40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2066: Burrow battle!

Calculated according to the time on the ground, it is already in the dead of night.

This underground mine, which has been abandoned for hundreds of years, is brightly lit, full of voices, metal collisions and sparks splashing everywhere.

Li Yaojing hibernated in the depths of the mine, releasing the primordial spirit like ripples, covering the entire mine, silently observing the final preparations of the Starlight Organization resistance fighters.

To be precise, these resistance fighters who call themselves "cultivators" are not the same thing as the Cultivators of the Star Federation.

They didn't have a perfect theory and Taoism, and they didn't think about how to create a brand new world. They were just the descendants of the former cultivators, struggling in a desperate situation with no hope of survival, relying on the instinct of survival and revenge.

However, if Li Yao were put in their place, Li Yao couldn't guarantee that he would be able to do better than them and a "cultivator" like Zuo Jingyun.

This is the largest Jedi counterattack in the underground branch of the Starlight Organization in hundreds of years. Li Yao can see from their radiant eyes, rapid breathing, and hot sweat that all the resistance fighters are extremely excited.

Their commander-in-chief, Wei Longtao, took the lead and used gantry cranes and hinges to hoist the most powerful and domineering dragon head in mid-air, climbed up and down by himself, hung up a combat unit with his own hands, and waved maintenance tools to his side from time to time. The fighters cheer up.

Under the dazzling light, his snow-white teeth and dreamy eyes are particularly eye-catching.

"Are you all ready? Having spent hundreds of years in the ground, I am finally going to do it vigorously today. At critical moments, I was taken off the chain!"

Wei Longtao laughed heartily, "Tell those **** celestial beings-cultivators to open their eyes and take a good look at what is the real cultivator!"

Hundreds of resistance fighters smashed chainsaw swords and concussive war knives on the earth walking dragon, making a "boom" noise and roaring restlessly.

Another resistance fighter played a harmonica-like instrument nearby. Wei Longtao started, everyone began to sing a passionate and heart-warming war song, singing, and everyone’s eyes were full of tears, watching The black rocks all around seemed to have pierced through the awkward world and brought them to the final battlefield.

Li Yao calmly observed everything, adding every detail to his deduction model, the soul became clearer and clearer, and more and more...angry.

At this moment, Li Yao felt an extremely slight vibration on the dark cave wall above their heads.

A series of cracks that the naked eye can't see, appeared quickly on the rock wall, sprinkling fine dust like sand.

"Sure enough!"

With a move in Li Yao's heart, Chaohan Te and Liuli sent out two sharp ripples in his brain, "Wake up, take all the food, medicine, weapons and ammunition, and be ready to follow the champion at any time!"

The boxing champion gently pressed the metal palm against the cave wall, and felt something, his crystal eyes let out an ominous light: "Intruder?"


Li Yao said coldly, "Earth Burrower!"

Before the words fell, the stern alarm sounded.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

"The burrowing vehicle of the immortal cultivator is fast approaching us from top to bottom, and it is less than three kilometers away from us!"

"With such a high shock index, it must be an extremely large super drill bit, and there is no stagnation or adjustment at all. Obviously, we have found our precise coordinates!"

Panic shouts of exclamation sounded one after another, mixed with waves of high and high alarms, making everyone more panic, especially those who have just absorbed the thugs and murderous people who have just absorbed the ground. If it weren’t for this place, there is no way to the sky and no way into the earth. In the underground mine pits, they almost ran away with their heads in their arms.

"Don't panic, everyone, follow my instructions!"

At the critical moment, Wei Longtao let out a roar like Hongzhong, "Eighty percent of the Divine Dragon has completed the final enhancement upgrades and ammunition loading, and the approximate location map of the'Sanctuary' has also been transmitted to your respective crystal brains. It is too late to delay. All the captains will set off now and search the exact coordinates of the'temple' according to the original plan!

"As for here...

"After I come to break everyone, I will never let even a cultivator grab everyone's tail!

"The final war has come, take action, warriors of the Starlight Organization, see you in the'temple'!"

Wei Longtao's voice seemed to possess magical powers, full of trust and calming power.

Under the continuous roar, the chaotic atmosphere was swept away, and all the resistance fighters bounced like they were wound up and filled with fuel.

"Boom! Boom! Boom boom boom boom!"

The drill-shaped boring system in front of the dragons on the ground made a deafening roar, slowly rotating, releasing a wave of unpredictable mysterious light and high-frequency shock force field, enough to crush the hardest rock formations and minerals.

Countless warriors jumped out from their respective mines, walking flat on the chains and slide rails, and quickly jumped into their own terrestrial dragon.

"This is about to be broken!"

Zuo Jingyun reappeared in front of Li Yao and the others, and stretched out his hands to Han Te and Liuli, "Hurry up and let me go, go to my'Crossing Cloud'!"

Several underground dragons have already been overhauled and remodeled. They were already on standby in their respective tunnels. They set off now, the crawlers all over their bodies were spinning frantically, and they quickly disappeared into the depths of the earth.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!"

After they drove into the depths of the tunnel, the tunnels were all collapsed by pre-buried spar bombs. The spar bombs were also mixed with gel-like materials to bond the collapsed areas together and become as hard as iron. Difficult to drill through the original path.

At the same time, erratic explosions sounded from all directions in the depths of the earth.

That is the source of interference set by the Starlight Organization.

The pursuit battle in the dark rock formations thousands of meters underground is almost useless. It relies on sound waves and senses the vibrations of the opponent's drill bit and crawler to lock the target.

At this moment, the Terrestrial Dragon of the Starlight Organization is busy escaping for life. Naturally, the performance of the drill bit and the crawler must be pushed to the limit. Where can I take into account the problems of shock absorption and noise reduction?

Therefore, it was the only way to detonate the spar bombs that were pre-buried in all directions to create interference seismic elements, so that the cultivator could not tell which one was the real dragon.

"Crack, click, click!"

There are countless resistance fighters who have not boarded the Divine Dragon, instead, with a decisive expression on their faces, they entered the semi-fixed turrets with extremely fierce firepower but lost all their mobility. They gritted their teeth. , Aiming a turret thicker than his waist at the rock wall above.

On the rock wall above their heads, hundreds of criss-cross gaps have appeared at some point, and rubble and dust are pouring continuously, like the snort of some kind of underground beast.

Now, everyone can perceive the fleshy shocks coming from all around.

Those rubble and dust continued to fall on the turret, making a "ding-ding" sound, which made people feel impetuous to the extreme.

"This is our glorious day!"

Wei Longtao once again floated out of the dark fog in the deepest part of the mine. Now, he was covered with a layer of bronze crystal armor. The crystal armor was also equipped with reinforced pendants similar to the God of War suit. At first glance, it looked like four heads. The five-meter-high bronze gorilla, his eyes are red, the white smoke coming out of his head is almost stronger than the exhaust gas emitted by the dragon, and his voice has increased by a level, full of detonating power, "Hundreds Years of passive beating, hundreds of years of fleeing, and hundreds of years of stubbornness and uselessness under the ground, almost everyone, including ourselves, forgot that name, that proud and glorious name!

"But after today's battle, no matter whether we win or lose, no one will forget us! The sky is above, and the stars testify. Everyone in the sea of ​​stars will always remember that there was a group of fearless warriors, their The name is called the Cultivator!"

"Cultivator! Cultivator! Cultivator!"

All the resistance fighters roared out their husky and loudest voices, voices with blood!


Zuo Jingyun sent Hante and Liuli into the carriage, looking at the daoists who stayed behind, with teeth stuck in his lips, "We will definitely find the temple, I swear, sure!"

On the rock wall above the head, the gaps continue to expand like a wound torn by a beast. The falling rocks grow from small to large, first the size of a nail, then the size of a fist, then the size of a head, and finally a boulder with a diameter of three to five meters. , Falling around the abandoned mine, smashed the messy metal equipment into a mess.

"Come, come, come!"

A group of orange-red light faintly spread from the center of the criss-cross gap. It was the mysterious light spurred by the super-giant drill bit drilling from top to bottom, and the burning flame of friction dust!


The harsh rubbing and crushing sound, like a monster's grin, ravaged everyone's ears.

"Ready to fight!"

Wei Longtao yelled violently, and drew two incredibly sturdy rotating bombardment guns from his waist, bowed left and right, firmly locked the dome, "Fight with them!"


Finally, when the monster's grinning pierced the ears to the extreme, the dome was completely pierced by a giant drill bit!

This drill is at least ten meters in diameter, and its surface is covered with lumpy teeth and crushed tumors. It rotates at a high speed, turning the rubble and dust into orange-red flames.

It is like a giant meteorite from outside the sky, smashing into the depths of the abandoned mine amidst the screaming sound, making an earth-shattering roar, setting off tsunami-like shock waves and huge waves.

The black mist in the depths of the abandoned mine was dissipated, the explosions one after another seemed like magma erupting, the orange-red light reflected on the face of every resistance fighter, and the big beads of sweat were clearly illuminated.

"Buzzing buzzing!"

In the vertical cave with a diameter of more than ten meters above, there was an ominous noise like flying wild bees.

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