40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1825: An incredible miracle!

This concludes the video.

Jin Xinyue's canine teeth are deeply embedded in her red lips, and she is a lively little fox that has been irritated.

Ding Lingdang stunned the little fox for a long time, and laughed loudly while coughing: "Jin Xinyue, you liar!"

Wumayan’s voice came from the communication channel: "Mother, what do we do now, our spar and ammunition reserves are only less than 10% left!"

"What else can I do, I will retreat to Star Battle Fortress Nine after I'll break it for you!"

For a hundred years, the two great worlds' alone adventures are enough to completely change a person. For example, let a person like Ding Lingdang learn how to run away!


Thousands of kilometers away from the Great Yan Longque, on the flank of the Liaoyuan Fleet, a humble maintenance ship.

Jin Xinyue paced back and forth slightly anxiously, raising her head nervously from time to time to glance at the light curtain, her expression was not as relaxed as in the video she gave Ding Lingdang.

On the surface, it looks like a maintenance ship, but in fact it is the integrated command ship "Silver Moon" when the second secret intelligence agency "Dark Moon Foundation" of the Federation performed top-secret missions. It has extremely powerful battlefield intelligence collection and analysis capabilities.

Through the analysis and integration of the countless detection crystal eyes scattered in the stars and the images captured by the friendly forces, Jin Xinyue firmly controlled the overall situation of the battlefield.

This is a huge bet. The dice have been thrown, but the winners and losers have not been separated yet.

The Black Wind Fleet had long known the existence of wormhole bombs, but it used the Black Vortex as a bait to deliberately lure the Liaoyuan and other federal main battleships into a surprise attack.

Liaoyuan also used herself as a bait, rushing forward indefinitely, attracting most of the firepower including the Black Maelstrom and at least five giant soldiers.

Flagship, to flagship!

Both sides used the flagship as a bait, and launched the strongest dialogue between the flagships, which is very rare in the Battle of Star Sea, but the Black Vortex is obviously one level higher than the Liaoyuan, and there are more giant soldiers about to invade the Liaoyuan. internal.

If the wormhole bomb fails to arrive at the predetermined location in time and detonate smoothly, the Liaoyuan fleet will be devastated!

"The Fishbone..."

Jin Xinyue murmured to herself, her gaze once again cast her gaze at the corner of the star sea presented by the light curtain, on the wreckage of a tattered starship that was riddled with holes.

There is a huge tear on both sides of this starship, as if it is penetrated by a mysterious light in the shape of a blade. The crew inside seems to have been killed by high temperature and strong radiation. It has lost control and power, like a meteorite. Glide slowly.

The fierce battle has lasted for more than 24 hours. The battlefield is full of wreckages of starships, large and small. In the vacuum of the universe without gravity and friction, they will not stay still in place, but fly around like a scattered meteor shower. , The so-called "slowly sliding" is only compared with the high-speed moving starships around, in terms of absolute speed, these wrecks can be called "speeding fast"!

This transport ship disguised as the wreckage of a starship is the "fishbone", and the real wormhole bomb is carried on it.

At this level of the battle, every mysterious light and every psionic missile is extremely precious. Generally speaking, no one would be willing to waste the wreckage of a starship.

What's more, everyone’s attention is now focused on the gorgeous showdown between Black Maelstrom and Liaoyuan, "Flagship Vs. Flagship". Whether federation or empire, all mobile forces are rushing towards the center of the battlefield, but no one is there. Note that on this slightly deserted flank, this huge "starship wreck", occasionally can't fine-tune the direction unnaturally, like a dying struggle, sloshing towards the channel of the Black Vortex.

"It is estimated that in ten or twenty seconds, it will enter the radius of destruction!"

This is ten minutes to determine the fate of the Federation and the entire Xinghai.

Disguised as the wreckage of a starship, the Fishbone can successfully deceive all the surrounding imperial starships and crystal armors, and successfully cut into the channel of the Black Vortex, it is very likely to sink the Black Vortex in one fell swoop, and the Federation will win the final victory.

On the contrary, if the Fishbone is discovered and destroyed on the way, the flagship Liaoyuan as a decoy will definitely not be able to withstand the indiscriminate bombing by the Black Maelstrom and the devastating destruction of the five giant soldiers entering the interior within an hour. , Will definitely be completely shattered.

Your flagship was sunk, the enemy star gate was successfully opened, and the Federal Army collapsed!

But now, Jin Xinyue can't do anything.

She could neither let the Fishbone rise up a psionic shield, nor send more starships and crystal armors to protect the Fishbone-because the biggest protection of the fishbone is the camouflage of the "starship wreck", no matter if the psionic power is raised The shield suddenly accelerated to its limit, and a large number of starships and crystal armors were sent to escort, which would only make the Black Wind Fleet instantly detect the abnormality and end up just like the "Moth" just now.

"It is estimated that after nine minutes and fifteen seconds, it will enter the radius of destruction!"

Jin Xinyue feels that every second is like a year. Every second, her heart seems to be beating hundreds of times.

Up to this moment, Fishbone's infiltration was very smooth.

The battlefield boiled into a piece of magma, and there were volcanic eruptions everywhere. Everyone was pouring new artillery fire into the most densely populated areas. No one noticed this inconspicuous "fishbone", which was heading towards the black whirlpool. Number advancing.

"It is estimated that after eight minutes and five seconds, it will enter the radius of destruction!"

"God Bless the Monster Race, God Bless the Federation, God Bless the Monster Race, God Bless the Federation, God Bless the Monster Race, God Bless the Federation!"

Jin Xinyue couldn't bear such a nervous scene, she simply closed her eyes and prayed silently in the depths of her brain.

She almost made a mistake that was never recovered. Please God give her a chance to recover.

The Fishbone has been specially modified to reduce the number of crew to a minimum. All crew members are almost two hundred years old, born in the old "Temple of Demons Era", and once an enemy of the old Federation.

These old monster races, like Jin Xinyue, can't forget the glory of the monster race in the past, and they also have nostalgia for the human heroes in the old federation era.

Now, they are ready to "avenge" in an unprecedented way, that is, to become the greatest hero in the battle for the rise of the new federation!

It only takes another eight minutes, no, seven minutes is enough, nothing can stop...

Jin Xinyue thought so.

But when she opened her eyes again and looked towards the light curtain amidst the exclamation of the surrounding Monster Race warriors, she found that God did not hear her prayers, and opened a meeting with her, the Monster Race, and the New Federation. A cruel joke.

An imperial giant soldier and more than a dozen crystal armors attached to it happened to appear on the course of the fishbone.

This giant soldier should have intercepted the Great White Fleet near the Star Torch. Now that the Black Wind Fleet’s defensive formation has been deployed, the Great White Fleet has also been beaten to pieces, and the Star Gate has been properly protected. He was ordered to rush back to the central battlefield and prepare to encircle the main force of the Liaoyuan fleet in one fell swoop. The route happened to be the flanking battlefield, but it was on the narrow path of the Fishbone.


Although no flaws can be seen from a distance, the elders who control the giant soldiers are the Nascent Souls, who have extremely keen perception. Once you get close to the Fishbone, you will definitely find this "starship wreck" anomaly.

It is far away from the Black Vortex, and it doesn't make any sense to detonate it now. At most one or two imperial giant soldiers can be taken away, which is not enough to completely reverse the situation.

The Fishbone is disguised as a starship wreck, it is impossible for it to actively adjust its direction to avoid this giant soldier-even if it runs away at full speed now, it will not escape a casual blow from the giant soldier!

At this time, a hoarse cry came from another communication channel-on the central battlefield, an imperial giant soldier had broken through the fierce artillery blockade of the Federation and invaded the interior of the Federation flagship Liaoyuan!

The double bad news caused everyone on the Silver Moon, including Jin Xinyue, to be ashamed, their hearts stopped beating, and their bodies were cold. They watched the Fishbone helplessly fly towards the Imperial Titans.

The two sides will pass by in five seconds. At that moment, the cultivator of the Yuan Ying level who controls the giant soldier will definitely feel the weirdness of the fishbone.

He didn't need to check at all. With just one shot, he could shatter the Federal transport ship, which had been riddled with holes and had not even raised the psionic shield, even with wormhole bombs.

With the "Dark Moon Project" planned for a hundred years, the fate of the Monster Race and the New Federation ended in this way...

Jin Xinyue seemed to have all her bones removed, and she took a deep breath, but she couldn't stop the sourness that filled her nasal cavity.


At this moment, something incredible happened!

The imperial giant soldier has three to five seconds to pass by the Fishbone, but it has been attacked by a head and brain. The rain-like mysterious light attack is not enough to stay on the indestructible shell of the giant soldier. The second half of the mark was enough to arouse the anger of the imperial cultivators being violated by the mob.

At the last second, the imperial giant soldier fine-tuned the course of advancement, deviated from the course of the fishbone, and rushed in the direction of the mysterious light not far from the fishbone.

Jin Xinyue's throat was completely choked, and she couldn't believe her eyes. She mobilized all her computing power and adjusted the clarity of the picture continuously. Only then did she see clearly that the attack on the Imperial Titans was the most ordinary group of soldiers. Union soldier.

Judging from the mottled battle emblems and paintings on top of their fragmented crystal armor, they seemed to be soldiers of the Tianyuan Fleet. Even the one who took the lead was just a small major.

A group of ordinary soldiers of the Tianyuan Fleet, the crystal armors were beaten sparsely. The Fishbone was more like a mass of inconspicuous wreckage and even...trash.

But they didn't know what kind of help they had crossed the lines of fire, drifting all the way here, and launched a suicidal attack on the imposing and powerful imperial giant soldiers.

The seemingly meaningless suicide attack caused the Fishbone and Wormhole Bomb to escape and continue to rush towards the Black Maelstrom!


Jin Xinyue stayed for a long time, muttering to herself, all the strongest emotions were all contained in these three words.

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