40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1969: Blessed by heaven and man

At this moment, hundreds of white and flawless flowers are slowly blooming in the sky above the big lake where the Taiping Walled City is located, falling with the wind.

Many flowers have fallen on the lake, sinking and floating like jellyfish.

These flowers make all the villagers go crazy, either driving a small boat to search on the lake, or inserting a magic weapon similar to a gliding wing behind, flying into the air to **** it, plus a searchlight, The sky was shining like day, and the scene was so lively.

Li Yao condensed the primordial spirit to a high degree, and vaguely distinguished that it was a parachute with some metal boxes hanging below.

"Blessed by heaven and man!"

The two little guys saw white flowers falling from the sky all the way, dancing and dancing in excitement, and explained to Li Yao blushingly, "That is the relief supplies thrown down on the heavenly tracks. Every year before the'Gift Ceremony', The frequency of throwing supplies by the sky track will increase, even if it is an extra favor, I did not expect to be caught up by them today."

"There is one there!"

When Hante saw a parachute being blown off the lake by the wind, it floated towards them, cheered, twisted the shuttle violently, and galloped towards the landing point of the relief supplies, just to find that it had been on the edge of the big lake. The shattered metal box was filled with light and soft bubbles, which acted as a buffer.

Under the protection of Bubbles, there are two gleaming weapons.

"It's a new type of magic weapon, just two pieces!"

Hante and Liuli's eyes lit up at the same time, and they picked up these new weapons happily and played with them happily.

Li Yao released faint divine thoughts and attached them to the weapons in the hands of the two little guys, carefully studying its structure.

This weapon is very similar to the "power glove" in Li Yao's impression. It can completely envelop people's five fingers, palm to elbow, but on the wrist, a thick metal ring is added. The surface of the metal ring is also inlaid. Twelve dark blue spars the size of pebbles don't know what they do.

The two little guys were familiar with the road, pouting their butts and searching between the bubbles, and soon found a jade slip with a projection function.

With a light press, a three-dimensional light curtain is released from the front end of the jade slip, and the use of this weapon is introduced in detail in the simplest and direct image method.

This weapon is called "Skyfire Lightning Strike Ring", which is indeed an upgraded version of "Power Gloves". In addition to greatly enhancing the user's boxing destructive power, it also has two magical powers: close combat and long-range shooting.

When switching to the melee mode, the metal ring attached to the wrist will generate a specific model of arc and flame magnetic field, simulating the effects of the Thunder Knife and the Burning Axe.

When switched to the long-range mode, a group of plasma can be directly thrown out, and all targets at a distance of 100 meters can be turned into coke.

Judging from the three-dimensional images released by the jade slip, the power is indeed quite strong, and even the psychic shield can penetrate at once when it is fully stimulated.

"Okay, so awesome!"

Hante and Liuli saw their eyes straight, and their mouths were so wide that they could fit two duck eggs.

"It is indeed a very sharp magic weapon, but it is too radical!"

Li Yao's primordial spirit has scanned dozens of circles inside and outside the two sets of "Skyfire and Lightning Strike Rings", scanning all of their rune formations on each level, and remembering it in his heart, he can't help but shook his head secretly.

The engraving technology of the spirit patterns and rune formations of the true human empire is naturally hidden on the federation, but the structural analysis of this mass-produced equipment does not help Li Yao.

He saw at a glance that the "Skyfire Lightning Strike Ring" used more than fifty extremely unstable rune arrays in order to achieve the maximum instantaneous output power, and used the most extreme underlying architecture to piece them together, even in the design of the psychic cycle. When looping, they did not even consider the problem of system redundancy, but adopted a very aggressive and almost "desperate" approach.

Yes, in the general magic weapon design field, it is acceptable to occasionally use one or two more extreme symbol arrays. As long as the redundant design is in place, the ultimate performance of the magic weapon can be squeezed out, and it may not affect the failure rate.

Li Yao himself is a master who is good at using extreme talisman formations. His refining style has always been known for his "freak and madness".

But even if he is so frantic, it is impossible for him to piece together dozens of extremely dangerous amulets like this, without leaving even the slightest redundant space, just adding two sets of stabilization systems indiscriminately.

In this way, serious failures occur, and it is almost impossible to say.

Yes, such "Skyfire Lightning Strike Rings" are definitely several times stronger than ordinary "power gloves", but if they break down, they may blow up the user's entire arm and give themselves alive. dead.

An ultra-high-precision magic weapon is likely to be composed of thousands of ultra-miniature symbolic arrays, and there are hundreds of thousands of different psychic flow models, which simply form a chaotic system.

If Li Yao were to look at it now, he wouldn't be able to know what kind of environment the "Skyfire Lightning Strike Ring" would encounter, what kind of blows it would encounter, or how long it would take to input the strength of the psionic energy before it malfunctioned.

This may be the designer of the Skyfire Lightning Strike Ring, who wants to figure it out in the "practical test".

"The so-called'blessing from heaven and man' means that the aloof cultivators throw these extremely unstable and 100% problematic magic weapons on the criminals, and let the criminals risk their lives to help them test?

"The magic weapon industry and the magical power creation industry of the real human empire are built on the bones of countless criminals fighting each other, life and death, blood flowed into rivers?"

Li Yao didn't say a word and was furious.

Naturally, the two little guys didn’t know the conspiracy of the immortal cultivator. After playing with it for a while, they remembered the existence of Li Yao, a respected "old man", and respectfully held the Skyfire Thunder Strike Ring to him and asked him to taste it. .

Li Yao had already scanned it with spiritual thoughts, and naturally had no interest in these two extremely dangerous experimental models, but he looked at the horizon with some curiosity. There seemed to be a lot of them far away from the Taiping Walled City. The parachute was floating in the air.

Li Yao asked, "Don't you pick up those materials?"

Hante glanced at random and shook his head: "Those are too far away and have fallen into the sphere of influence of other villages. When we rush past, they will be picked up by other villages, and conflicts with each other are easy to break out. The "God-given ceremony" is about to begin. It is impossible to fight at this time and suffer heavy casualties."

Li Yao asked again: "What is the Godsend Ceremony?"

Han Teo said: "The Godsend Ceremony is the largest supply of supplies every year. The specific date and location will be notified by Tiangui one month in advance. At that time, the supplies will be 100 times more than what we saw today, and the quality is also high. It’s several levels higher, and it’s possible to find a superb grandfather with great magical powers, or even an entire armory. Therefore, it was the grandest day of all the villages, and the big guys were holding back their energy and wanting Grab more things back from the Godsend Ceremony!"

Liuli went on to add: "Because the gift of heaven is very important, whoever can grab more supplies back will be able to guarantee the village's livelihood in the next year, so not only will all the villages in Shili Baxiang rush to **** it, but also come from outside. The strong will covet even the gangsters and murderers who are usually active in the **** world. Therefore, we must be up to 120,000 spirits."

Li Yao pondered for a moment and said, "So, the **** of the Godsend Ceremony must be very bloody, maybe it will kill people?"

"It's not that it might be, but it will definitely kill people."

Hante said earnestly, "The Godsend Ceremony is related to the survival of a village. If a village does not grab enough supplies, not only will it decline, but if others know your weakness, they will even fall into the trap to hit you, rob you, and destroy you. You, destroy the whole village!

"On the other hand, if you grab enough resources in the Godsend Ceremony and demonstrate your strong strength, people who have lost the shelter of the village in all directions will come to seek refuge, and there are many strong people who will also ask to join. That is a village. Great opportunity to expand!

"Like our Taiping Walled City, it was only a small village with one or two hundred people at first, and it was a precarious small village. It was because my master had shined in the heaven-sent ceremony several times, and took the lead with absolute strength, grabbed a lot of resources back, and it gradually thrived. Developed.

"Since the ceremony is so important, everyone must have spared their lives to fight, so every year they have to fight to the death, fight to death and death, and kill a lot of people!"

After a pause, Hante said with some embarrassment, "Although my master is recognized as the number one strong within a radius of hundreds of miles, he actually doesn't like the **** and cruel battle of Godsend Ceremony. He often says that we Killing each other like this is like a dog being bitten by a dog.

"He had thought about changing the model of Godsend Ceremony, and came up with a way to distribute relief supplies fairly and try to satisfy all villages and everyone. However, even I think this method is absolutely impossible. That's it!

"In short, we at Taiping Walled City don’t want to do things too terribly. As long as we get what we deserve in the gift ceremony, it’s enough, but if others insist on grabbing us, we naturally can’t just sit back and wait, Yao Lao , Are you right?"

Li Yao was noncommittal, thought for a while, and then asked: "You just said that at the time of the Godsend Ceremony, even the gangs and murderers who are usually active in the **** world will come. Have you beaten those people?"

"As long as we work together, there may not be no chance."

Hante waved his fist confidently and said, "The God-given Ceremony is not only happening in one place, but at the same time throughout the entire area. In other words, when the barren world is falling down with a lot of supplies, the **** battle The world can also get a lot of materials, and it will only have more quantity, better quality, and higher level than ours.

"The really powerful gangs and murderers are naturally robbing them of supplies and will come to a barren world like ours. They are just the last of the gangs and murderers, small characters.

"My master's title of'Breaking Hammer' can be regarded as unknown within a few hundred miles, and no one knows it. Those small characters in the gang don't dare to provoke us easily."

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