40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2000: First arrival blood source

Nie soil, blood origin.

This is different from the "Thousand Lake Area" where Taiping Walled City is located.

The Qianhu area has been bombarded by countless powerful ground-boring bombs, and huge craters with many holes have been exploded in the city and in the wilderness. After hundreds of years of wind and rain, the craters have turned into lakes. , Hence the name.

The blood source has not suffered so many ground-burrowing bombs, but it has also endured the catastrophe of extinction-it is a certain kind of fungus that ate all living creatures and can induce extreme mutations in biological genes.

Looking around, the entire wilderness of blood is covered with a thick blanket of bacteria, and there is also a blurred red mist floating in the air, with a sweet and greasy smell, it really feels like being in a sea of ​​blood. Among.

"Blood Origin Region", hence the name.

The airtight fungus blanket killed crops and most of the plants that humans depend on for survival. The extinction of plants triggered a chain reaction and led to the collapse of the entire ecosystem. Almost all the tame animals native to the Wuying kingdom disappeared.

Those who can survive in this extreme environment, take the fungus blanket as food, and then tear the gene chain, triggering all kinds of weird mutations, are all evil monsters with teeth and claws.

The weak monsters feed on the fungus blanket, and fight each other like gu worms, and then they have cultivated more powerful monsters, wandering in groups on the blood, and even attacking human towns and convoys without fear of death. .

Of course, there are also various beast cores, stones and inner alchemy condensed in the monsters' bodies by humans, and take the initiative to hunt the monsters.

Humans and beasts have been fighting each other on the blood source for hundreds of years, and the numerous bones covered in the blood source silently confide in the brutality of a century of fighting.

The largest bones are even as high as four or five stories. The fangs pierced to the sky are just like a giant blade of a ship slayer, which has not been corrupted for hundreds of years and has been piled up everywhere in the blood. Depending on the shape, it becomes a conspicuous coordinate.

Li Yao, Han Te, and Liuli came along. In just half a month, they had repelled dozens of waves of mutant beasts and slaughtered no fewer than hundreds of strange and hideous mutant beasts.

However, no matter how ferocious and terrifying the beast is, the most terrifying thing on the evil soil will always be human beings.

This is the depths of the blood war world. With the news that "Boxer" Lei Zonglie is about to attack Xiaoyao City, the largest city in the blood source area, the whole blood source is completely boiling, and all the bandits and lone bandits are moved by the wind. .

The collision between the two giants Lei Zonglie and Xiahou Wuxin has not yet begun. The forces or vanguards vassalizing them have already collided fiercely, turning the blood source into a vortex of destruction.

In order to **** the invitation card of the boxing champion or the city lord Xiaoyao; I have already led out missions from the boxing champion and the city lord Xiaoyao to weaken the strength of the opponent's camp; or there was a hatred of the enemy before, so I just took this opportunity to make a break... …Hundreds of fierce battles are unfolding at the same time across the blood plains, countless criminals and corpses in the wilderness, their flesh and blood are swallowed by fungus blankets, and within a few days, they become piles of dead bones.

Li Yao, Han Te, and Liuli, this seemingly weak and not surprisingly adventurous squad, will inevitably suffer from unreasonable disasters and get caught up in the vortex of chaos from time to time.

"Kill kill kill kill kill kill kill!"

A car with giant collision horns inlaid on the front of a shuttle car resembling an iron-clad rhinoceros, three gangsters with their hair erected like cockscombs, their eyes shining with green light, and a mess of paint smeared on their faces amidst grinning laughter. Li Yao, Han Te and Liuli rushed over.

This is the third time they have been attacked today.

No more reasons are needed-so two little guys who are so tender that they can pinch out water, walking alone on the bloodstream, with only an inconspicuous psionic puppet next to them, are they the best prey? ?


Hante sighed greatly.

"It is not good?"

Li Yao smiled and said, "It just happens to use the exercises that I taught you a few days ago, so that you can master them in actual combat."

"Speaking of which, Elder Yao is really amazing!"

Liuli licked his lips, her big watery eyes shone brightly, "Not only has we improved the flaws in our exercises one by one, but also taught us such a powerful mental determination, which can be integrated with our natural and magical powers. When I wake up every day, I feel stronger than yesterday!"

"Maybe, Yao Lao used to be the'No. 1 Master in Wuying World', and even now, he is the most powerful'Grandpa' in the evil land!"

Hante loosened the linen bandage on his arm, revealing the nine metal rings nested in the ring.

Under the dazzling electric arc, all the metal rings spun rapidly, making a "buzzing" sound.

The young man grinned and murmured, "Why are these thugs so stupid? Since two seemingly harmless little guys can reach the depths of the blood, it must be - not easy!"

Before he finished his words, the boy's arms were raised high like a crystal magnetic cannon, and he screamed at the "iron-clad rhinoceros" who swooped down from mid-air: "Thunder and lightning strikes the fist, the seventh realm, the sky thunder kills the cannon! "


The rotation speed of the nine metal rings reached its limit. Hundreds of arcs staggered in front of the boy's arms into a lightning storm. The storm was also mixed with numerous metal fragments as thin as cicada wings, smashing towards the opponent.

Liuli was behind Hante, with her fingers crossed, and stubbornly aimed at her temples. Her eyes seemed to have turned into two little suns. A shadowless and invisible spirit whizzed out, just as the bombardment hit Hante. In the lightning storm that came out, the intensity of the lightning storm increased tenfold in an instant!


"Iron Armored Rhinoceros" was pierced by lightning storms, disintegrated directly in the air, and split into tens of thousands of fragments.

The three gangsters in the car were all shot with blemishes and bruises, but they were not dead for a while. Instead, they swelled and grew hair stiff like steel needles during the "Ao Ao" barking. The lower jaw kept protruding, and the fangs grew inch by inch, turning into a half-man, half-wolf monster, but the few combs of cockscomb-like hair on his head remained high and erect.

"It hurts, it hurts!"

"Little bastard, kill you!"

The three half-human and half-wolf monsters landed heavily, and there were still arcs on the needle-like hair, but they looked nonchalant and roared frantically.

The fierce bandits on the blood source are indeed powerful. This weird mutation is like the magical powers of the original martial artist, but also has strong traces of changes in the monster race, but it is not known what mysterious medicine prepared by the immortal cultivator has done the evil.

"Liu Li, help me!"

Faced with three aggressive monsters, Hante was not afraid. The nine metal rings continued to rotate, five fingers bent, and he actually "sucked" the lightning storm back, forming a huge lightning claw in front of him, facing the three heads. The monster grabbed it hard.

It's just that he is not very proficient in the use of lightning claws. Such a big action will inevitably be delayed for a while, causing the empty door in front of him to open.

The three-headed monster still maintains the wisdom of human beings. Naturally, it is impossible to let go of the perfect opportunity. All of them squat deeply, trying to flash through Hante's lightning ghost claws, and rush towards his chest.

However, the glazed eyes behind Hante were shining brightly, and after a muffled grunt, three fierce spiritual thoughts were sent to the brains of the three monsters!

Liuli is talented and his brain waves are originally several times stronger than ordinary people. After the careful training of Li Yao, a master of spiritual warfare, he has also initially mastered one of Li Yao's earliest spiritual warfare abilities, the "fear bomb"!

For an instant, the three-headed monsters seemed to have seen an incredible and terrifying sight. Not only were they paralyzed and unable to dodge, they even stood up slightly. They happened to be swept upright by Hante’s lightning ghost claws, and they were screaming right now. The sound was turned into more than a dozen sections, and he was killed on the spot!

The terrible picture, changing the Hante and Liuli from half a month ago, always frowned slightly.

But after half a month of **** practice on the blood source, they have become accustomed to it and turned a blind eye.

After Li Yao’s cruel special training, the two little guys can barely be regarded as the ranks of "elite gangsters", and they have also practiced with Li Yao several sets of powerful combined attacks, which can be used without revealing Li Yao’s true identity. Next, calmly confronted the masters of the pill formation and even the golden pill stage.

If Li Yao bombards the Yuanshen to the limit, naturally, without the help of two little guys, he can directly kill the Yuanying boss.

However, this is not the remote country in the deserted world of Taiping Walled City. According to the analysis of Li Yao and the Scarlet Heart Demon, the battle of "Boxing King" Lei Zonglie against "Xiahou City Lord" Xiahou Wuxin should be deliberately arranged by the cultivator." "Focused Battle" is to attract the deadly powerful on the whole piece of evil soil, gather together, to test the most powerful magical powers and the most fierce magic weapons.

Therefore, the monitoring of the "Battle of Xiaoyao City" by the cultivator must be so strict that it is impossible to reinforce it, and it is unlikely that he will act as arbitrarily as in the Taiping Walled City and the Shuanglong Valley.

Bringing the two little guys with them happened to be a kind of cover, otherwise, a psionic puppet roaming on the bloodstream would also seem quite strange.

"Should be almost at the destination."

Today is a rare day with clear skies, thin blood fog and extremely high visibility. Hante raised his binoculars and searched the horizon for a while, and suddenly pointed to the distance and yelled, "Look, it’s right there, that’s bliss. World, Happy City!"

Li Yao looked far away in the direction pointed by Hante. He hadn't seen the city itself hundreds of kilometers away. He first saw a very thin and very thin thread standing between the sky and the earth, or in other words, from the ground. The tower that leads to the sky.

Below the height is a pyramid-shaped base, and there are countless hazy buildings spread out on the pyramid to form a magnificent city.

The high tower extends from the tip of the pyramid all the way up, deep into the clouds, and merges with the looming sky track.

From this perspective, it looks like a pillar supporting the sky dome again.

That is the material and personnel transmission channel that maintains the sky rail and the evil soil.

It is also... Thousands of sinners, the only way to ascend!

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