40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2053: Skeleton Lizard

Everyone looked at each other, raised their guns and swords, and nodded at the same time.

"Wait, let's observe the situation outside first."

Xiahou Wuxin quickly operated on the master crystal brain in the corner of the secret library, and dozens of three-dimensional light curtains immediately appeared in the void, all of which were real-time images of Xiaoyao City taken from various angles.

"Since the celestial being, the cultivator of immortality, can monitor the ground from the sky, I have worked hard to manage Xiaoyao City for decades. Naturally, I can also install some monitoring crystals in the hidden places of the streets and alleys to see everything from the underground."

Xiahou Wuxin explained with a smile, "There are a total of four secret exits in this underground secret library. Let's see where the situation is the most chaotic, and we will escape from wherever we go!"

In the three-dimensional light curtain, the chaos in Xiaoyao City continues, but the peak of chaos has passed.

As a large number of bandits died together, the war gradually subsided, guns and explosions became sparse, and occasionally a building collapsed, rumbling thunder, and set off a lazy dust.

The night was heavy, like a black waterfall pouring into Xiaoyao City. The mobs and the stragglers had suffered heavy casualties, all turned into scorched corpses, leaving only a large-scale gang of elites, each occupying a territory, in the dark Confronted in silence.

Xiaoyao City has transformed from a chaotic killing ocean to a small dark forest.

Whoever rises first will die first!

"It's a bit tricky."

Xiahou Wuxin murmured, "Now that the spheres of influence of the major gangs are temporarily fixed, we will be very eye-catching when we walk on the streets in a swagger."

"Is it impossible to escape from Xiaoyao City directly from the ground?"

Li Yao asked.

"No, there are dead ends in all directions, you have to return to the ground."

Xiahou Wuxin shook his head and said, "If you stay in the ground and wait for the cultivator to use a large number of ground bombs to pour the firepower like a flash flood on our heads, then it is really a disaster of extinction, and there is nowhere to escape. Up."

"and many more."

Li Yaoyuan was agitated, "What is that? It seems that something has fallen from the sky again!"

Sure enough, in a faintly yellow sky, hundreds of thousands of black metal cans fell from the sky, too far apart to distinguish the size of these metal cans, but faintly able to perceive strands of strange breath.

Despite being towed by a parachute, the metal cans fell extremely fast, and soon pieces of smoke and dust were lifted in Xiaoyao City.

One of the metal cans fell just not far from the monitoring eye set by Xiahou Wuxin.

When the dust settled, the hideous figure that jumped out of the ruins clearly fell into the eyes of everyone, and Han Te, Liu Li and Xin Xiaoqi all exclaimed.

This is a radiation mutant beast resembling a giant lizard, about three to four meters in size, covered with dense cyan scales, and there are **** lines on the back that extend to the limbs and claws.

Its head is narrow and long like a poisonous snake, and it is covered with a layer of miserable bone armor, but it seems to be inlaid with a white bone mask. Deep in the black eye sockets, you can see two red lights like ghosts, dripping and spinning. Searching for prey around.

Cruel, cunning and intelligent, like a mixture of vipers, crocodiles, wolves and killing machines-this is the first impression it gives.

Soon, a group of heavily armed, brilliant-looking bandits fell into the sight of this "skeleton lizard".


It rushed towards the prey at an incredible speed, instantly turning into a dark red streamer!

In fact, this team of gangsters had long discovered that something had fallen from the sky, raising their alertness to the limit, and perceiving a gust of fishy wind, they raised their hands and hit them, spewing thousands of fire snakes.


Unexpectedly, this "skeleton lizard" shook his body, and the blue scales rubbed at a high speed, unexpectedly condensed a faint psychic shield all over his body, resisting and bounced off all attacks!

"The radiation mutant beast that will automatically activate the psychic shield?"

At this moment, even Li Yao and Boxing King and Xiahou Wuxin looked at each other-some high-level spirit beasts or monsters do have strong self-defense ability and can display magical powers similar to psychic shields, but they are all monsters. The anomaly in the spirit beast is similar to the existence of a leader or a king.

However, now, there are at least thousands of skeleton lizards dropped by the cultivator from the sky track, belonging to a large number of "miscellaneous soldiers", can all of them stimulate psychic shields?

This is terrible!

It was too late, it was fast, the psychic shield of this skull lizard only resisted the attack of the bandits and burst out, but it was enough to make it cut into the bandits from a strange angle.


A beam of blood spurted from its mouth, and it pierced the eyebrows of a fierce bandit like a sharp blade, and pierced through the back of its head, but it was a tongue that was as flexible as a whip.

Immediately after a fierce flick, the gangster who died in Huangquan was thrown aside, and he slammed into several other gangsters who were busy aiming.


Before the gangsters could react, its head simply split, and it bloomed into a piranha full of thorns and sharp teeth. The fluorescent "stamens" pierced from deep in the throat, sticking to four points. The five gangsters instantly transmitted a super strong electric arc, which stunned all these gangsters, and their guns and swords fell to the ground one after another.

The skeleton lizard swayed the huge "piranha" on its neck, like a hungry tiger pounced on the sheep, and smashed into the bandits.

The **** feast of killing was officially staged.

While using the sharp jagged edges of the "piranha" to tear all the bandits and their armor into pieces, they screamed rhythmically from the depths of their throats. In a moment, there were three other skulls with miserable faces. The lizard emerged from the darkness, grinning, looking at the gangsters who fled.

The same **** and desperate killing scenes were staged simultaneously in all directions of Xiaoyao City.

Even the most ferocious bandits, in front of a steady stream of skeleton lizards, can only struggle and delay the footsteps of the **** of death.

Even the fierce man who is not afraid of death, sees his companion being swallowed by the piranha blasted by the skull and lizard's head, and even the belt bones are chewed into a ball of meat and plasma, and then shot out like a rain of arrows. When sprayed on their faces, they couldn't help but make their legs feel weak and vomit.

The screams, groans and crazy shouts of complete breakdown of nerves resounded through the entire blood-colored city in an instant!

But it’s very strange that when encountering certain testers or live broadcasters, the skeleton lizards will let them go after careful sniffing, as if there is a special order that allows them to distinguish between immortal cultivators and evildoers. The difference between the sinners of the land.

Li Yao and Xiahou Wuxin were shocked, their scalp numb.

The crystal brain of the boxing champion is also running at super high speed, making an abnormal "buzzing" sound. After careful observation for a long time, he said: "This is a perfect biochemical weapon. It not only has extremely strong offensive and defensive capabilities, but also in the brain. It should also be implanted with a special control chip, so that they are no longer muddle-headed beasts, but are connected to an intricately huge war network, fighting in a manner similar to "wolf hunting", and a skeleton lizard is attacked. The offensive will call for the support of hundreds of companions at any time."


Xia Hou gritted his teeth and said, "The so-called'Evil Soil Laboratory' is not just a place where we, sinners, and the flesh and blood of Radiation Mutant Beasts are used to make this perfect monster?"


Sky City, Manzhushahua, the first laboratory, control center.

On the huge light screen, the physiological parameters of 3,500 nightmare beasts and real-time battle videos are displayed at the same time.

As the data stream fell like a waterfall, each of the expected indicators was overfulfilled, and Wu Yinglan's mood gradually improved.

"The biochemical beasts prepared this time are indeed good, with high killing efficiency and fairly stable controllability."

He sat comfortably on a piece of soft leather, as high as an emperor reviewing his army, and smiled to Luo Tian Shengdao, the person in charge of the laboratory.

Luo Tiansheng rubbed his hands in excitement and said with a smile: "I said to the adults a long time ago that as long as you give me five thousand freshest test materials, you will definitely be able to return a miracle to the adults! This time we combine the brain and the chip. , As well as information reception and secondary transmission, have made great efforts. Now these nightmare beasts can kill freely by instinct, and they can accurately execute more than 180 predetermined tactics, even in the remote control of a command. Below, enter the semi-hypnotic standby state, can be like the most docile cows and sheep, automatically go to the collection point, and the last time the chip was out of control and ate up tens of thousands of criminals in a town indiscriminately! "

"The audiences from all over the empire also responded very well to this feast of killing. Our ratings, bounty and gambling have all broken through the three-year high, and countless audiences have sent extremely excited messages. Evaluation, this time the report of the "Sky Eye Group" will be very beautiful, which will satisfy so many bigwigs outside."

The blood and fire in the thousands of light curtains cast a mottled shadow on Wu Yinglan’s face, which made people unable to distinguish his true emotions, but could only hear him under the cover of **** flames. He whispered, "It would be great to use such a perfect killing to open the curtain of our'epic mission'."


Luo Tiansheng whispered, "Wei Xiaotian said, about the'Boxer' and the mysterious master?"

"Continue to investigate."

Wu Yinglan's gaze stayed on the ever-increasing comprehensive ratings and the flow of funds, and a smile was evoked at the corner of his mouth, "No matter what the monsters and ghosts are, as long as they come from the evil land, they will never escape our eyes and palms. Even if he has the ability to penetrate the sky and the earth, he is always a small chess piece. I am the only chess player in this big chess game!"

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