40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1864: Dying spirit world

"Yes it is."

Professor Xie Wufeng said, “Although from Professor Mo Xuan’s experimental log and the confession of the crystal brain and spirit net experts imprisoned in the spirit world, these two super spirits code-named '17th' and '18th' The body is the product of experimental failure, its core database has long since collapsed, and the operation logic is so chaotic that Professor Mo Xuan abandoned them and sealed them in the virtual spirit world.

"However, you have also seen that super spirits are extremely terrifying artificial intelligence. A mere "Moonlight Messenger" has the ability to seriously interfere with and even completely control the entire federal transportation hub.

"Even if the '17th' and '18th' only have fragments of digital and spiritual fragments, if they fall into the hands of people with ulterior motives, they may still cause endless troubles.

"So, they must be found out and completely wiped out!"

Li Yao nodded very cautiously: "Indeed, but Professor Xie, there is one more thing I don't quite understand. Judging from their code names, '17' and '18' should be relatively later super spirit bodies. Now, sixteen super spirits have been successful before them, including the complex and powerful super spirits like the'Moonlight Messenger'.

"It stands to reason that at that time Professor Mo Xuan had accumulated quite a wealth of super spiritual body modulation experience, coupled with the blessings of the extraterritorial celestial demon, it is unlikely to go wrong, why did he fail twice in a row?

"This question is not mentioned too much in Professor Mo Xuan's experiment log, and occasionally when the 17th and 18th are mentioned, he is also vague. It seems that even he himself is very strange and puzzling. You have thoroughly analyzed all the crystal brains in the Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital these days, and have asked so many'spirit races', have you found any clues?"

"There is one thing. From the confession of relevant experts, it is still that Professor Mo Xuan's ambition is too great. After the first sixteen super-spiritual bodies have been successfully modulated, his self-confidence has swelled crazily, and he wants to concoct a ratio.' The ultimate version of the super spirit's more powerful."

Professor Xie Wufeng said, "Even with Professor Mo Xuan's weird ‘Star Spirit’ life form plus the power of an extraterritorial celestial demon, their desire to endow the ultimate super-spiritual body with the supernatural powers is far beyond the limit.

"They seem to have tried tens of thousands of radical algorithms and original operating logic on the '17' and '18'. In short, they are all cutting-edge virtual technologies. However, the so-called manpower is sometimes poor. It is also not omnipotent. The unverified latest technology is over-stacked and failure is inevitable.

"After two consecutive failures, they have realized this, so the 19th super spirit body honestly uses conventional algorithms and operating logic to modulate it. The '17th' and the '18th' are unique. of.

"The reason why Professor Mo Xuan sealed them in the'Void Spirit Realm' instead of completely destroying them, I am afraid there are considerations in this regard. He should want to gather experts and resources from the entire Federation to continue these two after completely seizing power. The research work of the ultimate supernatural body, right?"

Li Yao and Long Yangjun glanced at each other and couldn't help but ask: "What kind of mission is given to the 17th and the 18th, and they need magical powers that are so complicated that they can't even be realized by the monsters outside the domain to support them?"

""Civilization" game."

Professor Xie Wufeng took a deep breath and said, "The mission of Super Spirits'Number Seventeen' and'Number Eighteen' is to instantly control every platform, every expansion piece, and every ongoing game of the "Civilization" game. people.

"If they succeed, they can make all players who were in the immersive game pod and immersed in the world of "Civilization" be sealed in the game world forever, and they will never be able to return without the permission of them or the extraterritorial demon. In the real world."

Li Yao was shocked, his scalp numb.

"Civilization" is the largest game platform in the entire federation. It is not true. In fact, it has already surpassed the category of “games”. Do not open this platform.

According to statistics, the number of people online at the same time on the civilization platform exceeds 10 billion every minute, and more than 90% of people log on to the various sub-platforms derived from this platform every day. Almost 100% of the people will definitely log in to the "Civilization" within a week. "once!

If the extraterritorial demon really controlled the "Civilization" game by relying on the "17th" and "the 18th," it would be equivalent to controlling the entire federation!


"How can it be?"

Li Yao pondered for a moment, shook his head repeatedly, and said disapprovingly, "The amount of calculation is too large, and it involves the deepest mystery of the human soul. It's harder than counting the stars in the sky!"

"It's really impossible. That's why there were two consecutive failures. Afterwards, even Professor Mo Xuan, who was possessed by an extraterrestrial demon, realized that this was a waste of time and resources, so he put it aside.

Professor Xie Wufeng said, “From the experimental data we have collected, on the 17th and 18th after the crash, only 1% of the virtual fragments remain at most; that said, we still have to find them out. Let them fall into the hands of careerists. On the other hand, those core spiritual texts and underlying operating logic may help us analyze other super spiritual bodies."

Li Yao thought for a while and said, "Is that going to enter the virtual spirit world?"

Professor Xie Wufeng said: "For those super brains that were undertaking the'Void Spirit Realm Project', experts have various methods to unlock the mystery of their depths. However, first send someone to the collapsed Void Spirit Realm to have a look. Indeed, It is the most time-saving and most intuitive way."

Li Yao frowned and said, "Will it be dangerous?"

At the time, Professor Mo Xuan, Lu Qingchen, and even Su Changfa were all involved in a frantic virtual vortex when the virtual spirit world collapsed. The soul was hit hard, died dead, eroded and eroded.

Li Yao doesn't want such a tragedy to happen again.

Wei Qingqing said with a smile: "Don't worry, although the current virtual spirit world is messy and fragmented, it is still quite stable for the time being. As long as we don't make large-scale data changes, there shouldn't be a second collapse."

"Of course there is danger."

Professor Xie Wufeng said, "This is why we hope that you and Fellow Long Dao will lead us into the virtual spirit world. Both of you are super masters close to the transformation of the gods. In the fierce battle with the extraterrestrial demon, both Demonstrating a very powerful spiritual ability, if you are there, even if you fall into the virtual world, you won't be at a loss. There should be a way to break the illusion and return to reality, right?"

Li Yao thought for a while. He was also very curious about the virtual spirit world used to nurture virtual lives. Besides, this is a virtual world that has been abandoned for decades. No matter how high the risk factor is, it will never be better than the one directly controlled by an extraterritorial celestial demon. Are those spirit worlds still high?

Li Yao glanced at Long Yangjun and asked what he meant.

"Don't look at me, I promised Professor Xie a long time ago."

Long Yangjun spread his hands and said with a serious face, "In theory, there should be no danger in entering the virtual spirit world, but there is a very fatal factor, but it must be prevented."

Li Yao's heart shuddered, and he hurriedly asked, "What factor?"


Long Yangjun glanced at him, "Originally there was no risk factor in a simple investigation operation. Once you have Mr. Li to join, the risk factor will simply'shoo', soaring a hundred times in an instant. I can seem to hear from the depths of my mind. The alarm bell is over!"

Li Yao: "..."


Baihua City, Space Station One, Super Crystal Brain Control Center, Li Yao, Long Yangjun, Professor Xie Wufeng and several other crystal brain experts were all immersed in the warm neural interaction fluid.

Wei Qingqing and other ghost repairers or spirit races also connected to the huge super crystal brain through the crystal line.

This is a well-planned investigation. Naturally, there are countless doctors, meditators, and crystal brain experts who are closely monitoring their physical and brain conditions to minimize the risk factor.

"Are you ready, the virtual spirit world inspection operation, the countdown begins, ten... nine... eight..."

Professor Xie Wufeng's voice penetrated the viscous nerve interaction fluid, like a vague ocean wave.

When the transparent hatch slowly closed, it seemed to cut off all the light from the outside world, and Li Yao only felt that the darkness had fallen past his head.

The surrounding area suddenly became cold, and I was struggling to get up, but found myself sitting up all of a sudden, but his head was not against the hatch.

The cover of the immersive virtual cabin has disappeared, or the real world has disappeared.

Now, he was sitting in the depths of the fragmented virtual spirit world, on a lifeless beach, his legs were still being washed by the almost black waves.

This is a dying world.

Looking from the distance, at the end of the sea level is a huge star, which occupies almost the entire field of view of Li Yao, giving people a very strange shock, as if it is not a sphere, but a big mouth that is sunken inward. , To completely swallow the planet he is on-it is so huge.

Although it is too large to be added, the star does not bloom so dazzling light. It lingers and burns, and occasionally emits one or two rays of light that is better than nothing. It can only bring a bleak red to the beach, but it does not bring the slightest warmth. .

It is not so much a star, but rather a mottled red paint smeared on the sky, nothing more.

The same goes for the black ocean.

At first, Li Yao thought that the ocean was frozen, and all the waves and tides were still motionless. After careful observation for a long time, he discovered that the sea was surging, but the surging speed was extremely slow, which seemed to be better than reality. The wave of the world is a hundred times slower, reminding him in this dying way-here is a dying spiritual world.


First wish all brothers and sisters a happy New Year's Eve and a happy Chinese New Year!

Let’s report to you the latest update schedule. During the Spring Festival, Lao Niu can have two changes a day. It depends on the situation. On the one hand, the new volume has just begun, so we need to plan the plot later. On the other hand, After a busy year, I have to go with relatives and friends, spend more time with my family, find old classmates to play a little mahjong or something, hahahaha, I hope all friends can understand, yes, long live the understanding!

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