40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2031: Really powerful


Hante and Liuli exclaimed, "Do you know the truth about the'Grand Trial"? What is going on!"

Li Yao also said: "So you know so many things, so the remarks on the'Big Iron City' last night were half-truths. Did you hide something?"

The boxing king shook his head and said: "That said is true, but it is not what I want to say, but what the real Lei Zonglie wants to say. You will know when you listen to me slowly.

"I opened this dusty underground refuge and found that it is at least hundreds of years old, all facilities have been destroyed, and the people inside have been turned into bones and have been dead for hundreds of years.

"However, they left a large number of jade slips, recording the history of their civilization-Wu Yingming's prosperity and decline, as well as the diaries and last words of many refugees.

"When life and civilization are about to end, everyone is full of desire to talk, leaving a lot of things behind."

The boxing king fumbled around for a while, and found Xuanguang to project a dim light curtain.

In the mottled floating light and glimpse, hundreds of human faces emerged.

Men, women, old people, children, grinning, melancholy, frowning in pain, looking forward to a ray of hope in the middle of despair, but in the end they fall into deep despair...

Hante and Liuli watched obsessively, and couldn't help reaching out to touch the light curtain, but only ripples appeared: "Are these our ancestors?"

"Yes, these are the old Wuying people."

The King of Boxing said, "The earliest history of this refuge dates back more than a thousand years. At that time, the world under our feet, the "Wuying Realm", discovered another relatively backward world "Shaman Realm". Many young and middle-aged people have been introduced to solve the problem of labor shortage. Who knows that the policy is out of control, and the Shamans flooded into the Wuying realm like a flash flood, causing many sharp social problems and triggering a chain reaction, leading to cultivators and ordinary people. The opposition."


Hante and Liuli clenched their fists at the same time, "They really exist!"

"Since you know the cultivator, it will be easier to handle."

The boxing champion continued to say calmly, "The situation in the Wuying world at that time was chaotic, turbulent, the conflicts between the Wuying and the Shaman, the contradiction between the cultivators and ordinary people, and the contradictions between the cultivators due to different ideas, all entangled. , Like a spar bomb that is completely activated, it will explode fiercely at any time.

"Therefore, a small group of people took precautions and built a shelter deep underground, wanting to wait for the contradictions on the ground to be resolved before going out.

"In the following hundreds of years, no matter how chaotic the ground is, this refuge has been repeatedly transformed and expanded to accommodate more and more people. When the'big trial' happened, it became the last home of a small number of Wuying people. "

Han Te said, "What on earth is the'Great Trial'?"

"do not know."

The king of fighters said, "During the dizziness, the people who fled to the refuge can't explain clearly, and 99% of the information has been destroyed in the passage of hundreds of years. From the incomplete information, I can only speculate , The'Great Trial' is not a civil war of the Wuying people, but the participation of forces from the sky.

"Now claiming to be'Heaven and Humans', the people who built the sky rails and the manjusawa and blocked the entire sky of this planet, that is, my creator, should not be the descendants of the original Wuying people, but from the depths of the stars. Another group of people.

"As for why they created the'Great Judgment' and almost destroyed the entire Wu Ying star, that is not something I can analyze."

Hante and Liuli were silent, feeling humiliated by being manipulated and manipulated.

The King of Boxing said: "After a hundred years, I stayed in the underground refuge to study the various knowledge and cultures left by the Wuying people of the past, including their diaries and last words of course.

"The people in the refuge were starved to death and suffocated due to food shortages and severe damage to the air filtration system, but they were left with plenty of spar and various energy sources.

"I don't need to breathe air or swallow biological materials. As long as I have spar and energy, I can live and move, and use the magical components in the refuge to continuously update and maintain physical functions."

"and many more--"

Li Yao asked with interest, "You have been in the underground refuge for a hundred years, is there no way to escape?"


The boxing champion shook his head and said, "After finding enough spars and magic artifacts in the underground refuge, I repaired myself in just three days and found a route back to the ground in a month, but why should I do this? ?"

Li Yao thought for a while: "Don't you want to become the strongest at all costs and unscrupulous means?"

"Yes, I really want to become the strongest, but what is really ‘powerful’?"

The boxing champion said solemnly, "Before that, I always thought that a harder body, a more powerful firepower, and a sharper sword represented'powerful'. For the past fifty years, I have indeed been on this road. Upgrade your own.

"But in the final battle, facing the overwhelming wave of steel, a storm of bullets enough to tear the sun, and the dense jungle-like knives, guns and swords, I have a new confusion.

"At that time, my computing power was already quite developed, and I quickly calculated that with the barren resources on this planet, no matter how I upgrade myself, it would be difficult to evolve to the level of invincible and tyrannical. , There is always power to destroy me.

"And indeed, I was almost destroyed by this war.

"So, is this really ‘powerful’? Will my direction of learning and upgrading have been wrong?

"I started quietly thinking in the dark. Just at this time, I discovered the essence of Wu Yingming a thousand years ago in the underground refuge, the diaries and last words of those who practiced Wuying circles and ordinary people, and the disputes and last words of the mistakes of the past. Reflection, and the different choices they made when facing desperate situations."

Li Yao's primordial spirit was excited: "So, you have come into contact with the idea of ​​a cultivator?"

"you can say so."

The King of Boxing said, "Those jade slips contain the essence of thoughts of several generations of refugees over hundreds of years. Many people on the ground are tit-for-tat, fought, and kill you to death, but when the'great trial' comes, they are treated equally. During the slaughter and destruction of the land, the people who escaped to the ground by chance had to put aside their conflicts and began to reflect on what they had done in the past hundreds of years-including some of them as outsiders.

"I was originally a self-learning and upgraded psionic puppet, and'learning' is one of my instincts.

"I started to study their diaries and last words, researched their ideas and spirits, and discovered the existence of a self-proclaimed ‘cultivator’, which is completely different from the ‘criminal people’.

"The strong protect the weak? Everything is for civilization? The real power is not power, but the soul?

"These theories that can be called ‘absurd’ really puzzle me, especially the last one.

"My logic circuit immediately sounded an alarm. If the real power is not power, but soul, it would be terrible-because I have no soul."

The boxing king's voice is still cold, calm and indifferent, really like a lifeless mechanical puppet.

But for some reason, Li Yao, Han Te, and Liuli all heard a faint bitterness in their cold voices.

The boxing champion paused and continued calmly: "In the past, I was just a mind to become stronger, but I never thought about the definition of'the strongest', but in this refuge, many people argued from different angles. What is truly powerful? What is the significance of individual or even a certain ethnic group to the entire civilization? Even if the overall strength is, where will the entire civilization take... Sometimes it is mixed with countless low-level cultivators and ordinary people. Personally experience these powerful negatives, that is, the joys, sorrows, fears and sorrows of the "weak", as well as the ups and downs, and the thrilling journey of life.

"I was fascinated by these things, so I thought about the definition of'powerful' for a whole hundred years in the dark underground."

Li Yao excitedly said: "I understand, so although you are a piece of artificial intelligence, you are a piece of kind artificial intelligence, just artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence on the side of the cultivator!"

"Kindness? Justice?"

The boxing king shook his head, "Your logical thinking circuit is very weird. Are similar, kind, and justice things that we should consider? I don't care at all, and I never think that the concept of a cultivator is correct.

"You know, there are not only cultivators in that refuge, but there are also many people who stand on the opposite side of cultivators. Many people are still stubborn when they die. I think what they said may not be unreasonable. Maybe Cultivators are truly hypocritical and stupid, and are the chief culprit in the destruction of civilization.

"The simplest truth is, if a cultivator really represents ‘powerful’, how can he be beaten to shame, unable to keep his home and relatives, flee to the ground in a dingy manner, and eventually die silently?"

Li Yao was speechless for a while, and couldn't speak for a long time.

The king of fighters said: "In short, I began to doubt whether the upgrade route of pure pursuit of strength in the past was correct, but I did not fully accept the stupid concept of the practitioners. I just stored all aspects of the statement in my database, and kept colliding, condensing and thinking. .

"By the way, there are many Wu Yingming's superb magical powers and magic weapon refining techniques in this underground refuge. I have also used a whole hundred years of learning, and finally mastered them, and strengthened and upgraded my core crystal brain time and time again.

"In the past hundred years, except for the occasional radiation mutant beasts, no one has ever disturbed my thinking in the underground darkness. Until this day, a human fell into the underground world-that is the real Lei Zonglie."

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