40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1837: What are you

The whole world began to collapse.

The stars gleaming in the distance seemed to have turned into dim frosted light bulbs, and the deep universe also revealed rough black materials. They no longer seemed to be in the boundless sea of ​​stars, but as if trapped in a small cave. Inside, and the cave was still shaking violently, flashing cracks appeared on all sides of the cave wall, which would collapse completely at any time.

Without the blessing of the black star, Lu Qingchen’s soul core is like a rotten earthworm, with blood-colored bubbles all over his body. As each bubble bursts, a ray of black gas is stirred up from it and fled hurriedly around. , But was forced back again and again by the Scarlet Heart Demon.

Lu Qingchen's head was like a ball of ink dripping with clear water, slowly fainting, his facial features and expressions became more and more blurred, constantly decomposing and dissolving, and groaning incomparably regretful and unwilling.

The Scarlet Heart Demon was extremely proud, dragging his incomplete limbs, dancing with his hands, and laughing strangely: "I didn't expect it? You are fooled! This is called'Mantis catches cicada, oriole is behind', and you can do anything about it. Calculations, tens of thousands of methods, endless plans, cough cough cough cough, cough cough cough, the final winner is me!

"Want to merge with me, no problem, I will definitely merge with you two well, hehehehe, swallow all of your so abundant phantom energy, and then completely suppress the split personality of'Li Yao No. 2'and seize this With physical control, he is in charge of the Federation as the'Three Realms Sovereign, Vulture Li Yao'. I wonder who else is my opponent in the Xinghai Beach area...Huh?"

The scarlet heart demon's strange laughter stopped abruptly, and he jumped like a cramp, staring behind him dumbfounded.

Behind him, the red giant who was "broken limbs, torn chest and abdomen, riddled with holes, dying", did not know when he actually got up again.

Although the figure has shrunk a lot, and the spiritual flames are also bleak, but the soul core of Li Yao in the middle of his chest is still shining, still retaining the last ray of firm power!

"You, why did you get up again? Didn't the soul be hit hard and couldn't even condense to form?"

The Scarlet Demon grinds his teeth with hatred.

"Yes, but after taking a break, it seems to have eased a bit."

Li Yao panted hard, swept away the scarred Scarlet Demon who had just fought with Lu Qingchen, and continued, "It hasn't recovered much, at best, it's a little bit stronger than you now."

"You, you lied to me, you kept your strength!"

The Scarlet Heart Demon thundered.

"Everyone is with each other, when you are dealing with'Sky Demon Mo Xuan', are you still retaining your strength?"

Li Yao pouted.

"You, you guessed it?"

The Scarlet Inner Demon was wronged and died, "So how is it the same, I am the Scarlet Inner Demon, this kind of despicable, insidious and indecent approach is my style! But you are the supreme of the Three Realms, an upright federal hero, in At the most critical moment of the battle against the Great Demon King, you still retained your strength? It's too much! How do you know that I will take this opportunity to sneak out? In case I didn't retain my strength, I was really being attacked by the'Devil Mo Xuan' 'Disperse, there is no way to condense in the spirit world, what do you do?"

"Big Brother——"

Li Yao sighed and said helplessly, "I also don't want to guess, but look at what you did in the fierce battle with the'Devil Mo Xuan', you have said that your style is'despicable, shameless, insidious'. Well, but in that battle, you acted so passionately, passionately, and heroic, rushing faster than me, do you want to be so brave? Except that you are acting, and you are actively going to die. The method of pretending to be dead, apart from retaining a little bit of strength, is there a second possibility?

"It's not the first day you hit my body. When fighting with the'Tian Demon Mo Xuan', the situation is still unclear. The extraterrestrial demon has made it clear that there will be arrangements on the Black Wind Fleet side, so even then You can successfully suppress me and seize this body, it may not be useful, maybe it was blown up by the Black Wind Fleet two days before it was fresh, so you have been reluctant to bear it, pretending to be very honest and docile, and watch. Its change.

"But now, the Black Wind Fleet is defeated like a mountain, and the last extraterritorial celestial demon has already appeared. Since you are given a great opportunity for a sneak attack, it is still possible that Lu Qingchen and my spirit will be swallowed up, and you will not jump out. Make trouble?

"Everyone is so familiar, what kind of virtue do you have, don't I know?"

The Scarlet Inner Demon was so angry that he "chichi" steamed out of red-red steam, like a boiler that leaked everywhere.

He was speechless, squinted his eyes, and stared at Li Yao, eagerly rushing to bite someone.

"If you want to pounce on it, please think carefully."

Li Yao spread his hands, "Now we are two and a half catty, it's hard to say who is better, but no matter who can completely seize control of this body, the soul must be severely damaged, and the weakness is extremely weak. In a moment, It is impossible to recover.

"Outside, Long Yangjun and Yanliren are still staring at each other. You know how keenly Long Yangjun is for spirits, you know how fast Yanliren’s sword is, don’t I have to say? Even you Fortunately, I suppressed me and controlled this body. If they see the flaws, do you think they will give you a chance to explain it?

"The extraterritorial demon is the man behind this war. It is ten times more terrifying than the immortal cultivators of the real human empire. Do you think they will carefully distinguish the difference between the'extraterritorial demon' and the'blood heart demon"?

The Scarlet Heart Demon's expression was uncertain, staring at Li Yao fiercely.

Li Yao's face was calm, and he greeted him with a clear and firm gaze.

The Scarlet Heart Demon pondered for a long time and took a deep breath. Suddenly, trumpet flowers appeared on his hideous face, and his voice was so sweet and greasy: "Don't be stupid, we are good brothers of one twin, two sides of a coin, I How come you **** in the same room with you? Just kidding!

"The reason why I hid a little bit of strength is to make a sneak attack at the last moment and give the enemy a fatal blow! As for I didn't tell you in advance, that is because if you want to deceive the enemy, you must first deceive yourself! You should have heard this sentence, right?"

Li Yao couldn't help but laugh, nodded and said: "I've heard it."

"That's fine, then everything will be business as usual, after the rain, the weather will be fine, nothing will happen!"

The Scarlet Heart Demon chuckled, looking at the nether energy ripples floating around in the void, he couldn't help but swallowed his saliva, "Such a strong negative emotion is simply a rich meal, enough to eat for several years!"

"Negative emotions can belong to you, but after stripping off the pure energy of negative emotions, I will take the big head."

Li Yao's eyes also gleamed, revealing the nature of a cultivator lunatic, "We shouldn't be too hasty, we should really spend a few years refining and absorbing it to ensure that these evil energy bodies will no longer behave like monsters! "

The two flexed their fists together and flew in the direction of Lu Qingchen's head fainted.

"What on earth are you...?"

Lu Qingchen actually retained the last ray of faint energy fluctuations, like a lingering soul, letting out a faint sigh.

"Haha, I didn't expect it, I haven't seen it before, this uncle is the only one in the sea of ​​stars, handsome, handsome, with noble personality, upright and kind-hearted!"

The Scarlet Heart Demon assumed the most handsome posture.

"No, I know what you are, it's nothing more than another form of extraterritorial demon. I have no interest in you at all. I asked about it."

Lu Qingchen ignored the Scarlet Inner Demon, but turned the last ray of nether energy into an ethereal clutch, and stretched out towards Li Yao.

It wasn't an attack, he just wanted to touch Li Yao's soul, his voice was full of curiosity, "What are you, maybe next time..."

Without waiting for the second half of the sentence to be finished, the Devil's Palm and his faint sigh disappeared into the world completely.

Li Yao and Scarlet Demon looked at each other and scratched their heads together.

Scarlet Heart Demon: "What does this guy mean, he is ignoring me!"

Li Yao frowned: "Pretending to be a god, what do you mean by ‘perhaps next time’, isn’t he still dead?"

The Scarlet Heart Demon shook his head: "Most of his phantom energy must have been concentrated in this spiritual world, and we have completely killed him. I am afraid that he will still have a small amount of phantom energy in other places, for example. A fourth little'tail' was split again, but don't worry too much. This fourth little'tail' must be extremely weak, and it's hard to jump out and behave without a long period of training.

"Speaking of which, he just blown the "spirit virus" to the sky, it is really serious. He said that as long as it is a human soul, from ordinary people to Huashen, there is no way to escape his "infection." How do you look at it? You don’t seem to have any reaction. Looks like?"


Li Yao touched his whole body, "It seems that it didn't work well for me, I think about it, probably because I am actually a human being on earth, and the core structure of the spirit is different from that of the human being here?"

The shaking and concussion of the black world became more and more violent. A strong light pierced in from outside, making Li Yao and the Scarlet Heart Demon unable to open their eyes. The strong light seemed to contain voices, and someone kept shouting: "Li Yao! Li Yao! Li Yao!"

Li Yao and the Scarlet Heart Demon looked at each other and flew together in the direction of the strongest light. When they were about to reach the gap leading to the real world, the two figures gradually merged together.



Li Yao exhaled a long breath and returned to the real world. After the buffer period when his brain was almost hollowed out, he found himself still lying in the warm embrace of Xiao Hei, tightly protected by the Nine Nether Profound Bone.

All around were burning stars, shining beams of light, and whistling wreckage—they had already escaped from the black vortex.

The Jiuyou Profound Bone was dragged out by two giant soldiers, Long Yangjun's "Yin and Yang" and Yan Liren's "Great Sword".

Not far behind them, the Black Vortex had the most violent and brilliant serial explosion so far, completely disintegrating.

In a daze, Li Yao seemed to see an angry crystal armor flying towards him, and the shoulders of the crystal armor were also engraved with a pattern of bells.

The streamer fluttered, and the bells seemed to be bumping lightly.

He could hear who the voice calling him in the dark belonged to. This voice made him feel very relieved and burst into the happiest smile. He opened his arms to the other party, but fell into a deep sleep again, falling into a long, long time ago, far away. A very distant dream.

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