40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1840: Escape star

Now, the battlefield has spread from the "narrow star field" with a radius of one million kilometers to hundreds of millions of kilometers and beyond the star sea.

Although the outcome has been divided, the dust is far from settled.

The current situation is somewhat like a replica of the latter part of the Celestial War. Although the core strength of the Black Wind Fleet is torn apart, many of the Claw Fleet still maintain the strength of the First World War. It is only lack of supplies, and even looks like a wounded beast. Becomes crazier and more dangerous, and will jump the wall in a hurry at any time.

In the face of such an unpredictable enemy, the Federal Fleet is unwilling to press too much. They choose to hang each other not too far and close, and maintain a strong and uninterrupted psychological offensive, hoping to have a proper solution.

This is the characteristic of Star Wars. In the vacuum of the universe, there is no barriers between mountains, rivers and wild jungles, or even the influence of friction and air resistance. As long as the initial velocity is sufficient and the weak power is maintained, it can move around at extremely high speeds. escape.

Not to mention a few days and nights, even a year or a half, the chasers may not be able to catch all the fish that slipped through the net-the former Firefly, but fled for a whole thousand years!

Of course, Firefly’s escape has been planned for a long time. It is a super large-scale deep space exploration ship. The starship has a complete ecological cycle and resource recycling system. It has also obtained a large number of starships and materials in dozens of large worlds along the way. Only with the supply of the country can we carry out such an incredible voyage.

These imperial starships that fled in a hurry are riddled with holes and run out of ammunition and food. Even if they really escaped from the federal starship, they have to stage a cannibalistic tragedy because of the extreme lack of resources. This small-scale "dark forest", whether the Federation or the Empire, is well aware of this.

The Federalists took advantage of this to persuade them to surrender, and "kindly reminded" the members of the Black Wind Fleet who were fleeing together must guard against each other, be careful that the friendly forces around them turn their faces at any time, and harvest their starships as supplementary supplies.

Perhaps in the past Star Sea Wars, the Black Wind people did such things frequently, and the Federation's mind-attack tactics really worked.

Although no fugitive is willing to surrender, some of the starships, high-ranking immortals with sufficient prestige and strength, have already started a dialogue with the Federal Fleet.

The Supreme Command Center predicts that there should still be very few immortal cultivators who will really resist to the end, but it will take a long time to contact and negotiate, and finally all immortal cultivators will accept the cold reality.

The war is far from over. The small-scale hunting and interstellar bandit wars may last for several years. The negotiation between the two sides is another arduous battlefield-but anyway, the Star Federation is finally wiped out. Breaking free from the vortex of the disaster, and regaining control of the initiative, there is no need for Li Yao to worry about the subsequent series of trivial battles and negotiation details.

After listening to Ding Lingdang's account, Li Yao breathed a sigh of relief.

He now only cares about his relatives, disciples and friends.

"Fortunately, everyone is safe and sound!"

Ding Lingdang shook his fingers and said, "Wu Ma Yan, Jin Xinyue, Bai Xinyue, Fire Ant King, and your senior brother Demon Dao Peng Hai, these federation's many powerful men, although they are exhausted and scarred, but fortunately there is no Whatever an irreversible fatal injury, our current medical treatment has been greatly improved compared to a hundred years ago, and they have recovered after a period of recuperation.

Also, Xie An'an and Guo Chunfeng are rushing here on a transportation boat, waiting to be with you! "

"That's good."

Li Yaoru laughed in relief, and suddenly thought of someone, "By the way, before our three giant soldiers invaded the Black Maelstrom, a starship slammed into it, severely damaged its internal structure and interfered with it. In view of its high-speed maneuverability, the paint is from the Great White Fleet, right? I have seen the commander of the Great White Fleet, Bai Xingjian, how is he?"

Li Yao's influence on Bai Xingjian was very profound, but that was the terrifying existence that made Jian Chiyan the strongest fighting spirit igniting the strongest fighting spirit!

Also, the three of Li Yao just killed the Dark Yeming and the extraterrestrial demon. The big explosion and complete disintegration of the Black Vortex obviously had nothing to do with them, but the starship of the Great White Fleet and the credit of the raids on the starship. Up.

For some reason, Li Yao always felt that Bai Xingjian was quite mysterious, but it gave him a very strange feeling.

He became more and more interested in this person, and decided to look for Bai Xingjian to learn from him in the past few days, and then explore his details.

Unexpectedly, Ding Lingdang showed a confused and sad expression. He hesitated and said: "Yes, that is the flagship of the Great White Fleet, the Infinite Burning.

"Except for you-the Twelve Ancient Sages, the Great White Fleet can be regarded as the biggest accidental factor and hero of this battle. If it weren't for their unexpected raids and sparing no effort to harass, the Star Gate of the Black Wind Fleet would have long been After the assembly was completed, the enemy's large forces were summoned to the Heavenly Origin Realm.

"If the enemy force can crush the Federation Fleet before you arrive, it will be useless even if you arrive. With the overwhelming and continuous firepower, thousands of starships will definitely consume you alive. dead!

"Not to mention that at the last moment, the Infinite Combustion hit the Black Vortex desperately and completely blasted the enemy flagship. It really made us all stunned. We couldn't even think of it!"

Li Yao nodded and said: "Yes, that's why I really want to meet their commander Bai Xingjian, to see clearly what an outstanding character he is."

Ding Lingdang gave a wry smile and shook his head: "Everyone in the Federal Army and the Council wants to know the answer to this question, but it is impossible, because the White Star Sword has...fallen!"

Li Yao was taken aback: "What!"

Ding Lingdang said: "The explosion of the Black Vortex was so violent that the Infinite Combustion that was deeply embedded in it also exploded to pieces. When we cleaned the battlefield, the first thing we searched was that area and found a large number of Infinite Combustion The wreckage of the key part proved that it has been completely disintegrated, but the remains of the senior officers of the Great White Fleet, such as the White Star Sword, have not been found. It should be fragmented or even completely gasified?

The Star Sea Wars are extremely cruel. The profound light and starship explosions will cause thousands of degrees of high temperature. Even if they can't completely gasify people, but after the explosion, the broken limbs blow out far away, drifting all the way to the stars. The end of the world-this is very likely to happen.

The corpses of ground wars will lie in craters or gullies, waiting to be collected and sorted out while the battlefield is being cleaned; corpses in space wars will run around, and the rate of missing soldiers after the war is often higher than that of ground wars. hundred times.

In 99.99% of the cases, disappearance is equivalent to death-even if you have not been killed when flying away from the battlefield, drifting in the dark star sea for days and nights, after the crystal armor completely loses its power and energy for heat preservation, there is only a dead end. One.

Therefore, the disappearance of the senior officers of the Great White Fleet, such as Bai Xingjian, did not surprise the supreme command center.

After all, the scale of the explosion of the Black Vortex was obvious to all.

Even though Bai Xingjian possesses the calculation power and command ability of the transformation of the gods, he is only a simple fleet commander. He has never heard of how powerful his flesh and blood body is and cannot survive an explosion of this scale. It is not surprising.

Li Yao fell into deep suspicion.

No one knew how terrifying Jian Chiyan Li Ren's "one sword hurricane 100,000 li"'s strongest killing intent was than Li Yao.

But such terrifying "sword idiots" are so interested in the White Star Sword. Is this supreme commander of the Great White Fleet really just a pure management cultivator?

"White Star Sword, what are you..."

Li Yao muttered to himself, narrowed his eyes, and looked into the depths of the star sea.

In a place where his eyes could not be projected, a shining little star was speeding up to escape.


On the outskirts of the Tianyuan Galaxy, nearly two billion kilometers away from the Capital Star, in the dark and cold alien sea, a seemingly tattered, dim and dull integrated supply ship is moving at an ultra-high speed that is inconsistent with its tattered appearance. Facing the capital, the speed is fast.

The central battlefield was so chaotic, hundreds of starships fled madly, and thousands of starships were chasing after them. In the chase and escape, it is very easy to lose contact, lose their way, and this integrated supply ship. Going lonely.

Therefore, this integrated supply ship from the Great White Fleet is like a piece of ice thrown into the ocean, unremarkable, and there is nothing suspicious about it.

At this distance, there is no second starship within a radius of millions of kilometers, and even if it is highly suspected, no force can catch up to it.

At the rear of the integrated command ship, the escape cabin was dropped on the deck. Dozens of members of the Great White Fleet were stuffed into the three escape cabins. Their wide-eyed eyes were bloodshot, and they roared inexplicably: "Commander, what is this? Meaning, what are you doing! We are loyal to the fleet and the Federation. We haven't retreated half a step in this battle. Why on earth?"

"I know."

Outside the three escape pods, Bai Xingjian looked at the grieving subordinates who were struggling hard and exclaimed, "No matter this battle or so many years before, your performance has always been impeccable and outstanding. You are the first-rate Union soldiers. Having subordinates like yours is my...the greatest pride of my life.

"Therefore, I have written a highly evaluated recommendation letter for each of you, listing all your specialties and achievements. I believe that after returning to the Federation, you will definitely shine in your new positions, and even one day. , Command your own starship and even the fleet, and become the mainstay of the Federal Army.

"It's just that you and I are not the same kind of people after all. There is no banquet in the world. Since the roads are different from each other, then we can only - part ways."

Bai Xingjian slowly raised his hand, like these blushing and bewildered subordinates, saluting a standard federal military salute, and then...

He even took off the nine-star rising dragon battle emblem on his military cap, the three-flower and two-star epaulettes on his shoulders, and the special emblem of the highest commander of the fleet on his chest, and stuffed them into an escape cabin.

"Let's launch!"

He seemed to have removed a layer of heavy armor, quite relieved. Although there was still a three-point attachment in his eyes, his arm was swung down without hesitation.

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