40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2051: Starlight organization, surfaced

The most important thing is that this brand new psionic puppet is pieced together with seven or eight magic units and scattered components of different psionic puppets. All the "raw materials" span hundreds of years, and the design concepts and styles are completely different and compatible. Infinitely close to zero.

However, now, they are all polished to be as gentle as jade and as delicate as silk, just like masterpieces developed by the psionic puppet designer in a magic weapon factory for a year or a half. Piece it together.

Boxing champion and Xiahou Wuxin have an extremely deep understanding of magic weapons. Naturally, they know that in just three minutes according to conventional maintenance and modification techniques, they have not even dealt with the texture changes after the magic weapon ultra-high-speed cutting, and even the temperature has increased rapidly. The internal stress changes brought about can not be alleviated, let alone an understatement and a few glances, and a whole set of intricate psychic circuits such as human blood vessels and neural networks are instantly designed!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, it would be hard for them to imagine that there should be such a terrible monster that can complete such a "miracle" in just three minutes!

Xiahou Wuxin looked at Li Yao's gaze, no more doubts and admiration, it was a deep fear-even more fear than when he saw the immortal cultivator Wei Xiaotian.

The crystal eyes of the boxing champion ejected hot sparks, and the database was frantic like a burning pan.

"There is no refining furnace here, and it is impossible to refinish and polish the small magical components, and time is running out. I have no time to study the characteristics of this maintenance platform carefully. Therefore, I can only do so carelessly, and I will have time next time. Help you make a brand new body."

Li Yao said sincerely, as a craftsman, he would never come up with a work that was "barely improvised" as a last resort, so he was really sorry and said, "However, I will use these psychic puppets. The computing chips in the brain are all disassembled, and a suite of amplifying computing power has been redesigned in the chest of this new puppet, which should improve the computing power of your core crystal brain, especially for the judgment of trajectory and ballistics. Do you transfer the core crystal brain by yourself, or am I here?"

The boxing king's crystal eyes flickered: "Please, Master Demon Star."

The chest armor of the new psionic puppet slipped silently to the sides, and the shock-proof and heat-insulating layer inside was also spirally spread out like petals, revealing an appropriate metal nest.

Li Yao wielded a cold, rigid mechanical arm, but the action was as soft as a girl’s blue silk. He removed the core crystal brain carrying the boxing king database and logical thinking circuit from the old steel body, and carefully installed it on the metal. In the nest, the threads are so tightly closed that even a strand of hair cannot be inserted.

As the breastplate closed again, there was a slight sound of psychic energy flowing, and the psychic puppet sitting in the void slowly rippled through circles of ripples. It stepped on an invisible staircase and took a step from the void. Stepping to the ground, I looked at the ends of my four arms and the metal palms opened and closed, exclaiming with satisfaction.

Although the figure at this moment is a bit smaller and exquisite than the smallest form it showed on the battlefield earlier, everyone, including Xiahou Wuxin, feels that the boxing champion seems to have become more condensed and more intrepid than half a day ago. ,More powerful!

"I have carefully observed your combat mode."

Li Yao said indifferently, "Although the huge steel fortress is called your'strongest form', the goal is too big and the actions are too clumsy. Every second consumes astronomical crystals. Moreover, it is extremely easy for the enemy to get into your body and wreak havoc. It is simply a desperate "suicide fortress", not really a powerful body.

"On the contrary, it's the'third form' you changed. It's small and exquisite, and it takes the route of lightness and agility, which can minimize the consumption of spar, which is very suitable for our next battle.

"So, move around and see how this body is. It should be based on your combat mode and rhythm, but if there is anything that needs adjustment, tell me right away. I don't want to put a work with obvious flaws. Run around outside."

The boxing king drove a brand new body, and made a few very strange gestures, just like an earthworm knotting his body.

Afterwards, the knotted body suddenly bounced back and banged out a fist. A series of afterimages of the punches were thrown out in the air, causing the entire secret library to sway, centering on where the punches fell, A series of sparkling arcs burst out.


The boxing champion’s icy mechanical voice was mixed with a trace of human excitement, “Every joint and every bearing of this body is almost created for a certain string of data in my battle database. More powerful than the steel body I made for myself!"

"of course!"

Hante and Liuli raised their chins proudly, "Our'Old Yao' is the best!"

Li Yao smiled slightly: "Take it as a reward for telling me so many interesting stories."

As he said, he turned dozens of crystal eyes in the direction of Xiahou Wuxin: "City Lord Xiahou, if you can also tell me some interesting stories, or come up with some interesting things in exchange, I can also help you transform it. One or two more high-end crystal armors are guaranteed to be much more powerful than the one Wei Xiaotian equipped—in fact, I am not very good at upgrading and modifying psionic puppets and psychic prostheses. Crystal armors are my specialty. "

The jaws of Xiahou Wuxin and Xin Xiaoqi, the pair of masters and apprentices, all fell on the insteps.

This, such amazing psionic puppet modification technology is also called {"not very good at"?

To what extent should the so-called "specialty" crystal armor modification be overbearing?

Xiahou Wuxin was like swallowing an iron brier, his Adam’s apple rolled so hard, and he thought for a while: "I don’t know what kind of stories Senior Demon Star would like to hear, if it’s information about'Sky City, Manzhushahua', Naturally, I know nothing but words and endless words. Besides, if it’s about refining tools, then please look at these—"

He slid a mysterious and complicated symbol on the metal wall on the side of the warehouse. The wall instantly changed from smooth as a mirror to soft as a gel, and then the silver-white "gel" faded away, revealing another A relatively small warehouse, piled up like a mountain, is full of tattered, rusty magic weapon remains and incomplete tools.

"These magic weapon remains were discovered when I was exploring underground. They are all relics of Wu Yingming before the'Great Trial'. However, the structure is too complicated and the damage is too serious. I don't even talk about disassembly and repair. I don’t understand, and I don’t know how to control it, so it’s always piled up here.

Xiahou Wuxin explained, "If the predecessors are interested, maybe they can find any treasures in it."

With a move in Li Yao's heart, the primordial spirit followed the thousands of spiritual threads and shot into the pile of magical treasure wreckage.

These magic weapons are indeed as Xiahou Wuxin said, in terms of precision and complexity, they are several levels higher than all magic weapons in the secret library.

Because of this, they have been more severely damaged by the war and eroded by the years, and they have almost all turned into masses of scrap copper and iron.

Not to mention the sinners like Xiahou Wuxin, even the master craftsmen among the immortal cultivators, they may not be able to repair.

But for Li Yao...

"Wait, what is this?"

Li Yao's soul rippled with waves of excitement, and the spirit silk kept pouring into a magic weapon wrapped in a rusty shell, groping it clearly from the inside to the outside.

This is an extremely advanced flaw detector.

The principle is to release a kind of extremely penetrating, extremely special mysterious light into the depths of metal or various materials, looking for internal gaps that are invisible to the naked eye.

Because the level is quite high, this flaw detector has a "polymer layer-by-layer scanning" function, and even molecular-level internal damage can be scanned clearly.

"Although there is no'high polymer layer-by-layer scanning repair magic weapon', this flaw detector has similar functions. If it can be repaired and combined with magic weapons such as the'Xuanguang Micro Carving Instrument', it can also be used. The same effect?

"Of course, the repair magic weapon put together in this way will become very large, but what does it matter? I have already obtained a vital cosmic ring from Wei Xiaotian's residual arm!"

Li Yao suddenly became excited.

Xiahou Wuxin sensed Li Yao's spirit fluctuations, and asked cautiously: "Dare to ask senior, does it come from the'Starlight Organization'?"

Li Yao was startled slightly, and became more and more ecstatic: "What did you say? Do you know what the "Starlight Organization" is? Why do you think I am from the "Starlight Organization"?"

Xiahou Wuxin didn't expect Li Yao to be so excited, and he hesitated for a while, not knowing how to answer.

"I am not from the Starlight Organization."

Li Yao also realized that he was too excited, and he pondered for a moment, "But I am indeed very interested in the Starlight Organization. I will tell you everything you know about the Starlight Organization, even the illusory legend does not matter."

"As for the Starlight Organization, there are indeed only some illusory legends."

Xiahou Wuxin smiled bitterly, "In the legend, those are some people who escaped from Wu Yingxing before the'big trial'."


Hante and Liuli were both excited, "Someone has escaped from Wu Yingxing!"

"In the legend, this is the case."

Xiahou Wuxin hesitated and said, "The truth of the so-called'great trial' is not what we always think, it is a civil war in which the Wuying people died together. In fact, it is very likely that it is the destruction of the Wuying world by the heavens and the cultivators. Sexual blows."


It was the first time that Xin Xiaoqi heard such a statement, and could not help but cried out.

Li Yao glanced at the boxing champion and said, "We are all clear about this, and there is no need to say more about the existence of ‘cultivators’. Let’s just talk about the key points.

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