40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2033: Let's go together and bomb the Sky City!

The boxing king's voice is still as cold as a machine, but the light flowing from the crystal eyes carries a human-like heat. It moves knuckle-like fingers, as if to hold the entire world, no, the entire universe in the palm of the palm.

"Master Boxing, are you really going to be an enemy with Manjusha?"

Although it had already revealed its origins, Hante and Liuli still couldn't regard it as a lifeless puppet. They still felt that it was a relatively special person, er, just like "Old Yao".

"I don't want to be an enemy of anyone."

The King of Boxing said, "But my highest order is to keep getting stronger until I break through the strongest limit. This is the meaning of my existence and the reason for all my actions.

"Since it is very likely that I was created by some people in the'Sky City, Manzhushahua', and they still firmly control the whole piece of evil soil, then Manjushahua must have a place far above the evil soil. If I can blast it down, swallow its wreckage, absorb its magical powers and technology, I can become stronger!

"So, of course I have to do this, is there any problem?"

"has a problem."

Li Yao groaned, "Assuming you are really a certain...the test subject of the'Automated Psionic Puppet Project', don't the people on Manzhushahua have any way to monitor and control you?"

"In the beginning, there was indeed. Although I didn't know that I was from Manjusawa at that time, I could vaguely perceive that in the center of my thinking logic circuit, there was a special secret instruction, similar to a'back door', a ' seal'."

The boxing champion pointed to his steel skull, "However, in the tragic battle a hundred years ago, I almost destroyed 99% of the crystal brain core. After reaching the underground refuge, most of the crystal brain's chips and components were all replaced. Once again, it has been continuously upgraded for a hundred years. The version of the data analyzer alone has been updated 524 times. Forty-four years, five months and 28 days ago, I have erased this secret command. Except, the result of the self-check is that no external force can control me. Now I am only driven by the highest order-that is to become stronger!"

"How can it be?"

Li Yao couldn't believe it, "Can you erase the control instructions imprinted on your logic circuit by the creator?"

"Because it conflicts with my highest order."

The boxing champion said lightly, "My highest order is to'become the strongest', but if there is someone who can control me at will, then what am I'the strongest'?

"The so-called'strongest' is at least to do whatever one wants, lawless, free from any restraint and control, right? Any definition I've collected is like this.

"Since the highest order says that I can'do whatever it takes to do whatever it takes', as long as I can become stronger, let alone erase a minor order, even if I take down all Manjusawa and kill all my creators, Is it possible too?"

Li Yao: "Uh, yes, yes, absolutely, my brother who has no objection!"

"From that day on, the real Lei Zonglie died, but Lei Zonglie the'Boxing King' was born. I brought his hope, his anger, his hatred and his ambition back to the ground."

The boxing king said: "After that, you will know everything. In the name of'Boxing' Lei Zonglie, I played a prestigious name on the evil soil, and formed the'Fisting God's Association', recruiting troops, expanding my power, and wanting to take a few seats. After Elysium, declare war to the sky!

"I know that the sky must be monitoring the ground in some way, so I must never reveal my true identity and purpose, but I appear in a posture of'brave and unscrupulous, arrogant.'

"I thought I would be obliterated by the sky after at least a few Elysium worlds. I didn't expect the sky to control the ground so tightly and powerfully that it is not something I can resist now.

"I failed!"

The boxing king finished speaking hoarsely, staring blankly at his fragile hands, "Although you rescued the core of my crystal brain and kept my main database and logical thinking structure, I still lost most of my strength and turned into another one. An ordinary psionic puppet."

Liuli couldn't help but gently touched its steel shoulder: "Don't be sad, Master Boxer, you are still alive anyway."

"Sadness is a human emotion. Although I can mimic it perfectly when playing the role of'Boxing King' Lei Zonglie, I don't have the ability to be'sad' in true logical thinking."

The boxing king looked at the girl's hand on his shoulder and said with a stern look, "The fear of death is something I cannot understand. I am not sad, nor frustrated or afraid. Since I am still alive, the mission will continue. , I still have to find a way to become stronger again, strong enough to knock down the city in the sky, and above the city in the sky, there is a stronger existence in the entire universe than me."

As he said, his eyes were pierced, and the crystal eyes rolled on Li Yao.

Li Yao’s primordial spirit broke out in a cold sweat, and hurriedly said: "Don’t look at me like this. I am actually very weak, but I know some real strong people, such as'Sword Infantry' Yan Mo. 'Long XX,'Star Thief King' Bai XX, they are all super powers galloping across the stars and across the universe. If you have the opportunity to introduce to you, you just have to get close!"

"I'm finished. Now it's your turn. What kind of existence are you? Was it thrown into the dirty soil in the same test project as me, or was it some kind of weirder existence?"

The boxing king tilted his neck and stared at Li Yao carefully, "I haven't met a similar person for a long time. I replaced the one I was a hundred years ago. When I see you, I will definitely launch the most ferocious attack without saying anything. I have learned so many things in the underground refuge. Suddenly, I wanted to change the way of information exchange and strengthening and upgrading. I also wanted to know if there is any other kind like me. Over a long period of time, I have met so many people, Xu Many things have their own definition of the word'becoming strong'."

The eyes of the two little guys condensed on Li Yao again.

Li Yao scratched the steel skull with a drill. After thinking about it, he told the truth: "I am really not an artificial intelligence. About my past... I can't explain many things to you now, but I was on the battlefield yesterday. Learned some very shocking news, Hante, Liuli, you two little guys are mentally prepared, don't be surprised."

Li Yao pinched the information he had tortured from the immortal cultivator player "Liao Fei" yesterday, telling the two and the champion.

"Nietu Paradise?

"Our world is just a huge'testing ground, amusement park, laboratory'!

"There is an extremely vast world outside, hundreds of planets, and the home we depend on for survival is nothing more than a...'wildlife park'?"

The two little guys seemed to be hit by a flood of lightning. First they were dumbfounded. Then they turned blue with anger and trembled all over. Finally, they were so aggrieved that their eyes were flushed, and they couldn't help crying.

"This can explain everything."

The boxing champion's voice is still without sorrow or joy, calmly like a pile of frozen iron, "It turns out that my war is just a game of them."


Hante was stunned for a long time, and suddenly jumped out of the mud, screaming like crazy, "Sister, my sister has gone to Manjusawa! If, if Manjusawa is not a paradise, how is my sister now? "

He was so anxious that he gritted his teeth with hatred, and slammed his fist against the wall of the metal pipe next to him, making the entire sewage pipe "buzzing": "I'm going to save my sister, I'm going to Manzhushahua Save sister!"

"I, I'll go with you!"

Liuli grasped Hante’s **** fist, causing the heat to burn her palm, "Too...broken, this group of people is really bad, Master Boxer is right, there are such bad guys there," It is useless even if the whole area of ​​filthy soil is planted with golden barley, not to mention that they will not just watch us spread the golden barley all over the wasteland!"

"Boxing champion, what do you say?"

Li Yao looked at the champion, "Would you like to go to Manjusawa with us?"


The boxing king quickly calculated, "The ground is closely monitored by the sky, and the resources here are scarce. The materials are scrap copper and rotten iron. No matter how you upgrade it, it is the limit to upgrade to the form of the "big iron city". In front of Shahua, he was still vulnerable.

"Perhaps, if you secretly sneak into Manzhushahua, get more advanced materials and magic weapons to strengthen yourself, and wreak havoc from the inside, there will be a higher chance of crashing down this'city in the sky'!

"However, since the'Battle of Xiaoyao City' is the focus of attention of the heavens and people, they must have set up nets in all directions. How can we escape from Xiaoyao City and how can we sneak into Manzhushahua?"


Li Yao's primordial spirit bloomed with a smile of ripples, projecting a pale green three-dimensional light curtain, which was the crystal clear panorama of Xiaoyao City.

Li Yao kept zooming in on the picture. Below the high-rise buildings are the ruined walls, under the ruins are the poor streets and alleys, and under the poor streets and alleys are the various criss-crossing pipelines they hide.

The light on the chest of the boxing champion exudes a flickering light, expressing appreciation for Li Yao's amazing scanning ability.

But in the depths of a pipe not far from them, there was a small shiny spot moving fast, like a sneaky little mouse.

Hante curiously asked, "What is this?"

Li Yao smiled and said, "This is Xin Xiaoqi."

"is her?"

Both Hante and Liuli's eyes widened. They didn't expect Xin Xiaoqi's vitality to be so amazing that he didn't even die on the **** battlefield, and he didn't expect Yao to put something similar to a tracker on this mysterious woman long ago. !

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