40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2018: Amazing ambition!

The boxing king was stunned for a long time under the clear and water-like eyes of Liuli, and said with a dumbfounded smile: "It has been a long time since I have seen a funny little guy like you. Do you want to calm the disputes and killings on the evil soil? Well, come with me. !"

The boxing king turned around, walked to the metal throne made of gears and chains, gently pulled the joystick on the back of the chair, and all the gears creaked.

The throne decomposed and deformed as it slowly rotated, turning into a spiral staircase leading directly to the dome of the "big iron city".

The dome of "Big Iron City" also bloomed around like petals, revealing the dark and deep night sky that was infested by the **** red awns of "Sky City, Manzhushahua".

The boxing king led the two little guys up the level and appeared at the top of the "big iron city", nearly a hundred meters above the blood.

Surrounded by stormy winds, the two little guys staggered and almost fell from the high castle.

The lofty mountains in the distance are like rotten corpses, rippling with a puff of black mist.

Looking around, the siege camp at their feet and the city of Xiaoyao on the opposite side are brightly lit. All the murderers and thugs are racing against time to repair magic weapons, treat their injuries, and stuff more high-energy synthetic food into their stomachs to prepare for tomorrow. Fighting at sunrise.

The sound of weapons colliding, the sound of bullets being loaded, the rotation of the chain saw sword and the violent sound of oscillating sabers, and the laughter of people, the wailing of wounded soldiers, and the howling of radiating mutant beasts...there is only in Jiuyou Huangquan. Only in the abyss can be heard, the music of blood condensed.

On both sides of the enemy and us, between the two military formations, on the battlefield of fierce daytime battles, there are scattered rocks and wreckage scattered all over the mountains.

There are still some fuel and ammunition in the wreckage of many spar chariots burning sullenly, and bursts of enchanting fireballs burst out from time to time, adding a somewhat blurred atmosphere to the night.

Under the light of the colorful fire, the sneaky phosphorous fire mixed with the remnants of the undead, dancing strangely like a drowning person, gradually disappeared, and was completely annihilated in this cruel world.

Condescendingly, looking down at this scene, it was both an evil fairy tale and a ridiculous joke, Han Te and Liuli shivered coldly when they met together.

Looking down from such a high place, people really no longer look like people, but pieces of incomplete chess pieces with teeth and claws.

"Did you see these people?"

The boxing champion with his hands on his back, silently watched the two sides wait and see each other, eagerly fighting, and said indifferently, "So hungry, so impatient, no matter how indifferent to their own and other people's lives... You really think that they are just because they can't eat. Do you want to poke the chainsaw sword into each other's stomachs when you are full, and crush all the internal organs?"

Hante and Liuli were silent.

"Even if you really fill the whole land with golden barley, so that everyone has enough food, even babies who are waiting to be fed and old people who have no hands to bind chickens will not cry because of hunger in the middle of the night—— That's useless, there will still be contradictions, there will still be killings, there will still be wars!"

The boxing king paused and said coldly, "Perhaps, this piece of evil land exists for war. All of our'criminals' were born for war. War is our destiny and the supreme law of this world. That's it, no one can change, and no one can escape. You can only choose, kill, or be killed!"

Feeling the momentum rising from the boxing champion's metal body, Hante and Liuli trembled more severely, but when they trembled to the extreme, Hante calmed down instead, without knowing where he gave birth to the courage of iron and copper, and gritted his teeth and asked: "Master Boxer, is war so interesting? Do you like war so much?"

"Yes, I like war."

The boxing king grinned, and the smile formed by the metal muscle fibers was a hundred times more terrifying and violent than the grin of ordinary criminals. "I like to stab someone in the face with my fist, mixing broken bones and brains together; I am I like the blood and minced meat splashing out of the chain saw sword, as beautiful as the flowers of the goddess; I like the burning flesh and blood, and the breath; I like the roar of the crystal magnetic cannon and the simultaneous firing of ten thousand mysterious light cannons. The sparkle... I like all of this to death, haha, hahaha!"

Hante was speechless and was defeated.

Liuli clasped the pot of golden barley seeds tightly, and said softly but firmly: "But we feel that this world shouldn't be like this. One day, we will think of a way to completely quell all wars on the evil soil!"

"What a brave little girl."

The boxing king’s smile became more and more ferocious, and he moved his big metal face towards Liuli, "The whole piece of evil soil is a never-ending battlefield. When all the sinners are born, they are destined to fight to death. How do you calm down? I really want to completely end the war on the evil soil, there is only one way!"

Hante and Liuli were stunned at the same time, and said, "What?"

The boxing king opened his arms, as if he was about to hold the entire horrible land in his arms, his expression instantly changed from hideous to extremely serious: "Above the wicked land, there are endless disputes, and the major forces are all around the world of bliss, killing and The expedition has not changed for hundreds of years.

"If you want them to stop killing, you can't rely on some ridiculous golden barley. The only way is very simple. As long as there is an unprecedented strong man who can gather all the forces into an invincible and invincible force. Great army, conquer all the barren worlds, blood wars and bliss worlds!

"If the whole piece of evil soil is surrendered to the iron fist of a strong man, your wish will naturally be fulfilled. There will be no killing and no war!"

Hante and Liuli looked at each other, and an unstoppable chill permeated from the depths of their bone marrow. They looked at the boxing champion as if they were looking at a lunatic.

"No, I almost forgot, there's the above."

The boxing king grinned, stretched out a metal finger, and stabbed the night sky. "Even if there is a strong person who can unify the entire gang and conquer all the gangs and the world of bliss, it will not end all wars, because there is still the sky The city, Manzhushahua's existence! Unless this high and most glorious city in the sky can be conquered, it will be the last war, right?"

Hante swallowed hard and gasped, "Master Boxer, do you want to unify the whole piece of evil soil?"

The boxing king laughed silently, revealing a mouthful of gleaming steel teeth: "Probably, Xiaoyao City is just my starting point. After I set foot in Xiaoyao City, I will march to other Paradises and devour one after another. , Until the end, it is'Sky City, Manjusawa'!

"So, if you want to go to'Sky City, Manju Sawa', I am afraid I can't help much, but I may strike it down. Then you will go to the wreckage of Sky City to find the answer. Right!"

Liuli blurted out: "You, do you want to shoot down the Sky City?"

"Have you never thought about it?"

The boxing king looked at the blood-colored other shore flower above the sky, "I have never felt that its light is very dazzling. I want to blast it down and pull out all the'celestial people' inside to see how it is different from us? "

Hante trembled deeply and stammered: "But, but all our materials come from the Sky City. Fighting against the Sky City will not succeed, right?"

"So what does it matter?"

The King of Boxing said, "How boring a war that is 100% victorious is, and only a war that is sure to lose is worthy of my challenge and enjoyment!"

Hante and Liuli were silent again, and after a while, they asked in unison: "Master Boxing, why do you want to tell us this? We, we are just two unknown pawns!"

"It's nothing, maybe it's about to embark on a fateful journey, feeling agitated and unbearable. Wherever you are happy, just find an unknown person to chat; or maybe—"

The boxing king looked at the two little guys, with gazes like molten steel over their shoulders, and fell on Li Yao not far away, "I found that we are the same kind of people, we are all whimsical lunatics!"

Hante and Liuli only felt feverish on their faces, and they were quite flattered, but they faintly understood that the words of the boxing champion were not for themselves, but for "Old Yao".

Boxing champion and Yao Lao are the same kind of people. What kind of riddles are they playing between?

The two little guys thought about breaking their heads and couldn't understand.

Don't talk about them, even Li Yao can't figure out which boxing champion is singing, but he vaguely feels that "Boxing Champion" Lei Zonglie has misunderstood something...

"Today, I have tested out the reality of Xiaoyao City, and my army, except for the elite of the "Fist Association", is a half-hearted mob, and it is impossible to besiege and consume for a long time."

The King of Boxing said, "While the morale has not dissipated now, a real onslaught must be launched tomorrow. The fight at that time will definitely be a hundred times more violent than today. It is not suitable for you two little guys from the barren world. So, you and Let's stay with this psionic puppet in my'big iron city'!"

Li Yao was taken aback again, Han Te and Liuli were even more puzzled. They didn't understand why the boxing champion was so close to them and treated them so favorably.

"But, our companion..."

Hante and Liuli hesitated.

"Your companions, I will naturally arrange to be by my side, and I will never treat them badly."

The boxing king gesticulated, and he couldn't refuse to say, "Anyway, you just pieced together temporarily. I believe they will not care about your whereabouts. After we have captured Xiaoyao City, we will talk all night long and dream about each other's absurd dreams! "

Until the boxing king disappeared inside the black "Big Iron City", Hante and Liuli hadn't recovered.

"Old Yao..."

They cast extremely puzzled glances at Li Yao.

"I don't know what is going on."

Li Yao smiled bitterly, "However, I always feel that the "Boxing King" Lei Zonglie hides some secret, and this secret is still... to some extent related to me?"

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