40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2008: The truth behind the truth?

With red training, black spear, and flashpoint, the three immortal cultivators wore crystal armors, and shuttled between the dark clouds like three flying swords that flew fast and freely. Seeing the crisscrossing lines of fire around them were like nothing, every time they were in the dark clouds. When diving, there will be splashes of blood and bursts of screams, causing several guardians of Xiaoyao City to fall from a height of hundreds of meters and thrown into flesh with the battle armor.

However, the "friends" beside them continued to explode and fall in the storm of swords and shadows and bullets, just like another team of elite players lurking in the dark clouds.

Suddenly, two new armor masters appeared in the dark clouds opposite them. The two sides staggered several times, but they were not able to easily kill each other.

The three immortal cultivators smelled a familiar breath, like a jackal meeting a jackal, a viper and a viper, and the player ran into the player.


The black spear hovered in mid-air and asked coldly.

"Yes, but our luck was not so good, we were randomly assigned to the camp of City Lord Xiaoyao."

The armor master on the opposite side smiled and said, "It's unlucky, we never like defense, we only like... offense."

"Don't be so arrogant."

Black Spear licked his lips and said, "You only have two, but we have three here."

"But here is the sky above Xiaoyao City, and we can get a lot of support at any time."

The other party was unmoved, the chain saw sword danced a sword flower, "Would you like to try?"


The black spear narrowed his eyes and burst into a fierce light.

"Black Spear, Flash Point, are these two competitors in your family?"

Chi Lian said suddenly.

Black Spear and Flashpoint shook their heads at the same time.

"Then we don't seem to have the need for a conflict to break out now."

Chi Liandao, "The decisive battle is about to begin soon. It is a great opportunity for everyone to scrutinize points frantically. Since there is no fundamental conflict, why bother here to fight and lose, you say?"

The two opposing people slowly nodded: "That's right, I really want to fight. Later, there will be opportunities to fight. Why should I rush for a while?"

The two of them flashed and disappeared in the black smoke, and finally left a sentence with a grin: "For your reason, I remind you that if you want to retreat, don't go back the same way and go to the southeast. Okay, there are a few madmen who play live broadcasts lurking on your back road. Everyone knows that these madmen don't care whether you are players or not. They can do anything for the audience rating."

"Huh, bluff!"

Black Spear clenched his fists, "Even if I really meet those crazy people who play live broadcasts, let me blow them up in front of countless audiences!"

"Shut up!"

Chi Lian groaned, "You know how crazy those people are. They are all psychopathic madmen who came here specifically to find excitement. They are different from those of us who come with tasks. There is no need to entangle them.

"Anyway, our reconnaissance mission has been completed. With the credit and fame accumulated over half a month, it is enough to see the deity of the'Boxing King'. Let's retreat.

"However, the words of these two guys can't be believed either. We will neither return the same way nor head southeast, but rush forward for a while and go around from the west!"

Under the cover of many other reconnaissance teams, the three immortal cultivators, Chilian, Black Spear, and Flashpoint, went around the air defense firepower range of Xiaoyao City without any risk.

Sure enough, before returning to the boxing base camp, he received the news that all the reconnaissance teams except them were almost wiped out.

"The two guys didn't lie to us, they are really crazy guys playing live broadcast!"

Shan said with lingering fear, "Fortunately, we have not been entangled by them, otherwise our main mission will be difficult to complete!"

"Our ‘servant’ is there, let’s land!"

Black Spear said, "These few servants are clever enough. I originally thought that they would be killed by the opponent in the first action. I didn't expect to struggle so many missions without dying, and their vitality was tenacious. With the puppet they carried, although their combat effectiveness is not very good, they are all good at repairing and maintaining all kinds of magic weapons. I am a little reluctant to kill them."

"Of course."

Chi Liandao, "This is the first time you two have participated in the extreme survival trial on the evil soil. Naturally, they will take care of you a little bit and assign you a few more useful servants, perhaps because of preferential treatment to the newcomers.

"As for killing them, it shouldn't be necessary. They can't survive a fierce siege battle, and a street battle ten times more violent than a siege battle."

The seven-star mission "Eagle Falcon Project" was basically completed. The three immortal cultivators landed, smiling, and walked towards Hante and Liuli.

But I didn't know that all their conversations just now were recorded by the sound wave collection chip embedded in the most secret part of the crystal brain, and will be read by Li Yao during the repair and maintenance later.

Just as the three immortal cultivator players were enjoying this game with living people as chess pieces and props, Li Yao was also carefully analyzing the immortal cultivator's game.

The more you analyze, the more you feel that the true face of Wuying world is not as simple as you think.

He originally thought that the entire Wuying world was the most important new magic weapon supernatural power laboratory and testing base of the true human empire.

However, the appearance of three immortal cultivators told him the deeper meaning of this "test base". The test was not only the magic weapon and supernatural powers, but also the "immortal cultivators" themselves.

And by collecting the conversations between three immortal cultivators every day, including the results of his own soul-searching carefully, this "war game" seems to have a third and more subtle meaning.

With his keen perception of the transformation of the gods, Li Yao found at least hundreds of immortal cultivator players, but players and players are different.

For example, the three people he followed, Chi Lian, Black Spear, and Flash Point, obviously came with certain tasks, including "side tasks" and "main tasks."

"Secondary missions" have been going on in the past two months. They are used to accumulate money, fame and trust. Li Yao still doesn't know what their "main missions" are. He just feels vaguely, no. "Conquer Xiaoyao City" is as simple as that.

Of course, there is also a "hidden task", which is to kill competitors in their respective families in order to obtain more resources and favor.

In addition to these players who are obsessed with quests, there is also a type of immortal cultivator who they call "live-broadcasting lunatics." Li Yao still doesn't know who they are, because Chi Lian, Hei Lian, and Flash Point are all about them. The lunatics are very jealous and do not want to confront them head-on. Every time they smell their taste, they choose to retreat.

In addition, there seems to be a third kind of immortal cultivator in addition to the "task player" and the "live-broadcasting lunatic", but that is even more mysterious, and is completely hidden from the battlefield, completely hidden in the dark, even Li Yao. Only by accident did I perceive the existence of one of them, and was almost discovered by the other party.

Li Yao guessed that these immortal cultivators in the dark are likely to be the manipulators and rule maintainers of the entire game, responsible for guiding the war game in the direction they expected.

The unique laws on Nie Tu created the most suitable conditions for a large number of immortal cultivators to mix into the sinners.

This is a cruel world that changes rapidly.

Yesterday, he was still a powerful and invincible strong man. Today, it is possible that because of the fatal flaws in the exercises, he will get into trouble and explode himself.

And the nameless **** a year and a half ago, as long as he was assisted by the "Grandpa" and "Wonderful Art", and even received the enhancement kit that fell from the sky, he could instantly transform himself into a half-human, half-mechanical, tyrannical monster. .

Although doing so is very likely to lose the cultivation potential for the next few decades, as long as the strength can be increased ten or twenty times at once, who cares about tomorrow's life and death?

Therefore, with the exception of the major city masters who occupy the world of bliss, there are very few strong men and forces on the evil soil who can survive for decades.

On the other hand, there are also countless unknown people who will rise in a flash, with a mysterious and weird ability, and want to get ahead on the most magnificent stage.

Whether in the camp of boxing champion or Xiaoyao City Lord, there are some newly promoted powerhouses with weird appearance, surly, rebellious, and unknown origin.

The immortal cultivator players are mixed in it, like a few waves in the sea, it will not arouse suspicion at all.

What's more, everyone's attention is now focused on the battle between Boxing King and Xiaoyao City Lord. Apart from Li Yao, who cares whether this war is manipulated by "heavens"?

Hasn't the life on the wicked soil been repeated like this for hundreds of years?

People who may not be able to survive even the next second have no ability to imagine the future and search for the truth.

However, Li Yao wanted to thoroughly discover the truth hidden in the evil soil-Wuying Realm.

He wants to catch a cultivator player to torture.

The risk of doing so is naturally great, and it is never easy.

The cultivator must monitor this battlefield in various ways. Every cultivator player should also have a secret communication system, and there are countless cultivators hiding in the dark, responsible for maintaining the order of the "war game".

Therefore, for the past half month or so, Li Yao only observed calmly and disguised himself in a low-key manner, and did not rush to take action.

He has been waiting for the best opportunity, perhaps when the boxing army begins to attack the city.

At that time, the entire battlefield would be filled with violent and chaotic psychic energy fluctuations. Both sides would bomb and interfere with the enemy's local war network. Even the wireless network between the players of the cultivator should be blocked and cut off—— Even for a short moment.

The sky will also be obscured by gunpowder and dark clouds. Even the mysterious light from "Sky City, Manzhushahua" may not be able to illuminate every corner of the battlefield.

Didn’t Chi Lian say that the mortality rate in this "Extreme Survival Trial" is extremely high, so as long as Li Yao can seize the opportunity...

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