40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1816: A cultivator who loves the Federation

Perhaps it was an illusion. Hei Yeming suddenly felt a strange tiredness hitting his heart, every thought in his brain was rampant like a wild horse, and countless chaotic thoughts made the sound of "swimming and struggling". .

This is something that has never happened before in his hundreds of years of Xinghai Expeditionary career, and it is faintly-a precursor to getting into trouble!

"Is it still old after all, or is it that the battle a hundred years ago was so badly injured that I didn't have a chance to recuperate in a hundred years of displacement."

Dark night sighed to himself, "I was not like this at the peak. At that time, together with dozens of the strongest fleets of the world, I participated in the super large-scale battle of the Empire and the Holy League, even if the fierce battle lasted for a whole month, burning again and again. Neither the soul nor the overdrawn life will be so tired.

"Now, just killing some **** savages on the seaside of the star, it's actually getting burnt..."

He settled, his thoughts returned to the battle before him.

The giant soldiers of the Liaoyuan Fleet, Great White Fleet, and Federation, although their combat power was far beyond his expectations, still did not touch his bottom line. It was just a question of how much it would cost to win.

But Su Changfa and Lu Qingchen...

Hei Yeming's heart moved, and he adjusted Lu Qingchen's brain waves and body parameter monitoring interface again.

At this moment, Lu Qingchen was firmly sealed in a steel coffin and hung upside down in the air. His whole body was covered with the cruelest seal, ensuring that every movement of his muscles, blood vessels and nerves would be monitored by Hei Yeming. Not to mention that even the weakest ripple in the brain will be clearly displayed on the master crystal brain.

From being locked up to the present, Lu Qingchen’s brain waves have been abnormally calm. When he calmed down to the night, he wondered whether the monitoring magic weapon was malfunctioning. So he had to call more advanced crystal brains and instruments again and again to protect Lu Qing. Dust’s brain is deeply connected with the master crystal brain to ensure the sensitivity of brain wave feedback.

If you don’t look at it, it’s astonishing. Hei Yeming was surprised to find that at some point, Lu Qingchen should have the brain activity index of Gujing Wubo, suddenly soaring into the sky like a volcanic eruption, in just 1 second. It has broken through the limits of refining qi, building foundations, forming pills, primordial infants, transforming gods... and even human beings!

That is not the ripples that the human brain can excite, it is as if a supernova exploded in the depths of Lu Qingchen's brain, releasing endless energy!

"How can it be--

"What are the guys in the monitoring room doing? Nothing like this happens to me!

"Did the crystal brain malfunction, or?"

Hei Yeming stunned his soul to the limit, manipulating a crystal brain and crystal eyes, and simultaneously connected more than a dozen communication lines.

But just when he was about to gather a large number of people to investigate Lu Qingchen's situation, the brain activity index curve with the protruding peak of the strange peak fell with the same steep **** until it fell to the deep valley bottom, and then it became a no-brainer. A straight line with a slight undulation.

Lu Qingchen's brain waves returned to zero.

In theory, this is death.

Of course, some masters who practice the "tortoise breath technique" can reduce various indexes of physiological activity such as heartbeat, breathing, and even brain waves to the point where they almost disappear, but now there are more than 30 probes deeply pierced into Lu Qingchen. Brain, he wants to pretend to be a ghost, I am afraid it is not so easy.

An ominous premonition emerged from the bottom of Dark Yeming's heart.

This is an instinctive reaction to extreme danger, a veteran who has experienced many battles.

A three-dimensional light curtain slowly emerged in front of him. In the picture, Lu Qingchen was still hanging upside down, swaying lightly, unable to see whether it was alive or dead, but the immortal cultivators who had guarded him were all alone. Qiqiao was bleeding, foaming at the mouth, and fell to the ground, nervously convulsing.

"Damn it!"

Hei Yeming yelled in his heart, and his divine mind expanded in all directions like an octopus, trying to summon his subordinates.

But all the spiritual thoughts seemed to hit an invisible wall and were bounced back fiercely!

Immediately afterwards, the darkness in front of his eyes, like an all-pervasive black screen, slowly descended on his body, and it seemed that the two worlds overlapped together, one was the bridge where he was originally located, in the nerve interaction fluid of the tactical command capsule; the other It is... it is the depths of a weird black ocean!

"It seems that the Black Wind Fleet is in trouble."

A slightly ironic voice rang in his ears, "Do you need my help?"

This is Lu Qingchen's voice.

Hei Yeming’s pupils suddenly contracted, desperately condensing his mind to break through the shady scene, and even jogging to attract the attention of others on the bridge, but the subordinates who are close at hand seem to be separated from him by the Yin and Yang realms, none of them. People noticed his strangeness.

Moreover, a certain black substance similar to a jellyfish floated slowly from the "depth of the ocean" under his feet, starting from his feet, and slowly swallowing him!

Hei Yeming was shocked, desperately urging Divine Soul, but Divine Soul seemed to be contaminated by something, and could not stimulate the usual power.

"It's useless. When the Black Wind Fleet made a four-dimensional space jump, I had already injected some small ‘gifts’ into the depths of your Divine Soul and Black Vortex’s master crystal brain."

Lu Qingchen's chuckle came from all directions in the black deep sea, "Even the blood **** son of the Expeditionary Army commander of the Xinghai Empire 10,000 years ago couldn't bear to refuse such a gift, so why bother to waste your energy?"

Hei Yeming realized that he had fallen into a terrible trap. By now, the empire veteran calmed down: "Are you Lu Qingchen, or something else? Your master Su Changfa has betrayed the empire, but you have not betrayed the Federation. , Have you all abandoned Xiuxian Avenue?"

"Hehe, I am Lu Qingchen, just... Lu Qingchen."

A voice came from the black deep sea again, "As for my master Su Changfa, it is a pity that his old man has fallen a long time ago. What you see in the spirit net is an illusion, or it is just my master's database.

"Betrayal of the Federation? Of course not! Look at what is happening in front of you. How brave the soldiers of the Federation are, how mighty the fleet of the Federation is, how powerful, how noble, and how invincible such a Federation is, how could I betray Such a great motherland, on the contrary, went to the outside to be strong in the middle, and the empire in the declining empire?"

"That said, I was completely defeated..."

Hei Yeming's eyes flashed with painful light. After a while, the light became sharp again, gritted his teeth and said, "No, your power is so evil. This is not the way of a cultivator, what are you!"

"I have already said that I am a cultivator who loves the Federation and human civilization."

In the dark and deep sea, Lu Qingchen said calmly, “As you can see, the current Star Federation is like the sun at seven or eight o’clock in the morning, how pure, bright, and powerful, no power can stop its rise. .

"But when the sun rises to the highest altitude, it will eventually fall down. After any emerging power has developed to a certain level, it will inevitably be infected with various incurable ills and bad habits, slowly decay and metamorphose, and eventually change. As it once despised and struggled, the hero killed the dragon, and the hero became the dragon. Throughout the ages, it has never been better.

"The resources in the universe may be infinite, but the resources that mankind can collect and effectively use are always limited-at least compared with the exponentially expanding population and desires of mankind, it is far from enough. The contradiction cannot be resolved. No matter how bright, pure and powerful today's Star Federation is, what use is it?

"On the way to the center of the Star Sea, in the process of gradual expansion and **** of three thousand worlds, it is destined to encounter many problems, face various painful and entangled choices, and in these dilemmas. Step by step, it became what it hated and opposed, and became... another empire."

"What on earth do you want to do?"

Hei Yeming struggled and said, "Since you claim to be a staunch immortal cultivator and are so pessimistic about the future of the Federation, then surrender the empire now! No, not surrender, but join hands with us Heifeng people, our two families If we work together, we can definitely shake the political structure of the empire, and even control the entire empire and the entire sea of ​​stars in our hands!"

"Yes, Ming Shuai is very reasonable, I think so, and I am doing this!"

Lu Qingchen smiled and said, "It's just that if the two families want to form an alliance, they must have a'leader', right? If Ming Shuai has said that sincerely, then completely let go of your soul and don't refuse. My gift, let me inject all the real avenues into the core of your soul, and then we will work together to transform the Federation, reform the empire, and save the entire universe from the evil Pangu civilization!"

"You, your avenue?"

Hei Yeming's eyes widened, and his throat made a "hissing" sound, "Xiuxian 2.0 theory?"

Lu Qingchen did not answer, and Gu Zi said: "I believe in Xiuxian Dao, but the so-called belief is not stubborn, rigid, and immutable. It should be constantly changing and developing in the real contradictions. updated!

"Look at you guys who claim to believe in Xiuxian Avenue. They were beaten up in the middle of Xinghai by the Holy Alliance and scurried like mourning dogs. Oh, it's not like, you are mourning dogs, not even the old nest of Black Wind Up.

"When I arrived at the Xinghai Beach, I came to conquer a group of barbarians, but under the brilliance of the Avenue of Cultivation, they were beaten to a complete mess.

"Does such an ancient, self-styled, rigid and rigid road of immortality really represent the future of human civilization?

"Ming Shuai, ask your Dao Xin, if Xiu Xian Dao is really the only truth in the universe, why is this fight so messy? Your current performance is really embarrassing to the words'Xiu Xian Dao'!

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