40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2060: The sky falls!

"It is indeed illogical, but it is a very sad fact, because this'Global Sword Net' strike system was not built to fight against the immortal cultivators from the outside world."

Wei Longtao sighed, and frowned like a broomstick. "In the age of building the'Global Sword Net' strike system, Wu Yingming knew nothing about the terrible immortal cultivators outside the sky. The envisioned enemy of this system is Sha. Barbarian."

Boxing champion, Xiahou Wuxin and all the bandits were all stunned: "Shaman?"

Even Li Yao shook his heart.

Of course he knows the "shaman", thinking that it was the advanced and developed Wuying world that discovered the relatively ignorant and backward sandman world, and vigorously introduced low-level workers from the sandman world, and gave them excessive power, which intensified all aspects. The contradiction finally created the evil freak "Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi" and his more evil "True Human Empire".

Now that we heard the familiar name "Shaman" from Wei Longtao's mouth, it can at least prove that everything he said has a certain degree of credibility.

Wei Longtao explained: "The Sand Barbarian Realm is very close to the Wuying Realm. You can simply understand it as a habitable planet within easy reach. When the relationship between the two sides is closest, the Wuying Realm and the Sand Barbarian realm are almost integrated. , But in the end, I don’t know why, the two sides have to tear their skins, and do everything they can to destroy each other.

"The civilization level and technical strength of the sand barbarians are far inferior to those of the Wuying World, but they are worse than those of the Wuying World, but they have a large population, proficient in combat skills, and have received a lot of military assistance from the Wuying World. They can build a dense star sea fleet like locusts, even if they are all. The thin-skinned iron coffin, but with crowds of tactics and swarms, it can still deal a heavy blow to the Wuying community.

"Therefore, Wu Yingjie took great pains to refine the huge'Global Sword Net', in order to withstand the onslaught of the sandman locusts crossing the border and flooding."

Today's evildoers all boasted of the descendants of Wu Yingming in the past. They naturally stood on the side of Wu Ying, and couldn't help but clenched their fists and asked: "What happened afterwards, did you withstand the attack of the Shaman?"

Wei Longtao's eyes showed a hint of sarcasm and a hint of pain, and he shook his head and said: "No, technically speaking, the'Global Sword Net' may be enough to withstand the attack of a super fleet, but the fortress is always breached from within. Before the "Jian Wang" had time to activate, it was implanted with a certain virus by the Shaman lurking in the Wuying Realm, and it was secretly destroyed.

"There is another saying that the plan to build the global sword network is basically a conspiracy of the Shamans. It uses this large-scale and cost-intensive super system to consume the vitality of the Wuying world after a hundred years of tossing-that is all It happened nearly a thousand years ago. Who can know the truth?

"In short, you don't have to sigh for the stupidity of the Wuying people in the past, let alone hate those Shamans.

"First, shortly after the Shaman completely defeated the Wuying people and took control of the entire Wuying world, they were severely suppressed by the Celestial Cultivators together with the Wuying people, and they were almost completely slaughtered.

"Secondly, today’s sinners are actually the descendants of the Wuying and Shaman fusions. Maybe our ancestors have been several dozen generations, they are those brutal, brutal and bloodthirsty Shamans, so, There are so many restless and violent factors in the blood of the sinners today.

"In any case, the conflict between the Wuying people and the Shaman people has passed for thousands of years, and it is not the focus of our discussion today. We only need to know that there is a long-term dusty "Global Sword Net Control Center", which is generally intact, at most. The main control crystal brain was implanted with some viruses, and it was temporarily paralyzed.

"And these thousand-year-old viruses, with our current technical strength, should be able to crack them with certainty."

The boxing king's crystal eyes flickered for a long time, nodded and said: "With this explanation, the whole thing is at least logically reasonable."

"Of course, this time is a desperate action by the'Starlight Organization'. Naturally, we will not use the precious lives of countless soldiers to make jokes."

Wei Longtao said, "During the'Judgment War' and the chaotic period when the sky has not been blocked after the war, many of our resistance fighters fled to the sea of ​​stars. They did not give up their belief in being a cultivator, but they did it. Zero, out of nowhere, keep fighting!

"To this day, in order to cope with another large-scale war, the true human empire has aggressively conquered in the country, and its ruling methods have become more cruel and cruel, and it has aroused the opposition of countless people with lofty ideals. The voice of the faint cultivator for hundreds of years has been renewed. Get up, countless people can't wait to overthrow the rule of the empire and rebuild a blue sky and a bright sky!

"Now, the Starlight Organization, which we insisted on resisting in the Star Sea, has secretly assembled a large-scale fleet, secretly sneaking into the vicinity of the poisonous scorpion star cluster and the Wuying world.

"As long as we can find the control center of the'Global Sword Net' and launch a devastating blow to the'Sky City and Manzhushahua' from the ground, our fellow Daoists in the Xinghai will respond and completely crush this work. Hundreds of years of nightmare, let those who are above the heavens-the cultivators, taste the taste of the sky falling!

"We spent decades exploring the ground, looking for clues and information buried deep in the rock, and finally determined that this'control center' was not far from here.

"But in order to find specific coordinates and defeat the immortal cultivators, we have also paid a heavy price. Countless daoists have been sleeping in the dark rock formations and mines.

"We have a serious shortage of manpower right now. If we encounter an emergency in the'temple', it may be difficult to cope with it.

"And the arrow is on the string, and I have to send it. The cultivator has faintly spied our actions. Our secret fleet in the star sea cannot be hidden for too long. Within ten days and a half, we must launch a general attack!

"Therefore, we have to make the best plan and invite you all here, hoping that you can join in such a great cause!"

Wei Longtao’s eyes were getting brighter and brighter. After a pause, he reached out to the boxing champion and Xiahou Wuxin, sincerely to the extreme: "No matter what identity you were in the past, what ideas and ambitions you have, but now everyone is desperate. Forced into desperation.

"The cultivator will never let you go, and I will open up the top secrets, so please help us, help us, also help yourself, help everyone living on the evil soil, and put the'City of the Sky, Manzhushahua'snap it down!"

The eyes of many fierce bandits are hot.

Even the gangsters and murderers who still remain calm are very aware of their situation. "Killing people and killing people" is what they are used to doing.

Now that he has been dragged on the thief ship, there is no possibility of retreating all over his body.

For a while, the breathing of many criminals became heavy.

The boxing king's crystal eyes are still flickering, and Xiahou Wuxin preemptively said: "This is a big deal, our brothers have to think carefully."

"Naturally, we will rest here for another two to three days. I hope that this period of time will allow you to think clearly, and you can also get in touch with our Starlight Organization to see what our ‘cultivators’ are all about."

Wei Longtao smiled and said, "I believe that everyone who was killed in the **** sea of ​​corpses in the evil soil will never be afraid of death, but hope that death will be worthwhile—what else can you die? Manzhu Shahua's death together, more vigorous and beautiful? If we really accomplish such a feat, even thousands of years later, in the wind and sand on the evil soil, our name will still be echoed!"

The boxing king’s crystal eyes "crackled" and raised the last question: "Command Wei, there is one thing I want to know-the power of the cultivator should be far more than a'city in the sky, manjushahua'. Even if we can really destroy it, how should we face the rush of reinforcements from the cultivators?"

"Yes, a small sky city is just a fraction of the power of the immortal cultivator."

Wei Longtao did not shy away from his own weakness, and even because of this weakness, his daydreaming light was even brighter and hot. "As the saying goes,'Everything is difficult at the beginning.' If we can't even pluck this little hair, What about killing the beast that swallows the starry sky?

"For the past millennia, the sea of ​​stars under the rule of the real human empire, the cultivator of immortals, has been an impenetrable darkness, not only without the slightest light, but even cultivated a group of people who never believe in the existence of light in the world.

"Our actions to destroy the'City in the Sky, Manjushahua' may not be enough for the light to disperse all the darkness, but at least a few faint sparks can be emitted to let those living in the dark know the light in the original legend. It exists, and the so-called "light" is such a thing!

"One is two, and there is two and three. Even if we all die, we are all turned into flaming moths. At least we can spread the bright sparks on all sides of the sea of ​​stars. The hearts of those who are swallowed and nourished by darkness. , So that they can no longer stand the darkness they are used to, they must shout, be restless, and emit their own light and heat!

"This is the meaning of our'Starlight Organization' gathering all the forces in the sky and the earth this time and making a desperate attack to attack the'City in the Sky, Manjushahua'.

"Whether it succeeds or fails, as long as someone rises up, if the first one revolts, there will be a steady stream of latecomers who will attack the cultivator's reign of the cultivators, and finally crush the old world and build a brighter new world! "

Wei Longtao slammed his fist into the void, as if to smash the real human empire all at once.

Those big eyes, as bright as a morning star, awed everyone including Li Yao.

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