40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1851: The hero's counterattack!

"I didn't know the strangeness of Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital at the time. That was almost my only choice."

Jin Xinyue defended without tears, "In terms of technology, it is the leading brain specialist hospital in the whole Federation, especially in repairing damaged brains and awakening vegetative people. It has the strength far superior to ordinary hospitals; Besides, this is a private hospital, which will keep confidential for major clients. Of course, I don't want this incident to be leaked out and it will turn into a terrible scandal; the most important point is that Professor Mo Xuan introduced me to this hospital.

"You are my master, and Professor Mo Xuan is your teacher. I have been in contact with him a long time ago.

"He knows the truth about my father being sent to the war court, and he knows that my father is actually inclined to peace. The war that year was prevented by me, my father and you. The surrender of the blood demon world was also facilitated by my father; I My father is not a real "war criminal", so he sympathizes with my father.

"Furthermore, Professor Mo Xuan has always appeared in the image of a loyal gentleman. He is keen on technology and the remote ‘Fire Project’ and does not participate in any power struggle. Of course, I have no doubt about his character.

"You said, when he introduced me to the Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital and promised to do his best to help me, do I have a second choice?"

Li Yao was completely stunned and blinked his eyes quickly and said, "That's awful, that's too bad. Since Jin Tuyi's brain has been processed by the deep blue super brain hospital, the lair of the extraterritorial celestial devil, it is almost impossible to be killed by Lei Yuqin. If you move something with Professor Mo Xuan and send it back to you, don’t you know everything about you and everything about the'Dark Moon Project'? You, you should tell Jin Tuyi the details of the plan. Right?"


Jin Xinyue nodded, "He is my dad. He has been committed to the reconciliation of the human race and the monster race in the past. The Dark Moon Project itself is considered an extension of the Red Tide Project, and naturally I have to tell him."

"No wonder the extraterritorial demon knows your entire plan so well, and according to your Dark Moon plan, arranged a series of conspiracies and backhands-with the role of Jin Tuyi, the whole thing makes sense."

Li Yao tilted his head and pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said, "No, if the extraterritorial celestial demon really planted such a'super spy' by your side, how could their conspiracy fail? Also, Boss Bai is leaving. Before the Federation, apart from his son, he was in contact with Jin Tuyi?

"These two scheming heroes, what are they talking about together? Could it be that Boss Bai can understand everything in advance, and there is Jin Tuyi's credit? Also, you said Jin Tuyi he..."

"He's gone forever."

Jin Xinyue said quietly, "In recent days, with the approach of warfare, his dullness and dementia have become more and more serious, as if he is once again troubled by the'gradual brain disease'.

"He was invisible, and he became like this again. Naturally, I would not take him to participate in the'Dark Moon Project', so I placed him in an absolutely safe underground battle fort, and prepared to wait for him to be sent after the war. Go to Deep Blue Chao Nao Hospital for recuperation.

"Who knows, he somehow ran out of the underground battle fort and ran to an artificial lake to feed the birds.

"Our feather tribe has a very close relationship with birds. Apart from busy work, his only hobby is to grab a handful of golden rice, feed the birds of the blood demon world, and listen to the birds singing freely.

"When he was discovered, he was already dead. It is said to be a very strange way of death-a fierce flame burst from the depths of his brain, burning his brain, soul and soul. He died very decisively, and he didn't even leave a thought.

"And the time should be not long after he talked to Boss Bai, that is, after he knew we had won a decisive victory."

Li Yao frowned and said, "Is it suicide?"

"Looks like suicide."

Jin Xinyue said, "But maybe, his brain is severely damaged, and gradually frozen again, how can he inspire such a powerful force to burn his soul alive? This, how powerful it needs to be. The power and...will!"

Li Yao, Ding Lingdang and Bai Xinxing were all silent.


Jin Xinyue said with tears, "Father's death was not beyond my expectation. After all, he should have died a hundred years ago. He was able to accompany him through the last few days like a normal father and daughter. I was very, very satisfied in the year.

"But I just want to find out, what is going on, is he really corroded by the alien demon, and how did he die in the end?

"Even, I even want to know whether the one who accompanied me in the last few years was Jin Tuyi or something else, like what you call-artificial intelligence, ‘foreign spirit’?",

This question is more difficult to answer than the "White Star Sword Mystery" that Bai Xinxing had just thrown out.

Li Yao only felt that his head was as big as a fight, and his heart was like a numb. He smashed his fingers and listed all the facts one by one: "It's a bit messy, come on, let's sort it out-first, Jin Tuyi is still alive and has passed the deep blue. In the process of Ultrain Hospital, something similar to a virus has been implanted in the brain in all likelihood?"

Everyone nodded together.

Li Yao continued: "His mission should have been to monitor Ding Lingdang and figure out all the contents of the'Dark Moon Project'. It is more likely that through his father's identity, he would secretly interfere with the'Dark Moon Project' and let this The plan is more in line with the vision of the extraterritorial demon?"

Everyone glanced at each other, and that was correct.

"But he did a very strange thing. He got in touch with another super fierce ‘Boss White’, and finally made Boss White a key figure in winning this war."

Li Yao paused, then said, "And after he talked with Boss Bai again and learned that our side had achieved a decisive victory, he used a very decisive method to self-determine and ensure that there is no trace of remnant souls. Stay?"

"Yes it is."

Jin Xinyue wiped away the crystal clear tears from the corners of her eyes and asked expectantly, "Master, you used to talk to my father all night long. You are one of the people in the New Federation who know him best. You can analyze the cause and effect of the whole thing. ?"

"Very complicated."

Li Yao scratched his hair hard, a little embarrassed, "The whole thing is really weird. Although I have some vague ideas, it is really difficult to connect together for a while, but this way, I don’t know if you mind connecting This incident tells others that I have two most suitable candidates to help advise, and one of them should be better than me in reasoning and analysis."

Jin Xinyue and Bai happily looked at each other, and after careful consideration, they nodded at the same time.

"This is a big matter, and it is absolutely impossible to hide it. Regardless of Jin Tuyi or Bai's boss, the two of us who are sons and daughters will have to write countless reports to the military and parliament, so that they can thoroughly understand the ins and outs.

"Since it is the person recommended by the teacher, I must know the severity and scale, and will not cause more trouble, then please ask these two experts to jointly uncover this interlocking and confusing problem!"


An hour later, countless pieces of critical information and two "ancients" were added to the secret room.

Long Yangjun and Han Baling.

"Friend Han Dao——"

Li Yaodao, "These are all the evidence we have collected about the connection between Bai Xingjian and Jin Tuyi, as well as their background information. Just now, you heard Bai Xinyue and Jin Xinyue describe the whole thing from different angles. Excuse me, can you draw any conclusions?"

"Of course there is a conclusion."

Han Baling frowned, "But there is one thing I don't understand-why are you looking for me to deduce this?"

Li Yao said, "Of course, because you have incomparably powerful analysis and reasoning abilities, looking at the area around the Xinghai Beach, no one can beat it!"

Han Baling was startled slightly: "Really?"


Li Yao and Long Yangjun nodded at the same time and said in unison.

"No one can beat...I dare not say."

He wears thousands of pieces and wears nothing but flattery, especially the flattery of the "Three Realms Sovereign Li Lao Mo". Rao is a superb character like Han Baling, who can't help being glamorous. He coughed gently and talked endlessly. "However, you are all trapped in the situation, influenced by emotions, and you are eagerly unable to analyze the truth.

"But in the eyes of me as an outsider, when so much evidence and information are in front of you, the only truth is already known.

"Jin Tuyi's brain must have been concocted by an extraterritorial demon in the Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital. It goes without saying.

"Golden Xinyue's'Dark Moon Project' is the most critical part of the extraterritorial demon's conspiracy. They will definitely do everything possible to infiltrate Jin Xinyue's side and bury the nails. Since Jin Xinyue throws himself into the net, how can they do it? Let go of the heaven-sent opportunity to concoct a'super spy'?

"Using Jin Tuyi to monitor and influence Jin Xinyue, and to control the direction of the'Dark Moon Project' in the hands of the outer celestial devil, this is the key to their confidence to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight!

"However, the extraterritorial celestial demon has a good abacus. How can Jin Tuyi, a peerless hero, completely let them be at their mercy?

"Even if the brain is severely damaged, it is slowly freezing; even if various viruses, various prohibitions, and countless seals have been implanted by the alien monsters; even if the entire brain is completely unrecognizable and has been completely transformed... Jin Tuyi is still gold Tu Yi, with a millennium, ten thousand years time to determine the victory over the Jin Tu Yi between the stars!"

Jin Xinyue couldn't help exclaiming: "You, you mean, my father can actually resist the extraterritorial demon, then why didn't he tell me the plan of the extraterritorial demon?"

Han Baling shook his head and said: "The extraterritorial demon must have a very deep control over him, and the prohibitions, seals, and viruses that erode his brain must also be very strange. It can firmly monitor every minute and every second you are together, so that he I can't tell you this in any form, and even the idea of ​​"tell you the truth" can't easily arise. It must be forcibly suppressed with supreme willpower.

"Otherwise, once he is noticed by the alien celestial devil, his previous efforts will be abandoned."

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