40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2041: Escape at the end!

Li Yao was originally only interested in Xiahou Wuxin's secret library.

But now, he suddenly felt that Xiahou Wuxin, like the boxing champion, were both partners who could temporarily cooperate.

Even if Xiahou Wuxin's fighting power is not as good as the boxing champion at the moment, his understanding of "Sky City, Manzhushahua" far exceeds the vast majority of sinners.

Aside from Xiahou Wuxin, Li Yao wanted to save Xin Xiaoqi's life and told her that there is hope for revenge!

But, just go out like this?

Xiahou Wuxin only fought with the boxing champion a long time ago, and his chest was deeply sunken by the boxing champion. Ten old lives went to nine.

Moreover, this "Battle of Xiaoyao City" was all caused by "Boxing King" Lei Zonglie.

Li Yao didn't think that Xiahou Wuxin could cooperate with the boxing champion without any gaps. At least it is impossible now. There are too many troubles to explain.

What's more, Xiahou Wuxin is right. As the lord of Xiaoyao City, he must be the key monitoring target of immortal cultivators. If at this moment Li Yao shows up in front of Xiahou Wuxin with boxing champion, Han Te and Liuli, he will form a team with him. If it is, it becomes even more eye-catching, and it will be discovered by the immortal cultivator the first time.

After pondering for a moment, Li Yao decided to hang Xiahou Wuxin and Xin Xiaoqi not far away, **** them in secret, and observe the movements of the immortal cultivator.

The praying mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind. Now Xiahou Wuxin and Xin Xiaoqi are the cicadas, the celestial being-the cultivator is the praying mantis, and Li Yao and the boxing champion are the oriole!

"They are going to a secret library built by Xiahou Wuxin in decades, and there should be things we need in it."

Li Yao transmitted intricate ripples to the boxing champion, "But Xiahou Wuxin has become the target of the cultivator. Before we know more secrets about the Sky City, we cannot let the cultivator kill him, let alone be found by the cultivator. His secret library."


The boxing champion said in a low voice, "No wonder I felt that he was loose when I was playing against him, full of perfunctory, lifeless taste, no fighting intentions at all. It seems that he has known his destiny a long time ago, knowing that he is a running dog and a chess piece. The end."

While they were talking, Xiahou Wuxin and Xin Xiaoqi had stuffed seventeen or eight magic weapons under the cloak, wrapped the cloak tightly, and pushed out the door.

Xiahou Wuxin confessed a few words in Xin Xiaoqi's ear. Xin Xiaoqi nodded. The two seemed to be acting separately and went out from both sides of the garbage filling ground, but after twists and turns, they moved in the same direction. , Just two to three hundred meters apart from each other.

Li Yao continued to keep Xiaolong hidden, following Xiahou Wuxin.

At this moment, Xiahou Wu's mind and body were seriously injured, and his perception dropped sharply, and after Li Yao entered the Huashen, his concealment of the Xiaolong was raised to another level, but he was not afraid of being discovered by him.

As for Xin Xiaoqi's side, he won't be too far away from Xiahou Wuxin, and Li Yao has placed a tracking chip next to him, so there is no need to worry about losing her coordinates.

The pair of masters and disciples with a special relationship went up and down and swept towards a boiling city ruins.

At this moment, the war has spread to every corner of Xiaoyao City.

Between the ruined walls and the poor streets and alleys, there are panicked and yelling people everywhere.

Some were fleeing around, some were fishing in troubled waters, and others were taking advantage of the fire. There were even many gangs who came here to arrest people and took a large number of low-level citizens to use as temporary cannon fodder and meat shields to attack those heavily defensive material warehouses.

This is a **** of Shura, where people are no longer humans, but ugly zombies, wriggling flesh, and monsters spraying black pus.

Xin Xiaoqi and Xiahou Wuxin were encumbered by the crowd and moved out of the city in a calm manner.

Li Yao, the boxing champion and the two little guys were sneaking under their feet, ready to fight, ready to break out of the ground at all times.

The sky is densely covered with lead clouds, and the blood is faintly visible. I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at this city of killing.

There was a commotion in front of him, and a gang of gangsters who painted their faces blood red were arresting people and acting as cannon fodder.

They used spar bombs to blow up the buildings on both sides of the street, and then drove the super-heavy spar chariot to block the two ends, rotating the turret, and aiming at people fleeing on the street.

There was a sound of hoarseness, crying father and mother crying on the street.

Xiahou Wuxin tightened his cloak tightly and tried to find a way to escape. After turning for a while, he found nothing. The strong smell of blood and the unstoppable coughing sound attracted the attention of the criminals. Several criminals will be vigilant. His eyes were cast on him, and another gangster hooked his finger at him: "Come here!"

"These are the gangs who came with me, not Xiahou Wuxin."

The king of fighters said.

"Even Xiahou Wuxin's people are useless. Seeing him look like a sick cat right now, the most loyal and loyal subordinates will ruthlessly kill him."

Li Yao sighed. Seeing Xiahou Wuxin's figure hunched and head down, as if he walked past honestly, he knew it was impossible to be good.

Sure enough, the other party casually picked up his cloak with a war knife, revealing a variety of arrow guns, chainsaw swords, and spar bombs, Xiahou unintentionally broke out and shot!

A moment ago, he was still like a dying old dog.

But after the lightning and stone fire, he became a vicious wolf that even the gods and Buddhas dared to bite off a piece of flesh.

The gangster who opened his cloak hadn’t retracted the blade, he cut off his arm shoulder-to-shoulder, and then stabbed the arrow-boom gun into the mouth, not only blasting his head, but also leaving the unlucky person behind him. A fierce bandit blasted his face full of flowers.

The crowd exclaimed, the bandits screamed, and the heavy spar chariot desperately rotated its turret to lock the position of Xiahou Wuxin, but Xiahou Wuxin shot into the bottom of the spar chariot like a light and fluttering leaf. After 0.1 seconds, Drilled out from the back again.


A huge fireball exploded under the spar chariot, flying directly into the sky, turning into a blooming steel flower.

When all the bandits' eyes were focused on this steel flower, Xiahou Wuxin's eyes were focused on their throats.

Within half a minute, fountains of blood appeared one after another on the burning street.

"This should be the true level of'City Lord Xiaoyao'!"

The boxing champion imitated Lei Zonglie's tone and said, "This is how I am qualified to be my first goal!"

Xiahou Wuxin took advantage of the massive chaos in the crowd to solve the many fierce bandits. He turned his cloak upside down and put it on again, accelerated his speed, and flew out.

Throughout the process, Xin Xiaoqi had been dormant in another block not far from him, ready to respond at any time, until he saw that he was safe and sound, and he was slightly relieved.

The subtle movements and expressions were clearly scanned by Xiaolong.

The same scan is clear, and there are unusual and dangerous ripples in the air.


Li Yao motioned to the boxing champion, Han Te and Liuli, "Be careful, there is a master coming!"

Xiahou Wuxin suddenly stopped, poke out the tip of his nose and sniffed, obviously also smelling an unusual breath in the air.

Ripples, rippling towards him from all directions, and like gray shadows, surrounded him to death.

The boiling streets all around did not know when to quiet down, and in the battlefield where the flames of war were flying and the howling of ghosts and wolves, the silence was extremely weird.

Li Yao saw that Xiahou Wuxin pondered for a moment, obviously thinking about countermeasures.

Suddenly, he clenched his fists, gave a low growl, pulled off the cloak on his body, crossed his arms, and drew out two chain saw swords. The speed suddenly increased by a step, like a hot cannonball, rushing towards the southwest. .

A large number of ripples or gray shadows immediately moved at a high speed, dragging out a trail of fuzzy afterimages.

From his northeast direction, Xin Xiaoqi also sensed the powerful aura that Master had suddenly increased dozens of times.

Li Yao saw this cat-like woman curled up in the corner, thinking blankly like the master.

After that, the cat turned into a tiger, and desperately rushed in Xiahou Wuxin's direction.

The pair of teachers and disciples who had a strange relationship fell into the sight of Ripples or Gray Shadow at the same time.


Xiahou Wuxin screamed desperately.

"Master, let's kill together!"

Xin Xiaoqi laughed with tears in his eyes, and the two short blades swung out the momentum of the ship-cutting sword.

"Hehehehe, it's so funny."

There was a faint laughter in the vague gray shadows around.

Ripples began to condense, and the gray shadows removed their camouflage and changed from a hidden form to a combat form. A total of fifteen gray crystal armors with a streamlined body surrounded the two from far and near. The positions seemed sparse, but they kept everything. Way of escape.

The lead armor master gently pressed on the helmet to remove the visor.

But the cold and lifeless face hidden in the crystal armor is not much different from the metal visor.

This is a man between the ages of thirty and one hundred and thirty years old who cannot be seen. His face looks like a ten-layer human skin mask. Even if he smiles very brightly at this moment, he still looks like a man from the sky. Feeling cold to the caudal vertebrae.

"City Lord Xiahou, what happened to him, his expression so flustered?"

The person smiled politely, "This time the "Battle of Xiaoyao City" is very satisfied. You have made great contributions once again. Together with the hard work of the past few decades, it is enough to help you in the "City of the Sky," Manzhushahua' in exchange for a precious position, I was going to tell you the great news, but you left without saying goodbye. Isn't this... not so good?"

Xiahou Wuxin was speechless and looked at Xin Xiaoqi in despair.

"Ha ha……"

The man who couldn’t see his age laughed softly again, “You don’t have to complain in your heart that your disciple came to save you impulsively. The relationship between you is clear from above, and the tricks you are playing at the moment can’t escape anyone’s. Eyes, even if Miss Xin doesn't take the initiative to come over, I will send someone to invite her over, and then you two masters and disciples will go to the'City of the Sky, Manzhushahua' to enjoy the blessing, wouldn't it be great?"

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