40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1891: When facing a tiger

Facing Di Feiwen’s interrogation, Li Yao was silent for a long time, still grinning: “Similar questions, in fact, the former Su Changfa and many immortal cultivators captured by us have all been thrown out. I found out whether your immortal cultivators have accepted the general The same brainwashing process, like to use this extreme dilemma to confuse people?

"Of course I have thought about these issues, and even got into a dilemma. I think the theory of immortal cultivators is quite reasonable, but when you think about it carefully, when this dilemma occurs, no matter how you choose is wrong, it will fall to you. In the logic of sophistry, what is there to say?

"So, I think the point is not how to choose in this dilemma, but to find ways to prevent such things from happening.

"For example, you just said that when a crisis comes, mobs will inevitably appear, and they will be crazy to the extreme-why? It's not because you cultivators usually look down on ordinary people, cruelly oppress ordinary people, and neither believe it. The power of ordinary people does not promote real "education", so that ordinary people awaken the consciousness of the "defender of human civilization", instead instilling the idea of ​​"the weak eat the strong, the winner is king" all day long.

"You usually plant the seeds of cruelty and selfishness in the hearts of ordinary people, and treat them as'wild beasts.' How can you expect them to obey and even sacrifice themselves when the crisis comes?

"Moreover, you guys who call themselves the'elite' are selfish and arrogant. I believe that when the crisis comes, you will be self-sacrificing people like the "Blood Demon Gun" Zhou Tailong. It's also a very small number. The vast majority of immortal cultivators will still scramble to flee for their lives, and they will even say, "My strength is stronger, my life is more valuable, so I am more qualified to live," right?

"The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. Your style is like this. The ordinary people below follow you as an example. How can they not become a ‘mob’?

"However, is there such a possibility that in an ideal society, everyone has received comprehensive civic education from an early age, and deeply realized that whether or not the spiritual roots can be awakened, the strength of the master is strong or weak, everyone is human The masters and defenders of civilization shoulder unshirkable responsibilities. They all take'guardian' and'sacrifice' as the highest values. Such values ​​are deeply imprinted in their subconscious minds.

"At the same time, we must always maintain a sense of crisis. Even if the crisis has not yet come, we will conduct a large number of ‘emergency plans’ training by combining ‘too illusion’ and ‘real combat exercises’.

"When the real crisis comes, under the leadership of the cultivator, countless people will come forward and sacrifice themselves to block the enemy. The remaining people have received a lot of training and can maintain the most basic order, evacuate and retreat in an orderly manner. , Maximize the number of people who eventually retreat.

"Such an ideal society is what the Star Federation and I want to pursue!"

Di Feiwen stared directly at Li Yao: "According to the adults, how high is the average moral standard of this ideal society, isn't everyone going to become a sage?"

"The progress of civilization, of course, means higher and higher moral standards, not the opposite!"

Li Yao said seriously, "Of course, this is just our ideal or dream. It is harder to reach the realm where everyone is a sage than to destroy a world. However, we still have technology. I believe in technological progress. , Can make up for some moral backwardness, let us avoid this dilemma as much as possible.

"For example, the second dilemma you throw is the question of saving the little girl.

"At first glance, this is indeed a very cruel choice, no matter which one you save seems wrong.

"But think about it carefully. In order to make this choice so cruel, you deliberately set a lot of premises. For example, there is a problem with the power cabin of the starship, and the space and resources on the starship can only save one more person. Time is pressing and it is too late. Prepare the second starship, and so on.

"What if these problems don't exist?

"What if with the advancement of technology, we can refine a starship with larger space and more efficient resource recycling and use, and take both of them away?

"What if our power cabin can be more stable and have advanced self-testing and maintenance methods?

"What if there is a mysterious and mysterious technique of'wisdom inheritance' that can allow the power talisman expert to transmit all his wisdom to the little girl?

"If the'human virtualization' technology becomes popular, when the power rune expert really can't physically evacuate, he will pull his soul out and get into a ring on the little girl's finger. Is it okay to walk together in form?

"In short, one of the essential differences between humans and beasts is tools and technology. I am a craftsman. I believe in technology. Of course technology is not omnipotent, but technological progress can indeed solve many problems. Let us avoid Countless cold and painful choices have made the whole world more civilized and beautiful.

"This is my answer."

Li Yao's eyes were clear, but unwavering.

Di Feiwen's eyes revealed a trace of pity, he laughed dumbly, and shook his head: "Moral? Technology? Is this the adult's answer? It's... too wishful thinking."

"I have come to Xinghai Beach for so long, and I have gradually understood the way you live in the world and the idea of ​​persevering in the world. Sometimes you truly feel that your cultivators are like ignorant, innocent children lying in a temporarily warm and safe place. In the lair, I don't know the darkness and the sinister heart of the outside world, but think that your little "persistence" and "power" can solve all problems.

"When immortal cultivators like us kindly tell you the cruelty of the outside world and the rules of survival in the cruel world, you always cover your ears,'I don't listen, I don't listen', thinking that as long as you stick to it stupidly , The dark world will disappear, and the cruel law will be reversed.

"Let's face it, both morality and technology have limits, but the coldness and cruelty of the dark universe has no limits. There will always be problems that you cannot solve, and you will always make extremely painful and cruel choices!

"Innocent and innocent children have to grow up, develop a pair of steel bars and a cold heart, and learn how to survive in a cannibalistic universe!

"You are still in the lair, in the relatively stable and safe Xinghai Beach, you can naturally talk about some useless things, but believe me, when you go to the center of the Xinghai, after experiencing some cruel choices that morality and technology can never solve , Maybe you will become the next Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi, and the Star Federation will also become the next real human empire.

"If there is any difference between the Star Federation at that time and the true human empire now, it will only be more cruel, cruel, and more domineering! Otherwise, it is not worthy to replace the true human empire and continue to be in the cosmic slaughterhouse. Fight in the fight!"

Seeing Di Feiwen's distorted and violent performance, Li Yao suddenly "poofed" and laughed out loud.

His eyes diverged, and he was a little distracted.

Di Feiwen was startled slightly, very rarely annoyed, and said in a deep voice, "Why are you laughing?"

"Nothing, nothing, I suddenly thought of a joke that wasn't very funny a long time ago."

Li Yao shrugged, "Don't pay attention to me, you continue."

"a joke……"

Di Feiwen frowned, "Does it have anything to do with what we are discussing?"

"Uh, maybe it doesn't matter, but it suddenly occurred to me that I can't help it. I'm really sorry."

Li Yao simply squatted on the ground, tilting his neck and said, "This joke is about the solution when encountering a liger monster.

"In other words, most liger monsters like to attack from behind, biting the artery behind the neck of a person, and one blow can be fatal!

"So if an ordinary person accidentally encounters a liger monster in the wild, don't panic, turn around and run away; of course, you can't kneel down and beg for mercy; He bowed his knees in front of him, turned himself into his minion and slave, and could escape a catastrophe—all of these were useless and would definitely die.

"The correct approach should be to face the liger beast, stare wide-eyed, spread its teeth and claws, roar loudly, pick it up if there are sticks, branches or something, and wave it at the liger beast, even fiercely. Poke at it.

"While poking, you have to yell with the greatest strength in your life and say some brave words, such as'Fuck you stinky tiger, come and eat Lao Tzu if you have one', and so on, let's play freely anyway."

Di Feiwen blinked his eyes inexplicably for a long time, and his brows became tighter and tighter: "Wait, what the lord just said was an'ordinary man' who had no power to bind a chicken, and met a liger monster in the'wild'. right?"

Li Yao nodded: "Yes!"

Di Feiwen was puzzled: "Then, can you escape by doing this? Just rely on the branches and... the shrew to scold the street?"

"It's not."

Li Yao said, "But at least, it would be more dignified to die like this!"

Di Feiwen: "..."

Li Yao: "Uh, isn't it a bit cold? I said it's not a funny joke."

Di Feiwen: "Sir, don't worry, your subordinates are carefully trying to figure out the laughter."

Li Yao: "In fact, there is no laughing matter. I just suddenly thought that if this dark universe, and all the powerful existences in it, whether it is Pangu civilization or extraterrestrial demon or other strange starry alien race, it is just one end, no, yes. A group of liger monsters, and our human civilization is unfortunate to encounter it in the wild.

"Then, you immortal cultivators are thinking more about how to survive in front of them-unscrupulously, abandon everything, twist everything, or even abandon the most essential things of mankind, change everything from the inside to the outside, and use the "ghost" and The form of the'minion' survives.

"And we cultivators think more about how to die with more dignity."

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