40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1939: The whip is beyond reach!

Di Feiwen smiled slightly and said: "It is better to say that the empire is a mess of sand, but that the sea of ​​stars is too vast. With the existing technology of mankind, it is far beyond the limit of a unified government that can effectively rule.

"My king, you should know that the reason why human civilization can be distributed in three thousand worlds is not entirely dependent on our own conquests, but also the'spreading' of Pangu and Nuwa civilizations. In other words, we did not'naturally' expand to Three Thousand Worlds, but with their help, was'dropped' out in a very short time.

"Then, after the collapse of Pangu and Nüwa civilizations and the destruction of all the communications and transportation they left behind,'a pile of scattered sand, isolated and helpless' should be the norm. Any unified government or dynasty is an exception.

"In fact, with the current technological and social development level of human civilization, it is the limit for a central government to effectively rule more than ten or twenty large worlds. Speaker Ding must have a deep understanding of this."


Ding Lingdang seemed to think of something terribly headache, and frowned, "As far as our federation is concerned, even if we have advanced Xinghai jumping technology and ultra-long-distance communication capabilities, regardless of jumping or communication, it consumes a lot of resources. The spar with astronomical numbers was sent to various starports and ultra-long-distance communication base stations, and was wasted among the fluctuations of psychic energy.

"Even so, the Federation is still beyond the reach of the resource planets in remote star regions, and it is extremely difficult to implement effective rule. In many cases, it has to rely on local sects to maintain basic order-such a sect management system is now working well, but in time, when these sects , Who knows what will happen after having tangled relationships and deep-rooted interests in the local area?

"One more thing, the vast expanse of the universe and the power of human beings have caused the ever-changing environment of the habitable planet, and even the subspecies of human beings vary greatly, such as the primitive world like the Shuhai Realm and the heavily polluted Nether Realm. In the wasteland world, the management methods cannot be exactly the same. Taking into account different customs, it is extremely difficult to achieve uniform laws.

"Therefore, the current federation actually has a strong color of regional autonomy.

"Even if more and more worlds join the federation in the future, just like the ancient sacred world, because they are farther from the core area of ​​the federation, the environment and race are more complicated, and it is basically difficult to be directly controlled by the central government. It is still the possibility of regional autonomy. Relatively high."

When Ding Lingdang took over the "Patriot Organization" from Lu Zui, he was a staunch regional autonomyist. He believed that the Federation was unlikely to rely on a powerful army to rule the Xinghai, and could only spread the idea of ​​a cultivator to the entire universe.

Her point of view coincides with Di Feiwen.

Di Feiwen nodded and said: "Speaker Ding is right. The problem you have encountered is the problem encountered by the empire. Although the empire is much stronger than the Federation in terms of overall national strength, Xinghai Jump and ultra-long-distance communication technology are not There is no essential difference.

"If the Confederation can effectively rule the ten great worlds is the limit, then the most powerful interest group of the empire uses the most advanced technology, that is, to effectively rule the twenty great worlds, no matter how much, it will be indigestible.

"Even the strongest and cruel dinosaurs continue to grow throughout their lives, and their size has limits. An overly large empire needs to rely on an expanding bureaucracy and army to rule, but the expansion of the bureaucracy and army will in turn reduce The empire is sucked up and crushed. The Xinghai Empire is like this, so why not the real human empire?"

Li Yao couldn't help but smile and said, "Then use ideas to inspire, don't the empire's cultivators also have the lofty idea of ​​‘all for human civilization’?"

Di Feiwen also laughed: "The so-called'sublime idea' is an extremely rare luxury item in the entire universe. In this regard, everyone is half a catty, and it is'big brother not smiling second brother'!

"It's like in the Star Federation. Although the propaganda calibre refers to the cultivator as the'war sword of human civilization' and wants to fight for'guarding ordinary people', it can truly be self-interested, dedicated to benefiting others, and forgotten to die. , How many cultivators selflessly dedicated everything? My king, even if it is you or Speaker Ding, can you really have no selfish desire at all? If you want to nationalize your Yaoshi Group now, you will be indifferent. Are there no complaints?"

Li Yao and Ding Lingdang looked at each other and smiled and said: "There is no need to use big words to force us. Of course we are not so lofty. Except for the puppets of the Saint League, who can look at the entire universe without any lust?"

"That's it."

Di Feiwen said, "In an ideal state, the battle between the Federation and the Empire is a battle of ideas, a battle between righteous and evil, and a battle between great avenues between 100% of the cultivators and 100% of the cultivators. But in fact, the two sides There is a common enemy, not the Holy League, but humanity.

"Cultivators have human nature, and immortal cultivators have human nature. This is the biggest difference between us and the holy alliance.

"The first element of human nature is selfishness. Genes are selfish. You must pass on yourself at all costs. This'selfish gene' conflicts with the immortal cultivator's lofty ideals, and the result is destined to be an ideal. 'Fall.

Li Yao asked with interest: "How to say?"

"Theoretically speaking, there is nothing wrong with the idea of'survival of the fittest and the strong eating of the fittest' by the cultivator. As long as they are treated equally and ensure the smoothness of the ascending channel and the harshness of the elimination mechanism, it is fair, but in real life, this is true. It can’t be done at all.”

Di Feiwen said, "Everyone is selfish, regardless of the cultivator or the immortal cultivator, even if he keeps saying, "As long as the weak can't awaken their spiritual roots, even their own heirs, they will be eliminated mercilessly." But How many can really be done with hard-heartedness?

"What's more, in a world where the weak and the strong, everyone is likely to betray every minute. The true loyalty is slightly higher, that is, their own relatives and heirs, even the'primitive' who cannot awaken their spiritual roots. Arranging some secret jobs and'eliminating' your own people for nothing. Isn't it weakening oneself and making others cheaper?

"The rules are determined by people, and the loopholes that can be exploited are always found. Perhaps this system was strictly implemented at the beginning of the empire, but as time passed by, all the rich and powerful families were all rapidly expanding, and they became the last one. Simply wanting to realize the efficient allocation and utilization of resources by relying on the four words of'the weak eating the strong' is simply a dream."

Li Yao said: "Where is the emperor, doesn't the emperor have any opinion on this situation where the nobles are independent, the warlords are separatist, and the tail can't be lost?"

"Don't imagine the emperor's power too strong, not every emperor is the'Black Star Emperor' of the past."

Di Feiwen said, "Even Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi still has to rely on many entrenched giants from the Xinghai Republic era to seize the hegemony of the universe.

"In the depths of the empire, there is even a very secret saying that the Black Star Emperor was just a'speaker' launched by these old giants of the Xinghai Republic. In order to completely consolidate the interests of their illegal plunder, he created one. The'emperor' came out, but the emperor's ambition and strength were greatly beyond their expectations, and it was a little out of control.

"Emperor Black Star is out of control, but his heirs are not so strong. For thousands of years, these imperial giants have used various means to sow discords within the royal family, create contradictions, and use the'throne' as the bait to trigger internal fighting among the Wuying clan. , Took the opportunity to consolidate his power and lifted the entire'polar heaven realm and celestial star'.

"Up to now, the four most powerful families have even been awarded the title of'Emperor Chosen'. Think about it, if even the emperor has to be elected by them, how can they be restricted?"

Li Yao sighed: "This seems to be different from the situation in the empire that Su Changfa told me in the past."

"Su Changfa is an academic school. He is a professor at the'Imperial Takushoku University.' He was nurtured from the ivory tower, and he naturally accepted the imperial bewitching propaganda in its entirety."

Di Feiwen bowed his head deeply and said, "The subordinates are small merchants who have come out from the bottom of the empire.'Theoretically,' they don't know how they should be. The subordinates just take everything they see to the original. speak out.

"In short, when the Black Wind Fleet left the empire a hundred years ago, the situation in the empire was like this. The dozens of thousands of worlds adjacent to the celestial realm and the celestial star, nominally belonged to the emperor’s direct subordinates, and were directly sent by the court. Institutions come to rule-of course, the intervention of the four major "Emperor Chosen" families is indispensable.

"The 30 or 40 Great Thousand Worlds in the periphery are the hereditary territories of the four major election imperial families. Sometimes there are some royal fiefs. On average, each family rules at least seven or eight worlds. According to the strength of the power, only taxes are imposed on the imperial court. And the obligation to send troops, it is difficult for the court to intervene in their internal affairs.

"Furthermore, the hundreds of large worlds on the periphery are divided into smaller pieces. Basically, every large world has a ruler, and even if some large worlds have two or three habitable planets, each planet will have a ruler. , These people are either hereditary nobles, or emerging warlords, or old rulers who voluntarily surrendered on the road of the empire to conquer the universe—for example, when the Black Wind Fleet strikes, if the Federation chooses to surrender, it is very likely. Several realm masters will be elected to maintain local autonomy. This is not the kindness of the imperial house. It is purely what Speaker Ding said just now. It is beyond reach.

"The rule of these outer worlds is ever-changing, and you can do whatever you want. It may not be harsh and suppressed. There are also some worlds that adopt a gentle policy and have a more moderate rule; but if they are cruel and unkind, the cruelty of their rule is far It's better than those worlds ruled by the emperor and elected emperors."

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