40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2072: Scarlet Interrogation

And at the forefront of this cold hibernation warehouse, which is both a prison and a tomb, is thirty-six larger in size, with a fairly smooth outer shell, which looks very advanced, looking through a translucent observation hole. Entering, you can also see thirty-six hibernators curled up in a baby-like posture inside.

But these hibernators are different from those who have just been convicted of "incitement, riots, and endangering national security." From the back of their heads down their spine all the way down, every few centimeters will be nailed into a complex and shiny. The nails, the top of the nails are connected by a strong and cumbersome mechanical structure, and they also extend to their limbs, all the way to the fingertips, just like some kind of weird exoskeleton structure.

Li Yao imagined it, probably these nails were driven into the gaps in their spine, controlling the spinal cord, central nervous system and the limbs.

Even if they get rid of the hibernation state and are entangled in the spine by such shackles, I am afraid that there is no room for resistance.

Therefore, they are not passengers, but also...prisoners.

Think about it, this is a transport ship that hops and sails between the inland worlds of the real human empire. Judging from the structure and performance of the power cabin, it is not suitable for performing ultra-long-distance long-distance star sea jumping missions. It is used for one mission. Before long, there is no need for the crew to hibernate.

Li Yao keenly perceives the aura of Ruoyouuowu in these hibernating people.

Especially in the center of their eyebrows, even if they fall into a deep sleep state, there is still a small group of "virtual neurons" that are faintly jumping.

That is where the spiritual root lies.

"Their spiritual roots are awakened, are they cultivators, or..."

There is also a small crystal brain next to the hibernation chamber of these thirty-six spiritual root awakened persons. The information about their bodies is much more detailed than ordinary people, including their large realm, small level, and daily practice. Fa, even included several videos of their battles.

However, they also have no names and backgrounds, only a string of simple numbers, and new charges: "crime of malfeasance, treason, and crimes against humanity."

Most of the spirit root awakeners are charged with one or two of these three, and some even have three of them. Of course, the strength is also the strongest. He has reached the early stage of the pill formation stage, and his spine is firmly secured by an extraordinarily large shackle. Fettered, hundreds of crystal lines spread from the top of the shackle, extending along the back of the head to the front, piercing deeply into his brain from the nostrils, ear holes and corners of the eyes.

Judging from his eyes closed, eyeballs trembling rapidly, and his face full of hideous and distorted expressions, even if the flesh and blood body is sealed in extremely low temperature, the soul still suffers unspeakably tortured in Frost Hell.

"If you are a cultivator, then both'treason' and'crimes against humanity' are easy to understand."

Li Yao pondered, "But what should we say about'malfeasance', even if it is arbitrarily weaving charges, it is generally not fabricated such a strange charge?"

There was silence in the cold storage warehouse, and only a few psionic puppets moved forward mechanically in accordance with the patrol route, which added a sense of gloom and made people unwilling to stay here for a long time.

Li Yao weighed it for a moment, withdrew thousands of spiritual thoughts, and returned to the smoky, poisonous power cabin near the stern.

The entire power cabin had no secrets in front of him. Whether it was the licking of every flaming tongue, the explosion of every fuel pipeline, or the actions of every cultivator of the damage management team, it was all like a crystal clear virtual picture. Generally, it is decomposed and stripped layer by layer, and appears in his brain in the form of the most basic data and models.


When a crew of the damage control team hurried past the corridor next to the power cabin, Li Yao's heart moved, an auxiliary combustion agent pipe that he had moved his hands and feet with the air defense technique was suddenly broken, and it instantly vaporized and expanded tens of thousands of times. The auxiliary combustion agent collided with the poisonous fog and immediately caused a new explosion. Everyone was swallowed by the poisonous flames, and even blasted out dozens of meters by the shock wave, and hit the end of the tunnel severely.

The scene was chaotic, with explosions and screams everywhere, all lighting and monitoring systems were in chaos, the wounded dragged their stumps and broken arms desperately to escape from the flames, and those who were not injured, the crystal armor was also badly damaged, inhaled a lot of poisonous gas, and confused. , Dazed, ramming in the poisonous fog and magic flame like a headless fly.

In such chaos, no one noticed that their little boss was blown by the shock wave to the end of the tunnel, and disappeared in the thick poisonous mist like ink!

Li Yao crossed his fingers, pinched the void, and firmly grasped the head of the little boss like iron tongs. The strength was so great that even the strongest crystal armor helmet squeaked and burst at any time.

The strands of psychic energy rushed past like a poisonous snake, instantly cutting off all the runes and chips that the crystal armor could transmit information to the outside world, and pierced the crystal brain by the way, paralyzing the crystal armor, turning it into a tightly connected iron coffin.

Li Yao didn’t hurriedly drag the little boss to a secret corner—he carefully studied the structure around the power cabin, and made deductions based on the current damage situation, and also released hundreds of thoughts to warn in all directions, at least five times. Within minutes, no one will "interrupt" him.


Li Yao strengthened his strength slightly, made of super alloys and special ceramics, and able to withstand the close-range bombardment of the arrow-burst gun. It burst like a delicate vase. What is amazing is that underneath the crystal armor. But his head didn't suffer any damage, and even a blood mark was not scratched out in the fragments of the goddess scattered flowers.

The little boss was pale and didn't know what was going on.

But looking at Li Yao's demon-like aura, his unfathomable eyes are like a hyena facing a Velociraptor, he can't even think of struggling at all, and he doesn't even have the strength to scream.

Li Yao raised the corners of his mouth and was too lazy to talk nonsense with this person. His left eye gradually turned red, and wisps of bloodshot from the depths of his pupils, even piercing the eyeballs, growing and extending in the void, and finally pierced all of them. The eyes of the little boss.

The little boss showed an expression of extreme horror and trance, convulsing like an electric shock, and a "hissing" sound came from his throat, and he did not condense into a scream, and there was no substantial resistance.

Until the end, his eyes became blood red, and his face was covered with bulging bloodshot eyes, like a big spider, lying on his facial features.

"Okay, ask."

The Scarlet Heart Demon grinned.

The gap between the two sides is too great. Li Yao didn't use any methods of torture and language games to let the Scarlet Heart Demon directly break through the opponent's line of defense, simply and rudely hypnotizing.

Li Yao said, "Who are you and what tasks are you performing?"

The bloodshot on the little boss’s face kept squirming, like a continuous stream of nematodes absorbing the secrets in the cerebral cortex and folds. After half a second, he said clearly and quickly: "We are the 221 of the Ursa Transport Group. The transport ship No. 1 is carrying out a routine transportation mission to deliver a batch of materials to the Sky Eye Group’s starry base in the Scorpion Star Cluster and Wuying Realm."

"Sky Eye Group?"

Li Yao pondered to himself. It seems that this is the power of the cultivators who control the "City in the Sky, Manzhushahua". After thinking for a while, he asked: "During your voyage, you encountered a star sea storm?"

"Yes it is."

The little boss said, "Soon after we set off from the'Spirit Snake Realm' twelve days ago, we suddenly encountered a large-scale stellar storm, and we barely managed to reach here all the way."

Li Yao continued to ask: "The goods you are transporting are the people in the hibernation warehouse? Who are these people, and what are they going to do when they are transported to the "City of the Sky, Manjusawa"?"

"Those are all prisoners."

The little boss’s expression was dull and his eyes were frozen, but his thoughts were very clear, and his speech was getting faster and faster, as if some mysterious force was forcibly reading information from his brain, “He was sentenced to life imprisonment and death sentence suspended. The severely sentenced prisoners must be sent to the prison of'Sky City, Manjusawa' to serve their sentences.

Li Yao was startled slightly: "Is there still a prison above the'City of the Sky, Manzhushahua'?"

"Yes, there is a huge private prison there. Among all the starry sky prisons in the entire empire, the size and level are among the best."

The little boss said, "Our'Ursa Transport Group' and'Sky Eye Group' have signed a transportation contract, and every year we help them transport a large number of prisoners from all over Xinghai to serve their sentences."

"I saw their charges, sedition, riots, malfeasance, treason, endangering national security and even... crimes against humanity."

Li Yao said, "But there are only charges and no detailed criminal information. Do you know how they committed the crime?"

The little boss hesitated for a moment, and said: "We only care about transportation, arrest or trial of others, just hearsay."

"It's ok."

A few strands of blood appeared in Li Yao's left eye, and he pierced the opponent's eye fiercely. "Say everything you hear about it, hurry up!"

The little boss trembled, his eyes spinning quickly, and he said like a dream: "They seem to be miners on a remote resource planet in the Serpent World, because they are dissatisfied with the working conditions or the compensation measures are not in place after several mining disasters. In short, there was a strike, then an illegal demonstration, and finally turned into an armed riot. After being quickly suppressed, all the backbone elements of the riot were sentenced to life imprisonment and death sentence suspended, and sent here to serve their sentences."

"That's it."

Li Yao said in his heart, no wonder whether men, women, young or old, even without awakening spiritual roots, their stature is quite strong, it turned out to be a miner.

After thinking for a while, I asked: "Are those people who are imprisoned for the crime of'dereliction of duty', etc., are also miners?"

"No, they seem to be the heads of the local mining group. They are all immortal cultivators. They were convicted of'dereliction of duty' because of the unfavorable handling of the situation and their too soft-hearted in suppressing illegal demonstrations and armed riots, which led to further expansion of the situation. Also sent here."

The little boss paused, and then said, "I heard that quite a few of them are suspected of sympathizing with the rioters. It is suspected that they have been infiltrated and contaminated by the Holy League, so the verdict is particularly severe. The crime of'human sin'."

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