40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2010: The ambition of the champion! (two thousand

Li Yao "cocked" in his heart, the soul was running fast, not knowing what went wrong, the boxing champion seemed to be suspicious of him.

There is no reason. In the battle of the past month, he has been very low-key, honestly playing the role of a psionic puppet, and there is nothing out of the ordinary.

Li Yao is not afraid of "Boxing King" Lei Zonglie, but the immortal cultivator must be closely monitoring this place. He doesn't want to reveal his identity so early, but also wants to see what the immortal cultivator is going to do in this "war game". What a ghost!

Sure enough, the boxing king's eyes were piercing, and his psychic energy turned into strands of gossamer, swimming in Li Yao's steel body.

Li Yao's primordial spirit rippled in circles, activating the defensive talisman array around Jingnao, calmly resisting the temptation of the boxing champion outside of his core components, but he frowned in his heart.

"Boxing King" Lei Zonglie is not only a superb powerhouse, but also a pinnacle refiner, will he see through his disguise?

Li Yao was quite uncertain.


The boxer's psychic thread touched the defensive talisman formation in Li Yao's body, like an earthworm caught by the fire, and suddenly retracted.

Li Yao could clearly feel the waves in the boxing king's heart, and even the eyes condensed on him became much deeper and bleak.


The spirit silk that swam into his body actually split into hundreds of "branches", and they went hand in hand, trying to find the gap in his core component and invade his crystal brain.

Li Yao cried secretly, but the Yuanshen's reaction was not slow at all, and he bounced back all the temptations of the boxing champion with ease.

The eyes of the two people flickered through their crystal eyes, and a subtle collision occurred. Perhaps it was Li Yao's illusion, as if they collided with a few sparks that were not too malicious.

Is this... exposed?

What Li Yao didn't expect was that the boxing champion did not explore further, but withdrew the spirit silk and gaze without showing a trace, and glanced at the three immortal cultivators: "The strength is good, and I am indeed qualified to stand in my midst. In the army, fighting side by side with me, and... this psionic puppet is also quite interesting. It seems to be a model with independent learning and communication functions, but also self-repair and upgrade?"

Li Yao knows that, as an important type of military treasure, in the past hundreds of years, cultivators have placed hundreds of experimental psionic puppets on the evil soil, many of which are cutting-edge models with independent learning and upgrade functions.

Of course, most psionic puppets have extremely limited self-learning logic and strengthening and upgrading ranges, and their stability is not very good. They often fall into a logical black hole and cannot extricate themselves. They are even worse than ordinary puppets, so they are not protected from major gangs. Favorite.

In any case, this identity itself is not questionable.

Chi Lian, Black Spear, and Flash Point glanced at each other, and said nonchalantly: "If the boxing champion likes it, just study it."

Hante and Liuli were taken aback, but they didn't dare to reject such a peerless murderer like Boxing King, they were full of expressions.

The boxing champion laughed, his sturdy arms stretched out around him, and he said lightly: "You have also seen that collecting psionic puppets is my hobby, especially all kinds of weird models or patchwork monsters, I They all like to collect and play slowly and study their structure carefully.

"However, the war is imminent, and small hobbies can only be put aside. Anything will wait for us to capture Xiaoyao City!

"Tonight, please go back and have a good rest. My people will give you enough spar ammunition and high-energy nutrients to consume. Tomorrow morning, we will attack Xiaoyao City. I only hope that after this battle, every part of all of you, It can be intact!"


Li Yao returned to his camp with full of doubts. The more he pondered, the more he felt that "Boxing King" Lei Zonglie was neither as simple as the legend, nor did he want to see it on the surface.

He must have discovered the strangeness on his body. The hundreds of psychic clashes between electric light and stone fire are definitely not ordinary psychic puppets that can be displayed.

But why didn't he point it out in public, and he didn't try further?

Also, the last sentence he said "I hope...every part is intact" is obviously for himself.

In other words, he knows that he can "understand" the meaning of this sentence, and is looking forward to communicating with himself in-depth after the "Battle of Xiaoyao City" is over?

This is...

"I have a faint feeling that the boxing champion is not malicious, just interested in you."

The Scarlet Heart Demon said quietly, "Perhaps, he has a very special taste and a special'fetish', so he wants to play with you carefully and study your structure in depth."

"What the hell?"

Li Yao was taken aback, "So abnormal!"

"Here is evil soil, what kind of abnormality is there?"

The Scarlet Heart Demon said earnestly, "You carefully recall the psychic ripples emanating from the boxing champion at that time. Don't you have a taste of ecstasy, a little urge to burn your body?"

Li Yao: "Uh, I don't have any desire to burn my body, but I'm ecstatic... When you say this, it seems to be a little bit!"

"So I."

The Scarlet Heart Demon said, "I don't know the reason, but he seems to have a different feeling towards you. Be careful, he will definitely stare at you. I don't want to fall into his hands and be caught by him. Take it apart and study it carefully."

"The game is getting more and more complicated."

Li Yao stretched out his mechanical arm and scratched his steel skull, "The immortal cultivator must be staring at the boxing champion, but the boxing champion is interested in me for some reason-how low-key is this?"

"Then don't keep a low profile!"

The Scarlet Heart Demon grinned and said, "I think the'Battle of Xiaoyao City' will not be so simple. There will definitely be many things happening. Anyway, we don't care about the three or seventy-one, as long as we can take advantage of the fire to rob, and get the'polymer layer-by-layer scanning magic weapon. ', you can slip away and go for a'perfect fusion'. When the soul and the physical body are fused together, you can step into the realm of the'veteran transformation of the old monster', or the realm of the'old transformation of the spirit', and a low-key bird. !"

Li Yao wanted to sneak into the boxing champion's lair to find out the truth, but it must be closely monitored by immortal cultivators, so naturally he couldn't cast himself into the net at this moment.

It was said that they should have a good rest, but this night the boxing champion's base camp was full of voices, brightly lit, and everyone was constantly mobilizing.

Thousands of camps and tents have all been cleaned up, and a group of scattered bandits and murderers have also re-formed and deployed according to their performance in the past month, reluctantly putting these mobs together into one that can rush forward. All fronts.

Sure enough, the Red Training Team was arranged in the Chinese Army to directly attack Xiaoyao City’s most heavily defensive frontal defense line-after decades of painstaking efforts, there was an area full of trenches, horses, mines, lightning towers, and various defense formations. Shura hell.

At dawn.

The morning sun tore through the night sky, streaming out strong blood like fire, shining the earth like a blood-colored ocean, and everyone was like a killing machine that had just been bred from a pool of blood.

Hundreds of siren all over the "Big Iron City" began to roar, screaming torn the sky, awakening all the fierceness in the bones of all the attackers.

Around the big iron city, hundreds of thousands of chain saw swords, concussion sabers, and arrow guns were raised high, reflecting the dazzling blood-colored sunlight, and gathered into a group of devastating storms.

Countless murderous people waited hard for more than a month, already reaching the limit of patience, and finally broke out at this moment, wailing strange, venting their greed, anger and rage.

"Kill kill kill kill kill kill kill!"

"Enter Xiaoyao City, you can do whatever you want!"

"Kill Xiaoyao City Lord Xiahou Wuxin, we are the masters of'Elysium', and we can ascend to'Sky City, Manzhushahua' and become the supreme heavenly beings, hahahaha!"

The whistle sound became more and more sharp and loud, gradually suppressing the roar of all the fierce people, and everyone unanimously focused their eyes on the top of the "big iron city", as if there was a second bright sun rising there.

"It's the champion!"

"'Boxing King' Lei Zonglie has finally appeared!"

"Boxing champion, boxing champion, invincible, invincible boxing champion!"

All the murderers were drunk and stretched out their arms, shouting to the sky.

"We were born in a barren and barren wilderness, struggling in the cruel and **** abyss, turning ourselves beyond recognition, into wicked beasts, and then relying on a fluke of 120,000 points, can we barely survive in the so-called'blood war world'. stay alive."

Above the "Big Iron City", there was a thunderous roar of the boxing champion, "Even the most powerful fighter among us, what kind of life do you live? It's drunk life and dream of death!

"Look at what you look like, and then look at the companions around you. Is this what you want? Is this what you want to live until you die?"

None of the murderers expected that "Boxing King" Lei Zonglie would say such a thing, and was stunned on the spot for a while.

"But there, in the so-called ‘Elysium’!"

The boxing champion waved his hand and pointed to Xiaoyao City not far away, "There is the cleanest water source, the richest materials, the delicacies and various enjoyments you can't even think of, and the most advanced medical magic weapon. Repair your mutilated, distorted body!

"People in the Paradise of Elysium do nothing all day long, lying on a big bed full of springs, and they can watch the supplies fall from the sky!


"Why can they get everything with no effort, while we struggled in the **** world, killed each other, turned ourselves into jackals, tigers, leopards, or even pigs, dogs, cattle, and sheep, but we couldn't get one percent of theirs. To be ridiculed by them, why!

"Today, let me take everyone to seek justice and take back what should belong to us!"


Ho Ho Ho Ho, "Forty Thousand Years of Cultivation" has a full two thousand chapters! Two years ago, Lao Niu was really beaten to death and never thought there would be today!

All the way, the support of all my brothers and sisters has been supported. Lao Niu deeply, deeply, deeply and deeply thank you all! thank you all! Thank you to everyone who supports "Forty Thousand Years of Comprehension"!

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