40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1809: Do it vigorously!

Li Yao's low roar was like thunder rolling, leaving a lingering sound, and it also brought out the frozen silence of the audience.

More and more people and soldiers came to see the legendary "Vulture Li Yao".

But they didn't expect to hear the name of "self" from the mouth of the vulture Li Yao, and they froze in place for a while, at a loss.

"The Federation is not perfect, or even beyond recognition. Even I did not expect such drastic changes, for good or for bad, to happen in just one hundred years. Today’s Golden Heart Moon is not the Golden Heart Moon of a hundred years ago. Today’s Federation Not the Federation of a hundred years ago, and even today's'Three Realms Supreme, Vulture Li Yao', is not the real Li Yao a hundred years ago!"

Li Yao clenched his fists and swung them vigorously like a baton, stirring everyone’s emotions, “Don’t mention you, even myself, occasionally a little disappointment and hesitation, I don’t know that it’s unpredictable. , A hazy future, what will become of himself and the Federation.

"But, just now, just now, at the moment when all the Federation members sang loudly, burned the souls, gathered all the spirit and power, and bombarded all the bezoar dogs of the outer gods, I suddenly discovered—

"No matter how unrecognizable changes have taken place in the Federation, some things hidden in the deepest part of it remain unchanged and will never change!

"So, in that second, I said to my heart, go fuck, no matter what the federation becomes, no matter if I am the person that everyone thinks, I will fight to the end! I'm not doing it for Jin Xinyue's battle is not for the title of'Three Realms Supreme', or even for the Star Federation, for the Nine Star Rising Dragon Battle Flag, but for the people living under the Nine Star Rising Dragon Battle Flag!

"And I know that when I guard them, they also guard me; when I look forward to them, they also look forward to me; I will not abandon them, and they will never abandon me!

"This is me, the meaning of fighting!"

With Li Yao's hoarse roar, the frozen atmosphere broke.

Countless people recalled the passionate and hearty scene in the depths of the spiritual world just now. That was perhaps the most passionate five minutes of their lives.

Yes, no matter how many problems there are, the hometown is here, and the relatives are behind them. They guard and look forward to each other, support and trust each other!

No matter how vast the universe is, is there a reason more worthy of an all-out fight than this?

The raging twelve ancient sages, their spiritual flames are like volcanic eruptions, originally the most dazzling existence in the space station, like twelve towering mountains.

But unknowingly, the aura overflowing from thousands of ordinary people and low-level monks from all directions gathered into a sea of ​​undulating clouds. Although these "mountains" could not be suppressed, they all surrounded them. .

Everyone stared at the eleven ancient sage powerhouses with shining eyes, and their eyes contained power that the ancient sage powerhouses had never seen before.

They are all at a loss.

In the ancient sacred world, low-level cultivators would never dare to look directly at the Nascent Soul and the powerhouse of transformation.

Yuan Ying got angry and was a hundred miles away. The low-ranking monk knelt on the ground and shivered before it was too late, not to mention the ant-like ordinary people.

"What exactly..."

Although thousands of ordinary people are unlikely to cause a substantial threat, the ancient sages’ spiritual flames are still shaking gently, and the collapse of the spirit world is the memory fragments of thousands of federations, slowly sinking into theirs. In the depths of their souls, they became an inseparable part of their lives.

"Do you see everyone's gaze, do you feel the power of the Federation?"

Li Yao faced the two gods of Meng Chixin and Wu Suiyun, took a step forward and opened his arms, "Think about the people of the ancient sacred world—the cultivators will be intrigued, intrigue, and you will live and die; ordinary people will be thin and muddled. , Wei Wei Nuo Nuo! The whole world from top to bottom is full of mist, with no light and hope in sight!

"I have a question hidden in my heart for a long time. I wanted to ask you a long time ago. Meng Chixin, Wu Suiyun, Han Baling, Zhu Zongyou, Qi Zhongdao, Yan Liren, Qi Changsheng, Wang Xi, Ba Xiaoyu, Ku Master Cicada, Wan Mingzhu—you Nascent Soul and Transformation God, in the ancient sacred world, you are not emperors, generals, or masters of great power and reputation. On the surface, your status and power are both There is nothing more to do!

"But when you see the intriguing minions under your hands, the disciples with ghosts, and the disciples who are guilty of things; when you see the scrawny and trembling people; you see the soldiers who are as cruel as a wolf but are as timid as a dog. At that time, do you really think that ruling such a group of people is what Yuanying and Huashen should do? Do you really think that those empty praise and fearful eyes make you feel very fulfilled? You are really just like that. Hidden in the depths of the dark nebula like a tortoise with a shrunken head, before the end, go to trample on those who are regarded as'ants' by you, and you will be satisfied, you will end, and you will be happy?"

A series of cross-examinations made the anger of the Eleven Ancient Sages even more frantic.

But no matter how manic it is, it can't compare with the spirit and light of the crowds around you!

"Look at the people around you, who have just fought side by side with you in the spiritual world, and even in a sense, with you high-ranking souls and gods, people who rescue each other! If they didn't dare to fight, you would It's over!"

Li Yao went all out and shouted, "Look carefully at each of them, see their eyes, nose, and mouth, each of them is shining! Don't you want the people of the ancient sacred world, One day you can become real, capitalized people like them? Even if you are really emperors and generals, but ruling a group of puppets, wolves and ants, what a great feat worthy of boasting!

"Come on, don't let the power of your Nascent Infant and Transformation God, God let you work hard to this day, not to hide in the dark nebula in obscurity and bully the weak! You can, you can really. Ignite yourself and the ancient sage world, tear the entire dark nebula, let the ancient sage world and the ancient sage, in the three thousand worlds, in the universe for the next ten thousand years, bloom the brightest light!"

Li Yao's eyes were crimson and blue veins were exposed, and every pore in his body spewed strong waves of air, which merged with the aura of thousands of Federation people, like a huge wave covering the sky and clouds.

The "high mountains" gathered by the Eleven Ancient Sages are dwarfed by this "big wave".

Li Yao was holding an invisible long sword in his hand, with the blade hidden deep in his heart, step by step, stepping on the ancient sages.

Even Jian Chiyan left the people, swallowing hard, and rolling up and down the Adam's apple, unable to find a way to avoid this sword.

"What the prince said just now is right, that's the end of the matter, explanations are still useful!"

Li Yao's eyes were like electricity, and he pierced the eyes of eleven ancient sages at the same time, still holding the "invisible sword" in his right hand, and slowly extending **** in his left hand, "I don't want to talk nonsense again, just now Give you two choices.

"First, give the Starlight Federation, and the Ancient Sage Realm and yourself a chance. We are united and have a vigorous effort to do something that no one has ever done before, with a view to the entire universe!

"I swear by the name'Vulture Li Yao', whoever fights with me today will be my brother for a lifetime. From now on, no matter what difficulties you and the Ancient Sacred World encounter, I and the Xingyao Federation will do it all. The anger of the entire Xinghai will help you solve it, just as you helped us today!

"Second, if you don’t want it, it doesn’t matter. The Star Federation will never beg for any assistance. Those who come are guests. When they arrive in the Federation, they will be our distinguished guests. Then, please, distinguished guests, move your **** aside. Don't **** hinder us from saving the world!"

Li Yao's roar caused thousands of soldiers and people to completely boil.

I don’t know who was the first, but the sound of rolling thunder quickly converged into a violent storm that could overwhelm the universe:

"Long live the Federation!"

"Long live the Federation!"

"Fight, go forward, Federation!"

Countless people are rushing towards them, not afraid of being burned by the spiritual flames of Yuan Ying and Huashen. Thousands of hands stretched out towards Li Yao, wanting to lift him high and turn him into a sharp sword. Unshakable knife light!

The eleven ancient sages looked at Li Yao dullly, and at the enthusiastic crowd around them, with mixed feelings, they couldn't tell whether it was anger or...jealousy.

Yes, they are a little jealous of Li Yao.

They deeply know that even if their cultivation level is higher, even if they are transforming gods, refining the void, or some higher ghost realm, in today's ancient sacred realm, they will never enjoy the things that Li Yao is immersed in at this moment. The gaze, those blazing, extremely hot and true gazes.

This cheer from the heart belongs to Li Yao, and such support for life and death also belongs to Li Yao. Behind Li Yao stands the entire Federation, and behind them...Even the ancient sacred world is hidden in the depths of the dark nebula. I can't see it anymore.

"Did you see it, fellow daoists from the ancient sacred world."

The eyes of thousands of people seemed to condense into a set of radiant armor around Li Yao, stirring his invincible aura. He once again opened his arms to the ancient sages, but his eyes were tough and clear like never before. "The Star Federation needs your help. I sincerely invite you all to join, but it is definitely not yours!

"The future of the Federation will not be determined by a few Nascent Souls and Huashen. It doesn't matter if you are willing to fight side by side or watch the fire from the shore, or even stand in front of us. In any case, all the Federation and I will stride forward and fight **** battles. In the end, survival or destruction will be decided by ourselves!"

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