40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2037: The secret of Xin Xiaoqi and Xiaoyao City Lord

Li Yao carefully observed for a moment and found that these "live broadcasters" were covered with crystal eyes all over, and there were many suspended crystal eyes dazzling all around, shooting non-stop.

Whether they sang and danced, yelled, or scratched their heads, uttered the curse of mother-beast panting and madness, they were all performed for some people on the other side of the crystal eye.

"It's a monster, Hyakki Yexing!"

Li Yao couldn't see through the real human empire more and more.

Everything in front of me is really like absurd dreams, the worst jokes.

What kind of country can give birth to such a unique existence, is this just a form of entertainment, or does it have a deeper purpose?

It is not the time to pay attention to the immortal cultivator players and the live broadcasters. Li Yao takes his mind, relying on Xiaolong's ground reconnaissance, avoiding the fierce war zone, and then winding down underground to track Xin Xiaoqi's escape route.

Naturally, Xin Xiaoqi didn't know that she had been targeted by Li Yao a long time ago, and had implanted a tracker as thin as a cicada-wing in the jet ejection magic weapon she relied on to escape.

She stopped somewhere deep in Xiaoyao City.

There is the old town of Xiaoyao City.

Xiaoyao City did not rise out of thin air, but slowly multiplied and expanded on the basis of a piece of urban ruins.

Beneath the magnificent and deformed appearance, there are also hidden intricate, labyrinth-like unfathomable remains of the underground city, just like flowers blooming on a corpse.

After the ravages of the "Great Judgement" and the erosion of hundreds of years, all the buildings here are dilapidated and lifeless, just like metal organs covered with rusty spots, and from time to time there are broken pipes that "chichi" spout air currents, concealing a picture. Zhang panicked and desperate face.

Even in the "Elysium", there are a large number of ant-like poor people. This is the lowest level of Xiaoyao City. It is a landfill, sewage treatment plant, and mass graves. There is also a large-scale slave trading market next to it. The ones sold inside were the lowest-class slaves, skinny and dying, and a psionic puppet could be exchanged for three to five.

The flames looted by the gangs of gangsters and murderers have not yet burned here, but it has already been messed up here. Many "ants" have grown sharp minions, struggling desperately, biting each other, wanting Between the torrent and the whirlpool, find a way to survive.

The crystal clear three-dimensional light curtain overlaps with the rusty, lifeless and panicked metal world in front of him. Li Yao quickly locked Xin Xiaoqi's position-it was a garbage filled field, a room surrounded by foul smell and sewage , The unremarkable tool room.

Li Yao smiled slightly, the Xiaolong still remained hidden, and circled the tool room three times.

Since it was necessary to conceal people's eyes and ears, it was naturally impossible to build the tool room so that it was impenetrable and impenetrable. Li Yao easily found a gap, manipulated the Xiaolong to get in, hung in the corner, and scanned the entire tool room.

There were only two people standing in the tool room, but there were corpses lying on the floor. The ground in one corner was pried open, and a huge metal box was raised, which has been opened. Inside are a dazzling array of spars, magic weapons and nourishing potions. .

Of the two standing people, one is naturally Xin Xiaoqi, and the other is an old man with gray hair, drooping skin, and a slumped body.

The appearance of this old man reminded Li Yao of a dying dog in the water-or a Shar Pei.

He was pestering a broken-edged chain saw sword, panting and coughing, his body was bruised, his arms and thighs had deep bone cuts, and the fragments of the broken armor were deeply embedded in the flesh and blood. With a cough, new blood vessels were cut, and large masses of nearly coagulated plasma spewed out.

The chest was still deeply sunken, as if the entire breastbone burst, and the scar resembled a fist mark.

It seemed that everyone on the ground was killed by him, and he paid a heavy price for it.

Li Yao sent the image of the old man to the boxing king's crystal brain, and got a positive answer: "Yes, he is Xiahou Wuxin, but in a short span of time, he is so old?"

Although Xiahou Wuxin tightly held the chainsaw sword, Xin Xiaoqi also held two short haircut knives in both hands. This cat-like woman glared at Xiahou Wuxin.

Between the old and the young, the swords are tense, and the atmosphere is so tense that it can explode without sparks.

"Asshole, are you playing with me?"

Xin Xiaoqi gritted his teeth, thunderous, and looked forward to rushing to bite Xiahou Wuxin's nose, "Didn't you say that there is a way to send me to the'City of the Sky, Manzhushahua'? What does it mean to say'I can do nothing' now? , Also made me forget'Sky City, Manju Sawa'? What the **** do you mean! Believe it or not, I killed you, old bastard!"

Xiahou Wuxin didn’t know if it was because of his severe injury, dying, or a real guilty conscience, where there was a little bit of "City Lord of Xiaoyao". He looked like a shameless old man, silent and speechless. The drool sprayed on his face.

"I have been an apprentice for you for 20 years. When I say that I am an apprentice, I am actually your dog. I have been an apprentice for 20 years!"

Xin Xiaoqi brandished double knives frantically and screamed, "Twenty years of birth and death, 20 years of incognito, risking nine deaths and a lifetime to help you do the most dangerous, the most underwhelming, and the most shameful deeds, but even I have never enjoyed the moisturizing of'Elysium' for a day!

"So many times in the past, I dealt with the major forces, wandered around the thugs and murderers, and helped you inquire about the news. Do you know that those guys are psychopaths, as long as my secrets are exposed. They will definitely get cramped by them!

"Originally, it was agreed that you would work for five years, and you sent me to'Sky City, Manjusawa', but five years later, five years later, and five years later, five years later, and it turned out to be twenty **** years later, Master. !

"Well, I didn't say anything before, just say this time, who do you want me to deal with this time? Boxing champion, the most ferocious and ruthless'boxing king' Lei Zonglie on the **** soil!

"You so many apprentices, who is as stupid and naive as me, actually sneaked into the boxing army to help you inquire about news, steal information, and risk their lives to get the assassins of the Thorns Valley to the boxing king to assassinate them. He? I, I don't know how I can still jump alive until now I haven't died!

"Master, you **** bastard, master who should be smashed by a thousand knives, tell me, you look at my eyes and tell me how you slapped your chest and swore a poisonous oath before I dived into the army of boxing champions I promise that after this battle, I will be sent to the'Sky City, Manjusawa'?

"Ha ha, ha ha ha ha, twenty years of suffering, struggling and fighting, I am waiting for this day. Now that you are out of power, you want to pat your **** and leave? How can it be so cheap!

"I don't care, no matter how much you pay, no matter who you want to kill, I will go to'Manju Shahua'! You must find a way to get me up, or I will really kill you, old bastard, old **** , Old beast!"

Xin Xiaoqi was completely insane, his originally pretty face, but his teeth were gritted, his veins were exposed and twisted to the extreme.

Xiahou Wuxin kept listening silently, until this moment, he vomited a black blood clot again, and he looked more haggard, and even the chain saw sword could not support his trembling body.

He fumbled for the edge of the metal box and sat down, and smiled miserably: "Xiaoqi, if you want to kill me, it counts as my guilt and deserves it. Come if you want, but there is really no'Sky City, Manjushahua', you are dead. This heart."

"Dang Cang!"

The desperate City Lord Xiaoyao threw the broken chainsaw sword aside, sighed a long, half-squinted his eyes, as if he was reminiscing about the distant past, with a frustrated and slaughtered appearance.

He was such a bachelor, but Xin Xiaoqi was stunned. The cat-like green eyes rolled for a long time, and he arched his back, and said alertly: "What tricks are you playing? Are you trying to catch up? Don't think you can kill all the other apprentices. , You can kill me, you know, I am different from these wastes-you are seriously injured now, and your blood is almost drained. Even if I can't kill you, at least you have the confidence to escape and tell everyone, we The Xiaoyao City Lord is hiding here!

"Hmph, you ruled Xiaoyao City for decades. You must have hidden a lot of good things secretly. I believe those thugs who are burning, killing and looting, including those who have been loyal to you in the past, will still treat you. Your treasure is very interesting.

"Anyway, let's talk about the method of'Sky City, Manjusawa', or I will really die with you!"

"never mind."

Xiahou Wuxin said indifferently, seeing that there was no bit of resentment, anger or cunning in Xin Xiaoqi's eyes, he sighed, "Everything is over, nothing is useless, it doesn't matter anymore, it's a dead end anyway, I'm tired , Right here, die in your hands.

"As for the secret treasures that I have collected for decades, they were originally yours. After killing me, go find what I secretly hid, and then find a way to escape from Xiaoyao City-Master can only help you get here."

Xin Xiaoqi was stunned, staring at Xiahou Wuxin for a long time with his cat's eyes rounded, but still couldn't see whether this old and cunning master was lying or "people are about to die, and their words are good."

She gritted her teeth for a long time, and once again became angry: "Don't play tricks with me, I don't want to escape from Xiaoyao City, I want to go to Manzhushahua,'Sky City, Manzhushahua', I want to go, no matter how difficult or dangerous. , Many twists and turns, I have to go!"

"Did you hear what I said at the beginning?"

Xiahou Wuxin said indifferently, "It's not that I refuse to help you, but that I really can't help, because there is no such thing as the'City in the Sky, Manzhushahua' that you imagined, that peaceful, peaceful, perfect and everything paradise. , Has never existed, where do you want me to send you?"

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