40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1945: Leo Shipyard, civilization is coming!

After decades of abnormal prosperity, the Dragon and Snake Star Territory is welcoming its end.

This miscellaneous, chaotic and deformed paradise was originally a place of exile set up by the Federation in order to wipe out all the enemies on its way to rise. Even the exiles knew this clearly.

However, at that time, they still had a naive illusion that after the arrival of the "Heaven Soldiers" of the real human empire, they would be able to completely crush the Xingyao Federation with a thunderous and sweeping attitude.

Naturally, they were "eating pots of syrup to welcome the king's division", and they followed the imperial expeditionary army to fight back to their hometowns, and regained the lives of nobles and rulers.

This dreamlike extravagant hope was soon severely shattered by the news of the defeat of the Black Wind Fleet.

No exile thought that the imperial expeditionary army would be defeated so badly, and no one thought about how they should deal with themselves after the imperial expeditionary army was defeated.

Surrender is impossible.

On the one hand, they are all deeply ingrained vested interests in the Crystal Realm, Tree Sea Realm, Nether Realm, and Sky Ring Realm. They have been deprived of everything by the Federation. They have an unforgettable and unshakable hatred of the Federation, and it is impossible for them to surrender to the Federation.

What's more, according to the federation, many of them owed blood debts, "hands are covered with the blood of ordinary people", even when the federation faced the heavy pressure of the Imperial Expeditionary Army, they never let them go, Yuanyuan Continuously sending a large number of "headhunters" into the Dragon and Snake Star Territory to hunt them down, what's more, now that the Federation has completely defeated the Black Wind Fleet and has become the unique overlord of the Star Beach, why is it necessary to accept their surrender?

The so-called "man for the sword, I am the fish" is the current state of the exiles.

Two years ago, when the Black Wind Fleet had just been defeated, the Federation focused its main energy on the development of the Skeleton Dragon Star and the Ancient Sacred Realm, and had no time to take care of this small chaotic place.

Moreover, in addition to the old aristocrats who have resisted, the Dragon and Snake Star Territory is also home to a large number of ordinary people who have been swept by the old nobles. They have signed a superficial peace agreement with each other. Naturally, it is not good for the Federation to launch a big fanfare to the Dragon and Snake Star Territory attack.

Since the Dragon Snake Star Territory has been the urn turtle raised by the Federation from the beginning, the overall situation is now under the control of the Federation. You can slaughter it any way you want. Naturally, there is no need to make the "eating phase" so ugly and affect the glorious image of the Federation.

Therefore, the exiles of the Dragon and Snake Star Territory spent the last two years of stability in anxiety.

However, with the fusion of the Black Wind Remnants, the construction of the Skeleton Dragon Star, and the establishment of the "Old Saint Special Administrative Region", the Federation was finally able to let go of its hands and feet to solve the problem of the Dragon Snake Star Territory.

Even the dullest exiles can clearly feel that the noose around their necks is getting tighter and tighter, and the blades embedded in the noose are erected one by one, piercing deeply into their neck arteries. A light cough is the end of the head landing.

Death descended, but they were helpless. The commotion in the Dragon and Snake Star Territory was not so much a dying struggle, but rather a vent on the verge of death, taking advantage of their dying breath to enjoy the last joy.

Therefore, in the Dragon and Snake Star Territory in the last year, the crime rate has soared dozens of times, heinous and vicious cases have emerged one after another, and the fights between big and small gangs are endless...not surprising.

Everyone wants to live by unscrupulous means; everyone is suffocated and wants to "put crimes and meritorious service" to help the Federation catch the "big fish" among the exiles; and the "big fishes" who know they are in danger are also doing everything possible to change their faces. , Incognito, it is best to hide for a while in the vast sea of ​​stars, wait for the limelight to pass, and then escape to the federal inland with a false identity, find a remote place in a poor country and settle down temporarily, save your life first.

The current Dragon and Snake Star Territory is definitely not the place for ordinary citizens who have no power to restrain chickens.

"Leo Shipyard" is a place full of dangers, extremely vicious, and like a dragon's den.

This is a space dock not far from the "Yulong City", the main city of the Dragon and Snake Star Region. It is composed of hundreds of retired starships stacked on top of each other. It can also be said to be a large-scale "starship junkyard". , With the main business of starship modification, repair and upgrade.

The Dragon and Snake Star Territory is a place of star thief, where the weak and the strong eat, and fights constantly, naturally possessing quite excellent starship maintenance capabilities.

Disassemble the parts and components of more than a dozen disused starships and "build up" them into a "new" starship. This kind of high-risk and difficult operation that is never allowed in the Federation is commonplace here.

Especially after the Celestial Ring War, the defeated Celestial Ring Realm nobles came here with a large number of warships, which further enriched the starship repair and modification technology of the Dragon Snake Star Territory, and brought a large number of scrapped starship wrecks.

Naturally, if you want to have a starship repair and modification factory in the Dragon and Snake Star Territory, you must have the support of cruel, powerful, and black and white people.

The same is true for the Leo Shipyard, which is the industry of the "Angry Lion Gang".

Among the many powerful forces in the Dragon and Snake Star Territory, the "Angry Lion Gang" is one of the best.

Therefore, when Jin Beibei saw two extremely cute little guys at the foot of the metal trash mountain that was piled with starship wreckage, swaying and collapsing at any time, she was really surprised. I can hardly believe my eyes.

The two little guys have round cheeks, white skin that can be broken by blows, sweet dimples and big eyes shining like stars. You don’t even have to evoke the corners of their mouths. They are already indescribable. Pity, people can't help but want to put them in their arms and rub them hard.

Their facial features are very similar, they should be twins, but their temperaments are completely different.

The little boy has a tiger-head and a tiger-brained look, and the little girl is relatively quiet, even a little timid, but also full of curiosity about the whole world.

In any case, these are two little guys who should never be here.

This is the nest where scum, murderers, wolves, tigers and leopards gather. It is definitely not... Such two humans and animals are harmless, and the poor little guy should have come.

Jin Beibei's father used to be the leading psychic welding technician in the Celestial Circle, and even Jin Beibei also learned his father's ability to succeed. The two father and daughter relied on this craft to barely eat together in the Leo Shipyard.

Even with this kind of identity protection, Jin Beibei is still unavoidably harassed by those wolves. Maybe one day, they will be swallowed by the wolves even with their belt bones, and even the scum will not be left.

Jin Beibei knows that there are quite a few psychopaths among the jackals, and beasts who like to play with young children, so that the "delicious and delicious" little guys fall into their hands... It's better to let the garbage mountain collapse now and directly crush them. The death came happily.

More importantly, how did these two little guys sneak in?

This is the space dock, and there is a dark and cold vacuum outside, there is no possibility of floating in!

"Danger, come down!"

Seeing the innocent and ignorant appearance of the two little guys, Jin Beibei's heart suddenly tightened. She thought that the two little guys might have sneaked off the starship that came to be repaired and modified.

In recent days, countless "big fish" in Yulong City have to run away, and need to transform the starship into a model that can travel long distances and drift alone for decades. The business of the Leo Shipyard is very prosperous, and there are several every day. Starships lined up for repairs and modifications.

After many people completed the modification, they plunged directly into the depths of the star sea without even returning to Yulong City.

Since it is a runaway, it is not surprising to bring children.

Jin Beibei couldn't think about it so much. Before the metal mountain was about to collapse, he rescued the two children with one hand and one under his arm.

She has been repairing the starship for many years and fiddling with the huge metal components. She has a lot of strength.


The metal mountain piled with starship wreckage collapsed behind her, and the two children curled their necks and said nothing, but there was no expression of fear on their faces. Instead, they were curious, staring at her with big dark black eyes. .

"You two little ghosts, who are you? Didn't you see the sign of'Maintenance heavy, no idlers"?"

When she returned to her small warehouse where solder was piled up, Jin Beibei let out a sigh of relief, and asked the two little babies complainingly, "Who are you here with, and your parents, why don't you take good care of you?"

The two little babies looked at each other and pouted in unison.

The little boy said: "Mum is very busy and has no time to take care of us, and she is surrounded by a lot of fierce uncles and aunts. If we are not allowed to approach, if we forcibly break in, it will be dangerous."

The little girl said: "Our father has gone far, far away again. We want to find Dad."


Jin Beibei didn't expect such an answer. What irresponsible parents are these? Did the two children slip onto a certain starship by themselves and accidentally come to the Leo shipyard?

It is very possible that they are two very beautiful and cute children, but their faces are dirty and hands are stained with oil and dirt, and their clothes are tattered and tattered. They are not much better than beggars.

I really don't know how much they suffered and suffered before they came to the Leo Shipyard.

Jin Beibei remembered the days when she and her father wandered all the way to the Dragon and Snake Star Territory when she was very young.

Her heart immediately softened.

After thinking for a while, I took out two white crystals and threw them into the water cup, shook them gently, and immediately turned into two cups of steaming milk.

She handed the milk over, and her voice became very gentle: "Don't be afraid, take a break with my sister, and we will slowly figure out a solution. By the way, my name is Jin Beibei, what is your name?"

"Thank you sister Beibei!"

The two little dolls were very polite, took the milk with both hands, and sipped it carefully.

They seem to be very unaccustomed to the taste of milk, even...very unaccustomed to the action of "drinking", it seems a bit restrained, stiff and even "mechanical".

"It's delicious."

The little boy licked his lips and said, "My name is Li Xiaoming."

"This is the real taste of'milk'."

The little girl blinked her crystal eyes and said, "My name is Li Wenwen."

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