40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2058: Fierce man, Wei Longtao!

After saying these words, Zuo Jingyun took a deep look at Boxing King and Xiahou Wuxin, and then wiped the remaining light on Hante and Liuli. Before everyone could answer, he returned to the operation room of the shield tunneling system and hit it hard. After the hatch, hundreds of upset and puzzled criminals and murderers were left behind.

These fierce bandits and murderers naturally surrounded the boxing king and Xiahou Wuxin. Fortunately, they also knew the power of these two strong men. In addition, in the battle of Xiaoyao City, there were many suspected betrayal behaviors. I didn't dare to make a second, but I asked Boxing King and Xiahou Wuxin to tell the situation clearly.

The boxing king and Xiahou groaned for a moment, unable to find the need to conceal, chopped off the head and tail, omitted the key to their own secrets, and the general background of Nietu and the truth hidden in "Sky City, Manzhushahua" Speaking of it, I heard that many gangsters and murderers were shocked and angry, and they were lingering fears, and they were lucky.

Fortunately, they discovered the truth in time. Otherwise, if Xiaoyao City was captured or held and sent to the Sky City to "enjoy the blessing", wouldn't it be the object of slicing research in the midst of confusion, and it would be better to endure life than death? Tortured?

Many fierce bandits glared at Xiahou Wuxin, drew their swords when they disagree.

However, even the "Boxing King" Lei Zonglie didn't do anything, so they naturally didn't dare to get ahead of the boxing champion.

What's more, Xiahou Wuxin was very well informed about the "City of the Sky" and even the "Starlight Organization", and knew a lot of information they didn't know.

Based on this alone, he couldn't completely tear his face right now.

"City Lord Xiahou, according to what you said, those celestial beings-immortal cultivators really want to kill them all, and not even leave us a little bit of life?"

There are gangsters who still don't give up, and said dryly.

"Everyone give up their illusions and prepare to fight to the death."

Xiahou Wuxin sighed, "Even though there was still a glimmer of life in the past, now we have come into contact with the confidant'Starlight Organization' of'Sky City, Manzhushahua', knowing too many things that shouldn't be known, there is nothing at all. The possibility of survival.

"Don't imagine heaven and human beings-immortal cultivators will have a little bit of kindness and compassion. Even if I have been a dog for'Sky City and Manzhushahua' for decades, hasn't it ended up with a deadly dog? What reason do you have to escape under the butcher knife of the celestial being-the cultivator?"

One sentence made everyone silent. After a long period of stunned expression, somebody said: "So, what is the strength of this'Starlight Organization' and does it have the capital to fight against'Sky City, Manjushahua'?"

The sinners and sinners are all murderers who are not afraid of death. They really jumped over the wall in a hurry, and even the gods and Buddhas dared to rush up to bite off a few pieces of meat, let alone the gods-the cultivators.

"Even if the strength of the Starlight Organization is weak, at least it has been struggling for hundreds of years under the suppression of the immortal cultivators. The Hundred-legged Insects are dead but not stiff, even if they struggle for hundreds of years, it seems not surprising."

Xiahou Wuxin said, "People are taking very high risks to save us. Naturally, we still have great use value. So you may as well take care of yourself. First, look at other people's conditions and see if everyone has a chance to cooperate.

"To be honest, our situation is extremely bad, and there can be no worse things happening. You all assume that you have been buried in the mouth of the skeleton lizard's blood, and every second of it will be earned. !"

Up to now, Boxing King and Xiahou Wuxin are too lazy to pursue the behavior of these gangsters and murderers in the battle of Xiaoyao City, fishing in troubled waters and taking advantage of the fire. Anyway, this is the nature of the sinners, and it would be strange not to do so.

The two played both soft and hard, re-engaged and soothed the military.

Hante and Liuli were huddled in the corner with Li Yao, and the two little guys were breathing quickly with excitement, and their big, clear, water-like eyes were full of stars.

"Old Yao, cultivator, we have found the legendary cultivator!"

"It turns out that the Starlight Organization persisted in a **** battle with the'City of the Sky and Manjushahua' underground for hundreds of years. It's really amazing!"

"With the help of the Starlight Organization, you must be more certain to overthrow the rule of the'Sky City, Manjusawa', and turn the whole evil land upside down!"

Li Yao sensed the volatile flames of the two little guys, smiled thoughtfully, and said in a voice that only they could hear: "Perhaps, you can tell this about your identity, experience and aspirations. The female soldier of the Starlight Organization'Zuo Jingyun', see if she can help you bomb the'Sky City, Manzhushahua', but remember one thing, don't expose my existence."


Hante blinked, "Isn’t Yao Lao also wanting to destroy the'Sky City, Manjushahua'? Heaven and human beings are bad guys, so the cultivators of the Starlight Organization are good guys. Everyone is like-minded, you are fisting. Lord Wang and City Lord Xiahou both revealed their identities, so why did they go to the Starlight Organization to conceal their existence?"


Li Yao didn't know how to explain, "I just faintly felt a little strange-this'Zuo Jingyun' may not be a bad guy, but the'Starlight Organization', I have to learn more about it before I can figure out what tricks they are playing. .

"In short, we are getting closer and closer to the final truth. Be careful, you won't suffer."

The shock of the "Divine Dragon" became weaker and weaker, and the speed gradually slowed down.

Most of the time, they are not stupidly digging holes in hard rock formations—there are natural caves and artificial mining tunnels extending in all directions and intricately like a maze, and there are a large number of underground city remains left over from the heyday of Wu Yingming and Ming Dynasty thousands of years ago. Shuttle between these gaps, like walking on the ground, at an extraordinary speed.

After driving for most of the day, the "Divine Dragon" made a "chichichichi" jet sound and stopped completely.

The hatches on both sides were folded and opened. Li Yao, Han Te, and Liuli were among the many criminals and men. They got out of the car and found themselves in a huge underground town.

Perhaps thousands of years ago, this was the core of a huge underground mine. The entire underground rock layer was crushed and hollowed out, leaving an abyss-like crypt. Neither the end of the underground nor the opposite edge could be seen.

In the spirally shrinking crypt, there are countless suspended metal buildings connected together by chains, cranes and slide rails. There are honeycomb-like passages around them. Many passages are brightly lit, and they are one platform. Taiwan's "Divine Dragon" is being overhauled.

There are also some "Dragons on the Earth" that were hung in the air by chains and connected with other "Dragons on the Earth". They are thousands of meters long from beginning to end. It is simply a long and narrow moving town!

Thousands of workers are working nervously. Sparks and electric lights are "whooping", transpiring human sweat into a cloud of mist, which glows colorfully under the dim light.

Li Yao keenly perceives that there are still many powerful armor masters hovering in the dark surroundings, as well as scattered and precise cross-fire points, and even the faint smell of spar bombs in many abandoned mine tunnels. It is like a fully armed. Ammunition depot!

"This place used to be called'Youlan City'. A long time ago, it was a azurite mine with very rich reserves, but when we discovered it, there was not even half of the hair left."

Zuo Jingyun reappeared again. This time he completely removed the heavy crystal armor and replaced it with a light dark red soft armor. The three-meter-long concussion war knife was folded behind, like a pair of sharp wings. "In the rock formations of 3,000 to 6,000 meters underground, there are so many abandoned mines like this. It is difficult for the celestials and the cultivators to find them one by one, so they have become our temporary base.

"Even if it is really discovered by the cultivator, don't worry, we have already managed to slip away with our respective ‘Divine Dragon’.

"In fact, the Earth Walking Dragon is our real base and home. This kind of temporary base is just for rest and supply."

Looking at the expressionless workers dedicated to repairs and refitting, listening to Zuo Jingyun's calm description, Li Yao was a little bit sigh and sigh.

"These... are they the cultivators who have stubbornly resisted for a whole thousand years in the hinterland of the true human empire?"

Li Yao originally thought that the survival and development of the cultivators in the Xinghai Beach would be difficult enough. Seeing these "dao friends" who have been dormant in the ground for thousands of years, like frightened rabbits, ready to escape to the "Earth Traveling Dragon" holding their heads and scurrying in the slightest turbulence. Only then did I know what a real dead end is.

What kind of spirit and belief is it that supports these daoists, who have persisted in confrontation for hundreds of years and thousands of years in a desperate situation of hopelessness and light?

While groaning, on the edge of the abyss in front of them, there was a chuckle of chains, and a sturdy man stepped on the metal lifting platform and slowly appeared.

"He is the leader of our Starlight Organization in the underworld, Wei Longtao."

Zuo Jingyun did not hide the admiration in his eyes, and said, "He is a true hero, a super master who controls the'God Dragon'. He has escaped the siege of the immortal cultivator countless times, and the immortal cultivator and minions who died in his hands. There are countless—this, City Lord Xiahou must know?"

Xiahou Wuxin was shocked, with a solemn expression on his face, and nodded: "I don't know his name, but'Sky City, Manzhushahua' did send an extremely confidential wanted order. The wanted one is more than radiation mutation. People who are a hundred times more terrifying, even if we get news from this person, we don't rush to round up, and even if we directly send the information to it, we must not be foolish to stun snakes.

"The person on the wanted order seems to be...like this."

"Ha ha."

Zuo Jingyun smiled, deliberately approached Xiahou Wuxin, and whispered, "Even the lord of the'Elysium' like Xiahou City Lord, Wei Longtao has assassinated four, with a 100% success rate!"

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