40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1872: Blast the door of the **** of transformation!

Li Yao thought for a long time: "How does he want to fight?"

Heiye Randao: "The location can be designated by the Federation. For example, an unnamed star field far away from the Celestial Realm. The arena can be an abandoned starship, and it can also be prepared entirely by the Liaoyuan Fleet. They will enter at the last minute. The arena, make sure they can’t move anything.

"The two sides use crystal armor to confront each other, and they do not use giant soldiers, because the giant soldiers on General Di Feiwen's side are scattered and few. They can't withstand repeated losses, and the battle with giant soldiers is too unacceptable. Control, it will inevitably lead to a situation where both sides suffer.

"Among the three brown dwarf fleets, the immortal cultivator with the strongest individual combat effectiveness will wear crystal armor and enter the arena prepared by the Federation. Each person can carry an unlimited number of crystal armor. After all,'air armor changing' is also a very important one. They have supernatural powers, but the Federation can first check all the Universe Rings they carry with them to ensure that they are not carrying explosives that are too dangerous and do not belong to the individual rank.

"Competitions are in the form of two wins in three rounds. As long as Teacher Li can defeat the two strongest immortals in the brown dwarf fleet, they are willing to surrender to the Federation. Naturally, the stronger your performance in the battle, Di Fei The more reason General Wen has to persuade those unruly immortals to make the surrender and reorganization go more smoothly.

"General Di Feiwen said that Teacher Li and the Starry Federation have a big plan. If you really want to enter the center of the Xinghai Sea, the Black Wind Fleet will be used in many ways. It will become an'important asset' of the Federation, and only those who show the invincible power. Only by the demeanor can all the cultivators be convinced."

Li Yao coldly snorted: "He is a wishful thinking. How do I know if this is a trap?"

"General Di Feiwen is willing to go with some high-level members of the Brown Dwarf fleet to board a starship with all turrets removed and no offensive power, jump to the arena, and then reduce his psychic shield to the lowest level. Ask the Federation to lock them firmly and send someone to board the starship to verify their identities."

Hei Yelan said, "Make sure that General Di Feiwen has completely fallen into the federation's firepower lockdown, and then invite Teacher Li to show up. If this is the case, if Teacher Li is still worried, then he has nothing to do. Everyone rekindles the war. Fight to one soldier and one soldier!"

Li Yao sighed in his heart that the immortal cultivators were able to build a huge empire that ruled the center of the Xinghai Sea. Sure enough, there was something real. He didn't expect that after the death of Dark Yeming, a deputy commander of the expeditionary army in the district would have such courage and wisdom .

It seems that if it is not an extraterritorial demon spoiler, the battle between the Star Federation and the Black Wind Fleet may become even more difficult.

In my heart, I gave this "General Di Feiwen" a thumbs up, but his face was calm, and he still said coldly: "He is bold, don't you be afraid that I won't show up at all, just tore his starship? Fragmented?"

Hei Yelan said honestly: "General Di Feiwen said that Mr. Li is the most outstanding figure he has never seen in his life. A hero like you who aims at the entire Xinghai Sea does not bother to play tricks on these details. So he fully believes in your promise, as long as you agree to his terms, he is willing to put himself on the chopping board and let you send it off.

"What's more, if the negotiation breaks down, their next strategy would have been to break into pieces, from a regular army to a star thief who burns, kills, plunders, and does all-wickedness to do the most terrifying things in the universe.

"These harassment, sabotage, and massacre activities do not require him as the deputy commander to point out."

Li Yao stopped abruptly and stared deeply at Hei Yelan.

Hei Yelan felt that all her legs were frozen, and the biting chill continued to invade the Tianling Cap, and the entire spine became a cold snake.

Too, too terrible, the opponent is getting stronger every day, the current vulture Li Yao has made breakthrough progress compared to half a year ago, completely different from the two.

Hei Yelan even felt that from some perspectives, Li Yao now is even more terrifying than when she remembered that her father was the strongest!

"Please tell General Di Feiwen. It stands to reason that I would never agree to such a ridiculous request."

Li Yao stared at Hei Yelan for a long time, and finally slowly said, "However, he is lucky, just in time for me to hit a new realm, and there is an urgent need for a group of masters to try it.

"I just cultivated a brand new supernatural power, and I still can't control my own power. If he is not afraid of the death of the three strong men, then... just come!"

Li Yao didn't lie.

Regardless of the huge database that Professor Mo Xuan left him, or the extraterritorial celestial demon forcibly squeezing into the depths of his brain, the vast sea of ​​"nether energy" is not so easy to digest and absorb.

In the past six months, Li Yao has spared no effort to purify these "nether energy".

But after all, it was an extremely unstable, rather violent energy form, which was tainted with too many negative emotions. If ordinary people touched it a little, they might fall into madness.

Even with the help of the Scarlet Inner Demon and devouring a little bit every day, Li Yao couldn't help being impetuous, often falling into extreme emotions.

In addition, the mysterious sand paintings found in the virtual spirit world, the "statues" that contain information about their own brains disappeared inexplicably, and the absurd theories such as "cosmic viruses" by Professor Xie Wufeng were buried in Li Yao's heart. A lot of suspicious seeds were planted.

In short, after devouring a large amount of phantom energy, his cultivation level rushed forward again, touching the edge of transforming gods.

But the "mind" used to control the cultivation base has not yet been tempered to a whole new level.

It's like a warrior who can only dance eighty catties of big swords. He is newly refined into a two hundred catties weapon. It will inevitably be shaken and top-heavy. If you don't pay attention, you will hurt yourself and others.

If things go on like this, even if it succeeds in "transforming the gods", it is estimated that the transformed gods will be "evil gods" or "false gods" with flaws.

Perceiving his mental instability, Li Yao did not dare to stay in the Tianyuan Realm or Baihua City to practice, but went deep into the starry sky battlefield, venting brand new power and killing intent on those stubborn immortal cultivators.

But most of the immortal cultivators are shrimp soldiers and crab generals, no matter how many beheaded, it is not enough to raise too much realm.

After the cultivation base reached his level, the most troublesome thing was to find a suitable opponent.

Masters fight each other, and the outcome is only between a few minutes. If it is the pinnacle state of the Nascent Soul Stage, once you let go of your hands and feet, have no fear, and are slightly careless, it is very likely that both sides will be hurt and the same will die.

But if you don't let go of your hands and feet, if you have reservations, it won't play a role in cultivation at all.

Li Yao didn't dare to practice against such super masters as Ding Lingdang and Yan Liren, because in the battle, neither side could control themselves.

If Yan Liren performed the ultimate move of "Hundred Thousand Miles with One Sword" and Li Yao countered with the strongest supernatural power he had just realized, one of the two would definitely die.

He had also practiced against Long Yangjun, also withdrawn, trembling, and practiced extremely unhappily.

Now that the strongest of the three immortal cultivators came to the door, it was natural that he could finally unscrupulously push the strongest supernatural power he had cultivated in the past six months to the limit.

Li Yao had a faint feeling.

Just defeat the three strongest immortal cultivators in the brown dwarf fleet...the gate of transformation is right in front of you!


A week later, far away from the Celestial Realm, the surroundings were empty, in a depleted star field with no resources.

A fragmented and abandoned space station was towed here three days ago. After some reinforcement, dozens of gravity control units were installed, which generated weak gravity and became a simple "sports arena."

Five light seconds away from this arena, the twenty arsenal ships of the Liaoyuan fleet are stationed, and all firepower is firmly locked around the arena.

There are also ten giant soldiers ready to go, and those who control the giant soldiers include such super masters as Long Yangjun, Yan Liren, Meng Chixin, Wu Suiyun, Demon Sword Peng Hai, and Fire Ant King.

The starry sky is full of cosmic mines, in case the opponent will suddenly jump over and a large force launches a surprise attack.

The arena is full of crystal eyes, capturing every detail in 360 degrees.

The arena is also scattered with super-long-distance communication magic weapons like artificial satellites, sending sounds and pictures in real time to the flagship of the Liaoyuan Fleet in the Tianyuan Realm and the highest command center of the Defense Council.

Including Federal Speaker Ding Lingdang, countless high-level federal officials are paying attention to this heavyweight fight.

Although the proposal of General Di Feiwen, the deputy commander of the Black Wind Fleet, is absurd, the Federation is still far from a "grand victory". The Empire and the Holy League are like two big mountains weighing on the Federation, far from it. Was completely moved away.

The remnants of the Black Wind Fleet, especially the "Brown Dwarf Fleet" that remains intact, are too important to the Star Federation. Any possibility of getting this fleet intact is worth trying.

Opposite twenty federal arsenal ships and ten giant soldiers, on the other side of the arena, the space began to be distorted, but the scale was very small, and it could be clearly scanned that only a starship had jumped over.

"The cultivator is here!"

In the arena converted from the abandoned space station, Li Yao wore a set of ordinary "reinforced black bone battle armor", sitting cross-legged, closed his eyes and rested in a state of motionlessness and victory.

In the communication channel, his voice kept coming.

Li Yao: "The other party really came here with a starship, took down all the turrets, and didn't open the psychic shield, right?"

Long Yangjun: "Yes, we have analyzed it more than a hundred times long ago. With a probability of over 97%, it is impossible to set any trap against you, because even if you kill you, it will not hinder the Star Federation. On the contrary, the rapid development and rise of the Black Wind fleet will cause the Black Wind Fleet to fall into a situation where there is only one dead end. The deputy commander of the other side is a very sensible person and will not do such stupid things!"

Li Yao: "I'm not afraid of 10,000 yuan, just in case, what if the other party takes the wrong medicine and becomes frantic, and will you drag me to bury it?"

Long Yangjun: "Really, if you are so timid, then don't promise others!"

Li Yao: "How can I do it? I'm'Three Realms Supreme, Vulture Li Yao' anyhow, the Federal Speaker and her husband are here, and people have run me for this, even such a small black wind fleet remnant. I'm afraid, how can I go to the center of Xinghai to be overbearing in a few days? Everyone comes out to cultivate, is it just a matter of face! By the way, you ten fellow Taoists must pay attention to the slightest disturbance, ten giant soldiers hurry up!"

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