40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1893: Wait and see!

Di Feiwen remained silent, but did not conceal the opposition and disdain in his eyes.

Li Yao smiled and said, "Do you think that our cultivators' thinking is a bit naive?"

Di Fei said: "Yes, it's extremely naive."

"Indeed, your cultivators' ideas may be more ‘mature’, more ‘rational’, and more adaptable to this cold universe, but I just don’t like it. I would rather always be so stupid and so naive."

Li Yaodao, "Have you ever wondered why both the cultivator and the cultivator refer to the most important stage of cultivation as the'primordial infant', and the condensing of the primordial infant is regarded as a manifestation of the great accomplishment of cultivation. Why is the essence of our souls? What is condensed is a little baby, not a strong man of five big and three thick, or simply an old man who is old and deep in the city?

"Perhaps, the so-called cultivation, to cultivate and to cultivate is to cultivate the innate'innocent heart'. We must'don't forget the original aspiration, and have it always', right?

"What’s not good about being naive, at least full of vigor and vitality, on the contrary, like your immortal cultivators, you’ll grow up and memorize all the laws in the dark universe, and blend them into your bones and blood. , Twisting and restraining oneself everywhere, it seems to be'mature', but it is not far from aging and decay.

"Human civilization has only been a hundred thousand years old until today. We are still a very young'juvenile civilization.' Let the thousands of cosmic civilizations be stunned, okay, don't be so sullen so early, and be in harmony with the light!"

Li Yao said, spreading his five fingers and patted Di Feiwen's shoulder hard.

When Di Feiwen was photographed by him, he grinned and couldn't laugh or cry: "My lord, sometimes my subordinates don't know whether you are really naive, naive, reckless, stupid, or as deep as the sea, and if you are so stupid."

Li Yao said: "Of course it is as deep as the sea, and the wisdom is like foolishness, isn't this well known?"

Di Feiwen looked at the face he took for granted, and let out a long sulky breath, unable to speak a word.

Behind the two, Speaker Cui Lingfeng of the Xinghai Republic’s government-in-exile finally couldn't help laughing.

"Chairman Cui, you came just right."

Li Yao beckoned, "Do you have any suggestions for me and General Di's discussion just now?"

"I don't dare to teach me, I have some opinions."

Cui Lingfeng hesitated and squatted down beside Li Yao, watching the busy construction scene down the mountain, and exclaimed, "You and General Di cannot be distinguished simply by'right or wrong'. There are not so many in the world. What is absolutely right or absolutely wrong can only be said to be faced with extreme situations. Two different choices may work, but they may also fail.

"You know, I am the top leader of the Firefly, responsible for the lives of hundreds of millions of people.

"In the thousand-year history of the Firefly's exile, there have been several very extreme crises, forcing me and my predecessor to accept the torture of humanity and conscience again and again, to make all kinds of forced and ruthless choices.

"We have been on the verge of the abyss of darkness countless times, and we have even fallen into the darkness without knowing it. We are deeply aware of the helplessness of many choices and the inevitability of degeneration.

"Although I regard myself as a'bad cultivator', if there are other upright cultivators who reprimand me for what I do and treat me as a'immortal cultivator', I have nothing to say. After all, neither the cultivator nor the immortal cultivator are words engraved on the forehead, and wanting to change is only a matter of a moment.

"So, I understand everything General Di said very well, and I am not even qualified to evaluate whether their theory is right or wrong, because faced with enough pressure, anyone can become a cultivator-no one compares. I know this better.

"What I want to say is that the theories of you and General Di may not be right or wrong, but if there are two worlds, two worlds supported by your theories, then I hope that I and my descendants will be both. Live in your "comprehension world", not in General Di's "cultivation world", and we are willing to make all efforts and sacrifices in order to build this "comprehension world" more beautiful and stronger!

"As you said, no one has died in life since ancient times. In many cases, ultimate destruction is inevitable. But whether you can face death rationally, decently, and with dignity is the difference between ‘civilized’ and ‘barbaric’.

"We have seen a lot of different methods of death on the Firefly-in order to protect the safety of the people, we resolutely used crystal armor to resist meteorites, and used flesh and blood to block the gap on the starship shell, and finally The shell of the starship was integrated and sacrificed heroically. Some people secretly killed ordinary people, robbed them of their food rations, and cut off their flesh and blood to hide when food was extremely scarce.

"But even if this kind of organization is exhausted, bad things can never be done, how long can you survive when a real catastrophe is approaching, even if you are soaked in the dark venom and linger for decades, is it really that comfortable to be troubled by heart demon day and night?

"General Di, the theory of immortal cultivators may really have a right side, but I don’t want to discuss right or wrong with you now. I just want you to think about it carefully. If the'world of cultivation' that President Li just mentioned is really one in ten thousand. It may be built. Do you want your offspring to live in such a world, or do you still live in a world of immortality like the real human empire?"

Di Feiwen's eyelids trembled for a long time, and he shook his head with difficulty and said, "No, you can't succeed. Hope is too slim."

"It's man-made. When escaping from the extreme heavens and the celestial stars, we did not expect that the Firefly could really escape for a whole thousand years, traverse three thousand worlds, and finally escape the clutches of the empire!"

Cui Lingfeng smiled and said, "You are the deputy commander of the Black Wind Fleet. You have also experienced the war between the Empire and the Holy League. Naturally, you should know that on the battlefield, those who are afraid of death will surely die, but those who are not afraid of death and go forward. On the contrary, there is a ray of life to survive, right? Since immortal cultivators claim to be the most powerful warriors of human civilization, how can they look forward and backward, fearing the head and tail, without even the slightest vitality and courage of the cultivator?

"What's more, even if it fails and is destroyed, it is no big deal. There will always be something left, and that is hope.

"Humans are really strange animals that can gather the most despicable and noblest things together. Even if they have fallen into the darkest abyss, they will bloom in the rancid silt with the light of hope. Time after time failure, time after time sinking, but rising again and again, tried again and again, each time, it was stronger, more civilized, and closer to...beautiful than before.

"The Xinghai Empire, the Xinghai Republic, the real human empire, and the Xingyao Federation until now, have repeatedly smashed their heads and shattered, but they have planted the seeds of hope again and again, and have been reborn from the ashes!

"I believe in the vitality of human civilization. Even if these'naive cultivators' of the Star Federation still fail this time, they will leave something behind, and there will be latecomers who will inherit their will to accomplish what they have not done. thing.

"In short, what we are doing now is by no means a "dream bubble, rain and dew light", but will affect thousands of people and the entire world in the future.

"Today, we have worked so hard to build a new home from scratch, transforming the Bone Dragon Star into a Reaching Star. Of course, we have also thought about whether it will fall or even be destroyed someday, but please believe that General Di, even if it is a long time. In the future, Zhiyuanxing really fell. It will not be the end of our civilization, but the beginning of another great legend!"

At this moment, on the rolling hills opposite them, there was an earth-shattering explosion.

The hills surrounded by mountains suddenly light up, and there is a sense of sudden enlightenment.

It was the builders who carried out the largest large-scale blasting so far, and suddenly collapsed dozens of kilometers of folds, opening up a golden avenue to the inland.

Smoke and dust were everywhere, red flags fluttered, and countless builders waved their tools and hats, cheering and excited.

This scene was deeply imprinted in Di Feiwen’s eyes. He looked at Li Yao, then at Cui Lingfeng, and finally narrowed his eyes to see the world slowly clearing behind the smoke and dust, waiting for humans to conquer and build. Muttered: "Then, let me wait and see!"


The Black Wind Fleet Construction Corps, the hundreds of millions of people on the Firefly, and the "exiles" of the Dragon and Snake Star Territory, more and more fresh blood has joined the Star Federation.

But there are also some federal people who will leave their homes for various ideas and dreams.

While the construction of new settlements in the Bone Dragon Star, Crystal Realm, and Tree Sea Realm is in full swing, in the depths of Baihua City, some other people are preparing to embark on a journey-if nothing else, it should be forever and never look back. Journey.

For various reasons, this "expedition" was quite low-key and did not have any fanfare, but its significance may be more profound than the expedition that the Federation will launch against the center of Xinghai one day.

Because this is an expedition of human civilization to time, a journey to the future universe after hundreds of millions of years.

This is the "Tinder Project", a great project of sowing seeds in human civilization within billions of light years.

Although Professor Mo Xuan used the "Tinder Project" as a cover, in order to conceal all the senior officials and experts from the Federation, the plan itself did not contain any falsification or watering elements, and the overall completion rate was quite high.

On the day when Professor Mo Xuan launched the real conspiracy, the first launch of the Tinder Project could indeed proceed smoothly.

Although Professor Mo Xuan is dead, Wei Qingqing and a large number of "spirit races" who have devoted all their lives to the Tinder plan are still actively advancing this project. They will carry out their original intentions and let their souls travel to a hundred million yuan. The universe after ten thousand years.

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