40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1917: Which is stronger and weaker?

Li Yao and Long Yangjun "sick each other" and understand her feelings quite well.

If the illusory "earth" is in front of him at this moment, but someone prevents him from entering it to explore, he will definitely be extremely mad.

However, after all, there are thousands of people participating in this "archaeological operation", and there are hundreds of thousands of people outside looking forward to it, and there are billions or even tens of billions of people on the entire ancient sacred star. .

A little carelessness, letting go of a few Cancers, and then creating countless ruthless Pangu tribes, the consequences would be disastrous.

Not only are thousands of people likely to fall here, even the entire ancient sacred star, and even the Federation outside the Dark Nebula, may be swallowed up!

They must be responsible for everyone's lives. This is not something that can be arbitrarily aggressive. With the drag of a serious injury, it will become a great flaw in any case.

Thinking of this, Li Yao also said: “Don’t worry, we will build a spiritual gathering tower every 100 meters, and a large number of crystal wires and optical cables are also laid in. The connection with the above will not be cut off. You can always Through our crystal eyes, we can see what is happening underground."

Long Yangjun took a moment to breathe, seeing that everyone was very determined, he had no choice but to say: "Well, my injury, it is estimated that I can recover after 12 hours of adjusting my breath. We will keep in touch at any time, and I will come down again after half a day."

Long Yangjun lay in the floating anti-gravity medical cabin and was escorted back to the Nuwa battleship above by two medical soldiers.

In the Nuwa battleship, the most advanced large-scale medical rooms and laboratories have long been set up to deal with this situation.

Not long after the beginning of exploration, such an accident happened, which damaged a master of the Nascent Infant Stage peak realm, and sacrificed an expedition team member in the Alchemy Stage. Everyone’s heart was quite heavy, and the next actions became more and more serious. Send cautiously.

Li Yao and others have also discussed whether to let all the expedition team members with flesh and blood below the Nascent Infant Stage to withdraw, leaving only them, the Nascent Stage Peak, Ghost Warriors, and Taixu Warriors to continue their exploration.

However, in the depths of the underground where the black mist is shrouded and the interference is very serious, the actions of the ghost repair and the Taixu warriors will also be greatly hindered, and even the ghost repair may encounter super radiation and lose their souls.

If you want to thoroughly explore the entire Pangu laboratory and suffocate all hidden dangers in the infancy, a warrior with flesh and blood is indispensable.

"Since the seal has been opened, the most important thing is to find out everything in the ground as quickly as possible. We must never let half of the Cancer go outside to do mischief. We are prepared to sacrifice all of them here. We have not quit. necessary!"

The members of the armored division team said in unison.

After determining the next tactical coordination, they went back to study the corpse of the expedition member "Sa Yue" who was unfortunately sacrificed.

Although every cell burned from the inside to the outside, burning the huge body into a pile of coke and ashes, the scorched corpse spreading over a dozen meters still silently told the horror of the "gene mutation potion".

"It's incredible."

Li Yao knew that when the "former warrior" cultivated to the extreme, his body would show some of the characteristics of a wild and beast, with dragon scales, long hairs, fangs and sharp claws.

The Yaozu's cultivation method can also achieve a similar effect by bombarding the "preliminary cells", and can even transform a human form less than two meters into three or four meters high, with a strong presence full of carapace and big horns.

Just like Li Yao himself, with a movement of his mind, he can release the power of the wild in the depths of the cells, and he can also release the boundless demon energy, turning his left arm into an infinitely powerful "Cell Annihilation Cannon."

However, between the electric light and the fire, it has expanded from less than two meters to ten meters, which can compete with the giant soldiers-this is still far beyond Li Yao's imagination.

There is another point, how can the change of body shape affect the brain and soul, make people lose the memory and temperament of the past, become cold and ruthless, and the six relatives do not recognize it?

On the other hand, if a method can be developed to retain self-awareness, emotions and desires after humans are transformed into Pangu, and even to freely switch between the two forms of "human" and "Pangu", wouldn't it be possible to have it in an instant? An army that is invincible in Xinghai?

At that time, even if the real Pangu clan reappears in the world, you are not afraid of it. You are Pangu, and I am Pangu, but I am a kind and righteous Pangu, so I can zoom in and out at will. What are you afraid of!

Li Yao was thinking about wrongdoing. Long Yangjun's soft coughing sound came from the private communication channel: "Still studying this corpse, what have you found?"

Li Yao said: "Have you been to the medical room?"

"Yes, I am immersed in a high-energy nutrient solution. You know, I hate being monitored for all physiological indexes."

Long Yangjun gritted his teeth and said, "I told you not to come down. Look, something has happened!"

Li Yao smiled "hehe" and returned to the topic just now: "We are studying the corpse of the sacrificed team member'Sa Yue', but his cells are extremely damaged. It really squeezes every drop of strength, even every drop of strength. A gene chain has been severely shredded, and nothing has been discovered yet."

After a pause, Li Yao said what he had just thought, "You said, if we have a way to improve the gene mutation drug, eliminate its side effects that inhibit emotions and self-will, and allow humans to change freely and controllably. In the'Pangu form', wouldn't it be possible to obtain a powerful'preliminary army' in an instant?"

Li Yao originally thought that even if Long Yangjun had to refute, he was saying that his ideas were absurd, and there was no such medicine.

Unexpectedly, after Long Yangjun was silent for a moment, he said: "Pangu tribe, is it very powerful?"

Li Yao was startled slightly: "Just now, this newly born Pangu tribe, without wearing a battle armor and bare-handed, stunned you in the giant soldier. Isn't that strong enough?"

Long Yangjun said: "First of all, this expedition member'Sha Yue' is the mid-level of the pill formation stage. Even with the great development of the cultivation technology of the Star Federation, it is still one in a million. There is a rare existence in his body. Accumulated extremely huge power.

"It is this kind of strength that can support him from less than two meters to more than ten meters.

"But even an intermediate cultivator in the pill formation stage can only support such a huge body, perform a fatal attack, and then he will be wiped out.

"Let’s ask, an “invincible army” composed of elites among the elites and masters selected from a million, after performing a deadly attack, before the enemy launches a counterattack, it will kill itself first. Such an army can really do it. Is it called'powerful'?"

Li Yao: "Uh..."

"Also, even if this so-called'fatal attack' is actually not so powerful, if you have to physically fight to release the arc, then you can only adapt to this dark and narrow indoor environment, if it is in the plain, the sky or even the stars. In, this kind of arc has a ghostly effect, we can start a continuous bombardment thousands of kilometers away!"

Long Yangjun continued, "One more thing, you only saw its attack power, but didn't consider how much resources it would consume normally. Although I'm only speculating, it's clear from its mountain-sized figure. The appetite must not be small.

"Even if a Pangu tribe can release ten times the combat power of a cultivator, it consumes a hundred times the food and spar of a cultivator in daily eating and cultivation. This kind of Pangu tribe's army is really powerful. '?

"One more thing, all-terrain adaptability.

"Like the Pangu tribe, they grow to more than ten or twenty meters at every turn. They are also weird and crotch-shaped. It doesn't matter in a cosmic vacuum without gravity and a starship that can adjust gravity at any time, but once it reaches the standard Above gravity and even high-gravity planets, it is very clumsy and burdensome.

"Yes, you might say that the Pangu tribe can float in the void, ignore gravity, etc., with the help of all kinds of incredible magical secrets, but any magical secrets must consume resources to maintain. This goes back to our previous question, which is Pangu. The'resource utilization efficiency' of the clan is actually not high. If they are active on a high-gravity planet, a large part of their resources will inevitably be wasted on fighting gravity.

"Unfortunately, the more resource-rich planets, the higher their density and mass, and the greater the gravity they produce. I know that several resource planets discovered by the Star Federation are obviously much smaller in size than the Tianyuan Star. But it is several times that of Tianyuan Star, and it is extremely difficult for human beings less than two meters to move on it, let alone the huge Pangu tribe!"

Li Yao quickly blinked his eyes: "It seems quite reasonable to hear you say this!"

"Of course it makes sense. Perhaps the Pangu tribe is not as powerful as we thought, or that, while mastering supernatural skills and supernatural powers, they also have many fatal weaknesses.

Long Yangjun said, "That's why they took pains to create a tool that is more powerful than them, and replace them with most of the heavy and painful work."

Li Yao: "A more powerful tool, are you kidding me?"

Long Yangjun: "Why should you be so arrogant? In your eyes, the bigger the body, the more advanced and powerful it is?"

Li Yao: "Isn't it?"

Long Yangjun: "This is simply the way of thinking of middle school students. It's not true. Even middle school students should know that on the evolution of crystal brains, with the improvement of performance and the reduction of energy consumption, more advanced crystal brains and body shapes are also increasing. Smaller?

"Whether from the perspective of survival on the battlefield or the perspective of resource utilization efficiency, it is always good to be able to minimize the size while keeping the'performance' unchanged or even shrinking slightly."

Li Yao frowned slightly and said, "How do you feel... You seem to be thinking of something?"

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