40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2016: Weird Boxer

Really give it a go, Li Yao naturally is not afraid of this semi-monster, semi-mechanical guy.

But all around are densely packed with bandits and murderers, maybe a large number of immortal cultivator players and tourists are mixed, he is just a "tattered" psionic puppet, and what reason is there to be in full view, Spike this guy?

The gunpowder above his head is getting thinner and thinner, and any unexpected move may be noticed by the cultivator.

Li Yao was anxious, pretending to be stumbling and stumbling. He was slightly awkward to escape the bombardment of the gravity meteor hammer. The huge body was swayed by the shock wave and the interference of gravity. Like a lone boat in the stormy sea, he would be crushed at any time.

This is not the way to go.

With his disguise, there is no reason to avoid so many bombardments.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!"

The other party failed to smash Li Yao into scrap copper and rotten iron for seven or eight consecutive bombings. He couldn't help being furious. The honeycomb launch bin in front of his lower body spewed out a thunderstorm, which instantly drowned Li Yao.

Li Yao gritted his teeth in the smoky flames, really wanting to kill at all costs, but he can only release a large number of smoke bombs to disrupt the surrounding battlefield, and blast the monster into meat sauce with one move.

However, the risk of doing so is still very high. Judging by the strength of this monster, you know that he must be a fierce and famous strong in Xiaoyao City. There will definitely be many people who pay attention to the cause of his death. Maybe they will follow the vine and cause endless trouble. The "Sky City Infiltration Project" that he has not yet started is still dead!

How to do?

Li Yao's teeth were itchy to the extreme.

at this time--

The thunderstorm stopped abruptly, and the whole world seemed to be solidified in steel.

A turbulent vortex of rapids is generated in this solidified steel!

Li Yao Yuanshen spread, and found that a great wall of steel had suddenly risen in front of him, stubbornly blocking the opponent's indiscriminate firepower.

After a slight start, he realized that it was an illusion that was intertwined with monstrous domineering. The one who really fell from the sky and blasted between him and the monster was the "boxing king" Lei Zonglie!

The gray-brown cloak on the boxing champion had already been torn to pieces, but the silver metal shell turned into a steaming crimson red, like a tuft of red-hot steel.

Youruo's substantive domineering condensed into a group of colorful vortexes around him, making him not look like a person, but like a multitude of troops gathered together!

On his steel body, there are thousands of densely engraved talisman formations. At this moment, every talisman formation is shining, shaking, roaring and roaring, as if to float from his body, forming a crystal clear layer. , The invincible rune armor!

The pressure of overwhelmingly overwhelmingly caused all the miniature flying swords and explosive bullets that the opponent blasted to freeze in mid-air, and even a series of weak explosions occurred, which exploded into a dazzling wall of fire.

The monster on the opposite side clearly showed an expression of fear, but could not prevent the body from dancing the meteor hammer to the limit under the inertia of anger and bloodthirsty just now, and smashed it like a howling meteor.

"Boom! Boom!"

The ground under the boxing king’s feet burst, rocks and soil surging like spring water, the perfect fortified alloy body arched into a big dragon dormant in the abyss, and all the power was hidden deep in the iron fist at his waist. .

Li Yao even felt that the fist had his own life, absorbing the power of the mountains and the sea, the sky and the earth, and the entire world, and screamed with hunger and thirst!

The boxing punch, start!

There was no sound at all. The boxing speed of the boxing king far surpassed the speed of sound, and he collided with the Meteor Hammer in an impartial manner, but his strength was rigid and soft, and he directly knocked the Meteor Hammer back intact.

Before the meteor hammer hit the owner, the boxing king's second punch followed one after another.

Under the acceleration of the swing of the first punch, this is the real ultimate move!

With a punch, the air within a radius of tens of meters seemed to have been emptied. The ground was deeply sunken by several centimeters, tearing through countless criss-cross cracks. It gave Li Yao the feeling that he was close to him at the closest distance. The shell of the turret felt the roar of the spar battleship's main artillery!

Looking at the opposite side, the semi-mechanical and semi-monstery murderer didn't even have time to scream, and his upper body was completely blasted into powder by the boxing champion, leaving only a **** chassis still twitching tremblingly.

The power of the boxing champion was to continue rushing behind him, ploughing a trench that was more than one meter deep and steaming.

Within the 100-meter-long range, all the murderers burst their five internal organs and died of bleeding from their seven orifices. Even the murderers who were swept by the shock wave nearby could not help but fly out, pale, vomiting blood, and losing combat effectiveness.

"The power of a punch, and even this, the name of the boxing champion is well-deserved!"

Li Yao’s primordial spirit was like a violently beating heart, secretly admiring, "Boxing King" Lei Zonglie is really the most powerful ghost cultivation he has ever seen in his life. I really don’t know what the **** he has cultivated, and he can actually Cultivate a strand of remnant soul so powerful!

Perhaps, the answer to this question is also what the cultivator wants to know very much, so he secretly added to the flames and arranged such a "Battle of Xiaoyao City"!

"Xiahou Wuxin!"

Lei Zonglie blasted a large number of enemy forces within a radius of 100 meters. With his own power, he forcibly blocked the opponent's pursuit from the city, but he directed towards Xiaoyao City and roared like turbulent waves, "I will save you for the time being today. , If you dare not come out to the city to fight with me tomorrow, don’t blame me, you will razed the whole city of Xiaoyao to the ground!"

With the sound and thunder, all the defenders, including the immortal cultivator players, did not dare to go forward and compete with the "Boxing King".


The boxing champion glanced at Li Yao, waved his big hand, and personally broke it, allowing the siege army to evacuate the battlefield in an orderly manner.

Li Yao shuddered coldly, always feeling that the boxing king's look had no meaning.

Perhaps he was clumsy on the left and right on the surface, but he was able to dodge the monster's attack with ease, and he has been seen through by the boxing champion.


Hante and Liuli woke up leisurely.

But he found himself in the top floor of the "Big Iron City" that I had visited last night, in the secret room where the boxing king collected psionic puppets.

"Old Yao" stayed next to them, while "Boxing King" Lei Zonglie still occupies the gear throne, watching them silently.

Other than that, there is no fifth person in the secret room.

The two little guys were shocked, looking at each other, and at the same time cast confused eyes at Li Yao.

"Don't look at me like that, I don't know what's going on!"

Li Yao’s soul was in a cold sweat, "Today’s siege has come to an end. Just now, the boxing king personally took action and rescued us from a monster, and then ordered his men to bring us here. Who knows what he is going to do? Mingtang? I guess he is still suspicious of me in all likelihood. You look at me with such a vague and curiosity, making it clear that you are telling the boxing champion that I have a problem!

The two little guys were all stunned, only then realized that they had made a big mistake, but they didn't know how to fix it, and their expressions became very embarrassing.

Compared with the "boxing king" Lei Zonglie, the two of them are too small, so small that they can't struggle at all.

Li Yao also secretly muttered in his heart, what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd of "Boxing King" Lei Zonglie?

Why in his faint perception, he also came to a conclusion that is almost the same as that of the Scarlet Heart Demon-the boxer seems to have an inexplicable "interest" in him, even a rather subtle "favorite"?

"Isn't it really so perverted?"

Li Yao's soul was hairy.

Seeing the two little guys waking up and the subtle interaction between them and Li Yao, the boxing king's eyes became deeper and deeper, and he said indifferently: "The monster that was bombarded by me just now is called the'Blood Slaughter' Thunder Kuang, the owner of Xiaoyao City. One of the seven most famous murderers under Xiahou Wuxin.

"Although today's battle failed to infiltrate Xiaoyao City in one go, he spied on the enemy's fictitiousness and killed a famous and named'Blood Slaughter' Lei Kuang. It was a small win.

"It was never easy to kill a ruthless character like the'Blood Slaughter' Lei Kuang. It was only through the strong containment of the two of you that he was furious and misjudged. He didn't notice my presence and gave me a punch. A chance to kill him, so you two have done a great job!"

Hante and Liuli looked at each other, not knowing what the boxing champion was talking about.

Li Yao also muttered in secret, the boxing king said so, just to find a reason to be alone with them, no, it is mainly because of being alone with himself.

In fact, if you really want to kill Lei Kuang with the two punches of the boxing king, unless Xiahou, the lord of Xiaoyao City, unintentionally comes to him, or 70 or 80 immortal cultivators make a move together, who can stop him?

"I am Lei Zonglie, and the heaviest rewards and punishments are clear. No matter what your background is, as long as you make a contribution, you must be rewarded!"

The boxing king stared deeply at the two little guys, and suddenly changed his words, "It's just that, looking at you two so young and so immature, it seems that they are not the same as the others in the'Red Training Team'? "

Regarding the question of origin, Hante and Liuli had long discussed the standard answer with Xin Xiaoqi, and they said half truthfully: "Return to the boxing champion, we were indeed not the same person at the beginning, but everyone came from all directions to rush to you. The army, we encountered an attack by Feibaotang on the way and were rescued by them. It happened that we had an invitation card on our body, so we formed a team and took care of each other."

It's not surprising that this kind of temporary team formation has emerged one after another in the process of the boxing champion recruiting troops.

"That's it."

The boxing king’s voice became more gentle, but it was incompatible with his domineering appearance, "Don’t get me wrong, I’ve known Xin Xiaoqi a long time ago, and also took over the task from me to help me send invitation cards to the major forces, so I I didn't doubt what you meant, just pure curiosity.

"You must be hungry for a day of fierce fighting. Come, eat and talk!"

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