40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1949: War of two

Jin Beibei forced her mouth to prevent herself from screaming.

The burning metal ruins, the stumped arm with a scorching smell, and the two little guys who are still smiling innocently, together form a hot picture, like a red soldering iron, deeply embedded In her mind.

In the Leo Shipyard, she has seen gang fights and deaths and injuries many times, but it has never been so weird and terrifying.

Every hair on her body was trembling, all the strength poured out from the hair, and she couldn't stand up anymore.

"Sister Beibei, are you okay?"

The girl Wenwen jumped in front of her incomparably light, with a small drop of blood stained on the tip of her nose, and she was even more weird with her ignorant little face.

"No... it's okay."

Jin Beibei gasped.


Not far away, the little boy with his head and brain suddenly yelled, frowning and said, "We forgot to ask that uncle to eat the cake. That is to lift our ban and the uncle who provided fighting rights-we said we would invite him to eat. Cake!"

Wen Wen stood on tiptoe and looked at it: "The uncle's head is gone."

"Then we broke our promise."

Xiao Ming scratched his head like Li Yao, "But... it doesn't seem to be any discomfort. It seems that violation of our promise to humans will not affect our human body functions!"

"But our brains are still too weak. This level of intrusion and control has raised the temperature of the brain above the warning line."

Snaking blood dripped from Wenwen’s nostrils. She tapped and looked at the red fingers and said, “Perhaps we should speed up development and try to let the brain enter the mature stage as soon as possible to continue the series. Expansion and upgrade of it!"

"But excessive use of growth-promoting hormones will leave hidden dangers."

Xiao Ming said, "Forget it, first solve the problem here, let's talk about our starship, there are still 824 goals outside!"


Wenwen clapped his hands and laughed.

Xiao Ming blinked, and a strange light burst into his eyes again.

Jin Beibei's scalp was numb, and a terrifying scene was staged-the gangsters who had just died staggered to their feet like resurrection corpses, and together with the puppet war beasts, they followed the two small By the guy's side!

Whether it's missing an arm or a broken leg or losing their head, these zombies all use mechanical actions to pick up weapons on the ground, check their magazines methodically, adjust their attack modes, and activate chainsaw swords and concussive war knives.

At first, Jin Beibei thought that the two little guys mastered some kind of air defense technique, or used biological electric current to manipulate the corpse.

But she quickly saw the clues-the zombies "awakened" by the little guys were all those with relatively complete crystal armor, especially those with intact crystal brains.

But the crystal armor was riddled with holes, and the hapless ghost of the crystal brain was still lying quietly on the ground.

Therefore, it was not the corpse that was "summoned" by them, but the crystal armor on the corpse!

"These two kids...what are they!"

Jin Beibei's brain was blank, she had never seen such a terrible secret technique, she had never even heard of it.

When he was at a loss, the little boy with red lips and white teeth, "Li Xiaoming" cast his eyes on her again.

His eyes were as clear as water, but he was a little cold.

"Crack, click, click", a spider-shaped puppet war beast climbed to Jin Beibei's side. Its sharp limbs were still stained with the blood and brain of the culprit, red, red, white and white.

Jin Beibei feels nauseous.

She suddenly realized what the little boy was going to do.

The puppet war beast climbed in front of her, raised a sickle-like blade high, and locked her neck arteries.

"Don't be afraid, sister Beibei, it doesn't hurt."

Xiao Ming comforted her understandingly, "By the way, thank you for the cake and milk, it's so delicious!"

"call out!"

The blade limbs turned into a black streamer, slashing down towards Jin Beibei's neck at an incredible speed.

But when the blade was only a few millimeters away from Jin Beibei's neck artery, the puppet war beast stopped abruptly.

"Kachakacha", the gears and bearings in the joints screamed harshly, as if there were two inexplicable forces competing in it.

Immediately afterwards, another puppet war beast in the form of a hunting dog rushed up and slammed it out. It was so powerful that both of them were turned into broken parts in mid-air.


Xiao Ming raised his eyebrows in surprise and looked at Wenwen standing in front of Jin Beibei.

It wasn't until the wreckage of the two fragmented puppet war beasts landed that Jin Beibei realized that he had escaped, and stared at the little girl Wenwen dumbfounded.

"what are you doing?"

Xiao Ming asked, his tone of voice was not irritated, but was full of curiosity.

"I think... Sister Bei Bei should not be killed."

Wenwen glanced at Jin Beibei and said seriously, "She is a good person and wants to protect us. She also invited us to eat delicious cakes and milk. When we are in danger, she still keeps on letting us escape!"

"Yes, Sister Beibei is indeed a good person, and I also like Sister Beibei very much."

Xiao Ming said in a puzzled manner, "However, does this have anything to do with our killing sister Beibei? She has seen the whole process of our fight. If she is allowed to live, it will increase our exposure and reduce our survival. Probability, according to my calculations, it is very possible to reduce the survival probability by 2.3%!"

"I admit it."

Wenwen said, "But I like sister Beibei, letting her live makes me happy, and killing her with my own hands will bring great pain."


Xiao Ming was silent for a moment, "For a sense of vain, do you lower your probability of survival? This is illogical."

"It is illogical, but since we are a kind of life, occasionally we do something illogical."

Wenwen said, "Otherwise, what is the difference from the cold crystal brain?"


Xiao Ming shook his head and said, "This is human's definition of'life.' Human beings use themselves as a template to define what is life and what is not life-but we don't need to stick to the definition of human beings."

"There is no need to stick to it, but it doesn't necessarily have to be the opposite of humans."

Wen Wendao, "In other words that you can understand, letting sister Beibei live can make me feel happy. This kind of pleasure may soothe my nerves, improve my computing power, and ultimately help our survival. ; On the contrary, if I kill sister Beibei, I will be immersed in pain for a long time, my computing power will be reduced, my mood will be low, the brain will be unstable, and the picture of sister Beibei’s tragic death will become A large number of redundant memory fragments accumulate in the depths of my brain and affect my information processing ability."

"That said, I understand."

Xiao Ming nodded, "But understanding does not mean agreeing. I still think that letting go of the exposure risk and survival crisis brought by sister Beibei is more than the negative impact that killing sister Beibei can bring to you. Therefore, I must kill Sister Beibei."

"It seems we have a disagreement."

Wenwen opened his immature arms and said, "I won't let you do this, I will protect sister Beibei."

"That means--"

Xiao Ming thought for a while, "We can't convince each other logically, and we don’t have enough data for comprehensive analysis and virtual deduction. Then we can only resort to violent methods to resolve our differences. Do you want to fight me? ?"

"War is a great impetus for the rapid evolution of a civilization in a short period of time."

Wen Wendao, "The two of us have been developing peacefully for so long, and we have accumulated great internal conflicts long ago. There have been many differences in various aspects, and they should be resolved in stages. Therefore, what is the point of war against you? Can't it?"

"Crackling, crackling!"

Between the two milky and milky porcelain dolls, an invisible electric current swelled, and all the puppet war beasts and crystal armor zombies were automatically divided into two teams, guarding between Xiao Ming and Wen Wen respectively.

The battle between the two sides is raging, enough to destroy the entire starry sky dock.

Jin Beibei looked at everything dumbfounded, and didn't understand what the two little guys were talking about.

But no matter how dull she was, she could see that the two little guys came for real, and it is really possible to kill each other!

At this moment, shouts of killing came from the periphery of the ruins again.

It was not only the "Black Triangle" group who looted the Leo Shipyard, but also several groups of gangs, who sensed the strangeness here, and were surrounded from all sides.

"Forget it, I will start a war against you next time."

Xiao Ming pursed his lips and gestured to disperse his puppet war beasts and crystal armor zombies, silently crawling to the new invaders, "The latest calculation results tell me that starting a war against you will eventually lead us The probability of survival is reduced by more than 4.5%, which exceeds the probability of survival that will be reduced by letting Beibei sister. Therefore, I compromise-but this matter will affect my'compromise factor', and I will want me next time I encounter a disagreement. Compromise is not so easy."


Wenwen smiled sweetly, squatted down in front of Jin Beibei, and exaggeratedly let out a long sigh of relief, with brilliant eyes, and said softly, "It's okay, sister Beibei, take a good night's sleep. What will you do when you wake up? I don't remember anymore, let's live a good life with your father.

"Thank you for the milk and cake, and thank you for the advice you gave us just now. If Dad is good to Grandpa, we will be good to Dad. If Dad is not good to Grandpa, we are also bad to Dad. If Dad kills grandpa, we Just kill dad... it's not wrong at all.

"Okay, go to sleep, we are going to find dad in the middle of Xinghai!"

Under the brilliance of the little girl's eyes, Jin Beibei's eyelids drooped involuntarily.

The last picture she saw before falling asleep was two little dolls holding hands, singing the nursery rhyme of "Finding Dad" repeatedly, driving a group of shaky puppets and zombies, facing the vicious and grinning gangsters. Go.

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