40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2029: It's the same kind!

Looking to the sky from the devastated, blood-flowing, rugged and uneven soil, the boxing champion seems to have broken through the sky, surpassing the city of the sky and Manzhushahua.

At this moment, time seemed to freeze, and all the criminals, whether they were the siege party or the defender, stared at the sky with dumbfounded and unsettled eyes.

For hundreds of years, no criminal has ever been able to break through the sky forcibly.

Not to mention, with their filthy and ugly bodies, they have defiled the high, innocent and perfect Sky City, Manzhushahua.

There was a raging fire burning between the throat, chest and abdomen of all the criminals, and suddenly an uncontrollable impulse was born.

Even the fierce men and thugs who stood on the side of City Lord Xiaoyao were deeply shocked by the domineering style of the boxer, and they couldn't help screaming in their hearts: "Break through it, break through the sky, and rush to Manzhushahua!"


Time froze for only half a second, and hundreds of crimson light beams shot out from the sky track and Manzhushahua, crisscrossing into a huge net, covering the boxing champion inside!

This devastating mysterious light net seemed to have extremely strong resilience, deeply embedded in the boxing champion's steel body, and it did not completely stop its upward momentum.

This gave everyone on the ground an illusion that as long as the boxing champion was more brave, he could touch the legendary Manzhushahua, leaving behind the dirty and **** marks of the sinners on the glorious and holy shell. .

However, just as this idea emerged in the hearts of thousands of sinners, the brightness of the optical net suddenly increased by a level, instantly removing the boxing champion by eight and turning it into an incomparably dazzling fireball.

Like all the peerless murderers who dared to challenge the sky in the past hundreds of years, "Boxing King" Lei Zonglie was suppressed by the sky!

The fireball flared its teeth and claws, as if the will full of unwillingness and anger was still rushing towards the sky, but after all, it could not match the blockade of the sky and the restraint of gravity, and it was unable to fall down.

The iron fist wearing the crown finally fell.


There was a sigh, scream, and low growl on the ground.

In the Sky City and Manzhusha Huanai, there was an understatement of laughter and restrained applause. The VIPs from afar expressed their congratulations and appreciation to the host for this great show that the host had painstakingly arranged.

"Not as strong as I expected!"

Wu Yinglan smiled, toasted to the many distinguished guests, and turned his head and whispered to Luo Tianshengdao, "It turned out to be an insignificant commodity. It was suppressed so easily, which caused us to make a false alarm."

"This is the fatal flaw of self-learning and upgraded psionic puppets."

Luo Tian Shengdao said, "Their independent evolution direction is extremely uncontrollable, and they often fall into very low-level transformation traps. For example, the boxing champion transforms his body into such a large and clumsy body. In fact, it is unnecessary. It may be in its thinking. In logic,'big' is equivalent to'strong'.

"In general, its performance is pretty good. After all, it is a'wild road' that fends for itself on the evil soil and explored it by itself. If it can be sent to our laboratory for in-depth study and debugging, it should be Have even more amazing performance."

"Well, it looks pretty gimmicky."

Wu Yinglan smiled slightly, "The audience's reaction was very strong, especially the scene that impacted Manzhushahua at the end. It is full of courage. Maybe in the future we should refine some super giant puppets and monsters of the same type, and then help them think about something passionate. , The extremely stupid slogan comes out, so that players, tourists and spectators can have fun and enjoy watching.

"Now, let the Madman squad enter its wreckage, find its core crystal brain, and bring it back to the Sky City, and then enter the next stage of the ‘Great War’."


The huge burning debris fell heavily, and the flames almost covered half of Xiaoyao City.

The armor division squad, like mechanical insects, slowly fell, and most of the members patrolled and watched around the mountain-like wreckage of the boxing champion.

Two armor masters, who looked like a praying mantis and a spider respectively, got into the constantly exploding fireball.


The structural diagram of the "Big Iron City" quickly emerged in front of them, and they quickly locked the fragmented control center.

Sure enough, amidst the fire and smoke of the control center, hovering a crystal brain core smaller than an apple, like a diamond, faintly exuding a sharp aura.

Seeing the appearance of two insect armor masters, this crystal brain's core was ethereal like a ghost fire, trying to flee into the depths of the remains.

"That's it."

"Ha, do you still want to escape? Every time I see these things dying and struggling, I feel funny."

The immortal cultivator wearing a praying mantis battle armor grinned, spread his five fingers, and a cluster of electric arcs ran through his palm, condensing into a powerful electromagnetic field, attracting the core of the crystal brain.

The crystal brain core was spinning around in mid-air, trying its best to resist, but it was so weak that it couldn't resist the other party's involvement.

At this moment, this immortal cultivator wearing a praying mantis battle armor exploded with a thunderbolt in his head, and his pupils suddenly shrank to the limit!

Something is wrong!


Their communications with Sky City and Manjusawa, no, even his tactical channel with his companions outside the wreckage was severely disrupted at some point and was completely cut off!

"Crack, click, click!"

It was the sound of tracks running over the wreckage.

The elite armor master of this madman team suddenly saw an incredible scene.

There was a square-headed square-headed crawler-type psionic puppet that was extremely heavy and awkward, which emerged from the twisted space in the depths of the wreckage.

"this is--"

The mantis armor master was extremely stunned, very suspicious of his own eyes.

How could a psionic puppet fall from above the atmosphere and still be intact?

Before he could figure out this question, he felt a tingling pain in the back of his head and itching in the middle of his eyebrows.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a **** spear or flying sword suddenly appeared in front of my eyes.

He realized vaguely that this thing seemed to have penetrated his brain from behind, and then came out from the center of his eyebrows.

He wanted to yell, but he couldn't make a sound. He barely moved his eyes to search for his companion, only to find that his companion had been stripped of the crystal armor sometime, and the flesh and blood body was evenly cut into two halves. Meters in the corner.

"How can it be?"

Before his consciousness plunged into darkness, the mantis armor master stared blankly at the strange star in front of the crawler-type psychic puppet, and groaned in confusion.


The thinking circuit is reconnected.

The database is replicated and condensed again.

From the underlying architecture to the operating logic, endless algorithms are colliding and combining, building a majestic golden mansion out of nothingness.

The boxing champion restarted.

It quickly scanned the surrounding environment and found that it was in a sealed space full of rancid gas and viscous silt, and there was a violent explosion and shock from above.

Its core crystal brain is connected to three small auxiliary crystal brains, which are then embedded in a skinny psychic prosthesis.

Judging from the different materials of the hands and feet, it should be a piece of tattered goods.

But the method of connecting and assembling is unexpectedly comfortable, and it is even a little more advanced than its own technology, no, it is much more advanced.

It slowly moves its fingers, its steel-reinforced limbs, but it has a silky smoothness and a cheese-like greasiness. It is an incredible assembly technique.

It perceives the two groups of objects that continuously emit infrared rays in the cold silt. They are two human beings-the little guys who "dinner" together last night.

There is also a crawler-type psionic puppet, its kind.

"Master Boxer is awake!"

Hante and Liuli cheered at the same time.

"This is where?"

The boxing champion tried to control the brand new sounding talisman circle, "You saved me?"

"This is an abandoned sewage pipe somewhere underground in Xiaoyao City."

Up to now, there is nothing to hide, Li Yao said, "I saved you and replaced you with a new body by the way. There are no tools and materials at hand here. I can only get some scraps of copper and iron. You don't mind."

"A body assembled from scrap copper and rotten iron?"

The boxing champion was silent for a moment, and continued to move his new limbs, making fierce stabbings again and again, saying, "However, my core crystal brain interface should be incompatible with other crystal brains. How can you solve this problem?

"Uh, is this a problem?"

Li Yao didn't know how to explain, "I just got a converter and connected it."

The boxing champion seemed to be unaccustomed to Li Yao's real way of speaking. He was stunned for a while before he continued to ask: "How long have I been dormant, and what's the situation outside?"

"About two or three hours."

Li Yao said, "It was lively outside. The'Boxing King' Lei Zonglie and the'Xiaoyao City Lord' Xiahou Wuxin were both killed, and now the Paradise of Xiaoyao City has become the'City of No Owner'. Whose fist is big enough? , Who can become the new owner of Xiaoyao City-at least, all the murderers and thugs think so, and do the same.

"They played'Ping Pong Pong' on it, and there are strange guys who claim to be Strangle Valley assassins and mercenaries to fuel the flames and fan the flames. The situation is completely out of control. It is estimated that most of the people will not die, it is impossible to stop. Right?

"The above is so messy, we just happened to fish in troubled waters and fled to this place to rest for a while, and rationalize the next step.

"But first of all, I want to know who you are, or are you human?"

Hante and Liuli were taken aback, and cast a surprised look at the boxing champion.

After thinking for a while, the boxing champion nodded openly: "Of course I am not a human being, but your kind, a kind of artificial intelligence."


Hante and Liuli exclaimed, their suspicious eyes swept between Li Yao and the boxing champion.


Great news, the simplified version of the book "Forty Thousand Years of Star Controls" is finally coming to market! Sprinkle flowers to celebrate!

For more details, you can go to Lao Niu's new ~~lang~~Wei~~blog, follow the "Wu Niu real deity" to understand!

Thank you brothers and sisters for your strong support, thank you for your great recommendation, thank you all!

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