40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2022: Boxing champion, the ultimate form!

Even Li Yao was condescending and used his primordial spirit to observe the entire battlefield, but just now he didn't notice the existence of this sniper.

The degree of horror is evident.

The first bullet containing explosive energy has been silently sneaking in the void, and half of the ripples have not spread. If the boxing champion reacted in time, there is even hope that he will be shot in the head!

One shot is not dead, and the sniper no longer hides his shooting trajectory. Seven streamers, like seven meteors parallel to the ground, hurriedly rushed from all over the battlefield almost at the same time, locking down the vitals of the boxing champion.

The starting points of the seven "meteors" are thousands of meters apart, but in Li Yao's perception, there is only one sniper. I really don't know how secretly he has practiced the "Phantom Clone Dafa" to shoot seven violent and unmatched ones at the same time. , Chasing the stars and chasing the moon's bullet!

The boxer’s psychic prosthesis was torn to his left arm, and his balance was lost in an instant, and he was surrounded by immortal cultivators on all sides. There was no way to dodge it. However, he roared and sent a cultivator to his ears in a thunderous manner. The player grabbed it and blocked it in front of him, and threw the psychic shield and interference field to the limit, and hardly received seven bullets!

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!"

Where are the seven bullets, it is clear that seven thunder cannons fired at the same time.

The immortal cultivator player who was captured by the boxing king to act as a meat shield was blown to pieces, leaving no pieces of armor.

The boxing champion was also exploded with several shocking transparent holes, spewing out a large amount of crystal clear viscous liquid.


The boxing king was full of golden light and roared in anger and unwillingness, which reminded Li Yao of the lion who had fallen into the trap, facing the wretched hyena above the trap.


The boxing champion wanted to strike, but his right leg finally couldn't bear the weight of his body. The ankle and knee joints exploded at the same time, exploding a splendid structure.

The boxing king almost fell to his knees, but he was a staggered, one-legged cultivator player glaring at the hyena-like immortal player.

The players looked at each other, and at first they were really shocked by the boxing king's aura, and they couldn't help but retreat.

When they saw clearly the horror of the boxing champion at the moment, they became angry and furious, rushing forward with their teeth and claws, trying to harvest the last drop of the boxing champion's blood.

"he's mine!"

"Get out of the way, let me come!"

"Who dare to grab this head with me?"

All players thought that the boxing king was on the verge of death, and everyone wanted to be the first warrior to kill the "big devil". The hostility between each other condensed into fierce murderous aura.

Even the magical sniper fired 13 more shots in one go, but the target was not the boxing champion, but the many immortal players.

All the players felt the horror of this sniper, and uttered a shout to disperse the birds and beasts.

The boxing champion’s second psychic prosthesis exploded fiercely at this moment, and a golden glow that was more dazzling than the sun rose into the sky, like a golden-winged bird fluttering its wings, swept towards the "big iron city". !

The immortal cultivator player did not expect that the vitality of the boxing king was so tenacious, and there was a third bird-shaped psychic prosthetic body that could escape for his life, and was slightly taken aback by the boxing king.

The sniper didn't hesitate to expose his position and shot again and again, but the boxing champion, who had shrunk to the size of a palm, was a hundred times more agile than before, and he almost escaped the bullets that would kill him.


The "Meteor Plasma Cannon" directly in front of the "Big Iron City" fired again, but this time it shot a net of fire all over the sky, disrupting the sight and movement of the immortal cultivator players, and the golden-winged bird carrying the remnant soul of the fighter took the opportunity Escape back to the "big iron city".

From the duel between the boxing champion and the city lord Xiaoyao, to the city lord Xiaoyao vomiting blood and falling, the boxing champion accelerated the pursuit, and then to the siege of many assassins, the boxing king replaced three psychic prostheses in a row—seemingly dazzling, in fact, it was only three minutes. .

In just three minutes, the vast majority of bandits and murderers scattered throughout the battlefield, it is naturally impossible to know what happened in the middle of the battlefield.

Most people were still trapped in the steel torrent, rushing forward, destroying everything they could see.

At this time, sharp siren sounded again around the "Big Iron City", followed by the boxing roar: "Xiahou Wuxin has been beaten to death by me, and rushed into Xiaoyao City to conquer the world of bliss!"

The sound of the monstrous waves hit the entire battlefield heavily. All the bandits were excited and crazy to the extreme, and all the defenders were scared to death, and their hearts and souls were torn apart.

The boxing champion is not a lie.

Xiahou Wuxin was indeed stunned by his fist and his whereabouts were unknown.

Xiaoyao City's defense line also completely collapsed!

"Damn it!"

All the immortal cultivators who besieged the boxing champion just now looked so gloomy that they could squeeze out the ink. They all knew that they were vying for the head, which made a perfect opportunity to sneak away, and they couldn’t help complaining to each other - and then they wanted to kill the boxing champion. The difficulty will increase tenfold.

However, not all cultivator players are in the Xiaoyao City camp.

There are also many players who were randomly assigned to the boxing champion camp. After realizing what happened, they couldn't help but laugh and cried out "God helps me too"!

As for Li Yao, who was watching the battle in the "Big Iron City", the anxiety of the original spirit became more and more intense.

I always felt that something was wrong. After the remnant soul of the boxing king escaped back to the big iron city, the psionic fluctuations were not disordered, but became stronger and stronger, more tyrannical, and crazier.

It was like a seal being unlocked, and the demon king from the depths of the earth stretched out thousands of strong tentacles to the sky.

These "tentacles" are like blood vessels, meridians and muscle fibers, spreading to the entire "big iron city". The shock and shaking of the "big iron city" are getting more and more intense, it is like a...was waking monster!


In the depths of the "Big Iron City", the roar of the boxing champion came again. This skyscraper-like steel battle fortress actually inspired the anti-gravity talisman on the chassis, slowly levitation, and spinning rapidly in gears, and the chains continued. Under the squeeze, the layers of camouflage were removed, revealing a total of eight telescopic mechanical arms around him.

Each mechanical arm is equipped with a super giant dragon-killing sword, a ship-cutting knife, and a mountain axe capable of shattering the mountains, which are more than ten meters long. When stretched to the limit, the attack range is nearly 1,000 meters!

Not to mention that after the awkward shell is removed, the honeycomb-type heavy firepower platform and rotating turret full of the "big iron city" is simply a mobile arsenal!

There are also countless psychic puppets in the form of spiders, scorpions, and beasts, moving fast on the surface and inside of the "big iron city", carefully maintaining this unmatched steel body, so that it can exert the strongest combat power!

"Ohh Ohh ohh!"

The whistle screamed, the white mist evaporated, and the "big iron city" was looming in the white mist, just like a giant spirit **** standing above the clouds, watching all beings.

"Ha ha, ha ha ha ha!"

The boxing king’s roar turned into cruel laughter, and the chainsaw sword, ship-cutting knife and mountain axe, which were more than ten or twenty meters long, were raised high.


All immortal cultivator players-no matter which camp they are in, they are all deeply shocked by this oppressive and domineering scene, and they can't speak for a long time.

"Too exaggerated, too violent!"

The Scarlet Heart Demon said quietly, "It turns out that this is the'ultimate form' of the boxing king, and the'big iron city' is his body. With such an extremely special'spiritual body', he gave birth to a unified evil land. , Attacking Manjusawa's ambition!"

"This is really the remnant soul of a Nascent Soul monk, can it be done?"

The more Li Yao pondered, the more weird it became.

At this moment, in order to control the nearly 100-meter-high steel battle fort "Big Iron City", the boxing champion has stirred his soul to the limit, but it made Li Yao, who was "in his body", perceive a subtle anomaly.

Connecting many doubts before and after, condensed into a gleaming chain, Li Yao felt that he was quickly approaching the end of the mystery.

"The "Boxing King" Lei Zonglie's soul rhythm model is so strange, how do I feel that he doesn't look like... a human being?"

Li Yao was slightly startled, startled by his own answer.

Looking out from the observation hole at the top of the "Big Iron City", although the sky is blue and white, the delicate and beautiful flowers of the other bank above the sky are still clearly visible.

"Sky City, Manzhushahua" stared at the battlefield calmly like a bloodshot eyeball.

"Bianhua, immortal cultivator, what kind of monster have you created!"

Li Yao muttered to himself.

"I have a faint hunch."

The Scarlet Heart Demon grinned and said, "Regardless of whether the cultivator knows Lei Zonglie's secret, this time, they are all going to play with fire and set themselves on fire!"


Following Li Yao's gaze all the way up, the sky is beyond the clouds, the limit of the atmosphere, six circular space orbit stations-the intersection of sky orbits, the super large-scale Star Sea Fortress, "Sky City, Manzhushahua".

While Li Yao stared at Manzhu Shahua, this one like a flower on the other shore, growing in the Star Sea Battle Fortress at the entrance of Jiuyou Huangquan, also has countless pairs of eyes watching everything on the ground battlefield.

In a magnificent, magnificent, palace-like hall, there are countless crystal clear three-dimensional light curtains floating around and above the head. Each light curtain shows the main perspective of a cultivator player. The form of the waterfall information flow presents his physiological parameters at the moment, including heartbeat, pulse, injury, adrenaline secretion, psychic shock amplitude, and so on.

For the dead Cultivator player, the screen turned gray and white, repeating his tragic death repeatedly.

There is also a real-time picture secretly shot from all angles of the battlefield, depicting the tragic process of the war in a relatively macroscopic way.

The largest and most conspicuous light curtain is the densely packed rankings. From the points to the number of enemies to be killed, to the completion rate of various side tasks, there are all kinds of things.

Half of the ice sea, half of the flame, at the other end of the hall, under the shining of the sea of ​​blood and the flames of the dead mountain, there are coveted cups, sings and dances, and the atmosphere is relaxed.

Countless personable, graceful and luxurious people from the upper class are holding a cocktail party frequently toasting and laughing.

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