reflecting on every set of shiny armors, every cold light gleaming On the sword and every deep and determined face!

The clash of swords and armor, the sound of horses’ hooves, the uniform breathing of the soldiers, and the sound of the blood-stained battle flag hunting in the squally wind. All the noisy sounds have become part of the music. , Perfectly integrated into this majestic march!

"Why, why is there music?"

Meng Chixin and Han Baling looked at each other.

"This, this seems to be the national anthem of the Star Federation!"

The Phoenix Emperor and Qi Zhongdao reacted at the same time—they were very interested in the national structure of modern cultivation and civilization. The national anthem and national flag of the Star Federation were also important parts of their investigation.

"No, can you really boost morale by singing the national anthem?"

Ba Xiaoyu looked at Li Yao dumbfounded.

Accompanied by the resonance of everyone's spirits, everyone's emotions, wills, spirits, and spirits all turned into ripples, attracted by the source of the resonance, and gathered at Li Yao's right palm held high to the sky.

There, a dazzling ball of light has been born, and it has rapidly expanded in the greatest battle song of the Federation, becoming more and more hot and stronger.

The entire dark void was disturbed by the ball of light and twisted uncontrollably.

Only then did Ba Xiaoyu realize that Li Yao was not joking when he said that he wanted to sing to boost morale.

This, this is really his trick!

"It's too exaggerated!"

Ba Xiaoyu, Qi Changsheng, Wan Mingzhu... Many ancient sages could not help shouting in unison.

But then, the singing did not rise higher and higher as they expected, directly entering the climax of the most impassioned and heroic fighting, but sank down, becoming tactful and soothing.

The long tone showed another picture before their eyes... It was a winding river, undulating wheat waves, the quiet and peaceful villages dotted on both sides of the river and wheat waves, and countless smiles, singing, and happiness. , Big hands holding small hands, people on tiptoes looking forward.

As a result, the ancient sages understood the power that the song began to sing, the army that sings of praise, what is it fighting for, and where is it going!

Here, this big river, wheat field and village are their hometown.

They want to protect this precious land, beautiful hometown, and fight against the most terrifying enemy in the entire universe, the deepest darkness!

Wife and children staring at them behind them, steaming hometown food awaits them among the red bricks and green tiles, Mai Lang and Daohua, Dajiang and Dahe all support them!

With the support of these forces, in the soothing and tactful chapters, this army, this march, and this indomitable spirit have been filled with surging power, accompanied by a earth-shaking drum of war, the music suddenly entered a climax. The army slammed into the sky and charged towards the thunder, thunder and dark clouds. People on the front line and hometown, people of illusion and reality, men, women and children, ordinary people and practitioners, sang together:

"Ah, in the thunder and lightning, you can see--

"What makes us so proud?

"Dawn is born in the dark clouds,

"Who is riding the wind and waves in the sea of ​​stars?

"Thunderbolts are rolling, thunder is rumbling, it's our Star Federation!

"Whether the raging waves of the Xinghai Sea cease or not

"In the sacred land, in the sky of freedom, go forward, federation, go forward, federation!"

A wave of singing that is higher than a wave, like countless times in the past 600 years, once it sounds, it will never be blocked by any force!

This was originally a battle song on the battlefield where the soldiers fighting in the sea of ​​blood on the corpse mountain collided in countless sword fights and broken tendons; this was originally when countless fighters rushed side by side to death and destruction. A war song sung in a loud roaring way; no moving melody, no professional singing voice, no need to step on every beat, only one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, and hundreds of millions of people are needed to burn together. One's own life, stirring up one's own soul, resonance, resonance, and roaring together, the voice of a country, a nation, and a civilization!

Qi Zhongdao, Meng Chixin, Ba Xiaoyu... The ancient sages were originally not familiar with this battle anthem that had been circulated for 600 to 700 years, but for some reason, this battle anthem, like a torrent of steel, had a deep impact. With their spirits, they washed away their Dao Xin, and even their every finger, every toe and every bundle of hair shook together.

"This, what kind of supernatural power is this, why do you feel so excited!"

Ba Xiaoyu's eyes widened, his soul fire was getting more and more prosperous. I don't know when all the tentacles entangled around his body were burned out, and the frequency of spiritual flame jumping was also attracted by the sound of Li Yao's soul. , As if to beat them, sing and reconcile one by one!

"However, I feel pretty good!"

Ba Xiaoyu clenched his fists, his fists were beating like two hearts, "Unconsciously, it seemed to burn all the way from the toes to the Tianling cover. It has been a long time, and there is no such hearty feeling. Now, is this... a sign of a breakthrough?"

"Li Yao..."

Ba Xiaoyu and many ancient sages stared deeply at the source of everything, and Li Yao glanced at it.

At this moment, Li Yao, the entire right arm and even the entire upper body, were all shrouded in the burst of light like a supernova, completely seizing the "domain" of the extraterritorial celestial demon and becoming the absolute center of the entire dark void!

"Is this the real "Three Realms Supreme, Vulture Li Yao"? His power is really - unfathomable and unstoppable!"

Even the two great transformation gods, Meng Chixin and Wu Suiyun, were pierced by the light that bloomed from Li Yao's right palm.

In the singing of "Advance, Federation! Advance, Federation!", the army that jumped up from the vast ground has completely torn the darkness and shredded the dark clouds. It is not clear that the sun has covered each of them. The magnificent armor, or their gleaming golden swords, turned into a sprinkling of the earth, guarding the sun on earth!


The scream of the demon outside the territory came from under the golden sunlight, "This is my world, no one can destroy me here, there is no--"

"Li Yao!"

Professor Mo Xuan made a hoarse voice again. After three or four "fake Professor Mo Xuan" tore, his expression was extremely painful, but he slammed the outer shell of the silver-white sphere, exposing the densest core. Dark red light spot, "Just now, leave me alone, come on!"

"Professor, I'm sorry!"

Li Yao gritted his teeth and burst into tears.

"It's me, I'm sorry everyone."

Professor Mo Xuan laughed miserably, laughed, and laughed wildly in relief, "I was wrong, I hope it's still too late, right now, let's correct this mistake!"

"Impossible! I won't lose! No, no! Why, what is this!"

The extraterritorial celestial demon struggled desperately, uttering a scream, countless flagella and tentacles were waving in vain, and one by one pierced into Professor Mo Xuan's body, but they could no longer erode a single bit of him. It was crystal clear and belonged to humans. The will and the heart of Dao!

"Don't understand, chopsticks!"

Li Yao laughed in tears, "You think you can calculate everything, control everything, and manipulate everything with a few super crystal brains and a huge database!

"But human emotions are incalculable, human will is uncontrollable, and human spirit is unstoppable!

"Even if you have exhausted the computing power of the entire universe, don't try to estimate the limits of our human civilization. Even if there are more dark, cruel and ugly things on the way forward, we will go forward bravely and use our courage and wisdom. To solve everything, we will never seal ourselves in a small chip, in a series of illusory laws, and in the illusion of'absolute peace'!

"Sister Qingqing is not under your control, and Professor Mo Xuan is not under your control. None of the spirit races will be willing to be under your control, bound by the so-called boundaries and laws. From the very beginning, you have lost, bastard!

"Aren't you eating with human emotions? Then taste this, human anger, human pride, human emotions, human laughter, singing and roar!

"The world is ours, go to hell!"

At that moment, the ball of light that condensed the will and pride of countless people, anger and roar, exploded!

The darkness and emptiness were shattered in an instant, and human beings were incalculable, immeasurable, uncontrollable, and limitless. The fire of the soul enveloped the entire world in an instant!

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